  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function write($item)
     if (!is_array($item) && !is_scalar($item)) {
         throw new UnsupportedItemTypeException(sprintf('%s only supports items of type scalar or array', __CLASS__));
     $this->file->fwrite(json_encode($item) . PHP_EOL);
 public function testParseFileObject()
     $parser = new ABOParser();
     $reflectionParser = new \ReflectionClass($this->parserClassName);
     $method = $reflectionParser->getMethod('parseFileObject');
     # Positive statement
     $fileObject = new \SplFileObject(tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'test_'), 'w+');
     $fileObject->fwrite('0740000000000012345Test s.r.o.         01011400000000100000+00000000080000+00000000060000' . '+00000000040000+002010214              ' . PHP_EOL);
     $fileObject->fwrite('0750000000000012345000000000015678900000000020010000000400002000000001100100000120000000013050114' . 'Tran 1              01102050114' . PHP_EOL);
     $fileObject->fwrite('0750000000000012345000000000025678900000000020020000000600001000000002100200000220000000023070114' . 'Tran 2              01101070114' . PHP_EOL);
     $fileObject->fwrite('0760000000000012345000000000025678900000000020020000000600001000000002100200000220000000023070114' . 'Tran 2              01101070114' . PHP_EOL);
     $statement = $method->invokeArgs($parser, array($fileObject));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\JakubZapletal\\Component\\BankStatement\\Statement\\Statement', $statement);
     # Statement
     $this->assertSame($statement, $parser->getStatement());
     $this->assertEquals('12345', $statement->getAccountNumber());
     $this->assertEquals(new \DateTime('2014-01-01 12:00:00'), $statement->getDateLastBalance());
     $this->assertSame(1000.0, $statement->getLastBalance());
     $this->assertSame(800.0, $statement->getBalance());
     $this->assertSame(400.0, $statement->getCreditTurnover());
     $this->assertSame(600.0, $statement->getDebitTurnover());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $statement->getSerialNumber());
     $this->assertEquals(new \DateTime('2014-02-01 12:00:00'), $statement->getDateCreated());
     # Transactions
     $this->assertCount(2, $statement);
     $transaction = $statement->current();
     $this->assertEquals('156789/1000', $transaction->getCounterAccountNumber());
     $this->assertEquals(2001, $transaction->getReceiptId());
     $this->assertSame(400.0, $transaction->getCredit());
     $this->assertEquals(11, $transaction->getVariableSymbol());
     $this->assertEquals(12, $transaction->getConstantSymbol());
     $this->assertEquals(13, $transaction->getSpecificSymbol());
     $this->assertEquals('Tran 1', $transaction->getNote());
     $this->assertEquals(new \DateTime('2014-01-05 12:00:00'), $transaction->getDateCreated());
     $transaction = $statement->next();
     $this->assertSame(600.0, $transaction->getDebit());
     # Negative statement
     $fileObject = new \SplFileObject(tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'test_'), 'w+');
     $fileObject->fwrite('0740000000000012345Test s.r.o.         01011400000000100000-00000000080000-00000000060000-00000000040000' . '-002010214              ' . PHP_EOL);
     $fileObject->fwrite('0750000000000012345000000000015678900000000020010000000400005000000001100100000120000000013050114' . 'Tran 1              01102050114' . PHP_EOL);
     $fileObject->fwrite('0750000000000012345000000000025678900000000020020000000600004000000002100200000220000000023070114' . 'Tran 2              01101070114' . PHP_EOL);
     $statement = $method->invokeArgs($parser, array($fileObject));
     # Statement
     $this->assertSame(-1000.0, $statement->getLastBalance());
     $this->assertSame(-800.0, $statement->getBalance());
     $this->assertSame(-400.0, $statement->getCreditTurnover());
     $this->assertSame(-600.0, $statement->getDebitTurnover());
     # Transactions
     $transaction = $statement->current();
     $this->assertSame(-400.0, $transaction->getCredit());
     $transaction = $statement->next();
     $this->assertSame(-600.0, $transaction->getDebit());
Пример #3
function createIniFile($path)
    $configFile = new SplFileObject($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'theme', 'w');
    $base = array('Name' => 'Twitch Icons via SpazTwitch', 'Description' => 'Thanks to twitchemotes.com for the API.', 'Icon' => '25.png', 'Author' => 'Omnifox');
    foreach ($base as $k => $v) {
        $configFile->fwrite("{$k}={$v}" . PHP_EOL);
    return $configFile;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function writeToStream(SplFileObject $fileObject, $encryptionKey)
     $value = $this->value;
     if (null !== $encryptionKey) {
         $value = \Bacon\Pdf\Utils\EncryptionUtils::rc4($encryptionKey, $value);
     $fileObject->fwrite(chunk_split(bin2hex($value), 255, "\n"));
  * Writes the given snapshotEvent to the {@link #snapshotEventFile}.
