Пример #1
 public function print_html($return = false)
     $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
     $that = $this;
     $structure = $this->_structure;
     $rows = $get_property_value($structure->row, array('if_closure' => function ($rows) use($that) {
         return SmartUI::run_callback($rows, array($that));
     }, 'if_other' => function ($rows) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::ProfileInfo::row requires array');
         return null;
     if (!is_array($rows)) {
         parent::err("SmartUI::ProfileInfo::row requires array");
         return null;
     $rows_html_list = array();
     foreach ($rows as $key => $info) {
         $row_prop = array('icon' => isset($structure->icon[$key]) ? $structure->icon[$key] : '', 'value' => isset($structure->value[$key]) ? $structure->value[$key] : '', 'name' => isset($structure->name[$key]) ? $structure->name[$key] : $key, 'action' => isset($structure->action[$key]) ? $structure->action[$key] : '');
         $new_row_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($row_prop, $info, array($that, $rows, $key), 'value');
         $icon = $new_row_prop['icon'] ? '<i class="' . SmartUI::$icon_source . ' ' . $new_row_prop['icon'] . '"></i> ' : '';
         $row_html = '<div class="info-row">';
         $row_html .= '	<div class="info-name"> ' . $new_row_prop['name'] . ' </div>';
         $row_html .= '	<div class="info-action"> ' . $new_row_prop['action'] . ' </div>';
         $row_html .= '	<div class="info-value"> ' . $icon . $new_row_prop['value'] . ' </div>';
         $row_html .= '</div>';
         $rows_html_list[] = $row_html;
     $classes = array();
     if ($structure->options['stripped']) {
         $classes[] = 'info-stripped';
     if ($structure->options['grouped']) {
         $classes[] = 'info-grouped';
     $classes[] = $structure->options['class'];
     $result = '<div class="info' . ($classes ? ' ' . implode(' ', $classes) : '') . '">';
     $result .= $structure->title ? '<div class="info-title">' . $structure->title . '</div>' : '';
     $result .= implode('', $rows_html_list);
     $result .= '</div>';
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
Пример #2
 public function print_html($return = false)
     $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
     $that = $this;
     $structure = $this->_structure;
     $nav_items = $get_property_value($structure->nav, array('if_closure' => function ($nav_items) use($that) {
         return SmartUI::run_callback($nav_items, array($that));
     }, 'if_other' => function ($nav_items) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Nav:nav requires array');
         return null;
     if (!is_array($nav_items)) {
         parent::err("SmartUI::Nav:nav requires array");
         return null;
     $list_items = $this->parse_nav($nav_items, true);
     $result = parent::print_list($list_items, null, true);
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
Пример #3
 public function print_html($return = false)
     $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
     $that = $this;
     $structure = $this->_structure;
     $structure->options = parent::set_array_prop_def($this->_options_map, $structure->options);
     $tabs = $get_property_value($structure->tab, array('if_closure' => function ($tabs) use($that) {
         return SmartUI::run_callback($tabs, array($that));
     }, 'if_other' => function ($tabs) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Tab::tab requires array');
         return null;
     if (!is_array($tabs)) {
         parent::err("SmartUI::Tab::tab requires array");
         return null;
     $li_list = array();
     $tab_content_list = array();
     $has_active = false;
     foreach ($tabs as $tab_id => $tab_prop) {
         $tab_structure = array('content' => isset($structure->content[$tab_id]) ? $structure->content[$tab_id] : '', 'title' => isset($structure->title[$tab_id]) ? $structure->title[$tab_id] : '', 'icon' => isset($structure->icon[$tab_id]) ? $structure->icon[$tab_id] : '', 'dropdown' => isset($structure->dropdown[$tab_id]) ? $structure->dropdown[$tab_id] : '', 'position' => isset($structure->position[$tab_id]) ? $structure->position[$tab_id] : '', 'active' => isset($structure->active[$tab_id]) && $structure->active[$tab_id] === true, 'fade' => false);
         $new_tab_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($tab_structure, $tab_prop, array($that, $tabs, $tab_id), 'title');
