/** * * Creates a symlink in "docroot/public" for a given class. * * @param string $class The class name. * * @return void * */ protected function _link($class) { // array of class-name parts $arr = explode('_', $class); // the last part of the class name where to put the symlink $tgt = array_pop($arr); // make the rest of the array into a subdirectory path $sub = implode('/', $arr); // where is the source (original) directory located, relatively? $k = count($arr); $src = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $k; $i++) { $src .= "../"; } $src .= "../../include/{$sub}/{$tgt}/Public"; // need the system root $system = Solar::$system; // make sure we have a place to make the symlink $dir = "docroot/public/{$sub}"; if (!Solar_Dir::exists("{$system}/{$dir}")) { $this->_out(" Making public directory {$dir} ... "); Solar_Dir::mkdir("{$system}/{$dir}", 0755, true); $this->_outln("done."); } // make the symlink $this->_out(" Making public symlink for {$class} ... "); try { Solar_Symlink::make($src, $tgt, $dir); $this->_outln('done.'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_out($e->getMessage()); $this->_outln(' ... failed.'); } }
/** * * Makes a symbolic link to a file or directory. * * @param string $src The source path of the real file or directory. * * @param string $tgt The target path for where to put the symlink. * * @param string $dir Change to this directory before creating the * symlink, typically the target directory; this helps when making * relative symlinks. * * @return string The last line from the [[php::exec() | ]] call to * create the symlink. * */ public static function make($src, $tgt, $dir = null) { // are we on a windows system prior to NT6? $is_win = strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win'; if ($is_win && php_uname('r') < 6) { throw Solar_Symlink::_exception('ERR_WINDOWS_VERSION'); } // massage the change-dir a bit $dir = trim($dir); if ($dir) { $dir = Solar_Dir::fix($dir); } // is the source a directory or a file? $path = $dir . $src; $is_dir = Solar_Dir::exists($path); $is_file = Solar_File::exists($path); if (!$is_dir && !$is_file) { // no source found throw Solar_Symlink::_exception('ERR_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND', array('src' => $src, 'tgt' => $tgt, 'dir' => $dir, 'path' => $path)); } // find any existing path to the target if ($is_dir) { $path = Solar_Dir::exists($dir . $tgt); } else { $path = Solar_File::exists($dir . $tgt); } // does the target exist already? if ($path) { throw Solar_Symlink::_exception('ERR_TARGET_EXISTS', array('src' => $src, 'tgt' => $tgt, 'dir' => $dir, 'path' => $path)); } // escape arguments for the command $src = escapeshellarg($src); $tgt = escapeshellarg($tgt); $dir = escapeshellarg($dir); if ($is_win && $is_dir) { // windows directory return Solar_Symlink::_makeWinDir($src, $tgt, $dir); } elseif ($is_win && $is_file) { // windows file return Solar_Symlink::_makeWinFile($src, $tgt, $dir); } else { // non-windows return Solar_Symlink::_make($src, $tgt, $dir); } }
/** * * Write out a series of dirs and symlinks for a new Vendor source. * * @param string $vendor The Vendor name. * * @return void * */ protected function _exec($vendor = null) { // we need a vendor name, at least if (!$vendor) { throw $this->_exception('ERR_NO_VENDOR'); } $this->_outln("Removing links for vendor '{$vendor}' ..."); // build "foo-bar" and "FooBar" versions of the vendor name. $this->_inflect = Solar_Registry::get('inflect'); $this->_dashes = $this->_inflect->camelToDashes($vendor); $this->_studly = $this->_inflect->dashesToStudly($this->_dashes); // the base system dir $system = Solar::$system; // the links to remove (reverse order from make-vendor) $links = array("script/{$this->_dashes}", "include/Fixture/{$this->_studly}", "include/Mock/{$this->_studly}", "include/Test/{$this->_studly}", "include/{$this->_studly}"); // remove the links foreach ($links as $link) { $this->_out(" Removing '{$link}' ... "); $path = "{$system}/{$link}"; // fix for windows $path = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); if (Solar_File::exists($path) || Solar_Dir::exists($path)) { Solar_Symlink::remove($path); $this->_outln("done."); } else { $this->_outln("missing."); } } // done! $this->_outln("... done."); // reminders $this->_outln("Remember to remove '{$this->_studly}_App' from the " . "['Solar_Controller_Front']['classes'] element " . "in your config file."); $this->_outln("Remember to remove '{$this->_studly}_Model' from the " . "['Solar_Sql_Model_Catalog']['classes'] element " . "in your config file."); // need to write a recursive-remove method for Solar_Dir that will // delete only the symlinked files (not the real files) $this->_outln("You will need to remove the " . "'docroot/public/{$this->_studly}' directory yourself, as it " . "may contain copies of public assets (not links)."); }
