public static function test_strings()
        $unicode_text = '"Unicode78źź:ăĂîÎâÂșȘțȚşŞţŢグッド';
        $idn_domain_unicode = 'jösefsson.tß';
        $idn_domain_iso = '';
        $idn_email_unicode = 'räksmörgås@jösefsson.tß';
        $idn_email_iso = '*****@*****.**';
        $err = '';
        $tests[] = '##### Unicode STRING / TESTS: #####';
        $regex_positive = '/^[\\w"\\:\\?]+$/';
        $regex_negative = '/[^\\w"\\:\\?]/';
            if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_FILTER_INPUT != '') {
                if ((string) $err == '') {
                    $the_test = 'Smart.Framework Security Input Filter Regex - test over a full Unicode String';
                    $tests[] = $the_test;
                    if (preg_match((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_FILTER_INPUT, 'Platform クラウドアプリケーションプラットフォーム \'áâãäåāăąÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄćĉčçĆĈČÇďĎèéêëēĕėěęÈÉÊËĒĔĖĚĘĝģĜĢĥħĤĦìíîïĩīĭȉȋįÌÍÎÏĨĪĬȈȊĮijĵIJĴķĶĺļľłĹĻĽŁñńņňÑŃŅŇòóôõöōŏőøœÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØŒŕŗřŔŖŘșşšśŝßȘŞŠŚŜțţťȚŢŤùúûüũūŭůűųÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲŵŴẏỳŷÿýẎỲŶŸÝźżžŹŻŽ " <p></p> ? & * ^ $ @ ! ` ~ % () [] {} | \\ / + - _ : ; , . #\'0.51085600 1454529112#' . "\r\n\t" . '`~@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}|;:"<>,.?/\\')) {
                        $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
                    //end if
                //end if
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode Regex Test Positive';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (!preg_match((string) $regex_positive . 'u', (string) $unicode_text)) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED (1) ...';
            } elseif (preg_match((string) $regex_positive, (string) $unicode_text)) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED (2) ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode Regex Test Negative';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (preg_match((string) $regex_negative . 'u', (string) $unicode_text)) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED (1) ...';
            } elseif (!preg_match((string) $regex_negative, (string) $unicode_text)) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED (2) ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Deaccented ISO Regex Test Positive';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (!preg_match((string) $regex_positive, (string) SmartUnicode::deaccent_str($unicode_text))) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Deaccented ISO Regex Test Negative';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (preg_match((string) $regex_negative, (string) SmartUnicode::deaccent_str($unicode_text))) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode Strlen Test';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_len($unicode_text) !== 30) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            // this tests also SmartUnicode::str_ipos
            $the_test = 'Unicode Find Substring (Case Insensitive), Positive';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_icontains($unicode_text, 'șș') !== true) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            // this tests also SmartUnicode::str_ipos
            $the_test = 'Unicode Find Substring (Case Insensitive), Negative';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_icontains($unicode_text, 'șş') !== false) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            // this tests also SmartUnicode::str_pos
            $the_test = 'Unicode Find Substring (Case Sensitive), Positive';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_contains($unicode_text, 'țȚ') !== true) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            // this tests also SmartUnicode::str_pos
            $the_test = 'Unicode Find Substring (Case Sensitive), Negative';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_contains($unicode_text, 'țŢ') !== false) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode Find Substring (Case Insensitive), Reverse';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_ripos($unicode_text, 'ţţグ') === false) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode Find Substring (Case Sensitive), Reverse';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_rpos($unicode_text, 'ţŢグ') === false) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode Return Substring (Case Insensitive)';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::stri_str($unicode_text, 'âȘșȚ') !== 'ÂșȘțȚşŞţŢグッド') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode Return Substring (Case Sensitive)';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_str($unicode_text, 'ÂșȘț') !