  * Prepends a long value to the event in the file indicating the bytes to skip when reading the {@link #eventFile}.
  * @param DomainEventMessageInterface $snapshotEvent The snapshot to write to the {@link #snapshotEventFile}
  * @throws EventStoreException
 public function writeSnapshotEvent(DomainEventMessageInterface $snapshotEvent)
     try {
         $offset = $this->calculateOffset($snapshotEvent);
         $this->snapshotEventFile->fwrite(pack("N", $offset));
         $eventMessageWriter = new FilesystemEventMessageWriter($this->snapshotEventFile, $this->eventSerializer);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         throw new EventStoreException("Error writing a snapshot event", 0, $ex);
Пример #6
  * Inline all classes from path to single file
 public function inline($path, $ext, $filename)
     $classes = $this->readClasses();
     $inlined = new SplFileObject(__DIR__ . '/' . $filename, 'w');
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
Пример #7
 public function testSetWhereValueSetIsntAsLongAsSlice()
     $fileObject = new \SplFileObject(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/lazy_line_' . $this->getFaker()->word . '.txt', 'w+');
     $fileObject->fwrite(str_repeat(' ', 10));
     $fileObject->fwrite(str_repeat(' ', 10));
     $line = new FileSystemLine($fileObject, 11, 10);
     $line['0:5'] = 'we';
     $this->assertEquals('we        ', (string) $line);
Пример #8
  * @return      void
 public function testWriteLine()
     $filePath = __DIR__ . '/example_write1.txt';
     $fileObject = new FileWriter($filePath, 'a+');
     $fileObject->writeLine(" some string " . PHP_EOL . "with line breaks \n\r" . PHP_EOL);
     $filePath = __DIR__ . '/example_write2.txt';
     $fileObject = new \SplFileObject($filePath, 'a+');
     $fileObject->fwrite("foo" . PHP_EOL);
     $fileObject->fwrite("bar" . PHP_EOL);
Пример #9
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getFile()
     if ($this->file === null) {
         try {
             $this->file = new TempFile();
         } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
             throw new TransportException($e->getMessage(), null, $e);
     return $this->file;
Пример #10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function write(\SplFileObject $file, $text, $newLineAtEnd = false)
     $originalSeek = $file->ftell();
     // Refresh file size
     if ($file->getSize() - $file->ftell() > 0) {
         $contentAfter = $file->fread($file->getSize() - $file->ftell());
     } else {
         $contentAfter = '';
     $file->fwrite($text . ($newLineAtEnd ? PHP_EOL : ''));
     return $file;
Пример #11
  * Write data for key into cache
  * @param string $key Identifier for the data
  * @param mixed $data Data to be cached
  * @return bool True if the data was successfully cached, false on failure
 public function write($key, $data)
     if ($data === '' || !$this->_init) {
         return false;
     $key = $this->_key($key);
     if ($this->_setKey($key, true) === false) {
         return false;
     $lineBreak = "\n";
     if ($this->_config['isWindows']) {
         $lineBreak = "\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->_config['serialize'])) {
         if ($this->_config['isWindows']) {
             $data = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', serialize($data));
         } else {
             $data = serialize($data);
     $duration = $this->_config['duration'];
     $expires = time() + $duration;
     $contents = $expires . $lineBreak . $data . $lineBreak;
     if ($this->_config['lock']) {
     $success = $this->_File->ftruncate(0) && $this->_File->fwrite($contents) && $this->_File->fflush();
     if ($this->_config['lock']) {
     $this->_File = null;
     return $success;
Пример #12
 public function write(\SplFileObject $file, \de\codenamephp\platform\core\file\property\Entries $propertyFile)
     foreach ($propertyFile->getEntries() as $entry) {
         $file->fwrite(sprintf('%s=%s' . PHP_EOL, $entry->getKey(), $entry->getValue()));
     return $this;
Пример #13
 public function __invoke($file, $minify = null)
     if (!is_file($this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $file)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('File "' . $this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $file . '" not found.');
     $less = new \lessc();
     $info = pathinfo($file);
     $newFile = $this->getOptions()->getDestinationDir() . $info['filename'] . '.' . filemtime($this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $file) . '.css';
     $_file = $this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $newFile;
     if (!is_file($_file)) {
         $globPattern = $this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $this->getOptions()->getDestinationDir() . $info['filename'] . '.*.css';
         foreach (Glob::glob($globPattern, Glob::GLOB_BRACE) as $match) {