         foreach ($new_tab_prop as $tab_prop_key => $tab_prop_vaue) {
             $new_tab_prop_value = $get_property_value($tab_prop_vaue, array('if_closure' => function ($prop_value) use($that, $tabs) {
                 return SmartUI::run_callback($prop_value, array($that, $tabs));
             $new_tab_prop[$tab_prop_key] = $new_tab_prop_value;
         $tab_content_classes = array();
         $tab_content_classes[] = 'tab-pane';
         $li_classes = array();
         $a_classes = array();
         $a_attr = array();
         if (!$structure->active && !$has_active || $new_tab_prop['active'] === true && !$has_active) {
             $li_classes[] = 'active';
             $tab_content_classes[] = 'in active';
             $has_active = true;
         $title = $new_tab_prop['title'];
         $dropdown_html = '';
         if ($new_tab_prop['dropdown']) {
             $dropdown = $new_tab_prop['dropdown'];
             $li_classes[] = 'dropdown';
             $href = 'javascript:void(0);';
             $dropdown_html = is_array($dropdown) ? parent::print_dropdown($dropdown, false, true) : $dropdown;
             $a_classes[] = 'dropdown-toggle';
             $a_attr[] = 'data-toggle="dropdown"';
             $title .= ' <b class="caret"></b>';
         } else {
             $href = '#' . $tab_id;
             $a_attr[] = 'data-toggle="tab"';
         if ($new_tab_prop['position']) {
             $li_classes[] = 'pull-' . $new_tab_prop['position'];
         $icon = $new_tab_prop['icon'] ? '<i class="fa ' . $new_tab_prop['icon'] . '"></i> ' : '';
         $class = $li_classes ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $li_classes) . '"' : '';
         $li_html = '<li' . $class . '>';
         $li_html .= '<a href="' . $href . '" ' . ($a_classes ? 'class="' . implode(' ', $a_classes) . '"' : '') . ($a_attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $a_attr) : '') . '>' . $icon . $title . '</a>';
         $li_html .= $dropdown_html;
         $li_html .= '</li>';
         $li_list[] = $li_html;
         if ($new_tab_prop['fade']) {
             $tab_content_classes[] = 'fade';
         $tab_content_html = '<div class="' . implode(' ', $tab_content_classes) . '" id="' . $tab_id . '">';
         $tab_content_html .= $new_tab_prop['content'];
         $tab_content_html .= '</div>';
         $tab_content_list[] = $tab_content_html;
     $ul_classes = array();
     $ul_attr = array();
     $ul_classes[] = 'nav nav-tabs';
     $ul_id = $structure->tabs_id ? 'id="' . $structure->tabs_id . '"' : '';
     $ul_attr[] = $ul_id;
     $content_classes = array();
     $content_classes[] = 'tab-content';
     if ($structure->content_class) {
         $content_classes[] = is_array($structure->content_class) ? implode(' ', $structure->content_class) : $structure->content_class;
     $content_id = $structure->content_id ? 'id="' . $structure->content_id . '"' : '';
     if ($structure->options['padding']) {
         $content_classes[] = 'padding-' . $structure->options['padding'];
     $content_html = '<div class="' . implode(' ', $content_classes) . '" ' . $content_id . '>';
     $content_html .= implode('', $tab_content_list);
     $content_html .= '</div>';
     $main_content_html = '';
     if ($structure->options['widget']) {
         $ul_classes[] = $structure->options['pull'] ? 'pull-' . $structure->options['pull'] : 'pull-left';
         $ul_html = '<ul class="' . implode(' ', $ul_classes) . '" ' . implode(' ', $ul_attr) . '>';
         $ul_html .= implode('', $li_list);
         $ul_html .= '</ul>';
         $widget = $structure->options['widget'];
         if (!$widget instanceof Widget) {
             $ui = new parent();
             $widget = $ui->create_widget();
         $widget->body('content', $content_html);
         $widget->options('colorbutton', false)->options('editbutton', false);
         $widget->header('title', $ul_html);
         $result = $widget->print_html(true);
     } else {
         if ($structure->options['bordered']) {
             $ul_classes[] = 'bordered';
         if ($structure->options['pull']) {
             $ul_classes[] = 'tabs-pull-' . $structure->options['pull'];
         $ul_html = '<ul class="' . implode(' ', $ul_classes) . '" ' . implode(' ', $ul_attr) . '>';
         $ul_html .= implode('', $li_list);
         $ul_html .= '</ul>';
         $container_classes = array();
         $container_classes[] = 'tabbable';
