  * Отправка описания выбранной категории в формате JSON.  
 public function ajax_get_category_details()
     $categoryDetails = new stdClass();
     $categoryDetails->id_category = 0;
     $categoryDetails->sites_in_cat = 0;
     $categoryDetails->sites_in_cat_and_subcat = 0;
     try {
         $categoryId = $this->input->post('id_category');
         if (false === $categoryId) {
             throw new Sppc_Exception('Category not specified');
         $categoryModel = new Sppc_CategoryModel();
         $category = $categoryModel->findObjectById($categoryId);
         if (is_null($category)) {
             throw new Sppc_Exception('Specified category not found');
         $categoryDetails->id_category = $category->getId();
         $categoryDetails->description = $category->getDescription();
         $siteModel = new Sppc_SiteModel();
         $searchFilter = new Sppc_Site_SearchFilter();
         $categoryDetails->sites_in_cat = $siteModel->getCount($searchFilter);
         $categories = array($category);
         $childs = $category->getChildCategories(true);
         $categories = array_merge($categories, $childs);
         $categoryDetails->sites_in_cat_and_subcat = $siteModel->getCount($searchFilter);
         echo json_encode(array('message' => 'OK', 'category_details' => $categoryDetails));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo json_encode(array('message' => $e->getMessage(), 'category_details' => $categoryDetails));
Пример #2
 public function index($site_code = NULL)
     $error_flag = false;
     $error_message = '';
     if (is_null($site_code)) {
         $error_flag = true;
         $error_message = __('Site is not found');
     if (!$error_flag) {
         $id_site = type_cast($site_code, 'textcode');
         $site_info = $this->site->get_list(array('fields' => 'sites.name, sites.url, SUM(stat_sites.impressions) as impressions, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(sites.creation_date) as creation_date, site_categories.id_category as id_category, ' . 'sites.description', 'site_id_filter' => array($id_site), 'joinCategories' => true));
         try {
             if (is_null($site_info)) {
                 throw new Exception('Site was not found');
             $siteModel = new Sppc_SiteModel();
             $site = $siteModel->findObjectById($id_site);
             if (is_null($site)) {
                 throw new Exception('Site was not found');
             try {
                 $siteLayoutModel = new Sppc_Site_LayoutModel();
                 $siteLayout = $siteLayoutModel->findBySite($site);
                 if (is_null($siteLayout)) {
                     throw new Exception('layout is not found');
                 $jsonLayout = $siteLayout->toString();
                 //$this->_add_java_script_inline( "var siteLayoutJson='{$jsonLayout}';" );
                 $this->content['JSCODE'] = "siteLayoutJson='{$jsonLayout}';";
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 //$this->_add_java_script_inline( "var siteLayoutJson='';" );
                 $this->content['JSCODE'] = "siteLayoutJson='';";
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $error_flag = true;
             $error_message = __('Site is not found');
     if ($error_flag) {
         $data = array('MESSAGE' => __($error_message), 'REDIRECT' => $this->site_url . $this->index_page . $this->role . '/site_directory');
         $content = $this->parser->parse('common/errorbox.html', $data, FALSE);
     $site_info = $site_info[0];
     $this->load->model('category_model', 'category');
     $category_list = $this->category->get_list_by_site($id_site);
     $channels_list = $this->channel->get_list(array('fields' => 'channels.id_channel as channel_code, channels.name as channel_name', 'show_deleted_in_site_channels' => false, 'hide_wo_programs' => true, 'site_id_filter' => $id_site));
     if (is_null($channels_list)) {
         $channels_list = array();
     foreach ($channels_list as &$channel) {
         $channel['id_channel'] = $channel['channel_code'];
         $channel['channel_code'] = type_to_str($channel['channel_code'], 'textcode');
     $channels_list = array_merge($channels_list, $this->plugins->run('get_channels', $this));
     $rank_script = "http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/s/a?url={$site_info['url']}";
     $vars = array('SITE_VIEWS_COUNT' => type_to_str($site_info['impressions'], 'impressions'), 'SITE_CREATION_DATE' => type_to_str($site_info['creation_date'], 'date'), 'SITE_CATEGORY' => implode(', ', $category_list), 'SITE_DESCRIPTION' => nl2br(type_to_str($site_info['description'], 'encode')), 'SITE_DESTINATION_URL' => $site_info['url'], 'SITE_TITLE' => type_to_str($site_info['name'], 'encode'), 'SITE_CODE' => $site_code, 'SITE_CHANNELS_LIST' => json_encode($channels_list), 'IMAGE' => $this->site->get_thumb($id_site), 'SITE_ALEXA_RANK' => $rank_script, 'ROLE' => $this->role);