             if (preg_match("/^" . $info['filename'] . "\\.[0-9]{10}\\.css\$/", basename($match))) {
         $compiledFile = new \SplFileObject($_file, 'w');
         $result = $less->compileFile($this->getOptions()->getPublicDir() . $file);
         if (is_null($minify) && $this->getOptions()->getMinify() || $minify === true) {
             $result = \CssMin::minify($result);
     return $newFile;
 public function fileNameToSplFile($filename)
     // Add a Newline to the end of the file (because SplFileObject needs a newline)
     $splFile = new \SplFileObject($filename, 'a+');
     return $splFile;
Пример #15
  * @param string $filename
  * @param string $name
  * @return string
 private function getImage($filename, $name)
     $path = $this->getContainer()->getParameter("upload_dir") . "images/post/";
     $file = new \SplFileObject($path . $name, "w");
     return $file->getFilename();
Пример #16
 public function upload()
     try {
         $acceptedFormat = ['data:image/png;base64', 'data:image/jpeg;base64', 'data:image/gif;base64', 'data:image/bmp;base64'];
         $filePOST = Input::post('file');
         $filenamePOST = htmlentities(Input::post('filename'));
         if (Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
             $key = Input::post('key');
         $data = explode(',', $filePOST);
         if (!in_array($data[0], $acceptedFormat)) {
             throw new \Exception('Le format envoyé n\'est pas valide');
         $realFileName = $filenamePOST;
         $fileName = hash('sha256', uniqid());
         $file = new \SplFileObject('content/' . $fileName, 'wb');
         $file->fwrite($data[0] . ',' . $data[1]);
         if (Authentication::getInstance()->isAuthenticated()) {
             $this->imageModel->addUserFile(intval(Authentication::getInstance()->getUserId()), $fileName, $key, $realFileName);
         $success = new AJAXAnswer(true, $fileName);
     } catch (InputNotSetException $e) {
         $error = new AJAXAnswer(false);
         $error->setMessage('L\'image envoyée est trop lourde (taille conseillée < 2mo)');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $error = new AJAXAnswer(false, $e->getMessage());
 public function persist(Resource $resource)
     $fileName = urlencode($resource->getUri()->toString());
     $file = new \SplFileObject($this->getResultPath() . $fileName, 'w');
     $rawResponse = $resource->getResponse()->__toString();
     $this->totalSizePersisted += $file->fwrite($rawResponse);
Пример #18
 public function write($key, $data, $cache_duration)
     if ($data === '' || is_null($data) || !$this->is_init) {
         return false;
     if ($this->_openFile($key, true) === false) {
         return false;
     $line_break = "\n";
     if ($this->settings['is_windows']) {
         $lineBreak = "\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->settings['serialize'])) {
         if ($this->settings['is_windows']) {
             $data = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', json_encode($data));
         } else {
             $data = json_encode($data);
     $expires = time() + $cache_duration;
     $contents = $expires . $line_break . $data . $line_break;
     if ($this->settings['lock']) {
     $success = $this->file->ftruncate(0) && $this->file->fwrite($contents) && $this->file->fflush();
     if ($this->settings['lock']) {
     return $success;
Пример #19
 public function writeFile()
     $file = new \SplFileObject($this->filename, 'w');
     $bytes = $file->fwrite($this->data);
     echo $this->data;
     //$this->writeLine("Wrote $bytes to {$this->fileName}");
  * フィールドの配列をCSVの行として書き出します。
  * @param \SplFileObject $file
  * @param string[] $fields
 protected function putCSVRecord(\SplFileObject $file, array $fields)
     $file->fputcsv(array_map(function (string $field) : string {
         return preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x09\\x11\\x7F]+/u', '', strtr($field, ["\r\n" => "\r\n", "\r" => "\r\n", "\n" => "\r\n"]));
     }, $fields));
     $file->fseek(-1, SEEK_CUR);
Пример #21
function modifyFileLine($filename, $linenum, $lineText)
    $fp = new SplFileObject($filename);
    $line = $fp->current();
    $fp->fseek($linenum, SEEK_CUR);
Пример #22
  * Adds a single line to a CSV document
  * @param string[]|string $row a string, an array or an object implementing to '__toString' method
  * @return static
 public function insertOne($row)
     if (!is_array($row)) {
         $row = str_getcsv($row, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure, $this->escape);
     $row = $this->formatRow($row);
     if (is_null($this->csv)) {
         $this->csv = $this->getIterator();
     $this->csv->fputcsv($row, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure);
     if ("\n" !== $this->newline) {
         $this->csv->fseek(-1, SEEK_CUR);
     return $this;
Пример #23
  * Saves the current connection to `$this->file` if set.
