Пример #1
  * Cron calls
 public function cron()
     /* this will run once a week */
     if (JRequest::getVar('maintenance')) {
         // Diffbot weekly maintenance
         if (StreamLinks::unjump()) {
             exit('Maintenance complete');
         exit('Failed to perform maintenance');
     /* weekly cron task */
     if (JRequest::getVar('weekly')) {
         // only allow script to run from the server
         if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') {
             $activity = new StreamActivity();
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Unaccessible');
     // Since the cron job already exist here, use the same jobs to perform link refetching
     $cron = new StreamCron();
Пример #2
 public function load($keys = null, $reset = true)
     if (!is_array($keys)) {
         // Load by primary key.
         $keys = array($this->_tbl_key => $keys);
     } else {
         // Return false for videos link
         $videoLib = new StreamVideo();
         $videos = $videoLib->getURL($keys['link']);
         if (in_array($keys['link'], $videos)) {
             return false;
         // Return false for slidehshare links
         $ssLib = new StreamSlideshare();
         $slideShares = $ssLib->getURL($keys['link']);
         if (in_array($keys['link'], $slideShares)) {
             return false;
     $result = parent::load($keys, $reset);
     $this->_params = new JParameter($this->params);
     if (!$result && isset($keys['link'])) {
         $this->link = $keys['link'];
     if (empty($this->params)) {
         $this->params = StreamLinks::grab($this->link);
         if ($this->params) {
             $date = new JDate();
             $this->timestamp = $date->format('Y-m-d h:i:s');
     return $result;
Пример #3
  * Whenever a link is shared, user will be able to post an excerpt from the url itself
 public function grabLinks()
     $url = JRequest::getVar('web_url');
     $result = StreamLinks::grab($url);
     $table = JTable::getInstance('Link', 'StreamTable');
     $table->load(array('link' => $url));
     $table->params = $result;
     if ($table->store() && $result) {
         header('Content-type: application/json');
         echo $result;
Пример #4
     * Return attachment view for the given stream
    public static function getAttachmentHTML($stream)
        $my = JXFactory::getUser();
        $data = json_decode($stream->raw);
        $html = '';
        if (!function_exists('whoMakesAction')) {
             * Call this function to retrieve the item/message viewer
             * @param JTable $stream the current StreamTable
             * @param int $item_id the owner of the item (for example: id of the file or id of a message contains a link)
             * @param String $type type of the item (since tracking is done by id, being specific is safer. eg: file_220, link_220)
            function whoMakesAction($stream, $item_id = 0, $type = NULL)
                // get list of avatar who viewed the stream
                $whoMakesAction = $stream->whoMakesAction($item_id, $type);
                $avatarListWhoMakeAction = '';
                if ($whoMakesAction && count($whoMakesAction) > 0) {
                    // Do rename the variable if its too long or easily mistyped
                    $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= '<div class="user-horizontal-list message-reader-list">';
                    if ($type == 'video') {
                        // change language from READ to SEEN if its a video
                        $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= '<span class="small">' . JText::_('COM_STREAM_LABEL_SEEN_BY') . ' ';
                    } else {
                        $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= '<span class="small">' . JText::_('COM_STREAM_LABEL_READ_BY') . ' ';
                    /* $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= count($whoMakesAction) . ' reader'; */
                    $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= '<a href="#showReaders" data-content="<ul>';
                    foreach ($whoMakesAction as $user_id) {
                        // there will be 0 as user which in return will load current user
                        if ($user_id != 0 && $user_id != NULL) {
                            $user = JXFactory::getUser($user_id);
                            $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= StreamTemplate::escape('<li><a href="' . $user->getURL() . '">' . $user->name . '</a></li>');
                    $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= '</ul>">';
                    $label = count($whoMakesAction) > 1 ? JText::_('COM_STREAM_LABEL_USERS') : JText::_('COM_STREAM_LABEL_USER');
                    $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= count($whoMakesAction) . " {$label}</a>";
                    $avatarListWhoMakeAction .= '</span></div>';
                return $avatarListWhoMakeAction;
        // Attachment
        $jxConfig = new JXConfig();
        $files = $stream->getFiles();
        $hasPreview = false;
        $numPreview = 0;
        // Sort the files, photos at the bottom
        usort($files, array('StreamMessage', 'sortAttachment'));
        $imgHtml = '<div class="message-content-attachment">';
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            // only show if the file does exist
            // @todo: templatize this ?
