public function showResults() { $data = array('title' => 'Resultados'); $data['sports'] = Sport::all()->lists('description', 'idSport'); $data['tests'] = Test::all()->lists('name', 'idTest'); $data['cities'] = City::all()->lists('description', 'idCity'); return View::make('results', $data); }
public function showWelcome() { $sports = Sport::all(); $cities = Location::all(); /* pull list of cities for events from events table city column */ $sportDropdown = []; $sportDropdown[-1] = 'Select a Sport'; $cityDropdown = []; $cityDropdown[-1] = 'Select a City'; foreach ($sports as $sport) { $sportDropdown[$sport->id] = $sport->sport; } foreach ($cities as $city) { $cityDropdown[$city->id] = $city->city; } return View::make('home')->with('sportDropdown', $sportDropdown)->with('cityDropdown', $cityDropdown); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $location = Location::firstOrFail(); $user = User::firstOrFail(); $sport = Sport::all(); $event = new GameEvent(); $event->sport_id = 2; $event->event_name = 'Fútbol Game'; $event->start_time = 'Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 1:00 pm'; $event->end_time = 'Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 4:00 pm'; $event->location_id = $location->id; $event->gender = 'Co-Ed'; $event->skill_level = 'Intermediate'; $event->amount = 2.0; $event->organizer_id = 1; $event->event_image = ''; $event->description = 'testing 123'; $event->save(); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified gameevent. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $event = GameEvent::find($id); $sports = Sport::all(); $locations = Location::all(); if (!$event) { App::abort(404); } if (!Auth::check()) { return Redirect::action('UsersController@doLogin'); } elseif (Auth::id() == $event->organizer_id || Auth::user()->role == 'admin') { $dropdownL = []; $dropdownL[-1] = 'Add new address'; foreach ($locations as $location) { $dropdownL[$location->{$id}] = $location->name_of_location; } $dropdownS = []; $dropdownS[-1] = 'Select Sport'; foreach ($sports as $sport) { $dropdownS[$sport->{$id}] = $sport->sport; } return View::make('game_events.edit')->with('dropdown', $dropdownL)->with('dropdownS', $dropdownS)->with('event', $event); } else { Session::flash('errorMessage', 'Access not authorized'); return Redirect::action('GameEventsController@index'); } }