Пример #1
  * Sends all headers and cookies.
  * @return void
  * @throws Solar_Http_Response_Exception_HeadersSent if headers have
  * already been sent.
 protected function _sendHeaders()
     // build the full status header string.  the values have already been
     // sanitized by setStatus() and setStatusText().
     $status = "HTTP/{$this->_version} {$this->_status_code}";
     if ($this->_status_text) {
         $status .= " {$this->_status_text}";
     // send the status header
     header($status, true, $this->_status_code);
     // send each of the remaining headers
     foreach ($this->getHeaders() as $key => $list) {
         // sanitize and skip empty keys
         $key = Solar_Mime::headerLabel($key);
         if (!$key) {
         // send each value for the header
         foreach ((array) $list as $val) {
             // we don't need full MIME escaping here, just sanitize the
             //  value by stripping CR and LF chars
             $val = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $val);
             header("{$key}: {$val}");
     // send each of the cookies
     foreach ($this->_cookies as $key => $val) {
         // was httponly set for this cookie?  if not,
         // use the default.
         $httponly = $val['httponly'] === null ? $this->_cookies_httponly : (bool) $val['httponly'];
         // try to allow for times not in unix-timestamp format
         if (!is_numeric($val['expires'])) {
             $val['expires'] = strtotime($val['expires']);
         // actually set the cookie
         setcookie($key, $val['value'], (int) $val['expires'], $val['path'], $val['domain'], (bool) $val['secure'], (bool) $httponly);
Пример #2
  * Returns all the headers as a string.
  * @return string
 public function fetchHeaders()
     // start with all the "custom" headers.
     // we will apply header-value encoding at the end.
     $headers = $this->_headers;
     // Content-Type:
     $content_type = $this->_type;
     if ($this->_charset) {
         $content_type .= '; charset="' . $this->_charset . '"';
     if ($this->_boundary) {
         $content_type .= ';' . $this->_crlf . ' boundary="' . $this->_boundary . '"';
     $headers['Content-Type'] = $content_type;
     // Content-Disposition:
     if ($this->_disposition) {
         $disposition = $this->_disposition;
         if ($this->_filename) {
             $disposition .= '; filename="' . $this->_filename . '"';
         $headers['Content-Disposition'] = $disposition;
     // Content-Transfer-Encoding:
     if ($this->_encoding) {
         $headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = $this->_encoding;
     // now loop through all the headers and build the header block,
     // using header-value encoding as we go.
     $output = '';
     foreach ($headers as $label => $value) {
         $label = Solar_Mime::headerLabel($label);
         $value = Solar_Mime::headerValue($label, $value, $this->_charset, $this->_crlf);
         $output .= "{$label}: {$value}{$this->_crlf}";
     return $output;
Пример #3
  * Fetches all the headers of this message as a sequential array.
  * Each element is itself sequential array, where element 0 is the
  * header label, and element 1 is the encoded header value.
  * @return array
 public function fetchHeaders()
     // the array of headers to return
     $headers = array();
     // Return-Path: (alternatively, the From: address)
     if ($this->_return_path) {
         $headers[] = array('Return-Path', "<{$this->_return_path}>");
     } else {
         $headers[] = array('Return-Path', "<{$this->_from[0]}>");
     // Date:
     $headers[] = array('Date', date('r'));
     // From:
     $value = "<{$this->_from[0]}>";
     if ($this->_from[1]) {
         $value = '"' . $this->_from[1] . '" ' . $value;
     $headers[] = array("From", $value);
     // Reply-To: (optional)
     if ($this->_reply_to[0]) {
         $value = "<{$this->_reply_to[0]}>";
         if ($this->_reply_to[1]) {
             $value = '"' . $this->_reply_to[1] . '" ' . $value;
         $headers[] = array("Reply-To", $value);
     // To:, Cc:, Bcc:
     foreach ($this->_rcpt as $label => $rcpt) {
         foreach ($rcpt as $addr => $name) {
             $value = "<{$addr}>";
             if ($name) {
                 $value = '"' . $name . '" ' . $value;
             $headers[] = array($label, $value);
     // Subject:
     $headers[] = array('Subject', $this->_subject);
     // Mime-Version:
     $headers[] = array('Mime-Version', '1.0');
     // Determine the content type and transfer encoding.