            $dlLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_stream&view=system&task=download&file_id=' . $file->id);
            // Show file name only if preview doesn't exist
            // Otherwise, just show the preview. People can click on the preview and download it from tehre
            if (!$file->getParam('has_preview')) {
                // Show preview link, of if the filename is doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx
                $fext = strtolower(substr($file->filename, -4));
                $html .= '<div data-filename="' . $file->filename . '" ' . 'data-message_id=' . $stream->id . ' class="message-content-file ">';
                $html .= '<a  title="Click to download" href="' . $dlLink . '">' . StreamTemplate::escape(JHtmlString::abridge($file->filename, 20, 13)) . '</a>';
                $html .= ' <span class="small hint">(' . StreamMessage::formatBytes($file->filesize, 1) . ')</span>';
                // append to file container only once
                if ($jxConfig->isCrocodocsEnabled() || $jxConfig->isScribdEnabled()) {
                    if (in_array($fext, array('.doc', 'docx', '.pdf', '.ppt', 'pptx'))) {
                        $html .= ' <a href="#preview" class="meta-preview small" data-filename="' . StreamTemplate::escape($file->filename) . '" data-file_id="' . $file->id . '" onclick="return S.preview.show(this);">' . JText::_('COM_STREAM_LABEL_PREVIEW') . '</a>';
                $html .= whoMakesAction($stream, $file->id, 'file');
                $html .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
                $html .= '</div>';
                // File can only be remove in 'edit' view
                if( $my->authorise('stream.message.edit', $stream) ){
                	$html .= '<a class="meta-edit" href="#removeAttachment" file_id="'.$file->id.'">'. JText::_('COM_STREAM_LABEL_REMOVE').'</a>';			
            if ($file->getParam('has_preview')) {
                $randId = 'preview_' . rand(1000, 9999);
                $path = str_replace(DS, '/', $file->getParam('thumb_path'));
                $imgHtml .= '<div class="message-content-preview"><img rel="#' . $randId . '" src="' . JURI::root() . $path . '" /></div>';
                // Attach overlay code
                $width = $file->getParam('width');
                $height = $file->getParam('height');
                if (!empty($width) && !empty($height)) {
                    if ($width > 640) {
                        $height = 640 / $width * $height;
                        $width = 640;
                    if ($height > 640) {
                        $width = 640 / $height * $width;
                        $height = 640;
                    $viewLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_stream&view=system&task=download&file_id=' . $file->id . '&display=1');
                    $dlLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_stream&view=system&task=download&file_id=' . $file->id);
                    // Replace all <show_next> tag, since the previous one is clearly not the last one
                    $imgHtml = str_replace('<show_next>', '<div class="image_next btn btn-large" onclick="$(\'[rel=\\\'#' . $randId . '\\\']\').click();">&rarr;</div>', $imgHtml);
                    $imgHtml .= '
						<div id="' . $randId . '" class="apple_overlay" style="width:' . $width . 'px">';
                    // IF this is NOT the first preview, add the 'PREV' button
                    if ($numPreview != 0) {
                        $imgHtml .= '<div class="image_prev btn btn-large" onclick="$(\'[rel=\\\'#' . $prevRandId . '\\\']\').click();">&larr;</div>';
                    $imgSrc = $dlLink;
                    if ($file->getParam('preview_path')) {
                        $imgSrc = str_replace(DS, '/', $file->getParam('preview_path'));
                        $imgSrc = JURI::root() . $imgSrc;
                    $imgHtml .= '<show_next>
						<a class="close"></a>
						<img width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" src="' . $imgSrc . '" />
						<a href="' . $viewLink . '" target="_blank">View full-size image</a> 
						• <a href="' . $dlLink . '">Download</a></div>
                    $prevRandId = $randId;
                    $hasPreview = true;
        $imgHtml .= '</div>';
        // If there is no attachement at all, remove the div
        $imgHtml = str_replace('<div class="message-content-attachment"></div>', '', $imgHtml);
        $html .= $imgHtml;
        // If we have added the preview, which is left floated, we need to add a clearing div
        // the sorting function above will make sure that preview'ed would be the last attachment
        if ($hasPreview) {
            // Get rid of all the <show_next> marker
            $html = str_replace('<show_next>', '', $html);
            $html .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
        // Videos
        if (!empty($data->video)) {
            foreach ($data->video as $videoid) {
                $video = JTable::getInstance('Video', 'StreamTable');
                if ($video->load($videoid)) {
                    $html .= '<div class="message-content-video" id="video-' . $videoid . '">