== 'ÂșȘțȚşŞţŢグッド') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode String to LowerCase';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_tolower($unicode_text) !== '"unicode78źź:ăăîîââșșțțşşţţグッド') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode String to UpperCase';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_toupper($unicode_text) !== '"UNICODE78ŹŹ:ĂĂÎÎÂÂȘȘȚȚŞŞŢŢグッド') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode SubString function (without last param)';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::sub_str($unicode_text, 25) !== 'ţŢグッド') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode SubString function (with last param)';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::sub_str($unicode_text, 25, 3) !== 'ţŢグ') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode SubString Count function';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::substr_count($unicode_text, 'ţ') !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Unicode String Replace with Limit (Case Sensitive)';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::str_limit_replace('ź', '@', $unicode_text, 1) !== '"Unicode78@ź:ăĂîÎâÂșȘțȚşŞţŢグッド') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'String Replace without Limit (Case Sensitive)';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (str_replace('ź', '@', $unicode_text) !== '"Unicode78@@:ăĂîÎâÂșȘțȚşŞţŢグッド') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            /* This test fails if the replacements accented characters are different case than one find in string (upper/lower) ... */
            $the_test = 'String Replace without Limit (Case Insensitive) *** Only with unaccented replacements !!';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (str_ireplace('E7', '@', $unicode_text) !== '"Unicod@8źź:ăĂîÎâÂșȘțȚşŞţŢグッド') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Deaccent String';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUnicode::deaccent_str($unicode_text) !== '"Unicode78zz:aAiIaAsStTsStT???') {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'YAML Unicode Test: Compose from Array / Parse from YAML';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $test_arr = array('@test' => 'Testing weird key characters', 'line1' => 'Some ISO-8859-1 String: @ # $ % ^ & * (\') _ - + = { [ ] } ; < ,. > / ? \\ |', 'line2' => 'Unicode (long) String: ' . $unicode_text . ' ' . SmartUnicode::str_toupper($unicode_text) . ' ' . $unicode_text . ' ' . SmartUnicode::str_tolower($unicode_text) . ' ' . $unicode_text . ' ' . SmartUnicode::deaccent_str($unicode_text) . ' ' . $unicode_text, $unicode_text => 'Unicode as Key', 'line3' => ['A' => 'b', 100, 'Thousand'], 'line4' => [1, 0.2, 3.0001], 'line5' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
            $test_yaml = (string) '# start YAML (to test also comments)' . "\n" . (new SmartYamlConverter())->compose($test_arr) . "\n" . '# end YAML';
            $test_parr = (new SmartYamlConverter())->parse($test_yaml);
            if ($test_arr !== $test_parr) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...' . ' #ORIGINAL Array [' . print_r($test_arr, 1) . ']' . "\n\n" . '#YAML Array (from YAML String): ' . print_r($test_parr, 1) . "\n\n" . '#YAML String (from ORIGINAL Array): ' . "\n" . $test_yaml;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'XML Unicode Test: Compose from Array / Parse from XML';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $test_arr = array('TEST' => 'Testing weird key characters', 'line1' => 'Some ISO-8859-1 String: @ # $ % ^ & * (\') _ - + = { [ ] } ; < ,. > / ? \\ |', 'line2' => 'Unicode (long) String: ' . $unicode_text . ' ' . SmartUnicode::str_toupper($unicode_text) . ' ' . $unicode_text . ' ' . SmartUnicode::str_tolower($unicode_text) . ' ' . $unicode_text . ' ' . SmartUnicode::deaccent_str($unicode_text) . ' ' . $unicode_text, 'line3' => ['A' => 'b', 'c' => 'D'], 'line4' => '', 'line5' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
            $test_xml = (string) (new SmartXmlComposer())->transform($test_arr);
            $test_parr = (new SmartXmlParser())->transform($test_xml);
            if ($test_arr !== $test_parr) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...' . ' #ORIGINAL Array [' . print_r($test_arr, 1) . ']' . "\n\n" . '#XML Array (from XML String): ' . print_r($test_parr, 1) . "\n\n" . '#XML String (from ORIGINAL Array): ' . "\n" . $test_xml;
            //end if
        //end if
        $the_random_unicode_text = sha1($unicode_text . Smart::random_number(1000, 9999)) . '-' . $unicode_text . " \r\n\t" . '-' . Smart::uuid_10_num() . '-' . Smart::uuid_10_str() . '-' . Smart::uuid_10_seq();