         switch ($structure->options['position']) {
             case 'right':
             case 'left':
                 $container_classes[] = 'tabs-' . $structure->options['position'];
                 $main_content_html = $ul_html . $content_html;
             case 'below':
                 $container_classes[] = 'tabs-' . $structure->options['position'];
                 $main_content_html = $content_html . $ul_html;
                 $main_content_html = $ul_html . $content_html;
         $result = '<div class="' . implode(' ', $container_classes) . '">';
         $result .= $main_content_html;
         $result .= '</div>';
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
 public function print_html($return = false)
     $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
     $that = $this;
     $structure = $this->_structure;
     $attr = $get_property_value($structure->attr, array("if_closure" => function ($attr) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($attr, array($that));
     }, "if_other" => function ($attr) {
         return $attr;
     }, "if_array" => function ($attr) {
         $props = array_map(function ($attr, $attr_value) {
             //build attribute values from passed array
             return $attr . ' = "' . $attr_value . '"';
         }, array_keys($attr), $attr);
         return implode(' ', $props);
     $options_map = $this->_options_map;
     $options = $get_property_value($structure->options, array("if_closure" => function ($options) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($options, array($that));
     }, "if_other" => function ($options) {
         return $options;
     }, "if_array" => function ($options) use($that, $options_map) {
         $props = array_map(function ($option, $value) use($that, $options_map) {
             if (is_bool($value)) {
                 $str_val = var_export($value, true);
                 if (isset($options_map[$option])) {
                     if ($value !== $options_map[$option]) {
                         return 'data-widget-' . $option . '="' . $str_val . '"';
                     } else {
                         return '';
                 } else {
                     return 'data-widget-' . $option . '="' . $str_val . '"';
             return 'data-widget-' . $option . '="' . $value . '"';
         }, array_keys($options), $options);
         return implode(' ', $props);
     $body = $get_property_value($structure->body, array("if_closure" => function ($body) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($body, array($that));
     }, "if_other" => function ($body) {
         return '<div class="widget-body">' . $body . '</div>';
     }, "if_array" => function ($body) use($that) {
         $editbox = '';
         if (isset($body["editbox"])) {
             $editbox = '<div class="jarviswidget-editbox">';
             $editbox .= $body["editbox"];
             $editbox .= '</div>';
         $content = '';
         if (isset($body['content'])) {
             if (SmartUtil::is_closure($body['content'])) {
                 $content = SmartUtil::run_callback($body['content'], array($that));
             } else {
                 $content = $body['content'];
         $class = 'widget-body';
         if (isset($body["class"])) {
             if (is_array($body["class"])) {
                 $class .= ' ' . implode(' ', $body["class"]);
             } else {
                 $class .= ' ' . $body["class"];
         $toolbar = '';
         if (isset($body["toolbar"])) {
             $toolbar = '<div class="widget-body-toolbar">';
             $toolbar .= $body["toolbar"];
             $toolbar .= '</div>';
         $footer = '';
         if (isset($body['footer'])) {
             $footer = '<div class="widget-footer">';
             $footer .= $body['footer'];
             $footer .= '</div>';
         $result = $editbox;
         $result .= '<div class="' . $class . '">';
         $result .= $toolbar;
         $result .= $content;
         $result .= $footer;
         $result .= '</div>';
         return $result;
     $header = $get_property_value($structure->header, array("if_closure" => function ($header) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($body, array($that));
     }, "if_other" => function ($body) {
         return $body;
     }, "if_array" => function ($body) use($get_property_value, $that) {
         $toolbar_htm = '';
         if (isset($body["icon"])) {
