Пример #1
  * Creates a new stream in the system
  * @method create
  * @static
  * @param {string} $asUserId The user who is attempting to create the stream.
  * @param {string} $publisherId The id of the user to publish the stream.
  * @param {string} $type The type of the stream to create.
  * @param {array} $fields Use this to set additional fields for the stream:
  * @param {string} [$fields.title=null] You can set the stream's title
  * @param {string} [$fields.icon=null] You can set the stream's icon
  * @param {string} [$fields.title=null] You can set the stream's content
  * @param {string|array} [$fields.attributes=null] You can set the stream's attributes directly as a JSON string
  * @param {string|integer} [$fields.readLevel=null] You can set the stream's read access level, see Streams::$READ_LEVEL
  * @param {string|integer} [$fields.writeLevel=null] You can set the stream's write access level, see Streams::$WRITE_LEVEL
  * @param {string|integer} [$fields.adminLevel=null] You can set the stream's admin access level, see Streams::$ADMIN_LEVEL
  * @param {string} [$fields.name=null] Here you can specify an exact name for the stream to be created. Otherwise a unique one is generated automatically.
  * @param {boolean} [$fields.skipAccess=false] Skip all access checks when creating and relating the stream.
  * @param {array} [$relate=array()]
  *  Fill this out in order to relate the newly created stream to a category stream,
  *  and also inheritAccess from it. When using this option, a user may be authorized
  *  to create a stream they would otherwise not be authorized to create.
  *  This happens when the asUserId user has a writeLevel of at least "relate" in the
  *  existing category stream, and the publisherId user has a template for this stream
  *  type that is related to either the category stream, or a template for the
  *  category stream's type.
  * @param {string} [$relate.publisherId] The id of the user publishing the category stream, defaults to $publisherId
  * @param {string} [$relate.streamName] The name of the category stream
  * @param {string} [$relate.type] The type of relation, defaults to ""
  * @param {string} [$relate.weight] To set the weight for the relation. You can pass a numeric value here, or something like "max+1" to make the weight 1 greater than the current MAX(weight)
  * @return {Streams_Stream|boolean} Returns the stream that was created.
  * @throws {Users_Exception_NotAuthorized}
 static function create($asUserId, $publisherId, $type, $fields = array(), $relate = null, &$result = null)
     $skipAccess = Q::ifset($fields, 'skipAccess', false);
     if (!isset($asUserId)) {
         $asUserId = Users::loggedInUser(true)->id;
     } else {
         if ($asUserId instanceof Users_User) {
             $asUserId = $asUserId->id;
     if ($publisherId instanceof Users_User) {
         $publisherId = $publisherId->id;
     $authorized = self::isAuthorizedToCreate($asUserId, $publisherId, $type, $relate);
     if (!$authorized and !$skipAccess) {
         throw new Users_Exception_NotAuthorized();
     // OK we are good to go!
     $stream = new Streams_Stream();
     $stream->publisherId = $publisherId;
     if (!empty($fields['name'])) {
         $p = new Q_Tree();
         $p->load(STREAMS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR . DS . 'streams.json');
         $p->load(APP_CONFIG_DIR . DS . 'streams.json');
         if ($info = $p->get($fields['name'], array())) {
             foreach (Base_Streams_Stream::fieldNames() as $f) {
                 if (isset($info[$f])) {
                     $stream->{$f} = $info[$f];
     if (!isset($stream->type)) {
         $stream->type = $type;
     // prepare attributes field
     if (isset($fields['attributes'])) {
         if (is_array($fields['attributes'])) {
             $fields['attributes'] = Q::json_encode($fields['attributes']);
         } else {
             if (is_string($fields['attributes'])) {
                 // may throw an exception
     // extend with any config defaults for this stream type
     $fieldNames = Streams::getExtendFieldNames($type);
     $fieldNames[] = 'name';
     $defaults = Streams_Stream::getConfigField($stream->type, 'defaults', Streams_Stream::$DEFAULTS);
     foreach ($fieldNames as $f) {
         if (isset($fields[$f])) {
             $stream->{$f} = $fields[$f];
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists($f, $defaults)) {
                 $stream->{$f} = $defaults[$f];
     // ready to persist this stream to the database
     if (!empty($relate['streamName'])) {
         $rs = Streams::fetchOne($asUserId, $relate['publisherId'], $relate['streamName']);
         if ($rs and $rs->inheritAccess) {
             // inherit from the same stream $rs does
             $inheritAccess = $rs->inheritAccess;
         } else {
             // inherit from $rs
             $inheritAccess = Q::json_encode(array(array($relate['publisherId'], $relate['streamName'])));
         $stream->inheritAccess = $inheritAccess;
     $stream->set('createdAsUserId', $asUserId);
     $stream->post($asUserId, array('type' => 'Streams/created', 'content' => '', 'instructions' => $stream->toArray()), true);
     // relate the stream to category stream, if any
     if (!empty($relate['streamName'])) {
         $relationType = isset($relate['type']) ? $relate['type'] : '';
         $result = Streams::relate($asUserId, $relate['publisherId'], $relate['streamName'], $relationType, $stream->publisherId, $stream->name, array('weight' => isset($relate['weight']) ? $relate['weight'] : null, 'skipAccess' => $skipAccess));
     self::$fetch[$asUserId][$publisherId][$stream->name] = array('*' => $stream);
     return $stream;