						<img class="message-content-video-thumbnail interactive" src="' . $video->thumb . '" embed_id="' . $videoid . '"  embed_type="videos"/>
						<span class="video-duration">' . StreamMessage::formatDuration($video->duration) . '</span>
						<div class="message-content-preview-desc">
							<div class="preview-title">' . JHtmlString::truncate($video->title, 24) . '</div>
							<div class="preview-desc">' . JHtmlString::truncate($video->description, 180) . '</div> 
						</div><div class="clear"></div>' . whoMakesAction($stream, $video->id, 'video') . '
						<div class="clear"></div>
        // Slideshare
        if (!empty($data->slideshare)) {
            foreach ($data->slideshare as $slideshareid) {
                $slideshare = JTable::getInstance('Slideshare', 'StreamTable');
                if ($slideshare->load($slideshareid)) {
                    $ss = json_decode($slideshare->response);
                    $html .= '<div class="message-content-video slideshare" id="video-' . $slideshareid . '">
						<img src="' . $ss->thumbnail . '" embed_id="' . $slideshareid . '"  embed_type="slideshare"/>
						<span class="video-duration"></span>
						<div class="message-content-preview-desc">
							<div class="preview-title">' . JHtmlString::truncate($ss->title, 24) . '</div>
							<div class="preview-desc">' . JHtmlString::truncate($ss->author_name, 180) . '</div> 
						</div><div class="clear"></div>' . whoMakesAction($stream, $slideshareid, 'slideshare') . '
						<div class="clear"></div>
        /* Link service
         * Certain link will able to store excerpt from the linked page */
        $params = json_decode($stream->params);
        /* refetch if the link is not grab yet */
        $url = self::getLinks($stream->message);
        if (!empty($url[0])) {
            $linkTable = JTable::getInstance('Link', 'StreamTable');
            if ($linkTable->load(array('link' => $url[0]))) {
                $linkParam = StreamLinks::format($linkTable->params);
                if (!empty($linkParam) && strlen($linkParam->text) > 0) {
                    $html .= '<div class="stream-message-links-in-post">';
                    if ($linkParam->media_type && $linkParam->media_link) {
                        if (strlen($linkParam->media_type == 'image' && $linkParam->media_link) > 0) {
                            $html .= '<div class="stream-links-image-container">
						<img class="stream-message-links-image" src="' . StreamLinks::imageAssetThumbnailPath($linkParam->media_link) . '" />
                    $html .= '<div class="stream-links-container">
				<div class="stream-message-links-title">' . $linkParam->title . '</div>
				<div class="stream-message-links-url">' . $linkParam->url . '</div>
				<div class="stream-message-links-content">' . $linkParam->text . '</div>' . '</div><div class="clear"></div>' . whoMakesAction($stream, $stream->id, 'link') . '
				<div class="clear"></div>
        return $html;
Пример #5
  * Maintenance
  * This will run in maintenance mode where the initial fetch fail to load
 public static function refetch()
     $service = self::getInstance();
     $EMPTY_TIMESTAMP = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
     $IGNORE_TAG = $service->getIgnoreTag();
     $IGNORE_REGEX = $service->getIgnoreRegex();
     $JUMP_TAG = $service->getJumpTag();
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     // query to look for params='$IGNORE_TAG' is for old data compatibility
     $q = "SELECT id FROM #__stream_links WHERE params REGEXP '{$IGNORE_REGEX}' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . self::LINK_REFETCH_LIMIT_URL;
     $ids = $db->loadResultArray();
     $table = JTable::getInstance('Link', 'StreamTable');
     /* exit if no maintenance needed */
     if (count($ids) == 0) {
         return false;
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         /* provide an option to increase the timeout of retrieval, in case its possible to fetch by
          * giving less restriction on timeout  */
         $opt = array('timeout' => self::LINKS_MAINTENANCE_REFETCH_DURATION);
         $params = StreamLinks::grab($table->link, $opt);
         // update the timestamp once its valid, so the refetch will not affect the same item again
         if (!preg_match($IGNORE_REGEX, $params)) {
             $table->params = $params;
             $date = new JDate();
             $table->timestamp = $date->format('Y-m-d h:i:s');
         } else {
             // we are going to tag the ignored tag with an IGNORE_TAG and ATTEMPT_COUNT
             $params = json_decode($table->params);
             $attempt = !empty($params->attempt_count) ? $params->attempt_count + 1 : 1;
             if ($attempt >= self::LINK_REFETCH_LIMIT_ATTEMPT) {
                 // by assigning the jump tag, this function (refetch()) will no longer run on this entry
                 $table->params = $JUMP_TAG;
             } else {
                 // else continue the possibility to refetch
                 $table->params = json_encode(array('ignore' => true, 'attempt_count' => $attempt));
     if (!self::sendLog('*****@*****.**', json_encode($ids))) {
         return false;
     return true;