Пример #1
  * Scans the directory structure for modules and adds them to the list of optional modules
 private function loadModules()
     // fetch modules
     $tmpModules = SpoonDirectory::getList(PATH_WWW . '/backend/modules', false, null, '/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i');
     // loop modules
     foreach ($tmpModules as $module) {
         // not required nor hidden
         if (!in_array($module, $this->modules['required']) && !in_array($module, $this->modules['hidden'])) {
             // add to the list of optional installs
             $this->modules['optional'][] = $module;
Пример #2
  * Set the module
  * We can't rely on the parent setModule function, because a cronjob requires no login
  * @param string $module The module to load.
 public function setModule($module)
     // does this module exist?
     $modules = SpoonDirectory::getList(BACKEND_MODULES_PATH);
     $modules[] = 'core';
     if (!in_array($module, $modules)) {
         // set correct headers
         // throw exception
         throw new BackendException('Module not allowed.');
     // set property
     $this->module = $module;
Пример #3
  * Delete the cached data
 private function deleteCachedData()
     // init some vars
     $foldersToLoop = array('/backend/cache', '/frontend/cache');
     $foldersToIgnore = array('/backend/cache/navigation');
     $filesToIgnore = array('.gitignore');
     $filesToDelete = array();
     // loop folders
     foreach ($foldersToLoop as $folder) {
         // get folderlisting
         $subfolders = (array) SpoonDirectory::getList(PATH_WWW . $folder, false, array('.svn', '.gitignore'));
         // loop folders
         foreach ($subfolders as $subfolder) {
             // not in ignore list?
             if (!in_array($folder . '/' . $subfolder, $foldersToIgnore)) {
                 // get the filelisting
                 $files = (array) SpoonFile::getList(PATH_WWW . $folder . '/' . $subfolder);
                 // loop the files
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     if (!in_array($file, $filesToIgnore)) {
                         $filesToDelete[] = PATH_WWW . $folder . '/' . $subfolder . '/' . $file;
     // delete cached files
     if (!empty($filesToDelete)) {
         // loop files and delete them
         foreach ($filesToDelete as $file) {
Пример #4
  * Get all data for templates in a format acceptable for SpoonForm::addRadioButton() and SpoonForm::addMultiCheckbox()
  * @param string $language The language.
  * @return array
 public static function getTemplatesForCheckboxes($language)
     // load all templates in the 'templates' folder for this language
     $records = SpoonDirectory::getList(BACKEND_MODULE_PATH . '/templates/' . $language . '/', false, array('.svn'));
     // stop here if no directories were found
     if (empty($records)) {
         return array();
     // loop and complete the records
     foreach ($records as $key => $record) {
         // add additional values
         $records[$record]['language'] = $language;
         $records[$record]['value'] = $record;
         $records[$record]['label'] = BL::lbl('Template' . SpoonFilter::toCamelCase($record, array('-', '_')));
         // unset the key
     return (array) $records;
Пример #5
  * Get the filetree
  * @param string $path The path to get the filetree for.
  * @param array[optional] $tree An array to hold the results.
  * @return array
 private static function getTree($path, array $tree = array())
     // paths that should be ignored
     // get modules
     $modules = BackendModel::getModules();
     // get the folder listing
     $items = SpoonDirectory::getList($path, true, array('.svn', '.git'));
     // already in the modules?
