/** * notify * Soap implementation to notify the soap clients of a resource management error * @param msg String message to possibly display */ public function notify($msg = '') { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error'); header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset="ISO-8859-1"'); $error = new SoapError(); $error->set_error('resource_management_error'); //Override the description $error->description = $msg; $this->soapServer->methodreturn = array('result' => $msg, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); $this->soapServer->serialize_return(); $this->soapServer->send_response(); sugar_cleanup(true); }
function retrieve_relationship_query($module_name, $related_module, $relationship_query, $show_deleted, $offset, $max_results) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $dictionary, $current_user; $error = new SoapError(); $result_list = array(); if (empty($beanList[$module_name]) || empty($beanList[$related_module])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('query' => "", 'module_1' => "", 'join_table' => "", 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $row = retrieve_relationships_properties($module_name, $related_module); if (empty($row)) { $error->set_error('no_relationship_support'); return array('query' => "", 'module_1' => "", 'join_table' => "", 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $module_1 = $row['lhs_module']; $mod_key = $row['join_key_lhs']; $module_2 = $row['rhs_module']; $mod2_key = $row['join_key_rhs']; $table = $row['join_table']; if (empty($table)) { return array('query' => "", 'module_1' => "", 'join_table' => "", 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $class_name = $beanList[$module_1]; require_once $beanFiles[$class_name]; $mod = new $class_name(); $mod2_name = $beanList[$module_2]; require_once $beanFiles[$mod2_name]; $mod2 = new $mod2_name(); $query = "SELECT rt.* FROM {$table} rt "; $query .= " inner join {$mod->table_name} m1 on rt.{$mod_key} = m1.id "; $query .= " inner join {$mod2->table_name} m2 on rt.{$mod2_key} = m2.id "; if (!empty($relationship_query)) { $query .= ' WHERE ' . $relationship_query; } return array('query' => $query, 'module_1' => $module_1, 'join_table' => $table, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
function portal_get_entry_list_limited($session, $module_name, $where, $order_by, $select_fields, $row_offset, $limit) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $portal_modules; $error = new SoapError(); if (!portal_validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_session'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'lead') { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if ($module_name == 'Cases') { //if the related cases have not yet been loaded into the session object, //then call the methods that will load the cases related to the contact/accounts for this user if (!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { //retrieve the contact/account id's for this user $c = get_contacts_in(); $a = get_accounts_in(); if (!empty($c)) { get_cases_in_contacts($c); } if (!empty($a)) { get_cases_in_accounts($a); } } $sugar = new aCase(); $list = array(); //if no Cases have been loaded into the session as viewable, then do not issue query, just return empty list //issuing a query with no cases loaded in session will return ALL the Cases, which is not a good thing if (!empty($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new aCase(), $where, $order_by, $row_offset, $limit); } } else { if ($module_name == 'Contacts') { $sugar = new Contact(); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Contact(), $where, $order_by); } else { if ($module_name == 'Accounts') { $sugar = new Account(); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Account(), $where, $order_by); } else { if ($module_name == 'Bugs') { //if the related bugs have not yet been loaded into the session object, //then call the methods that will load the bugs related to the contact/accounts for this user if (!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { //retrieve the contact/account id's for this user $c = get_contacts_in(); $a = get_accounts_in(); if (!empty($c)) { get_bugs_in_contacts($c); } if (!empty($a)) { get_bugs_in_accounts($a); } } $list = array(); //if no Bugs have been loaded into the session as viewable, then do not issue query, just return empty list //issuing a query with no bugs loaded in session will return ALL the Bugs, which is not a good thing if (!empty($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Bug(), $where, $order_by, $row_offset, $limit); } } else { if ($module_name == 'KBDocuments') { } else { if ($module_name == 'FAQ') { } else { $error->set_error('no_module_support'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } } } } } } $output_list = array(); $field_list = array(); foreach ($list as $value) { //$loga->fatal("Adding another account to the list"); $output_list[] = get_return_value($value, $module_name); $_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name][$value->id] = $value->id; if (empty($field_list)) { $field_list = get_field_list($value); } } $output_list = filter_return_list($output_list, $select_fields, $module_name); $field_list = filter_field_list($field_list, $select_fields, $module_name); return array('result_count' => sizeof($output_list), 'next_offset' => 0, 'field_list' => $field_list, 'entry_list' => $output_list, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
function handle_set_entries($module_name, $name_value_lists, $select_fields = FALSE) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $app_list_strings, $current_user; $error = new SoapError(); $ret_values = array(); if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('ids' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (!check_modules_access($current_user, $module_name, 'write')) { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('ids' => -1, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; require_once $beanFiles[$class_name]; $ids = array(); $count = 1; $total = sizeof($name_value_lists); foreach ($name_value_lists as $name_value_list) { $seed = new $class_name(); $seed->update_vcal = false; //See if we can retrieve the seed by a given id value foreach ($name_value_list as $value) { if ($value['name'] == 'id') { $seed->retrieve($value['value']); break; } } $dataValues = array(); foreach ($name_value_list as $value) { $val = $value['value']; if ($seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]['type'] == 'enum' || $seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]['type'] == 'radioenum') { $vardef = $seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]; if (isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]) && !isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']][$val])) { if (in_array($val, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']])) { $val = array_search($val, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]); } } } else { if ($seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]['type'] == 'multienum') { $vardef = $seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]; if (isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]) && !isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']][$value])) { $items = explode(",", $val); $parsedItems = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { if (in_array($item, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']])) { $keyVal = array_search($item, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]); array_push($parsedItems, $keyVal); } } if (!empty($parsedItems)) { $val = encodeMultienumValue($parsedItems); } } } } //Apply the non-empty values now since this will be used for duplicate checks //allow string or int of 0 to be updated if set. if (!empty($val) || ($val === '0' || $val === 0)) { $seed->{$value}['name'] = $val; } //Store all the values in dataValues Array to apply later $dataValues[$value['name']] = $val; } if ($count == $total) { $seed->update_vcal = false; } $count++; //Add the account to a contact if ($module_name == 'Contacts') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Creating Contact Account'); add_create_account($seed); $duplicate_id = check_for_duplicate_contacts($seed); if ($duplicate_id == null) { if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { //Now apply the values, since this is not a duplicate we can just pass false for the $firstSync argument apply_values($seed, $dataValues, false); $seed->save(); if ($seed->deleted == 1) { $seed->mark_deleted($seed->id); } $ids[] = $seed->id; } } else { //since we found a duplicate we should set the sync flag if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save')) { //Determine if this is a first time sync. We find out based on whether or not a contacts_users relationship exists $seed->id = $duplicate_id; $seed->load_relationship("user_sync"); $beans = $seed->user_sync->getBeans(); $first_sync = empty($beans); //Now apply the values and indicate whether or not this is a first time sync apply_values($seed, $dataValues, $first_sync); $seed->contacts_users_id = $current_user->id; $seed->save(); $ids[] = $duplicate_id; //we have a conflict } } } else { if ($module_name == 'Meetings' || $module_name == 'Calls') { //we are going to check if we have a meeting in the system //with the same outlook_id. If we do find one then we will grab that //id and save it if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { if (empty($seed->id) && !isset($seed->id)) { if (!empty($seed->outlook_id) && isset($seed->outlook_id)) { //at this point we have an object that does not have //the id set, but does have the outlook_id set //so we need to query the db to find if we already //have an object with this outlook_id, if we do //then we can set the id, otherwise this is a new object $order_by = ""; $query = $seed->table_name . ".outlook_id = '" . $seed->outlook_id . "'"; $response = $seed->get_list($order_by, $query, 0, -1, -1, 0); $list = $response['list']; if (count($list) > 0) { foreach ($list as $value) { $seed->id = $value->id; break; } } //fi } //fi } //fi if (empty($seed->reminder_time)) { $seed->reminder_time = -1; } if ($seed->reminder_time == -1) { $defaultRemindrTime = $current_user->getPreference('reminder_time'); if ($defaultRemindrTime != -1) { $seed->reminder_checked = '1'; $seed->reminder_time = $defaultRemindrTime; } } $seed->save(); if ($seed->deleted == 1) { $seed->mark_deleted($seed->id); } $ids[] = $seed->id; } //fi } else { if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { $seed->save(); $ids[] = $seed->id; } } } // if somebody is calling set_entries_detail() and wants fields returned... if ($select_fields !== FALSE) { $ret_values[$count] = array(); foreach ($select_fields as $select_field) { if (isset($seed->{$select_field})) { $ret_values[$count][] = get_name_value($select_field, $seed->{$select_field}); } } } } // handle returns for set_entries_detail() and set_entries() if ($select_fields !== FALSE) { return array('name_value_lists' => $ret_values, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } else { return array('ids' => $ids, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } }
function portal_set_newsletters($session, $subscribe_ids, $unsubscribe_ids) { global $beanList, $beanFiles; $error = new SoapError(); if (!portal_validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_session'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } require_once 'modules/Campaigns/utils.php'; $contact = new Contact(); $contact->retrieve($_SESSION['user_id']); if (!empty($contact->id)) { foreach ($subscribe_ids as $campaign_id) { subscribe($campaign_id, null, $contact, true); } foreach ($unsubscribe_ids as $campaign_id) { unsubscribe($campaign_id, $contact); } } return $error->get_soap_array(); }
function portal_get_module_fields($session, $module_name) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $portal_modules, $valid_modules_for_contact; $error = new SoapError(); $module_fields = array(); if (!portal_validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_session'); $error->description .= $session; return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => $module_fields, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'lead' && $module_name != 'Leads') { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => $module_fields, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => $module_fields, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (($_SESSION['type'] == 'portal' || $_SESSION['type'] == 'contact') && !key_exists($module_name, $valid_modules_for_contact)) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => $module_fields, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; require_once $beanFiles[$class_name]; $seed = new $class_name(); $seed->fill_in_additional_detail_fields(); return get_return_module_fields($seed, $module_name, $error->get_soap_array()); }
