protected function Form_Create() { switch (QApplication::PathInfo(0)) { case 'funds': $this->dtgReport = new QDataGrid($this); $this->dtgReport->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Fund', '<?= $_ITEM->StewardshipFund->Name; ?>', 'Width=300px')); $this->dtgReport->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Account Number', '<?= $_ITEM->StewardshipFund->AccountNumber; ?>', 'Width=200px')); $this->dtgReport->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Amount', '<?= QApplication::DisplayCurrencyHtml($_ITEM->Amount); ?>', 'HtmlEntities=false', 'Width=245px')); $this->dtgReport->NoDataHtml = 'Changes only to members credited. (No changes to funding accounts or amounts)'; $this->dtgReport->SetDataBinder('dtgReport_Funds_Bind'); break; case 'line_items': $this->dtgReport = new QDataGrid($this); $this->dtgReport->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Person', '<?= $_ITEM->Person->Name; ?>', 'Width=200px')); $this->dtgReport->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Fund', '<?= $_ITEM->StewardshipFund->Name; ?>', 'Width=200px')); $this->dtgReport->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Description', '<?= $_ITEM->Description; ?>', 'Width=200px')); $this->dtgReport->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Amount', '<?= QApplication::DisplayCurrencyHtml($_ITEM->Amount); ?>', 'HtmlEntities=false', 'Width=130px')); $this->dtgReport->SetDataBinder('dtgReport_LineItems_Bind'); break; default: QApplication::Redirect('/stewardship/'); break; } $this->objBatch = StewardshipBatch::Load(QApplication::PathInfo(1)); if (!$this->objBatch) { QApplication::Redirect('/stewardship/'); } $this->objPost = StewardshipPost::LoadByStewardshipBatchIdPostNumber($this->objBatch->Id, QApplication::PathInfo(2)); if (!$this->objPost) { QApplication::Redirect('/stewardship/'); } }
protected function Form_Create() { $this->objBatch = StewardshipBatch::Load(QApplication::PathInfo(0)); if (!$this->objBatch) { QApplication::Redirect('/stewardship/'); } $this->strPageTitle .= $this->objBatch->DateEntered->ToString('MMM D YYYY') . ' :: Batch ' . $this->objBatch->BatchLabel; $this->pnlBatchTitle = new QPanel($this); $this->pnlBatchTitle->Template = dirname(__FILE__) . '/pnlBatchTitle.tpl.php'; $this->pnlBatchTitle->CssClass = 'section sectionBatchInfo'; $this->pnlStacks = new QPanel($this); $this->pnlStacks->TagName = 'ul'; $this->pnlStacks->CssClass = 'subnavSide subnavSideStewardship'; $this->pnlStacks->AutoRenderChildren = true; $this->pnlContent = new QPanel($this); $this->pnlContent->CssClass = 'stewardshipContent'; $this->pnlContent->AutoRenderChildren = true; $this->dtgContributions = new StewardshipContributionDataGrid($this, 'dtgContributions'); $this->dtgContributions->SetDataBinder('dtgContributions_Bind'); $this->dtgContributions->HtmlBefore = '<div id="dtgContributionsDiv" class="section" style="width: 340px; height: 500px; overflow: auto; float: left; margin-right: 10px;">'; $this->dtgContributions->HtmlAfter = '</div>'; $this->dtgContributions->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Contributor', '<?= $_FORM->RenderName($_ITEM); ?>', 'HtmlEntities=false', 'Width=160px')); $this->dtgContributions->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Number', '<?= $_FORM->RenderNumber($_ITEM); ?>', 'HtmlEntities=false', 'Width=60px')); $this->dtgContributions->AddColumn(new QDataGridColumn('Amount', '<?= $_FORM->RenderAmount($_ITEM); ?>', 'HtmlEntities=false', 'Width=80px')); $this->pxyDeleteContribution = new QControlProxy($this); if ($this->objBatch->StewardshipBatchStatusTypeId != StewardshipBatchStatusType::NewBatch) { $this->pxyDeleteContribution->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QConfirmAction('Are you SURE you want to DELETE this contribution? This will require you to re-post the stack with updates.')); } else { $this->pxyDeleteContribution->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QConfirmAction('Are you SURE you want to DELETE this contribution?')); } $this->pxyDeleteContribution->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxAction('pxyDeleteContribution_Click')); $this->pxyDeleteContribution->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QTerminateAction()); $this->pxyDeleteStack = new QControlProxy($this); $this->pnlStacks_Refresh(); $this->SetUrlHashProcessor('Form_ProcessHash'); }
/** * Override method to perform a property "Get" * This will get the value of $strName * * @param string $strName Name of the property to get * @return mixed */ public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { /////////////////// // Member Variables /////////////////// case 'Id': // Gets the value for intId (Read-Only PK) // @return integer return $this->intId; case 'StewardshipBatchId': // Gets the value for intStewardshipBatchId (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intStewardshipBatchId; case 'PostNumber': // Gets the value for intPostNumber (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intPostNumber; case 'DatePosted': // Gets the value for dttDatePosted (Not Null) // @return QDateTime return $this->dttDatePosted; case 'TotalAmount': // Gets the value for fltTotalAmount // @return double return $this->fltTotalAmount; case 'CreatedByLoginId': // Gets the value for intCreatedByLoginId (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intCreatedByLoginId; /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// case 'StewardshipBatch': // Gets the value for the StewardshipBatch object referenced by intStewardshipBatchId (Not Null) // @return StewardshipBatch try { if (!