/** * * Populates the list of recognized commands. * * @return void * */ protected function _setCommandList() { $list = array(); // loop through class stack and add commands $stack = $this->_stack->get(); foreach ($stack as $class) { $dir = Solar_Dir::exists(str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class)); if (!$dir) { continue; } // loop through each file in the directory $files = scandir($dir); foreach ($files as $file) { // file must end in .php and start with an upper-case letter $char = $file[0]; $keep = substr($file, -4) == '.php' && ctype_alpha($char) && strtoupper($char) == $char; if (!$keep) { // doesn't look like a command class continue; } // the list-value is the base class name, plus the file name, // minus the .php extension, to give us a class name $val = $class . substr($file, 0, -4); // the list-key is the command name; convert the file name to a // command name. FooBar.php becomes "foo-bar". $key = substr($file, 0, -4); $key = preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1-$2', $key); $key = strtolower($key); // keep the command name and class name $list[$key] = $val; } } // override with explicit routings $this->_command_list = array_merge($list, $this->_routing); // sort, and done ksort($this->_command_list); }
/** * _setLayoutTemplates * Override Solar_Controller_Page _setLayoutTemplates * to add theme layout path to layout stack * */ protected function _setLayoutTemplates() { // get the parents of the current class, including self $stack = array_reverse(Solar_Class::parents($this, true)); // remove Solar_Base array_pop($stack); // convert underscores to slashes, and add /Layout foreach ($stack as $key => $val) { $stack[$key] = str_replace('_', '/', $val) . '/Layout'; } // add theme layout path if ($this->_controller == 'admin') { $theme_name = $this->blog_admin_theme; $theme_layout_path = Solar::$system . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $theme_name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts'; $default_layout_path = Solar::$system . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'default' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts'; } else { $theme_name = $this->blog_theme; $theme_layout_path = Solar::$system . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'main' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $theme_name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts'; $default_layout_path = Solar::$system . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'main' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'default' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts'; } if (Solar_Dir::exists($default_layout_path)) { array_unshift($stack, $default_layout_path); } if (Solar_Dir::exists($theme_layout_path) && $theme_layout_path != $default_layout_path) { array_unshift($stack, $theme_layout_path); } // done, add the stack $this->_view_object->setTemplatePath($stack); }
/** * * Finds the base directory from the include-path to the requested class. * * @param string $class The requested class file. * * @return string The base directory. * */ protected function _findBaseByClass($class) { $file = str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class) . '.php'; $base = Solar_File::exists($file); if ($base) { $neglen = -1 * strlen($file); $base = substr($base, 0, $neglen); return $base; } // no base yet, look for a dir (drop the .php, add a separator) $dir = substr($file, 0, -4); $base = Solar_Dir::exists($dir); if ($base) { $neglen = -1 * strlen($dir); $base = substr($base, 0, $neglen); return $base; } // still no base, we have a problem throw $this->_exception('ERR_NO_BASE_DIR', array('class' => $class)); }
/** * * Returns the directory for a specific class, plus an optional * subdirectory path. * * @param string|object $spec The class or object to find parents * for. * * @param string $sub Append this subdirectory. * * @return string The class directory, with optional subdirectory. * */ public static function dir($spec, $sub = null) { if (is_object($spec)) { $class = get_class($spec); } else { $class = $spec; } // convert the class to a base directory to stem from $base = str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class); // does the directory exist? $dir = Solar_Dir::exists($base); if (!$dir) { throw Solar::exception('Solar_Class', 'ERR_NO_DIR_FOR_CLASS', 'Directory does not exist', array('class' => $class, 'base' => $base)); } else { return Solar_Dir::fix($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sub); } }
/** * * Removes a file or directory symbolic link. * * Actually, this will remove the file or directory even if it's not * a symbolic link, so be careful with it. * * @param string $path The symbolic link to remove. * * @return void * */ public static function remove($path) { // are we on a windows system prior to NT6? $is_win = strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win'; if ($is_win && php_uname('r') < 6) { throw Solar_Symlink::_exception('ERR_WINDOWS_VERSION'); } // does the path exist for removal? $is_dir = Solar_Dir::exists($path); $is_file = Solar_File::exists($path); if (!$is_dir && !$is_file) { throw Solar_Symlink::_exception('ERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND', array('path' => $path)); } // how to remove? if ($is_win) { // have to double up on removals because windows reports all // symlinks as files, even if they point to dirs. @unlink($path); Solar_Dir::rmdir($path); } else { // unix file or dir @unlink($path); } }