function portal_get_entry_list_limited($session, $module_name, $where, $order_by, $select_fields, $row_offset, $limit) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $portal_modules; $error = new SoapError(); if (!portal_validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_session'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'lead') { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if ($module_name == 'Cases') { if (!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { get_cases_in_contacts(get_contacts_in()); get_cases_in_accounts(get_accounts_in()); } $sugar = new aCase(); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new aCase(), $where, $order_by, $row_offset, $limit); } else { if ($module_name == 'Contacts') { $sugar = new Contact(); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Contact(), $where, $order_by); } else { if ($module_name == 'Accounts') { $sugar = new Account(); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Account(), $where, $order_by); } else { if ($module_name == 'Bugs') { if (!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { get_bugs_in_contacts(get_contacts_in()); get_bugs_in_accounts(get_accounts_in()); } $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), new Bug(), $where, $order_by, $row_offset, $limit); } else { if ($module_name == 'KBDocuments') { } else { if ($module_name == 'FAQ') { } else { $error->set_error('no_module_support'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } } } } } } $output_list = array(); $field_list = array(); foreach ($list as $value) { //$loga->fatal("Adding another account to the list"); $output_list[] = get_return_value($value, $module_name); $_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name][$value->id] = $value->id; if (empty($field_list)) { $field_list = get_field_list($value); } } $output_list = filter_return_list($output_list, $select_fields, $module_name); $field_list = filter_field_list($field_list, $select_fields, $module_name); return array('result_count' => sizeof($output_list), 'next_offset' => 0, 'field_list' => $field_list, 'entry_list' => $output_list, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
function set_custom_field($session, $module_name, $type, $properties, $add_to_layout) { global $current_user; global $beanList, $beanFiles; global $custom_field_meta; $error = new SoapError(); $request_arr = array('action' => 'SaveField', 'is_update' => 'true', 'module' => 'ModuleBuilder', 'view_module' => $module_name, 'view_package' => 'studio'); // ERROR CHECKING if (!validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_login'); return $error->get_soap_array(); } if (!is_admin($current_user)) { $error->set_error('no_admin'); return $error->get_soap_array(); } if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return $error->get_soap_array(); } if (empty($custom_field_meta[$type])) { $error->set_error('custom_field_type_not_supported'); return $error->get_soap_array(); } $new_properties = array(); foreach ($properties as $value) { $new_properties[$value['name']] = $value['value']; } foreach ($custom_field_meta[$type] as $property) { if (!isset($new_properties[$property])) { $error->set_error('custom_field_property_not_supplied'); return $error->get_soap_array(); } $request_arr[$property] = $new_properties[$property]; } // $request_arr should now contain all the necessary information to create a custom field // merge $request_arr with $_POST/$_REQUEST, where the action_saveField() method expects them $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $request_arr); $_POST = array_merge($_POST, $request_arr); require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/controller.php'; require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/ParserFactory.php'; $mbc = new ModuleBuilderController(); $mbc->setup(); $mbc->action_SaveField(); // add the field to the given module's EditView and DetailView layouts if ($add_to_layout == 1) { $layout_properties = array('name' => $new_properties['name'], 'label' => $new_properties['label']); if (isset($new_properties['customCode'])) { $layout_properties['customCode'] = $new_properties['customCode']; } if (isset($new_properties['customLabel'])) { $layout_properties['customLabel'] = $new_properties['customLabel']; } // add the field to the DetailView $parser = ParserFactory::getParser('layoutview', FALSE); $parser->init($module_name, 'DetailView', FALSE); $parser->_addField($layout_properties); $parser->writeWorkingFile(); $parser->handleSave(); unset($parser); // add the field to the EditView $parser = ParserFactory::getParser('layoutview', FALSE); $parser->init($module_name, 'EditView', FALSE); $parser->_addField($layout_properties); $parser->writeWorkingFile(); $parser->handleSave(); } return $error->get_soap_array(); }
function retrieve_relationship_query($module_name, $related_module, $relationship_query, $show_deleted, $offset, $max_results) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $dictionary, $current_user; $error = new SoapError(); $result_list = array(); if (empty($beanList[$module_name]) || empty($beanList[$related_module])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('query' => "", 'module_1' => "", 'join_table' => "", 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $row = retrieve_relationships_properties($module_name, $related_module); if (empty($row)) { $error->set_error('no_relationship_support'); return array('query' => "", 'module_1' => "", 'join_table' => "", 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $module_1 = $row['lhs_module']; $mod_key = $row['join_key_lhs']; $module_2 = $row['rhs_module']; $mod2_key = $row['join_key_rhs']; $table = $row['join_table']; if (empty($table)) { return array('query' => "", 'module_1' => "", 'join_table' => "", 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $mod = BeanFactory::getBean($module_1); $mod2 = BeanFactory::getBean($module_2); $query = "SELECT rt.* FROM {$table} rt "; $query .= " inner join {$mod->table_name} m1 on rt.{$mod_key} = m1.id "; $query .= " inner join {$mod2->table_name} m2 on rt.{$mod2_key} = m2.id "; //rrs bug: 29890 - if record on Offline Client is assigned to a team the user does not have access to //then it will not sync to server, but the relationship will. We will assume the user would like to ignore team //level security; however, I have added it as an variable "DISABLE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY" to this file (see above) so that it can be changed //by the server and synced down. if (defined('DISABLE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY')) { $mod->disable_row_level_security = DISABLE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY; $mod2->disable_row_level_security = DISABLE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY; } if (!$mod->disable_row_level_security) { if (!empty($mod->field_defs['team_id'])) { $query .= " INNER JOIN (select tst.team_set_id from team_sets_teams tst "; $query .= " INNER JOIN team_memberships tm1 ON tst.team_id = tm1.team_id\n\t\t\t\t\t AND tm1.user_id = '{$current_user->id}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t AND tm1.deleted=0 group by tst.team_set_id) m1_tf on m1_tf.team_set_id = m1.team_set_id "; } } if (!$mod2->disable_row_level_security) { if (!empty($mod2->field_defs['team_id'])) { $query .= " INNER JOIN (select tst.team_set_id from team_sets_teams tst "; $query .= " INNER JOIN team_memberships tm2 ON tst.team_id = tm2.team_id\n\t\t\t\t\t AND tm2.user_id = '{$current_user->id}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t AND tm2.deleted=0 group by tst.team_set_id) m2_tf on m2_tf.team_set_id = m2.team_set_id "; } } if (!empty($relationship_query)) { $query .= ' WHERE ' . $relationship_query; } return array('query' => $query, 'module_1' => $module_1, 'join_table' => $table, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
