/** * \brief Gera o slug de um string * * @param[in] $txt String a ser convertida em slug * @paran[in] $space String que será usada para substituir os espaços em $txt. * Se for omitido utiliza '-' como padrão. * \return Uma string com o slug */ public static function slug_generator($txt, $space = '-') { if (mb_check_encoding($txt, 'UTF-8')) { $txt = Strings_UTF8::toSlug($txt, $space); } else { $txt = Strings_UTF8::toSlug($txt, $space); //$txt = Strings_ANSI::remove_accented_chars($txt); } return preg_replace('/[-]+/', '-', $txt); }
static function enviarArquivosTemp($file_transfer = null, $receive = array()) { ini_set('upload_tmp_dir', Kernel::get_conf('tmp_path')); foreach (glob(Kernel::get_conf('tmp_path') . '/*') as $key => $file) { if (time() - filemtime($file) > 3600) { @unlink($file); } } $upload = $file_transfer instanceof Zend_File_Transfer ? $file_transfer : new Zend_File_Transfer(); //$upload->clearValidators(); $files = array(); foreach ($upload->getFileInfo() as $name => $file) { if (count($receive) > 0 and !in_array($name, $receive)) { continue; } if ($upload->isUploaded($name) and !$upload->isReceived($name)) { $upload->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => Kernel::get_conf('tmp_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp-' . preg_replace('/[\\.\\,]/', 'x', microtime(TRUE)) . '-' . Strings_UTF8::toSlug($upload->getFileName($name, false)), 'overwrite' => true)); if ($upload->receive($name)) { $files[$name] = $upload->getFileName($name); } } } return $file_transfer ? $upload : $files; }