public function index() { $CRs = new CR($this->db); $Actus = new Actu($this->db); $Streams = new Stream($this->db); $this->f3->set('actus', $Actus->all(10)); $this->f3->set('streams', $Streams->find(NULL, array('order' => 'twitch_username ASC'))); $this->f3->set('crs', $CRs->all(10)); $this->f3->set('site_title', 'Un torrent d\'informations —'); $this->f3->set('page_head', 'Le premier site d\'information des tartuffes :o'); $this->f3->set('view', 'home.htm'); }
if (isset($_GET['stop'])) { stop_stream($_GET['stop']); $message['type'] = "success"; $message['message'] = "stream stopped"; } } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $stream = Stream::find($_GET['delete']); $stream->delete(); $message['type'] = "success"; $message['message'] = "Stream deleted"; } if (isset($_POST['mass_delete'])) { if (isset($_POST['mselect'])) { foreach ($_POST['mselect'] as $streamids) { $stream = Stream::find($streamids); $stream->delete(); } } $message['type'] = "success"; $message['message'] = "Streams deleted"; } if (isset($_POST['mass_start'])) { if (isset($_POST['mselect'])) { foreach ($_POST['mselect'] as $streamids) { start_stream($streamids); } } $message['type'] = "success"; $message['message'] = "Streams started"; }
function start_stream($id) { $stream = Stream::find($id); $setting = Setting::first(); if ($stream->restream) { $stream->checker = 0; $stream->pid = null; $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 1; } else { $stream->checker = 0; $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 1000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl . '" -v quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1'); $streaminfo = json_decode($checkstreamurl, true); if ($streaminfo) { $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id)); $stream->pid = $pid; $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 1; $video = ""; $audio = ""; if (is_array($streaminfo)) { foreach ($streaminfo['streams'] as $info) { if ($video == '') { $video = $info['codec_type'] == 'video' ? $info['codec_name'] : ''; } if ($audio == '') { $audio = $info['codec_type'] == 'audio' ? $info['codec_name'] : ''; } } $stream->video_codec_name = $video; $stream->audio_codec_name = $audio; } } else { $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 2; //TODO: need to make recursive if (checkPid($stream->pid)) { shell_exec("kill -9 " . $stream->pid); shell_exec("/bin/rm -r /home/fos-streaming/fos/www/" . $setting->hlsfolder . "/" . $stream->id . "*"); } if ($stream->streamurl2) { $stream->checker = 2; $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 1000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl . '" -v quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1'); $streaminfo = json_decode($checkstreamurl, true); if ($streaminfo) { $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id, 2)); $stream->pid = $pid; $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 1; $video = ""; $audio = ""; if (is_array($streaminfo)) { foreach ($streaminfo['streams'] as $info) { if ($video == '') { $video = $info['codec_type'] == 'video' ? $info['codec_name'] : ''; } if ($audio == '') { $audio = $info['codec_type'] == 'audio' ? $info['codec_name'] : ''; } } $stream->video_codec_name = $video; $stream->audio_codec_name = $audio; } } else { $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 2; if (checkPid($stream->pid)) { shell_exec("kill -9 " . $stream->pid); shell_exec("/bin/rm -r /home/fos-streaming/fos/www/" . $setting->hlsfolder . "/" . $stream->id . "*"); } //streamurl 3 checker if ($stream->streamurl3) { $stream->checker = 3; $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 1000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl . '" -v quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1'); $streaminfo = json_decode($checkstreamurl, true); if ($streaminfo) { $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id, 3)); $stream->pid = $pid; $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 1; $video = ""; $audio = ""; if (is_array($streaminfo)) { foreach ($streaminfo['streams'] as $info) { if ($video == '') { $video = $info['codec_type'] == 'video' ? $info['codec_name'] : ''; } if ($audio == '') { $audio = $info['codec_type'] == 'audio' ? $info['codec_name'] : ''; } } $stream->video_codec_name = $video; $stream->audio_codec_name = $audio; } } else { $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 2; $stream->pid = null; } } } } } } $stream->save(); }