/** * This method is used as a result of the .htaccess lock down on the cache directory. It will allow a * properly authenticated user to download a document that they have proper rights to download. * * @param String $session -- Session ID returned by a previous call to login. * @param String $id -- ID of the document revision to obtain * @return return_document_revision - this is a complex type as defined in SoapTypes.php */ function get_document_revision($session, $id) { global $sugar_config; $error = new SoapError(); if (!validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_login'); return array('id' => -1, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } require_once 'modules/DocumentRevisions/DocumentRevision.php'; $dr = new DocumentRevision(); $dr->retrieve($id); if (!empty($dr->filename)) { $filename = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . "/" . $dr->id; $handle = fopen($filename, "r"); $contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); fclose($handle); $contents = base64_encode($contents); return array('document_revision' => array('id' => $dr->id, 'document_name' => $dr->document_name, 'revision' => $dr->revision, 'filename' => $dr->filename, 'file' => $contents), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } else { $error->set_error('no_records'); return array('id' => -1, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } }
function portal_get_entry_list_limited($session, $module_name, $where, $order_by, $select_fields, $row_offset, $limit) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $portal_modules; $error = new SoapError(); if (!portal_validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_session'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'lead') { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if ($module_name == 'Cases') { //if the related cases have not yet been loaded into the session object, //then call the methods that will load the cases related to the contact/accounts for this user if (!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { //retrieve the contact/account id's for this user $c = get_contacts_in(); $a = get_accounts_in(); if (!empty($c)) { get_cases_in_contacts($c); } if (!empty($a)) { get_cases_in_accounts($a); } } $sugar = BeanFactory::getBean('Cases'); $list = array(); //if no Cases have been loaded into the session as viewable, then do not issue query, just return empty list //issuing a query with no cases loaded in session will return ALL the Cases, which is not a good thing if (!empty($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), BeanFactory::getBean('Cases'), $where, $order_by, $row_offset, $limit); } } else { if ($module_name == 'Contacts') { $sugar = BeanFactory::getBean('Contacts'); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), BeanFactory::getBean('Contacts'), $where, $order_by); } else { if ($module_name == 'Accounts') { $sugar = BeanFactory::getBean('Accounts'); $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), BeanFactory::getBean('Accounts'), $where, $order_by); } else { if ($module_name == 'Bugs') { //if the related bugs have not yet been loaded into the session object, //then call the methods that will load the bugs related to the contact/accounts for this user if (!isset($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { //retrieve the contact/account id's for this user $c = get_contacts_in(); $a = get_accounts_in(); if (!empty($c)) { get_bugs_in_contacts($c); } if (!empty($a)) { get_bugs_in_accounts($a); } } $list = array(); //if no Bugs have been loaded into the session as viewable, then do not issue query, just return empty list //issuing a query with no bugs loaded in session will return ALL the Bugs, which is not a good thing if (!empty($_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name])) { $list = get_related_list(get_module_in($module_name), BeanFactory::getBean('Bugs'), $where, $order_by, $row_offset, $limit); } } else { if ($module_name == 'KBDocuments') { $sugar = BeanFactory::getBean('KBDocuments'); $sugar->disable_row_level_security = true; $keywords = array(); //Check if there was a LIKE or = clause built. If so, the key/value pairs $where = str_replace("\\'", "<##@comma@##>", $where); if (preg_match_all("/kbdocuments[\\.]([^\\s]*?)[\\s]+(LIKE|=)[\\s]+[\\'](.*?)[%][\\']/si", $where, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $value = str_replace("<##@comma@##>", "\\'", $match[3]); $keywords[$match[1]] = $value; } } $where = ""; $result = create_portal_list_query($sugar, $order_by, $where, $keywords, $row_offset, $limit); $list = array(); while ($row = $sugar->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $id = $row['id']; //$list[] = $id; $record = BeanFactory::getBean('KBDocuments', $id, array("disable_row_level_security" => true)); $record->fill_in_additional_list_fields(); $list[] = $record; } } else { if ($module_name == 'FAQ') { $sugar = BeanFactory::getBean('KBDocuments'); preg_match("/kbdocuments.tags[\\s]=[\\s]+[(][\\'](.*?)[\\'][)]/si", $where, $matches); //Use KBDocuments/SearchUtils.php //ToDo: Set Global ID for FAQ somewhere, can't assume it's faq1 $list = get_faq_list($matches[1], $sugar); } else { $error->set_error('no_module_support'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } } } } } } $output_list = array(); $field_list = array(); foreach ($list as $value) { $output_list[] = get_return_value($value, $module_name); $_SESSION['viewable'][$module_name][$value->id] = $value->id; if (empty($field_list)) { $field_list = get_field_list($value); } } $output_list = filter_return_list($output_list, $select_fields, $module_name); $field_list = filter_field_list($field_list, $select_fields, $module_name); return array('result_count' => sizeof($output_list), 'next_offset' => 0, 'field_list' => $field_list, 'entry_list' => $output_list, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
function get_quick_sync_data($session, $module_name, $related_module_name, $start, $count, $db_type, $deleted) { $error = new SoapError(); $field_list = array(); $output_list = array(); if (!validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_login'); return array('result' => "", 'result_count' => 0, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } global $current_user; if (!check_modules_access($current_user, $module_name, 'read')) { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('result' => "", 'result_count' => 0, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $seed = BeanFactory::getBean($module_name); if (empty($seed)) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('result' => "", 'result_count' => 0, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $table_name = ""; $is_related_query = false; if (empty($related_module_name) || !isset($related_module_name)) { $params['include_custom_fields'] = true; $query_list = $seed->create_new_list_query('', '', array(), $params, (int) $deleted, '', true, $seed); $query = "SELECT " . $seed->table_name . ".*"; if (empty($query_list['from_min'])) { $query .= ' ' . $query_list['from']; } else { $query .= ' ' . $query_list['from_min']; } $query .= ' ' . $query_list['where']; $table_name = $seed->table_name; } else { $result = retrieve_relationship_query($module_name, $related_module_name, "", $deleted, $start, $count); $query = $result['query']; $table_name = $result['join_table']; $is_related_query = true; } //set the dbType on the client machine $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Quick Sync Data Query: " . $query); $result = $seed->db->generateInsertSQL($seed, $query, $start, $count, $table_name, $db_type, $is_related_query); $data['data'] = $result['data']; $data['cstm'] = $result['cstm_sql']; $ret_data = base64_encode(serialize($data)); return array('result' => $ret_data, 'result_count' => $result['result_count'], 'next_offset' => $result['next_offset'], 'total_count' => $result['total_count'], 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