     if (substr_count($path, '/modules/') > 0) {
         // get last chunk
         $start = strpos($path, '/modules') + 9;
         $end = strpos($path, '/', $start + 1);
         if ($end === false) {
             $moduleName = substr($path, $start);
         } else {
             $moduleName = substr($path, $start, $end - $start);
         // don't go any deeper
         if (!in_array($moduleName, $modules)) {
             return $tree;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // if the path should be ignored, skip it
         if (in_array($path . '/' . $item, $ignore)) {
         // if the item is a directory we should index it also (recursive)
         if (is_dir($path . '/' . $item)) {
             $tree = self::getTree($path . '/' . $item, $tree);
         } else {
             // if the file has an extension that has to be processed add it into the tree
             if (in_array(SpoonFile::getExtension($item), array('js', 'php', 'tpl'))) {
                 $tree[] = $path . '/' . $item;
     return $tree;
Пример #6
  * Fetch the list of available themes
  * @return array
 public static function getThemes()
     // fetch themes
     $records = (array) SpoonDirectory::getList(FRONTEND_PATH . '/themes/', false, array('.svn'));
     // loop and complete the records
     foreach ($records as $key => $record) {
         try {
             // path to info.xml
             $pathInfoXml = PATH_WWW . '/frontend/themes/' . $record . '/info.xml';
             // load info.xml
             $infoXml = @new SimpleXMLElement($pathInfoXml, LIBXML_NOCDATA, true);
             // convert xml to useful array
             $information = BackendExtensionsModel::processThemeXml($infoXml);
             if (!$information) {
                 throw new BackendException('Invalid info.xml');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // spoon thumbnail value
             $information['thumbnail'] = 'thumbnail.png';
         // add additional values
         $records[$record]['value'] = $record;
         $records[$record]['label'] = $record;
         $records[$record]['thumbnail'] = '/frontend/themes/' . $record . '/' . $information['thumbnail'];
         // doublecheck if templates for this theme are installed already
         $records[$record]['installed'] = self::isThemeInstalled($record);
         $records[$record]['installable'] = isset($information['templates']);
         // unset the key
     // add core theme
     $core = array('core' => array());
     $core['core']['value'] = 'core';
     $core['core']['label'] = BL::lbl('NoTheme');
     $core['core']['thumbnail'] = '/frontend/core/layout/images/thumbnail.png';
     $core['core']['installed'] = self::isThemeInstalled('core');
     $core['core']['installable'] = false;
     $records = array_merge($core, $records);
     return (array) $records;
Пример #7
  * Get the thumbnail folders
  * @param string $path The path
  * @param bool[optional] $includeSource Should the source-folder be included in the return-array.
  * @return array
 public static function getThumbnailFolders($path, $includeSource = false)
     $folders = SpoonDirectory::getList((string) $path, false, null, '/^([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)$/');
     if ($includeSource && SpoonDirectory::exists($path . '/source')) {
         $folders[] = 'source';
     $return = array();
     foreach ($folders as $folder) {
         $item = array();
         $chunks = explode('x', $folder, 2);
         // skip invalid items
         if (count($chunks) != 2 && !$includeSource) {
         $item['dirname'] = $folder;
         $item['path'] = $path . '/' . $folder;
         if (substr($path, 0, strlen(PATH_WWW)) == PATH_WWW) {
             $item['url'] = substr($item['path'], strlen(PATH_WWW));
         if ($folder == 'source') {
             $item['width'] = null;
             $item['height'] = null;
         } else {
             $item['width'] = $chunks[0] != '' ? (int) $chunks[0] : null;
             $item['height'] = $chunks[1] != '' ? (int) $chunks[1] : null;
         $return[] = $item;
     return $return;
Пример #8
  * Fetch the list of available themes
  * @return	array
 public static function getThemes()
     // fetch themes
     $themes = (array) SpoonDirectory::getList(FRONTEND_PATH . '/themes/', false, array('.svn'));
     // create array
     $themes = array_combine($themes, $themes);
     // add core templates
     $themes = array_merge(array('core' => BL::lbl('NoTheme')), $themes);
     return $themes;
Пример #9
  * Get the template record
  * @param string $language The language.
  * @param string $name The name of the template.
  * @return array
 public static function getTemplate($language, $name)
     // set the path to the template folders for this language
     $path = PATH_WWW . '/backend/modules/mailmotor/templates/' . $language;
     // load all templates in the 'templates' folder for this language
     $templates = SpoonDirectory::getList($path, false, array('.svn'));
     // stop here if no directories were found
     if (empty($templates) || !in_array($name, $templates)) {
         return array();
     // load all templates in the 'templates' folder for this language
     if (!SpoonFile::exists($path . '/' . $name . '/template.tpl')) {
         throw new SpoonException('The template folder "' . $name . '" exists, but no template.tpl file was found. Please create one.');
     if (!SpoonFile::exists($path . '/' . $name . '/css/screen.css')) {
         throw new SpoonException('The template folder "' . $name . '" exists, but no screen.css file was found. Please create one in a subfolder "css".');
     // set template data
     $record = array();
     $record['name'] = $name;
     $record['language'] = $language;
     $record['path_content'] = $path . '/' . $name . '/template.tpl';
     $record['path_css'] = $path . '/' . $name . '/css/screen.css';
     $record['url_css'] = SITE_URL . '/backend/modules/mailmotor/templates/' . $language . '/' . $name . '/css/screen.css';
     // check if the template file actually exists
     if (SpoonFile::exists($record['path_content'])) {
         $record['content'] = SpoonFile::getContent($record['path_content']);
     if (SpoonFile::exists($record['path_css'])) {
         $record['css'] = SpoonFile::getContent($record['path_css']);
     return $record;