Пример #1
  * Assess each Display to correctly set the logged in flag based on last accessed time
  * @return
 public static function ValidateDisplays()
     // Maintain an array of timed out displays
     $timedOutDisplays = array();
     try {
         $dbh = PDOConnect::init();
         $statObject = new Stat();
         // Get a list of all displays and there last accessed / alert time out value
         $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT displayid, display, lastaccessed, alert_timeout, client_type, displayprofileid, email_alert, loggedin FROM display');
         $sthUpdate = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE display SET loggedin = 0 WHERE displayid = :displayid');
         // Get the global time out (overrides the alert time out on the display if 0)
         $globalTimeout = Config::GetSetting('MAINTENANCE_ALERT_TOUT') * 60;
         $displays = $sth->fetchAll();
         foreach ($displays as $row) {
             $displayid = Kit::ValidateParam($row['displayid'], _INT);
             $lastAccessed = Kit::ValidateParam($row['lastaccessed'], _INT);
             $alertTimeout = Kit::ValidateParam($row['alert_timeout'], _INT);
             $clientType = Kit::ValidateParam($row['client_type'], _WORD);
             $loggedIn = Kit::ValidateParam($row['loggedin'], _INT);
             // Get the config object
             if ($alertTimeout == 0 && $clientType != '') {
                 $displayProfileId = empty($row['displayprofileid']) ? 0 : Kit::ValidateParam($row['displayprofileid'], _INT);
                 $display = new Display();
                 $display->displayId = $displayid;
                 $display->displayProfileId = $displayProfileId;
                 $display->clientType = $clientType;
                 $timeoutToTestAgainst = $display->GetSetting('collectInterval', $globalTimeout);
             } else {
                 $timeoutToTestAgainst = $globalTimeout;
             // Store the time out to test against
             $row['timeout'] = $timeoutToTestAgainst;
             $timeOut = $lastAccessed + $timeoutToTestAgainst;
             // If the last time we accessed is less than now minus the time out
             if ($timeOut < time()) {
                 Debug::Audit('Timed out display. Last Accessed: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $lastAccessed) . '. Time out: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $timeOut));
                 // If this is the first switch (i.e. the row was logged in before)
                 if ($loggedIn == 1) {
                     // Update the display and set it as logged out
                     $sthUpdate->execute(array('displayid' => $displayid));
                     // Log the down event
                     $statObject->displayDown($displayid, $lastAccessed);
                 // Store this row
                 $timedOutDisplays[] = $row;
         return $timedOutDisplays;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Debug::LogEntry('error', $e->getMessage(), get_class(), __FUNCTION__);
         return false;