     // Default is no transfer encoding.
     $encoding = null;
     if ($this->_text && $this->_html && !$this->_atch) {
         // both text and html, but no attachments: multipart/alternative
         $value = 'multipart/alternative; ' . 'charset="' . $this->_charset . '"; ' . $this->_crlf . " " . 'boundary="' . $this->_boundary . '"';
     } elseif ($this->_atch) {
         // has attachments, use multipart/mixed
         $value = 'multipart/mixed; ' . 'charset="' . $this->_charset . '"; ' . $this->_crlf . " " . 'boundary="' . $this->_boundary . '"';
     } elseif ($this->_html) {
         // no attachments, html only
         $value = 'text/html; ' . 'charset="' . $this->_charset . '"';
         // use the part's encoding
         $encoding = $this->_html->getEncoding();
     } elseif ($this->_text) {
         // no attachments, text only
         $value = 'text/plain; ' . 'charset="' . $this->_charset . '"';
         // use the part's encoding
         $encoding = $this->_text->getEncoding();
     } else {
         // final fallback
         $value = 'text/plain; ' . 'charset="' . $this->_charset . '"';
     // Content-Type:
     $headers[] = array('Content-Type', $value);
     // Content-Transfer-Encoding:
     if ($encoding) {
         $headers[] = array('Content-Transfer-Encoding', $encoding);
     // encode all the headers so far
     foreach ($headers as $key => $val) {
         // val[0] is the label, val[1] is the value
         $val[0] = Solar_Mime::headerLabel($val[0]);
         $headers[$key][1] = Solar_Mime::headerValue($val[0], $val[1], $this->_charset, $this->_crlf);
     // add and encode custom headers
     foreach ($this->_headers as $label => $list) {
         $label = Solar_Mime::headerLabel($label);
         foreach ($list as $value) {
             $headers[] = array($label, Solar_Mime::headerValue($label, $value, $this->_charset, $this->_crlf));
     // done!
     return $headers;
Пример #4
  * Sets a header value in $this->_headers for sending at fetch() time.
  * This method will not set cookie values; use setCookie() or setCookies()
  * instead.
  * @param string $key The header label, such as "X-Foo-Bar".
  * @param string $val The value for the header.  When null or false,
  * deletes the header.
  * @param bool $replace This header value should replace any previous
  * values of the same key.  When false, the same header key is sent
  * multiple times with the different values.
  * @return Solar_Http_Request_Adapter This adapter object.
  * @see [[php::header() | ]]
 public function setHeader($key, $val, $replace = true)
     // normalize the header key and keep a lower-case version
     $key = Solar_Mime::headerLabel($key);
     $low = strtolower($key);
     // use special methods when available
     $special = array('content-type' => 'setContentType', 'http' => 'setVersion', 'referer' => 'setReferer', 'user-agent' => 'setUserAgent');
     if (!empty($special[$low])) {
         $method = $special[$low];
         return $this->{$method}($val);
     // don't allow setting of cookies
     if ($low == 'cookie') {
         throw $this->_exception('ERR_USE_OTHER_METHOD', array('cookie' => 'setCookie() or setCookies()'));
     // how to add the header?
     if ($val === null or $val === false) {
         // delete the key
     } elseif ($replace || empty($this->_headers[$key])) {
         // replacement, or first instance of the key
         $this->_headers[$key] = $val;
     } else {
         // second or later instance of the key
         settype($this->_headers[$key], 'array');
         $this->_headers[$key][] = $val;
     // done
     return $this;