function Streams_after_Streams_message_Streams_relatedTo($params)
    $message = $params['message'];
    $type = $message->getInstruction('type', null);
    $stream = $params['stream'];
    $rtypes = Q_Config::get('Streams', 'categorize', 'relationTypes', array());
    $stypes = Q_Config::get('Streams', 'categorize', 'streamTypes', array());
    if (!in_array($type, $rtypes) or !in_array($stream->type, $stypes)) {
    $c = new Streams_Category();
    $c->publisherId = $stream->publisherId;
    $c->streamName = $stream->name;
    $fromPublisherId = $message->getInstruction('fromPublisherId', null);
    $fromStreamName = $message->getInstruction('fromStreamName', null);
    if (!isset($fromPublisherId) or !isset($fromStreamName)) {
    // Begin database transaction
    $relatedTo = $c->retrieve(null, array('ignoreCache' => true, 'begin' => true)) ? json_decode($c->relatedTo, true) : array();
    $weight = (double) $message->getInstruction('weight', null);
    if (!isset($weight)) {
        $rt = new Streams_RelatedTo();
        $rt->toPublisherId = $stream->publisherId;
        $rt->toStreamName = $stream->name;
        $rt->type = $type;
        $rt->fromPublisherId = $fromPublisherId;
        $rt->fromStreamName = $fromStreamName;
        $rt->retrieve(null, null, array('ignoreCache' => true));
        $weight = $rt->weight;
    $fs = Streams::fetchOne($message->byUserId, $fromPublisherId, $fromStreamName);
    $weight = floor($weight);
    $relatedTo[$type][$weight] = array($fromPublisherId, $fromStreamName, $fs->title, $fs->icon);
    $c->relatedTo = Q::json_encode($relatedTo);
    $c->save(false, true);
    // End database transaction
Пример #2
  * Calculates whether a given user is authorized by a specific publisher
  * to create a particular type of stream.
  * @method isAuthorizedToCreate
  * @static
  * @param {string} $userId The user who would be creating the stream.
  * @param {string} $publisherId The id of the user who would be publishing the stream.
  * @param {string} $streamType The type of the stream that would be created
  * @param {array} [$relate=array()]
  *  The user would also be authorized if the stream would be related to
  *  an existing category stream, in which the user has a writeLevel of at least "relate",
  *  and the user that would be publishing this new stream has a template for this stream type
  *  that is related to either the category stream or a template matching the category stream.
  *  To test for this, pass an array with the following keys:
  * @param {string} $relate.publisherId The id of the user publishing that stream, defaults to $publisherId
  * @param {string} $relate.streamName The name of the stream to which the new stream would be related
  * @param {string} $relate.type The type of relation, defaults to ""
  * @return {Streams_Stream|boolean} Returns a stream template the user must use,
  *  otherwise a boolean true/false to indicate a yes or no regardless of template.
 static function isAuthorizedToCreate($userId, $publisherId, $streamType, $relate = array())
     $authorized = false;
     if (!empty($relate['streamName'])) {
         if (empty($relate['publisherId'])) {
             $relate['publisherId'] = $publisherId;
         if (empty($relate['type'])) {
             $relate['type'] = '';
     if ($publisherId == $userId) {
         $authorized = true;
         // user can publish streams under their own name
     if (!$authorized) {
         // Check for permissions using templates
         $template = new Streams_Stream();
         $template->publisherId = $publisherId;
         $template->name = $streamType . '/';
         $template->type = 'Streams/template';
         $retrieved = $template->retrieve();
         if (!$retrieved) {
             $template->publisherId = '';
             $retrieved = $template->retrieve();
         if ($retrieved) {
             if ($template->testAdminLevel('own')) {
                 $authorized = $template;
     if (!$authorized and $retrieved and !empty($relate['streamName'])) {
         // Check if user is perhaps authorized to create a related stream
         $to_stream = Streams::fetchOne($userId, $relate['publisherId'], $relate['streamName']);
         if ($to_stream and $to_stream->testWriteLevel('relate')) {
             $to_template = new Streams_Stream();
             $to_template->publisherId = $to_stream->publisherId;
             $to_template->name = $to_stream->type . '/';
             $to_template->type = 'Streams/template';
             $retrieved = $to_template->retrieve();
             if (!$retrieved) {
                 $to_template->publisherId = '';
                 $retrieved = $to_template->retrieve();
             if ($retrieved) {
                 $relatedTo = new Streams_RelatedTo();
                 $relatedTo->toPublisherId = $to_template->publisherId;
                 $relatedTo->toStreamName = $to_template->name;
                 $relatedTo->type = $relate['type'];
                 $relatedTo->fromPublisherId = $template->publisherId;
                 $relatedTo->fromStreamName = $template->name;
                 if ($retrieved = $relatedTo->retrieve()) {
                     $authorized = $template;
     return $authorized;