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Data: Archive / Unarchive';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUtils::data_unarchive(SmartUtils::data_archive($the_random_unicode_text)) !== (string) $the_random_unicode_text) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...' . ' [' . $the_random_unicode_text . ']';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'Cache: Archive / Unarchive';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (SmartUtils::cache_variable_unarchive(SmartUtils::cache_variable_archive($the_random_unicode_text)) !== (string) $the_random_unicode_text) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...' . ' [' . $the_random_unicode_text . ']';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'IDN: Domain Punycode Encode UTF-8 to ISO';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) (new SmartPunycode())->encode($idn_domain_unicode) != (string) $idn_domain_iso) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...' . ' [' . $idn_domain_unicode . ' -> ' . $idn_domain_iso . ']';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'IDN: Domain Punycode Decode ISO to UTF-8';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) (new SmartPunycode())->decode($idn_domain_iso) != (string) $idn_domain_unicode) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...' . ' [' . $idn_domain_iso . ' -> ' . $idn_domain_unicode . ']';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'IDN: Email Punycode Encode UTF-8 to ISO';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) (new SmartPunycode())->encode($idn_email_unicode) != (string) $idn_email_iso) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...' . ' [' . $idn_email_unicode . ' -> ' . $idn_email_iso . ']';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'IDN: Email Punycode Decode ISO to UTF-8';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) (new SmartPunycode())->decode($idn_email_iso) != (string) $idn_email_unicode) {
                $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...' . ' [' . $idn_email_iso . ' -> ' . $idn_email_unicode . ']';
            //end if
        //end if
        //-- regex positive tests
        $arr_regex = ['number-integer' => [0, '75', '-101'], 'number-decimal' => [0, '0.0', '0.1', '75', '75.0', '75.1', '-555', '-555.0', '-555.1'], 'number-list-integer' => '1;2;30', 'number-list-decimal' => '1.0;2;30.44', 'url' => ['', 'http://localhost', 'https://www.dom.ext', 'http://dom.ext/path?a=b&c=d%20#s'], 'domain' => ['', ''], 'email' => ['root@localhost', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'], 'fax' => ['~+99-(0)999-123.456.78~'], 'macaddr' => ['00:0A:95:9d:68:16', '00-0a-95-9D-68-16'], 'ipv4' => ['', '', ''], 'ipv6' => ['::1', '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001', '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329', '2001:dB8::2:1', '2001:db8::1', '3731:54:65fe:2::a7']];
        foreach ((array) $arr_regex as $key => $val) {
            if (is_array($val)) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < Smart::array_size($val); $i++) {
                    $the_test = 'Regex Validate Positive (#' . $i . '): ' . $key . ' [' . $val[$i] . ']';
                    $tests[] = $the_test;
                    if (SmartValidator::validate_string($val[$i], $key) !== true) {
                        $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
                    //end if
                    if (stripos((string) $key, 'number-') === 0 and stripos((string) $key, 'number-list-') === false) {
                        $the_test = 'Regex Validate Numeric Positive (#' . $i . '): ' . $key . ' [' . $val[$i] . ']';
                        $tests[] = $the_test;
                        if (SmartValidator::validate_numeric_integer_or_decimal_values($val[$i], $key) !== true) {
                            $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
                        //end if
                    //end if
                //end for
            } else {
                $the_test = 'Regex Validate Positive: ' . $key . ' [' . $val . ']';
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                if (SmartValidator::validate_string($val, $key) !== true) {
                    $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
                //end if
                if (stripos((string) $key, 'number-') === 0 and stripos((string) $key, 'number-list-') === false) {
                    $the_test = 'Regex Validate Numeric Positive: ' . $key . ' [' . $val . ']';
                    $tests[] = $the_test;
                    if (SmartValidator::validate_numeric_integer_or_decimal_values($val, $key) !== true) {
