Пример #1
  * Runs through all the routes and runs them
  * @author Tim Perry
 public function route()
     while ($this->routes->valid()) {
         $route = $this->routes->current();
         if ($route->run()) {
     throw new \RuntimeException("FlexPress router: No route found - please make sure you have setup routes.");
Пример #2
  * Runs through all the callable functions provided, if all are met call the given callable
  * @author Tim Perry
 public function run()
     if (!isset($this->conditions) || !isset($this->callable)) {
         $message = "You have called the run function but have not provided both a array of conditions";
         $message .= " and a callable function, which will be called if all the given conditions are met.";
         throw new \RuntimeException($message);
     while ($this->conditions->valid()) {
         $condition = $this->conditions->current();
         if (!call_user_func($condition)) {
             return false;
     call_user_func($this->callable, $this->request);
     return true;
Пример #3
  * 调用 middleware
  * @return mixed
 public function call()
     while ($this->queue->valid()) {
         if ($this->getPropagation()) {
         $callbale = $this->queue->current();
         $response = call_user_func_array($callbale, func_get_args());
         if ($response === false) {
         } elseif (!empty($response)) {
             $this->response = $response;
     return $this->response;
Пример #4
  * Return breadcrumb string
 function StringifyBreadcrumbs()
     $output = "<ul class=\"breadcrumb\" id=\"breadcrumb\">";
     if (0 != $this->GetConfigValue('enable_breadcrumbs') && isset($_SESSION['user']) && isset($_SESSION['breadcrumbs'])) {
         $delimiter = $this->GetConfigValue('breadcrumb_node_delimiter');
         $q = new SplQueue();
         $output .= "<li>";
         $output .= "<a href=\"" . $this->Href('', $q->current()) . "\">" . $q->current() . "</a>";
         while ($q->valid()) {
             $output .= " {$delimiter} ";
             $output .= "</li><li>";
             $output .= "<a href=\"" . $this->Href('', $q->current()) . "\">" . $q->current() . "</a>";
         $output .= "</li></ul>";
     return $output;
Пример #5
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Windows 7', 'desktop', 'NT', 56.11));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Windows XP', 'desktop', 'NT', 10.59));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Windows 8', 'desktop', 'NT', 2.88));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Windows 8.1', 'desktop', 'NT', 11.15));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Windows 10', 'desktop', 'NT', 9));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Windows Vista', 'desktop', 'NT', 0));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Mac OS X 11', 'desktop', 'Unix', 2.66));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Mac OS X 10', 'desktop', 'Unix', 2.45));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Linux Mint', 'desktop', 'Linux', 0));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Linux Debian', 'desktop', 'Linux', 0));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('Android', 'mobile', 'Linux', 48.12));
$qoperatingsystems->push(array('iOS', 'mobile', 'Unix', 34.71));
for ($qoperatingsystems->rewind(); $qoperatingsystems->valid(); $qoperatingsystems->next()) {
    echo $qoperatingsystems->current()[0] . "\n";
    echo $qoperatingsystems->current()[1] . "\n";
    echo $qoperatingsystems->current()[2] . "\n";
    echo $qoperatingsystems->current()[3] . "\n";
/* ------------------BASIC OPERATIONS------------------ */
usort($nlanguages, function ($a, $b) {
    return $b[2] - $a[2];
function serveronly($var)
    if ($var[2] == 'Server') {
Пример #6
 * Determines if we have a valid buffer for optimising.
 * Has to be G1s all round with no Z movements, and either all extrusions or all movements.
 * The extrusions also have to be the same mm^3/mm along the path.
 * They also have to describe a circle
 * @param  SplQueue $buffer The buffer
 * @return Boolean          Whether the buffer is valid
function bufferValid($buffer)
    global $debug;
    global $pos_error;
    for ($buffer->rewind(); $buffer->valid(); $buffer->next()) {
        if (substr($buffer->current(), 0, 2) !== "G1") {
            return false;
        } else {
            if (strpos($buffer->current(), "Z") !== FALSE) {
                return false;
    $lines = getLines($buffer);
    $allE = false;
    $allF = false;
    if (!is_null($lines[0]['E'])) {
        $allE = true;
    if (!is_null($lines[0]['F'])) {
        $allF = true;
    foreach ($lines as $num => $line) {
        $allE = $allE && is_null($line['F']) && !is_null($line['E']);
        $allF = $allF && is_null($line['E']) && !is_null($line['F']);
    if (!($allE || $allF)) {
        return false;
    if ($allE) {
        $extrusions = getExtrusionLengths($lines);
        $eerror = calculateExtrusionError($extrusions);
        if (calculateExtrusionError($extrusions) === false) {
            return false;
    $circle = getCircle($lines);
    if ($circle === false) {
        return false;
    if (max($circle['errors']) > $pos_error) {
        return false;
    return $circle;
Пример #7
 * Determine if a binary tree rooted at $node satisfies the binary search tree property (every child in the nodes
 * subtree is less than or equal to the node and every child in the nodes right tree is greater than or equal to the
 * node).  This works by traversing through each node using BFS and adding an entry to the queue with the current node
 * and the range constraint that the node value must satisfy.  Starting at the root node, the root node is added to the
 * queue along with the range constraint [-infinity, infinity].  Then the left child node of the root is added to the
 * queue with the constraint [-infinity, root node key].  Then the right child node of the root is added to the queue
 * with the constraint [root node key, infinity].  The root node is then popped from the queue.  Each child node key
 * will then be checked against the stored constraints, their children added and then they will be popped.  If any
 * constraint is not met, the binary tree does not satisfy the BST property.
 * i.e.
 * If the input tree is:
 *                           8
 *                         /   \
 *                        3    7
 *                       / \    \
 *                      1   6   14
 * $queue = [
 *  $node (with key 8), -infinity, infinity
 * ]
 * Is 8 < -infinity or > infinity? No
 * $queue = [
 *  $node (with key 3), -infinity, 8
 *  $node (with key 7), 8, infinity
 * ]
 * Is 3 < -infinity or > 8? No
 * Is 7 < 8 or > infinity? Yes
 * This tree does not satisfy the BST property
 * @param Node|null $node
 * @return bool
function testForBstPropertyUsingQueue(Node $node = null)
    if (empty($node)) {
        return true;
    $queue = new \SplQueue();
    $queue->enqueue([$node, -9.223372036854776E+18, PHP_INT_MAX]);
    while (!$queue->isEmpty()) {
        if (!empty($queue->current())) {
            if ($queue->current()[0]->key < $queue->current()[1] || $queue->current()[1]->key > $queue->current()[2]) {
                return false;
            $queue->enqueue([$node->left, $queue->current()[1], $queue->current()[0]->key]);
            $queue->enqueue([$node->right, $queue->current()[0]->key], $queue->current()[2]);
    return true;
Пример #8
  * Return the current element
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php
  * @return string|integer|boolean Can return any type.
 public function current()
     return $this->queue->current();