$this->objStewardshipBatch && !is_null($this->intStewardshipBatchId)) { $this->objStewardshipBatch = StewardshipBatch::Load($this->intStewardshipBatchId); } return $this->objStewardshipBatch; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'CreatedByLogin': // Gets the value for the Login object referenced by intCreatedByLoginId (Not Null) // @return Login try { if (!$this->objCreatedByLogin && !is_null($this->intCreatedByLoginId)) { $this->objCreatedByLogin = Login::Load($this->intCreatedByLoginId); } return $this->objCreatedByLogin; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// case '_StewardshipPostAmount': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipPostAmount (Read-Only) // if set due to an expansion on the stewardship_post_amount.stewardship_post_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipPostAmount return $this->_objStewardshipPostAmount; case '_StewardshipPostAmountArray': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipPostAmountArray (Read-Only) // if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the stewardship_post_amount.stewardship_post_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipPostAmount[] return (array) $this->_objStewardshipPostAmountArray; case '_StewardshipPostLineItem': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipPostLineItem (Read-Only) // if set due to an expansion on the stewardship_post_line_item.stewardship_post_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipPostLineItem return $this->_objStewardshipPostLineItem; case '_StewardshipPostLineItemArray': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipPostLineItemArray (Read-Only) // if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the stewardship_post_line_item.stewardship_post_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipPostLineItem[] return (array) $this->_objStewardshipPostLineItemArray; case '__Restored': return $this->__blnRestored; default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } }
/** * Static Helper Method to Create using PK arguments * You must pass in the PK arguments on an object to load, or leave it blank to create a new one. * If you want to load via QueryString or PathInfo, use the CreateFromQueryString or CreateFromPathInfo * static helper methods. Finally, specify a CreateType to define whether or not we are only allowed to * edit, or if we are also allowed to create a new one, etc. * * @param mixed $objParentObject QForm or QPanel which will be using this StewardshipBatchMetaControl * @param integer $intId primary key value * @param QMetaControlCreateType $intCreateType rules governing StewardshipBatch object creation - defaults to CreateOrEdit * @return StewardshipBatchMetaControl */ public static function Create($objParentObject, $intId = null, $intCreateType = QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOrEdit) { // Attempt to Load from PK Arguments if (strlen($intId)) { $objStewardshipBatch = StewardshipBatch::Load($intId); // StewardshipBatch was found -- return it! if ($objStewardshipBatch) { return new StewardshipBatchMetaControl($objParentObject, $objStewardshipBatch); } else { if ($intCreateType != QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOnRecordNotFound) { throw new QCallerException('Could not find a StewardshipBatch object with PK arguments: ' . $intId); } } // If EditOnly is specified, throw an exception } else { if ($intCreateType == QMetaControlCreateType::EditOnly) { throw new QCallerException('No PK arguments specified'); } } // If we are here, then we need to create a new record return new StewardshipBatchMetaControl($objParentObject, new StewardshipBatch()); }
/** * Override method to perform a property "Get" * This will get the value of $strName * * @param string $strName Name of the property to get * @return mixed */ public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { /////////////////// // Member Variables /////////////////// case 'Id': // Gets the value for intId (Read-Only PK) // @return integer return $this->intId; case 'Number': // Gets the value for strNumber (Unique) // @return string return $this->strNumber; case 'DateReceived': // Gets the value for dttDateReceived // @return QDateTime return $this->dttDateReceived; case 'DateReconciled': // Gets the value for dttDateReconciled // @return QDateTime return $this->dttDateReconciled; case 'ReconciledFlag': // Gets the value for blnReconciledFlag (Not Null) // @return boolean return $this->blnReconciledFlag; case 'StewardshipBatchId': // Gets the value for intStewardshipBatchId (Unique) // @return integer return $this->intStewardshipBatchId; /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// case 'StewardshipBatch': // Gets the value for the StewardshipBatch object referenced by intStewardshipBatchId (Unique) // @return StewardshipBatch try { if (!$this->objStewardshipBatch && !is_null($this->intStewardshipBatchId)) { $this->objStewardshipBatch = StewardshipBatch::Load($this->intStewardshipBatchId); } return $this->objStewardshipBatch; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// case '_CreditCardPayment': // Gets the value for the private _objCreditCardPayment (Read-Only) // if set due to an expansion on the credit_card_payment.paypal_batch_id reverse relationship // @return CreditCardPayment return $this->_objCreditCardPayment; case '_CreditCardPaymentArray': // Gets the value for the private _objCreditCardPaymentArray (Read-Only) // if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the credit_card_payment.paypal_batch_id reverse relationship // @return CreditCardPayment[] return (array) $this->_objCreditCardPaymentArray; case '__Restored': return $this->__blnRestored; default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } }
/** * Reload this StewardshipBatch from the database. * @return void */ public function Reload() { // Make sure we are actually Restored from the database if (!$this->__blnRestored) { throw new QCallerException('Cannot call Reload() on a new, unsaved StewardshipBatch object.'); } // Reload the Object $objReloaded = StewardshipBatch::Load($this->intId); // Update $this's local variables to match $this->StewardshipBatchStatusTypeId = $objReloaded->StewardshipBatchStatusTypeId; $this->dttDateEntered = $objReloaded->dttDateEntered; $this->dttDateCredited = $objReloaded->dttDateCredited; $this->strBatchLabel = $objReloaded->strBatchLabel; $this->strDescription = $objReloaded->strDescription; $this->intItemCount = $objReloaded->intItemCount; $this->fltReportedTotalAmount = $objReloaded->fltReportedTotalAmount; $this->fltActualTotalAmount = $objReloaded->fltActualTotalAmount; $this->fltPostedTotalAmount = $objReloaded->fltPostedTotalAmount; $this->CreatedByLoginId = $objReloaded->CreatedByLoginId; }
/** * Override method to perform a property "Get" * This will get the value of $strName * * @param string $strName Name of the property to get * @return mixed */ public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { /////////////////// // Member Variables /////////////////// case 'Id': // Gets the value for intId (Read-Only PK) // @return integer return $this->intId; case 'StewardshipBatchId': // Gets the value for intStewardshipBatchId (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intStewardshipBatchId; case 'StackNumber': // Gets the value for intStackNumber (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intStackNumber; case 'ItemCount': // Gets the value for intItemCount // @return integer return $this->intItemCount; case 'ReportedTotalAmount': // Gets the value for fltReportedTotalAmount // @return double return $this->fltReportedTotalAmount; case 'ActualTotalAmount': // Gets the value for fltActualTotalAmount // @return double return $this->fltActualTotalAmount; /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// case 'StewardshipBatch': // Gets the value for the StewardshipBatch object referenced by intStewardshipBatchId (Not Null) // @return StewardshipBatch try { if (!$this->objStewardshipBatch && !is_null($this->intStewardshipBatchId)) { $this->objStewardshipBatch = StewardshipBatch::Load($this->intStewardshipBatchId); } return $this->objStewardshipBatch; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// case '_StewardshipContribution': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipContribution (Read-Only) // if set due to an expansion on the stewardship_contribution.stewardship_stack_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipContribution return $this->_objStewardshipContribution; case '_StewardshipContributionArray': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipContributionArray (Read-Only) // if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the stewardship_contribution.stewardship_stack_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipContribution[] return (array) $this->_objStewardshipContributionArray; case '__Restored': return $this->__blnRestored; default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } }
/** * Override method to perform a property "Get" * This will get the value of $strName * * @param string $strName Name of the property to get * @return mixed */ public function __get($strName) { switch ($strName) { /////////////////// // Member Variables /////////////////// case 'Id': // Gets the value for intId (Read-Only PK) // @return integer return $this->intId; case 'PersonId': // Gets the value for intPersonId (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intPersonId; case 'StewardshipContributionTypeId': // Gets the value for intStewardshipContributionTypeId (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intStewardshipContributionTypeId; case 'StewardshipBatchId': // Gets the value for intStewardshipBatchId (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intStewardshipBatchId; case 'StewardshipStackId': // Gets the value for intStewardshipStackId // @return integer return $this->intStewardshipStackId; case 'CheckingAccountLookupId': // Gets the value for intCheckingAccountLookupId // @return integer return $this->intCheckingAccountLookupId; case 'TotalAmount': // Gets the value for fltTotalAmount // @return double return $this->fltTotalAmount; case 'DateEntered': // Gets the value for dttDateEntered (Not Null) // @return QDateTime