$error = "Username or Password is invalid"; header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 404 Not Found'); header('Status: 404 Not Found'); die; } $user = User::where('username', '=', $username)->where('password', '=', $password)->where('active', '=', 1)->first(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { // TODO: secret key $token = !$user ? die : uniqid(); } if ($user->exp_date != "0000-00-00") { if ($user->exp_date <= Carbon::today()) { die; } } $stream = Stream::find($id); if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { !$stream ? die : ""; } $stream->status != 1 ? die : ""; ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); ignore_user_abort(true); $user->lastconnected_ip = $ip; $user->last_stream = $stream->id; $user->useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $user->save(); $url = $stream->streamurl; if ($stream->checker == 2) { $url = $stream->streamurl2; }
<?php include 'config.php'; logincheck(); $setting = Setting::first(); $stream = Stream::find($_GET['id']); $streamurl = $setting->hlsfolder . "/" . $stream->id . "_.m3u8"; echo $template->view()->make('play')->with('streamurl', $streamurl)->render();
public function index() { $Streams = new Stream($this->db); $this->f3->set('streams', $Streams->find(NULL, array('order' => 'twitch_username ASC'))); $this->f3->set('view', 'stream/list.htm'); }
function start_stream($id) { $stream = Stream::find($id); $setting = Setting::first(); $stream->checker = 0; $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('/usr/bin/timeout 15s ' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 10000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl . '" -v quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1'); $streaminfo = (array) json_decode($checkstreamurl); if (count($streaminfo) > 0) { $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id)); $stream->pid = $pid; $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 1; if (isset($streaminfo->streams)) { foreach ((array) $streaminfo->streams as $info) { if ($info->codec_type == 'video') { $stream->video_codec_name = $info->codec_long_name; } else { if ($info->codec_type == 'audio') { $stream->audio_codec_name = $info->codec_long_name; } } } } } else { $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 2; //need to make recursive ////streamurl 2 checker shell_exec("kill -9 " . $stream->pid); shell_exec("/bin/rm -r /usr/local/nginx/html/" . $setting->hlsfolder . "/" . $stream->id . "*"); if ($stream->streamurl2) { $stream->checker = 2; echo "checking stream 2"; $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('/usr/bin/timeout 15s ' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 10000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl2 . '" -v quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1'); $streaminfo = (array) json_decode($checkstreamurl); if (count($streaminfo) > 0) { echo getTranscode($stream->id, 2); $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id, 2)); $stream->pid = $pid; $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 1; if (isset($streaminfo->streams)) { foreach ((array) $streaminfo->streams as $info) { if ($info->codec_type == 'video') { $stream->video_codec_name = $info->codec_long_name; } else { if ($info->codec_type == 'audio') { $stream->audio_codec_name = $info->codec_long_name; } } } } } else { $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 2; shell_exec("kill -9 " . $stream->pid); shell_exec("/bin/rm -r /usr/local/nginx/html/" . $setting->hlsfolder . "/" . $stream->id . "*"); //streamurl 3 checker if ($stream->streamurl3) { $stream->checker = 3; $checkstreamurl = shell_exec('/usr/bin/timeout 15s ' . $setting->ffprobe_path . ' -analyzeduration 10000000 -probesize 9000000 -i "' . $stream->streamurl3 . '" -v quiet -print_format json -show_streams 2>&1'); $streaminfo = (array) json_decode($checkstreamurl); if (count($streaminfo) > 0) { $pid = shell_exec(getTranscode($stream->id, 3)); $stream->pid = $pid; $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 1; if (isset($streaminfo->streams)) { foreach ((array) $streaminfo->streams as $info) { if ($info->codec_type == 'video') { $stream->video_codec_name = $info->codec_long_name; } else { if ($info->codec_type == 'audio') { $stream->audio_codec_name = $info->codec_long_name; } } } } } else { $stream->running = 1; $stream->status = 2; $stream->pid = null; } } } } } $stream->save(); }