/** * get_modified_relationships * * Get a list of the relationship records that have a date_modified value set within a specified date range. This is used to * help facilitate sync operations. The module_name should be "Users" and the related_module one of "Meetings", "Calls" and * "Contacts". * * @param xsd:string $session String of the session id * @param xsd:string $module_name String value of the primary module to retrieve relationship against * @param xsd:string $related_module String value of the related module to retrieve records off of * @param xsd:string $from_date String value in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format of date_start range (required) * @param xsd:string $to_date String value in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format of ending date_start range (required) * @param xsd:int $offset Integer value of the offset to begin returning records from * @param xsd:int $max_results Integer value of the max_results to return; -99 for unlimited * @param xsd:int $deleted Integer value indicating deleted column value search (defaults to 0). Set to 1 to find deleted records * @param xsd:string $module_user_id String value of the user id (optional, but defaults to SOAP session user id anyway) The module_user_id value * here ought to be the user id of the user initiating the SOAP session * @param tns:select_fields $select_fields Array value of fields to select and return as name/value pairs * @param xsd:string $relationship_name String value of the relationship name to search on * @param xsd:string $deletion_date String value in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format for filtering on deleted records whose date_modified falls within range * this allows deleted records to be returned as well * * @return Array records that match search criteria */ function get_modified_relationships($session, $module_name, $related_module, $from_date, $to_date, $offset, $max_results, $deleted = 0, $module_user_id = '', $select_fields = array(), $relationship_name = '', $deletion_date = '') { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $current_user; $error = new SoapError(); $output_list = array(); if (empty($from_date)) { $error->set_error('invalid_call_error, missing from_date'); return array('result_count' => 0, 'next_offset' => 0, 'field_list' => $select_fields, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (empty($to_date)) { $error->set_error('invalid_call_error, missing to_date'); return array('result_count' => 0, 'next_offset' => 0, 'field_list' => $select_fields, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } self::$helperObject = new SugarWebServiceUtilv4_1(); if (!self::$helperObject->checkSessionAndModuleAccess($session, 'invalid_session', $module_name, 'read', 'no_access', $error)) { Log::info('End: SugarWebServiceImpl->get_modified_relationships'); return; } // if if (empty($beanList[$module_name]) || empty($beanList[$related_module])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('result_count' => 0, 'next_offset' => 0, 'field_list' => $select_fields, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } global $current_user; if (!self::$helperObject->check_modules_access($current_user, $module_name, 'read') || !self::$helperObject->check_modules_access($current_user, $related_module, 'read')) { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('result_count' => 0, 'next_offset' => 0, 'field_list' => $select_fields, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if ($max_results > 0 || $max_results == '-99') { global $sugar_config; $sugar_config['list_max_entries_per_page'] = $max_results; } // Cast to integer $deleted = (int) $deleted; $query = "(m1.date_modified > " . db_convert("'" . $GLOBALS['db']->quote($from_date) . "'", 'datetime') . " AND m1.date_modified <= " . db_convert("'" . $GLOBALS['db']->quote($to_date) . "'", 'datetime') . " AND {0}.deleted = {$deleted})"; if (isset($deletion_date) && !empty($deletion_date)) { $query .= " OR ({0}.date_modified > " . db_convert("'" . $GLOBALS['db']->quote($deletion_date) . "'", 'datetime') . " AND {0}.date_modified <= " . db_convert("'" . $GLOBALS['db']->quote($to_date) . "'", 'datetime') . " AND {0}.deleted = 1)"; } if (!empty($current_user->id)) { $query .= " AND m2.id = '" . $GLOBALS['db']->quote($current_user->id) . "'"; } //if($related_module == 'Meetings' || $related_module == 'Calls' || $related_module = 'Contacts'){ $query = string_format($query, array('m1')); //} require_once 'soap/SoapRelationshipHelper.php'; $results = retrieve_modified_relationships($module_name, $related_module, $query, $deleted, $offset, $max_results, $select_fields, $relationship_name); $list = $results['result']; foreach ($list as $value) { $output_list[] = self::$helperObject->array_get_return_value($value, $results['table_name']); } $next_offset = $offset + count($output_list); return array('result_count' => count($output_list), 'next_offset' => $next_offset, 'entry_list' => $output_list, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
function portal_get_kbdocument_attachment($session, $id) { $error = new SoapError(); if (!portal_validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_session'); return array('result_count' => -1, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } require_once 'modules/KBDocuments/KBDocumentSoap.php'; $ns = new KBDocumentSoap($id); $file = $ns->retrieveFile($id); if ($file == -1) { $error->set_error('no_file'); $file = ''; } return array('note_attachment' => array('id' => $id, 'filename' => $ns->retrieveFileName($id), 'file' => $file), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