                        $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
                    //end if
                //end if
            //end if else
            if ((string) $err != '') {
            //end if
        //end foreach
        //-- regex negative tests
        $arr_regex = ['number-integer' => ['', '.', 'a9', '7B', '-9 ', ' -7'], 'number-decimal' => ['', '.0', '.1', '-.10', ' -7', '-9.0 '], 'number-list-integer' => '1;2.3;30', 'number-list-decimal' => '1.0;2;30.44a', 'url' => ['http:://', 'https://local host', 'http:/www.dom.ext', 'https:dom.ext/path?a=b&c=d%20#s'], 'domain' => ['', 's', '.dom.ext', 'dom..ext', 'localhost', 'loc', 'dom.ext.'], 'email' => ['rooT@localhost', 'root@local host.loc', 'sometest-name.extra@do_m.ext'], 'fax' => ['~ +99-(0)999-123.456.78 ~'], 'macaddr' => ['00:0A:95:9z:68:16', '00-0Z-95-9D-68-16'], 'ipv4' => ['192.168.0.', '169..1.0', '1.0.1'], 'ipv6' => ['::x', '00z0:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001', '2001:0dx8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329', '2001:WB8::2:1', '2001:@db8::1', '3731:54:65Qe:2::a7']];
        foreach ((array) $arr_regex as $key => $val) {
            if (is_array($val)) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < Smart::array_size($val); $i++) {
                    $the_test = 'Regex Validate Negative (#' . $i . '): ' . $key . ' [' . $val[$i] . ']';
                    $tests[] = $the_test;
                    if (SmartValidator::validate_string($val[$i], $key) === true) {
                        $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
                    //end if
                //end for
            } else {
                $the_test = 'Regex Validate Negative: ' . $key . ' [' . $val . ']';
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                if (SmartValidator::validate_string($val, $key) === true) {
                    $err = 'ERROR: ' . $the_test . ' FAILED ...';
                //end if
            //end if else
            if ((string) $err != '') {
            //end if
        //end foreach
        $endtest = '##### END TESTS ... #####';
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $img_sign = 'lib/core/img/sign_info.png';
            $img_check = 'lib/core/img/q_completed.png';
            $text_main = Smart::escape_js('<span style="color:#83B953;">Good ... Perfect &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; グッド ... パーフェクト</span>');
            $text_info = Smart::escape_js('<h2><span style="color:#83B953;">All</span> the SmartFramework Unicode String <span style="color:#83B953;">Tests PASSED on PHP</span><hr></h2><span style="font-size:14px;">' . Smart::nl_2_br(Smart::escape_html(implode("\n" . '* ', $tests) . "\n" . $endtest)) . '</span>');
        } else {
            $img_sign = 'lib/core/img/sign_error.png';
            $img_check = 'lib/core/img/q_warning.png';
            $text_main = Smart::escape_js('<span style="color:#FF5500;">An ERROR occured ... &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; エラーが発生しました ...</span>');
            $text_info = Smart::escape_js('<h2><span style="color:#FF5500;">A test FAILED</span> when testing Unicode String Tests.<span style="color:#FF5500;"><hr>FAILED Test Details</span>:</h2><br><h3>' . Smart::escape_html($tests[Smart::array_size($tests) - 1]) . '</h3><br><span style="font-size:14px;"><pre>' . Smart::escape_html($err) . '</pre></span>');
        //end if else
        $html = <<<HTML
<h1>SmartFramework Unicode Strings Tests: DONE ...</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
\t\t'<img src="{$img_sign}" align="right"><h1>{$text_main}</h1><hr><span style="color:#333333;"><img src="{$img_check}" align="right">{$text_info}<br>',
\t\t'Unicode String Test Suite for SmartFramework: PHP',
        return $html;
Пример #2
 public function data_send($msg_data)
     if ($this->debug) {
         $this->log .= '[INF] Data-Send command is sent on Mail Server' . "\n";
     //end if
     if (strlen($this->error) > 0) {
         return 0;
     //end if
     $reply = $this->send_cmd('DATA');
     if (strlen($this->error) > 0) {
         return 0;
     //end if
     $test = $this->answer_code($reply);
     if ((string) $test != '354') {
         $this->error = '[ERR] Data-Send command Failed on Server :: ' . $test . ' // ' . $reply;
         return 0;
     //end if
     // The server is ready to accept data. According to rfc 821 we should not send more than 1000 characters including the CRLF on a single line
     // so we will break the data up into lines by \r and/or \n then if needed we will break each of those into smaller lines to fit within the limit.