     $this->_set_content($this->parser->parse("common/site_directory/site_information/template.html", $vars, TRUE));
Пример #3
 public function _validator($fields)
     $trimmed_url = trim($fields['domain']);
     if ($trimmed_url != '') {
         $siteModel = new Sppc_SiteModel();
         $site = $siteModel->findByUrl($trimmed_url);
         $check = false;
         if (is_null($this->_site)) {
             $check = true;
         } elseif (!is_null($site)) {
             $check = $site->getId() != $this->_site->getId();
         if (!is_null($site) && $check) {
             $this->validation->domain_error = "<p class='errorP'>" . __("Site with such URL is already exists") . ".</p>";
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Пример #4
 public function update($id, $params, $id_entity = -1)
     $jsonLayout = $params['layout_json'];
     if (isset($params['url'])) {
         if (!$this->check_unique_url($params['url'], $id)) {
             return "Site with such URL is already exists";
     $this->db->where(array($this->_id_field_name => $id, 'id_entity_publisher' => $id_entity))->update($this->_table_name, $params);
     // Register layout
     try {
         $siteModel = new Sppc_SiteModel();
         $site = $siteModel->findObjectById($id);
         if (is_null($site)) {
             throw new Exception('Site was not found');
         $siteLayoutModel = new Sppc_Site_LayoutModel();
         $siteLayoutModel->updateFromJson($site, $jsonLayout);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return "";
 public function _save($idSite, $fields)
     try {
         if (isset($fields['layout_json'])) {
             $siteModel = new Sppc_SiteModel();
             $site = $siteModel->findObjectById($idSite);
             $siteLayoutModel = new Sppc_Site_LayoutModel();
             $siteLayoutModel->updateFromJson($site, $fields['layout_json']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->_set_notification('There is an error while saving your site data:' . $e->getMessage(), 'error');
         return $e->getMessage();
     $this->_set_notification('Site layout was saved', 'notification', true);
     return '';
Пример #6
  * Создание сайта
  * @param array $fields параметры создаваемого канала
  * @return string описание ошибки ('' при успешном создании)
 public function _create($fields)
     try {
         if ('' == $fields['format']) {
             throw new Sppc_Exception('Channel dimension is not selected');
         // check channel ad type
         $channelAdTypes = array();
         if ($fields['ad_type_text']) {
             $channelAdTypes[] = Sppc_Channel::AD_TYPE_TEXT;
         if ($fields['ad_type_image']) {
             $channelAdTypes[] = Sppc_Channel::AD_TYPE_IMAGE;
         if (count($channelAdTypes) == 0) {
             throw new Sppc_Exception('At least one ad type must be selected');
         // channel ad sources
         if ($this->role == 'admin') {
             $channelAdSources = array();
             if ($fields['ad_sources_advertisers'] == true) {
                 $channelAdSources[] = Sppc_Channel::AD_SOURCE_ADVERTISERS;
             if ($fields['ad_sources_xml_feeds'] == true) {
                 $channelAdSources[] = Sppc_Channel::AD_SOURCE_XMLFEEDS;
         } else {
             $channelAdSources = array(Sppc_Channel::AD_SOURCE_ADVERTISERS, Sppc_Channel::AD_SOURCE_XMLFEEDS);
         if (count($channelAdSources) == 0) {
             throw new Sppc_Exception('At least one ad source must be selected');
         if (empty($fields['channel_type'])) {
             $fields['channel_type'] = 'contextual';
         $parentSite = null;
         if (isset($fields['id_site'])) {
             $siteModel = new Sppc_SiteModel();
             $parentSite = $siteModel->findObjectById($fields['id_site']);
         $dimensionModel = new Sppc_DimensionModel();
         $dimension = $dimensionModel->findObjectById($fields['format']);
         $channelModel = new Sppc_ChannelModel();
         $channel = $channelModel->createRow();
         if ($fields['category'] != $parentSite->getCategory()) {
             $categoryModel = new Sppc_CategoryModel();
             $categories = $categoryModel->find(explode(',', $fields['category']));
         if ($fields['ad_settings'] == 'blank_color') {
             $channel->setBlankColor(str_replace('#', '', $fields['blank_color']));
         if (!is_null($parentSite)) {
         $tagModel = new Sppc_TagModel();
         if ($fields["ad_settings"] == 'tag') {
             $tag = $tagModel->createRow($channel, $fields["tag_code"]);
         } else {
             $tag = $tagModel->createRow($channel, '');
         // Сохраняем айдишник в сессию
         $this->session->set_userdata(get_class($this) . '_id_channel', $channel->getId());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return __($e->getMessage());
     return false;