function get_encoded_portal_zip_file($session, $md5file, $last_sync, $is_md5_sync = 1) { // files might be big global $sugar_config; ini_set("memory_limit", "-1"); $md5 = ""; $data = ""; $error = new SoapError(); $the_error = ""; if (!validate_authenticated($session)) { $the_error = "Invalid session"; } require "install/data/disc_client.php"; $tempdir_parent = create_cache_directory("disc_client"); $temp_dir = tempnam($tempdir_parent, "sug"); sugar_mkdir($temp_dir, 0775); $temp_file = tempnam($temp_dir, "sug"); write_encoded_file($md5file, $temp_dir, $temp_file); $ignore = false; //generate md5 files on server require_once $temp_file; $server_files = array(); // used later for removing unneeded local files $zip_file = tempnam(tempdir_parent, $session); $root_files = array(); $custom_files = array(); $file_list = array(); if (!$is_md5_sync) { if (is_dir("portal")) { $root_files = findAllTouchedFiles("portal", array(), $last_sync); } if (is_dir("custom/portal")) { $custom_files = findAllTouchedFiles("custom/portal", array(), $last_sync); } $all_src_files = array_merge($root_files, $custom_files); foreach ($all_src_files as $src_file) { $ignore = false; foreach ($disc_client_ignore as $ignore_pattern) { if (preg_match("#" . $ignore_pattern . "#", $src_file)) { $ignore = true; } } if (!$ignore) { //we have to strip off portal or custom/portal before the src file to look it up $key = str_replace('custom/portal/', '', $src_file); $key = str_replace('portal/', '', $key); if ($client_file_list != null && isset($client_file_list[$key])) { //we have found a file out of sync $file_list[] = $src_file; //since we have processed this element of the client //list of files, remove it from the list unset($client_file_list[$key]); } else { //this file does not exist on the client side $file_list[] = $src_file; } } } } else { if (is_dir("portal")) { $root_files = findAllFiles("portal", array()); } if (is_dir("custom/portal")) { $custom_files = findAllFiles("custom/portal", array()); } $all_src_files = array_merge($root_files, $custom_files); foreach ($all_src_files as $src_file) { $ignore = false; foreach ($disc_client_ignore as $ignore_pattern) { if (preg_match("#" . $ignore_pattern . "#", $src_file)) { $ignore = true; } } if (!$ignore) { $value = md5_file($src_file); //we have to strip off portal or custom/portal before the src file to look it up $key = str_replace('custom/portal/', '', $src_file); $key = str_replace('portal/', '', $key); if ($client_file_list != null && isset($client_file_list[$key])) { if ($value != $client_file_list[$key]) { //we have found a file out of sync $file_list[] = $src_file; //since we have processed this element of the client //list of files, remove it from the list } unset($client_file_list[$key]); } else { //this file does not exist on the client side $file_list[] = $src_file; } } } } zip_files_list($zip_file, $file_list, '|.*portal/|'); $contents = sugar_file_get_contents($zip_file); // encode data $data = base64_encode($contents); unlink($zip_file); return array('result' => $data, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
function get_required_upgrades($soapclient, $session) { global $sugar_config, $sugar_version; require_once 'vendor/nusoap//nusoap.php'; $errors = array(); $upgrade_history = new UpgradeHistory(); $upgrade_history->disable_row_level_security = true; $installeds = $upgrade_history->getAllOrderBy('date_entered ASC'); $history = array(); require_once 'soap/SoapError.php'; $error = new SoapError(); foreach ($installeds as $installed) { $history[] = array('id' => $installed->id, 'filename' => $installed->filename, 'md5' => $installed->md5sum, 'type' => $installed->type, 'status' => $installed->status, 'version' => $installed->version, 'date_entered' => $installed->date_entered, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $result = $soapclient->call('get_required_upgrades', array('session' => $session, 'client_upgrade_history' => $history, 'client_version' => $sugar_version)); $tempdir_parent = create_cache_directory("disc_client"); $temp_dir = tempnam($tempdir_parent, "sug"); sugar_mkdir($temp_dir, 0775); $upgrade_installed = false; if (empty($soapclient->error_str) && $result['error']['number'] == 0) { foreach ($result['upgrade_history_list'] as $upgrade) { $file_result = $soapclient->call('get_encoded_file', array('session' => $session, 'filename' => $upgrade['filename'])); if (empty($soapclient->error_str) && $result['error']['number'] == 0) { if ($file_result['md5'] == $upgrade['md5']) { $newfile = write_encoded_file($file_result, $temp_dir); unzip($newfile, $temp_dir); global $unzip_dir; $unzip_dir = $temp_dir; if (file_exists("{$temp_dir}/manifest.php")) { require_once "{$temp_dir}/manifest.php"; global $manifest_arr; $manifest_arr = $manifest; if (!isset($manifest['offline_client_applicable']) || $manifest['offline_client_applicable'] == true || $manifest['offline_client_applicable'] == 'true') { if (file_exists("{$temp_dir}/scripts/pre_install.php")) { require_once "{$temp_dir}/scripts/pre_install.php"; pre_install(); } if (isset($manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']) && $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir'] != "") { $zip_from_dir = $manifest['copy_files']['from_dir']; } $source = "{$temp_dir}/{$zip_from_dir}"; $dest = getcwd(); copy_recursive($source, $dest); if (file_exists("{$temp_dir}/scripts/post_install.php")) { require_once "{$temp_dir}/scripts/post_install.php"; post_install(); } //save newly installed upgrade $new_upgrade = new UpgradeHistory(); $new_upgrade->filename = $upgrade['filename']; $new_upgrade->md5sum = $upgrade['md5']; $new_upgrade->type = $upgrade['type']; $new_upgrade->version = $upgrade['version']; $new_upgrade->status = "installed"; $new_upgrade->save(); $upgrade_installed = true; } } } } } } return $upgrade_installed; }
function handle_set_entries($module_name, $name_value_lists, $select_fields = FALSE) { global $beanList, $beanFiles; $error = new SoapError(); $ret_values = array(); if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('ids' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } global $current_user; if (!check_modules_access($current_user, $module_name, 'write')) { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('ids' => -1, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; require_once $beanFiles[$class_name]; $ids = array(); $count = 1; $total = sizeof($name_value_lists); foreach ($name_value_lists as $name_value_list) { $seed = new $class_name(); $seed->update_vcal = false; foreach ($name_value_list as $value) { if ($value['name'] == 'id') { $seed->retrieve($value['value']); break; } } foreach ($name_value_list as $value) { $val = $value['value']; if ($seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]['type'] == 'enum') { $vardef = $seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]; if (isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]) && !isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']][$value])) { if (in_array($val, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']])) { $val = array_search($val, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]); } } } $seed->{$value}['name'] = $val; } if ($count == $total) { $seed->update_vcal = false; } $count++; //Add the account to a contact if ($module_name == 'Contacts') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Creating Contact Account'); add_create_account($seed); $duplicate_id = check_for_duplicate_contacts($seed); if ($duplicate_id == null) { if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { $seed->save(); if ($seed->deleted == 1) { $seed->mark_deleted($seed->id); } $ids[] = $seed->id; } } else { //since we found a duplicate we should set the sync flag if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save')) { $seed->id = $duplicate_id; $seed->contacts_users_id = $current_user->id; $seed->save(); $ids[] = $duplicate_id; //we have a conflict } } } else { if ($module_name == 'Meetings' || $module_name == 'Calls') { //we are going to check if we have a meeting in the system //with the same outlook_id. If we do find one then we will grab that //id and save it if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { if (empty($seed->id) && !isset($seed->id)) { if (!empty($seed->outlook_id) && isset($seed->outlook_id)) { //at this point we have an object that does not have //the id set, but does have the outlook_id set //so we need to query the db to find if we already //have an object with this outlook_id, if we do //then we can set the id, otherwise this is a new object $order_by = ""; $query = $seed->table_name . ".outlook_id = '" . $seed->outlook_id . "'"; $response = $seed->get_list($order_by, $query, 0, -1, -1, 0); $list = $response['list']; if (count($list) > 0) { foreach ($list as $value) { $seed->id = $value->id; break; } } //fi } //fi } //fi $seed->save(); $ids[] = $seed->id; } //fi } else { if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { $seed->save(); $ids[] = $seed->id; } } } // if somebody is calling set_entries_detail() and wants fields returned... if ($select_fields !== FALSE) { $ret_values[$count] = array(); foreach ($select_fields as $select_field) { if (isset($seed->{$select_field})) { $ret_values[$count][] = get_name_value($select_field, $seed->{$select_field}); } } } } // handle returns for set_entries_detail() and set_entries() if ($select_fields !== FALSE) { return array('name_value_lists' => $ret_values, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } else { return array('ids' => $ids, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } }
function handle_set_entries($module_name, $name_value_lists, $select_fields = FALSE) { global $beanList, $beanFiles, $app_list_strings, $current_user; $error = new SoapError(); $ret_values = array(); if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('ids' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (!check_modules_access($current_user, $module_name, 'write')) { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('ids' => -1, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; require_once $beanFiles[$class_name]; $ids = array(); $count = 1; $total = sizeof($name_value_lists); foreach ($name_value_lists as $name_value_list) { $seed = new $class_name(); $seed->update_vcal = false; //See if we can retrieve the seed by a given id value foreach ($name_value_list as $value) { if ($value['name'] == 'id') { $seed->retrieve($value['value']); break; } } $dataValues = array(); foreach ($name_value_list as $value) { $val = $value['value']; if ($seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]['type'] == 'enum' || $seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]['type'] == 'radioenum') { $vardef = $seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]; if (isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]) && !isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']][$val])) { if (in_array($val, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']])) { $val = array_search($val, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]); } } } else { if ($seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]['type'] == 'multienum') { $vardef = $seed->field_name_map[$value['name']]; if (isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]) && !isset($app_list_strings[$vardef['options']][$value])) { $items = explode(",", $val); $parsedItems = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { if (in_array($item, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']])) { $keyVal = array_search($item, $app_list_strings[$vardef['options']]); array_push($parsedItems, $keyVal); } } if (!empty($parsedItems)) { $val = encodeMultienumValue($parsedItems); } } } } //Apply the non-empty values now since this will be used for duplicate checks //allow string or int of 0 to be updated if set. if (!empty($val) || ($val === '0' || $val === 0)) { $seed->{$value['name']} = $val; } //Store all the values in dataValues Array to apply later $dataValues[$value['name']] = $val; } if ($count == $total) { $seed->update_vcal = false; } $count++; //Add the account to a contact if ($module_name == 'Contacts') { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Creating Contact Account'); add_create_account($seed); $duplicate_id = check_for_duplicate_contacts($seed); if ($duplicate_id == null) { if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { //Now apply the values, since this is not a duplicate we can just pass false for the $firstSync argument apply_values($seed, $dataValues, false); $seed->save(); if ($seed->deleted == 1) { $seed->mark_deleted($seed->id); } $ids[] = $seed->id; } } else { //since we found a duplicate we should set the sync flag if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save')) { //Determine if this is a first time sync. We find out based on whether or not a contacts_users relationship exists $seed->id = $duplicate_id; $seed->load_relationship("user_sync"); $beans = $seed->user_sync->getBeans(); $first_sync = empty($beans); //Now apply the values and indicate whether or not this is a first time sync apply_values($seed, $dataValues, $first_sync); $seed->contacts_users_id = $current_user->id; $seed->save(); $ids[] = $duplicate_id; //we have a conflict } } } else { if ($module_name == 'Meetings' || $module_name == 'Calls') { //we are going to check if we have a meeting in the system //with the same outlook_id. If we do find one then we will grab that //id and save it if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { // Check if we're updating an old record, or creating a new if (empty($seed->id)) { // If it's a new one, and we have outlook_id set // which means we're syncing from OPI check if it already exists if (!empty($seed->outlook_id)) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Looking for ' . $module_name . ' with outlook_id ' . $seed->outlook_id); $fields = array('outlook_id' => $seed->outlook_id); // Try to fetch a bean with this outlook_id $temp = BeanFactory::getBean($module_name); $temp = $temp->retrieve_by_string_fields($fields); // If we fetched one, just copy the ID to the one we're syncing if (!empty($temp)) { $seed->id = $temp->id; } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Looking for ' . $module_name . ' with