     // In addition we will be looking for lines that start with a period '.' and append and additional period '.' to that line.
     // NOTE: this does not count towards are limit.
     //-- normalize the line breaks so we know the explode works
     $msg_data = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $msg_data);
     // replacing the CRLF to LF
     $lines = (array) explode("\n", (string) $msg_data);
     $msg_data = '';
     // cleanup
     // We need to find a good way to determine if headers are in the msg_data or if it is a straight msg body.
     // Currently assuming rfc 822 definitions of msg headers and if the first field of the first line (':' sperated) does not contain a space
     // then it _should_ be a header and we can process all lines before a blank "" line as headers.
     $field = SmartUnicode::sub_str($lines[0], 0, SmartUnicode::str_pos($lines[0], ':'));
     $in_headers = false;
     if (strlen($field) > 0 and !SmartUnicode::str_contains($field, ' ')) {
         $in_headers = true;
     //end if
     $max_line_length = 800;
     // used below ; set here for ease in change (we use a lower value than 1000 as we use UTF-8 text)
     //while(list(,$line) = @each($lines)) {
     while (list($key, $line) = @each($lines)) {
         // FIX to be compatible with the upcoming PHP 7
         $lines_out = null;
         if ((string) $line == '' and $in_headers) {
             $in_headers = false;
         //end if
         //-- ok we need to break this line up into several smaller lines
         while (SmartUnicode::str_len($line) > $max_line_length) {
             $pos = SmartUnicode::str_rpos(SmartUnicode::sub_str($line, 0, $max_line_length), ' ');
             // here we need reverse strpos
             $lines_out[] = SmartUnicode::sub_str($line, 0, $pos);
             $line = SmartUnicode::sub_str($line, $pos + 1);
             //-- if we are processing headers we need to add a LWSP-char to the front of the new line rfc 822 on long msg headers
             if ($in_headers) {
                 $line = "\t" . $line;
             //end if
         //end while
         $lines_out[] = $line;
         //-- now send the lines to the server
         //while(list(,$line_out) = @each($lines_out)) {
         while (list($key, $line_out) = @each($lines_out)) {
             // FIX to be compatible with the upcoming PHP 7
             if (strlen($line_out) > 0) {
                 if (SmartUnicode::sub_str($line_out, 0, 1) == '.') {
                     $line_out = '.' . $line_out;
                 //end if
             //end if
             @fputs($this->socket, $line_out . "\r\n");
         //end while
     //end while
     //-- ok all the message data has been sent so lets get this over with aleady
     @fputs($this->socket, "\r\n" . '.' . "\r\n");
     $reply = $this->retry_data();
     $test = $this->answer_code($reply);
     if ($this->debug) {
         $this->log .= '[INF] Data-Send Mail Server Reply is :: ' . $test . ' // ' . $reply . "\n";
     //end if
     if (strlen($this->error) > 0) {
         return 0;
     //end if
     if ((string) $test != '250') {
         $this->error = '[ERR] Data-Send Finalize Failed on Server :: ' . $test . ' // ' . $reply;
         return 0;
     //end if
     return 1;