return $this->dttDateEntered; case 'DateCleared': // Gets the value for dttDateCleared // @return QDateTime return $this->dttDateCleared; case 'DateCredited': // Gets the value for dttDateCredited (Not Null) // @return QDateTime return $this->dttDateCredited; case 'CheckNumber': // Gets the value for strCheckNumber // @return string return $this->strCheckNumber; case 'AuthorizationNumber': // Gets the value for strAuthorizationNumber // @return string return $this->strAuthorizationNumber; case 'AlternateSource': // Gets the value for strAlternateSource // @return string return $this->strAlternateSource; case 'NonDeductibleFlag': // Gets the value for blnNonDeductibleFlag // @return boolean return $this->blnNonDeductibleFlag; case 'Note': // Gets the value for strNote // @return string return $this->strNote; case 'CreatedByLoginId': // Gets the value for intCreatedByLoginId (Not Null) // @return integer return $this->intCreatedByLoginId; case 'UnpostedFlag': // Gets the value for blnUnpostedFlag // @return boolean return $this->blnUnpostedFlag; /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// /////////////////// // Member Objects /////////////////// case 'Person': // Gets the value for the Person object referenced by intPersonId (Not Null) // @return Person try { if (!$this->objPerson && !is_null($this->intPersonId)) { $this->objPerson = Person::Load($this->intPersonId); } return $this->objPerson; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'StewardshipBatch': // Gets the value for the StewardshipBatch object referenced by intStewardshipBatchId (Not Null) // @return StewardshipBatch try { if (!$this->objStewardshipBatch && !is_null($this->intStewardshipBatchId)) { $this->objStewardshipBatch = StewardshipBatch::Load($this->intStewardshipBatchId); } return $this->objStewardshipBatch; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'StewardshipStack': // Gets the value for the StewardshipStack object referenced by intStewardshipStackId // @return StewardshipStack try { if (!$this->objStewardshipStack && !is_null($this->intStewardshipStackId)) { $this->objStewardshipStack = StewardshipStack::Load($this->intStewardshipStackId); } return $this->objStewardshipStack; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'CheckingAccountLookup': // Gets the value for the CheckingAccountLookup object referenced by intCheckingAccountLookupId // @return CheckingAccountLookup try { if (!$this->objCheckingAccountLookup && !is_null($this->intCheckingAccountLookupId)) { $this->objCheckingAccountLookup = CheckingAccountLookup::Load($this->intCheckingAccountLookupId); } return $this->objCheckingAccountLookup; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'CreatedByLogin': // Gets the value for the Login object referenced by intCreatedByLoginId (Not Null) // @return Login try { if (!$this->objCreatedByLogin && !is_null($this->intCreatedByLoginId)) { $this->objCreatedByLogin = Login::Load($this->intCreatedByLoginId); } return $this->objCreatedByLogin; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } case 'CreditCardPayment': // Gets the value for the CreditCardPayment object that uniquely references this StewardshipContribution // by objCreditCardPayment (Unique) // @return CreditCardPayment try { if ($this->objCreditCardPayment === false) { // We've attempted early binding -- and the reverse reference object does not exist return null; } if (!$this->objCreditCardPayment) { $this->objCreditCardPayment = CreditCardPayment::LoadByStewardshipContributionId($this->intId); } return $this->objCreditCardPayment; } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// // Virtual Object References (Many to Many and Reverse References) // (If restored via a "Many-to" expansion) //////////////////////////// case '_StewardshipContributionAmount': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipContributionAmount (Read-Only) // if set due to an expansion on the stewardship_contribution_amount.stewardship_contribution_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipContributionAmount return $this->_objStewardshipContributionAmount; case '_StewardshipContributionAmountArray': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipContributionAmountArray (Read-Only) // if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the stewardship_contribution_amount.stewardship_contribution_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipContributionAmount[] return (array) $this->_objStewardshipContributionAmountArray; case '_StewardshipPostLineItem': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipPostLineItem (Read-Only) // if set due to an expansion on the stewardship_post_line_item.stewardship_contribution_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipPostLineItem return $this->_objStewardshipPostLineItem; case '_StewardshipPostLineItemArray': // Gets the value for the private _objStewardshipPostLineItemArray (Read-Only) // if set due to an ExpandAsArray on the stewardship_post_line_item.stewardship_contribution_id reverse relationship // @return StewardshipPostLineItem[] return (array) $this->_objStewardshipPostLineItemArray; case '__Restored': return $this->__blnRestored; default: try { return parent::__get($strName); } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; } } }