name/date_start/duration_hours/duration_minutes ' . $seed->name . '/' . $seed->date_start . '/' . $seed->duration_hours . '/' . $seed->duration_minutes); // If we didn't, try to find the meeting by comparing the passed // Subject, start date and duration $fields = array('name' => $seed->name, 'date_start' => $seed->date_start, 'duration_hours' => $seed->duration_hours, 'duration_minutes' => $seed->duration_minutes); $temp = BeanFactory::getBean($module_name); $temp = $temp->retrieve_by_string_fields($fields); if (!empty($temp)) { $seed->id = $temp->id; } } $GLOBALS['log']->debug($module_name . ' found: ' . !empty($seed->id)); } } if (empty($seed->reminder_time)) { $seed->reminder_time = -1; } if ($seed->reminder_time == -1) { $defaultRemindrTime = $current_user->getPreference('reminder_time'); if ($defaultRemindrTime != -1) { $seed->reminder_checked = '1'; $seed->reminder_time = $defaultRemindrTime; } } $seed->save(); if ($seed->deleted == 1) { $seed->mark_deleted($seed->id); } $ids[] = $seed->id; } //fi } else { if ($seed->ACLAccess('Save') && ($seed->deleted != 1 || $seed->ACLAccess('Delete'))) { $seed->save(); $ids[] = $seed->id; } } } // if somebody is calling set_entries_detail() and wants fields returned... if ($select_fields !== FALSE) { $ret_values[$count] = array(); foreach ($select_fields as $select_field) { if (isset($seed->{$select_field})) { $ret_values[$count][] = get_name_value($select_field, $seed->{$select_field}); } } } } // handle returns for set_entries_detail() and set_entries() if ($select_fields !== FALSE) { return array('name_value_lists' => $ret_values, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } else { return array('ids' => $ids, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } }
function get_attendee_list($session, $module_name, $id) { global $beanList, $beanFiles; $error = new SoapError(); $field_list = array(); $output_list = array(); if (!validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_login'); return array('field_list' => $field_list, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } if (empty($beanList[$module_name])) { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('field_list' => $field_list, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } global $current_user; if (!check_modules_access($current_user, $module_name, 'read')) { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('field_list' => $field_list, 'entry_list' => array(), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $class_name = $beanList[$module_name]; require_once $beanFiles[$class_name]; $seed = new $class_name(); //rsmith $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'; if ($module_name == 'Meetings' || $module_name == 'Calls') { //if we find a meeting or call we want to send back the attendees $l_module_name = strtolower($module_name); $table_name = $l_module_name . "_users"; if ($module_name == 'Meetings') { $join_field = "meeting"; } else { $join_field = "call"; } $xml .= '<attendees>'; $result = $seed->db->query("SELECT users.id, {$table_name}.date_modified, first_name, last_name FROM users INNER JOIN {$table_name} ON {$table_name}.user_id = users.id WHERE " . $table_name . "." . $join_field . "_id = '" . $GLOBALS['db']->quote($id) . "' AND {$table_name}.deleted = 0"); $user = new User(); while ($row = $seed->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $user->id = $row['id']; $email = $user->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($user); $xml .= '<attendee>'; $xml .= '<id>' . $user->id . '</id>'; $xml .= '<first_name>' . $row['first_name'] . '</first_name>'; $xml .= '<last_name>' . $row['last_name'] . '</last_name>'; $xml .= '<email1>' . $email . '</email1>'; $xml .= '</attendee>'; } //now get contacts $table_name = $l_module_name . "_contacts"; $result = $seed->db->query("SELECT contacts.id, {$table_name}.date_modified, first_name, last_name FROM contacts INNER JOIN {$table_name} ON {$table_name}.contact_id = contacts.id INNER JOIN {$seed->table_name} ON " . $seed->table_name . ".id = " . $table_name . "." . $join_field . "_id WHERE " . $table_name . "." . $join_field . "_id = '" . $GLOBALS['db']->quote($id) . "' AND " . $table_name . ".deleted = 0 AND (contacts.id != " . $seed->table_name . ".parent_id OR " . $seed->table_name . ".parent_id IS NULL)"); $contact = new Contact(); while ($row = $seed->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $contact->id = $row['id']; $email = $contact->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($contact); $xml .= '<attendee>'; $xml .= '<id>' . $contact->id . '</id>'; $xml .= '<first_name>' . $row['first_name'] . '</first_name>'; $xml .= '<last_name>' . $row['last_name'] . '</last_name>'; $xml .= '<email1>' . $email . '</email1>'; $xml .= '</attendee>'; } $xml .= '</attendees>'; } $xml = base64_encode($xml); return array('result' => $xml, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }
/** * Retrieve vardef information on the fields of the specified bean. * * @param String $session -- Session ID returned by a previous call to login. * @param String $module_name -- The name of the module to return records from. This name should be the name the module was developed under (changing a tab name is studio does not affect the name that should be passed into this method).. * @return Array 'module_fields' -- The vardef information on the selected fields. * 'error' -- The SOAP error, if any */ function get_module_fields($session, $module_name) { global $db; $error = new SoapError(); $module_fields = array(); if (!validate_authenticated($session)) { $error->set_error('invalid_session'); return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => $module_fields, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $AppUI =& $_SESSION['AppUI']; $GLOBALS['AppUI'] = $AppUI; $modclass = $AppUI->getModuleClass($module_name); if (file_exists($modclass)) { include_once $modclass; } else { $error->set_error('no_module'); return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => $module_fields, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $perms =& $AppUI->acl(); $canAccess = $perms->checkModule($module_name, 'access'); $canRead = $perms->checkModule($module_name, 'view'); $canEdit = $perms->checkModule($module_name, 'edit'); $canAuthor = $perms->checkModule($module_name, 'add'); $canDelete = $perms->checkModule($module_name, 'delete'); $GLOBALS['perms'] = $perms; if (!$canRead) { $error->set_error('no_access'); return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => $module_fields, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } $module_fields = $db->MetaColumns($module_name); if (empty($module_fields)) { $error->set_error('no_records'); return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => $module_fields, 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); } return array('module_name' => $module_name, 'module_fields' => get_field_list($module_fields), 'error' => $error->get_soap_array()); }