 public function __destruct()
     if (isset($this->file) && $this->file->isWritable()) {
Пример #24
  * @{inheritdoc}
 public function persist()
     foreach ($this as $fileName => $unitOfWork) {
         $file = new \SplFileObject($this->basePath . '/' . $fileName, 'w');
     return true;
 public function testParseFile()
     $content = 'test';
     $fileObject = new \SplFileObject(tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'test_'), 'w+');
     $parserMock = $this->getMockForAbstractClass($this->parserClassName, array(), '', true, true, true, array('parseContent'));
     $this->assertSame($content, $parserMock->parseFile($fileObject->getRealPath()));
Пример #26
 public function saveToFile($transactions)
     if (is_array($transactions) === false && count($transactions) === 0) {
         throw new CMBSquirrelException('No transactions to save in a file');
     $output = new SplFileObject($this->outputFile, 'w');
     foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
         $output->fwrite(implode(';', $transaction) . "\n");
Пример #27
  * Create training file.
 public function create()
     $input = new Input();
     $lines = [];
     $numComments = 0;
     foreach (self::$comments as $comment) {
         $lines[] = $input->getInputFromComment($comment['input']);
         $lines[] = [$comment['output']];
     $file = new \SplFileObject('Data/training', 'w');
     $file->fwrite(implode(' ', [$numComments, Input::NUM_INPUT, Output::NUM_OUTPUT]));
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         $file->fwrite(implode(' ', $line));
     $file = null;
Пример #28
 public function create($filename)
     $now = date('Y_m_d_H_i_s');
     $fileob = new \SplFileObject($this->path . $now . '_' . $filename . '.php', 'w');
     $classname = $this->getClassByFileName(str_replace('_table', '', $filename));
     $fileob->fwrite("<?php\nuse Lib\\Migration;\nclass {$classname} extends Migration\n{\n    public function up()\n    {\n    }\n    public function down()\n    {\n    }\n} \n?>");
     return true;
Пример #29
  * Free the used slots
  * @param $sliced_report_definitions_count
 private function freeUsedRequestCount($sliced_report_definitions_count)
     $used_request_count = (int) $this->file_counter->fgets();
     $new_used_request_count = $used_request_count - $sliced_report_definitions_count;
Пример #30
  * Delete an entry in the archive using its name
  * @param string $name
  * @return boolean
  * @access public
  * @final
 public final function deleteName($name)
     if (in_array($name, $this->tree) === false || empty($name) || $this->fileObject->getSize() < 0) {
         return false;
     $name = $this->clearSeparator($name);
     $currentFileObject = $this->fileObject;
     $this->fileObject = new SplFileObject("{$this->filename}.tmp", self::RECORD);
     $mainHead = $currentFileObject->fread(7);
     if (ord($mainHead[2]) != 0x73) {
         $currentFileObject->fseek(-1, SEEK_END);
         $this->fileObject = $currentFileObject;
         return false;
     $headSize = $this->getBytes($mainHead, 5, 2);
     $this->fileObject->fwrite($currentFileObject->fread($headSize - 7));
     $name = str_replace('/', '\\', $name);
     while ($currentFileObject->eof() === false) {
         $block = $currentFileObject->fread(7);
         $headSize = $this->getBytes($block, 5, 2);
         if ($headSize <= 7) {
         $block .= $currentFileObject->fread($headSize - 7);
         if (ord($block[2]) == 0x74) {
             $fileSize = $this->getBytes($block, 7, 4);
             $filename = str_replace('/', '\\', substr($block, 32, $this->getBytes($block, 26, 2)));
             if ($name != $filename) {
                 $attr = $this->getBytes($block, 28, 4);
                 if ($attr & 0x10 || $attr & 0x4000) {
                 } else {
         } elseif ($this->getBytes($block, 3, 2) & 0x8000) {
             $this->fileObject->fwrite($currentFileObject->fread($this->getBytes($block, 7, 4)));
     @rename("{$this->filename}.tmp", $this->filename);
     $this->fileObject = new SplFileObject($this->filename, self::READING);
     if ($index = array_search($name, $this->tree)) {
     unset($name, $filename, $currentFileObject, $mainHead, $headSize, $block, $fileSize, $index);
     return $this->isRar() ? true : false;