             $toolbar_htm .= '<span class="widget-icon"> <i class="' . SmartUI::$icon_source . ' ' . $body["icon"] . '"></i> </span>';
         if (isset($body["toolbar"])) {
             $toolbar_htm .= $get_property_value($body["toolbar"], array("if_closure" => function ($toolbar) use($that) {
                 return SmartUtil::run_callback($toolbar, array($that, $toolbar));
             }, "if_other" => function ($toolbar) {
                 return $toolbar;
             }, "if_array" => function ($toolbar) {
                 $toolbar_props_htm = array();
                 foreach ($toolbar as $toolbar_prop) {
                     $id = '';
                     $class = 'widget-toolbar';
                     $attrs = array();
                     $content = '';
                     if (is_string($toolbar_prop)) {
                         $content = $toolbar_prop;
                     } else {
                         if (is_array($toolbar_prop)) {
                             $id = isset($toolbar_prop["id"]) ? $toolbar_prop["id"] : '';
                             $class .= isset($toolbar_prop["class"]) ? ' ' . $toolbar_prop["class"] : '';
                             if (isset($toolbar_prop["attr"])) {
                                 if (is_array($toolbar_prop["attr"])) {
                                     foreach ($toolbar_prop["attr"] as $attr => $value) {
                                         $attrs[] = $attr . '="' . $value . '"';
                                 } else {
                                     $attrs[] = $toolbar_prop["attr"];
                             $content = isset($toolbar_prop["content"]) ? $toolbar_prop["content"] : '';
                     $htm = '<div class="' . trim($class) . '" id="' . $id . '" ' . implode(' ', $attrs) . '>';
                     $htm .= $content;
                     $htm .= '</div>';
                     $toolbar_props_htm[] = $htm;
                 return implode(' ', $toolbar_props_htm);
         if (isset($body["title"])) {
             $toolbar_htm .= $body["title"];
         } else {
             $toolbar_htm .= '<h2><code>SmartUI::Widget->header[content] not defined</code></h2>';
         return $toolbar_htm;
     $class = $get_property_value($structure->class, array("if_closure" => function ($class) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($class, array($that));
     }, "if_array" => function ($class) {
         return implode(' ', $class);
     $color = $get_property_value($structure->color, array("if_closure" => function ($color) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($color, array($that));
     }, "if_other" => function ($color) {
         return $color ? 'jarviswidget-color-' . $color : '';
     }, "if_array" => function ($color) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Widget::color requires string');
     $id = $get_property_value($structure->id, array("if_closure" => function ($id) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($id, array($that));
     }, "if_array" => function ($id) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Widget::id requires string.');
         return '';
     $id = $id ? 'id="' . $id . '"' : '';
     $main_classes = array('jarviswidget', $color, $class);
     $main_attributes = array('class="' . trim(implode(' ', $main_classes)) . '"', $id, $options, $attr);
     $result = '<div ' . trim(implode(' ', $main_attributes)) . '>';
     $result .= '<header>' . $header . '</header>';
     $result .= '<div>' . $body . '</div>';
     $result .= '</div>';
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
 private static function _get_field_html($name, $field_type = self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT, $properties = array(), $field_html_only = false)
     $field_class_map = array(self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT => 'input', self::FORM_FIELD_FILEINPUT => 'input input-file', self::FORM_FIELD_SELECT => 'select', self::FORM_FIELD_SELECT2 => 'select', self::FORM_FIELD_MULTISELECT => 'select select-multiple', self::FORM_FIELD_TEXTAREA => 'textarea', self::FORM_FIELD_CHECKBOX => 'checkbox', self::FORM_FIELD_RADIO => 'radio', self::FORM_FIELD_RATING => 'rating', self::FORM_FIELD_RATINGS => 'rating', self::FORM_FIELD_HIDDEN => '', self::FORM_FIELD_BLANK => '');
     $result = '';
     $field_html = '';
     $result_html = '';
     $notes = '';
     $label = '';
     $attrs = array();
     switch ($field_type) {
         case self::FORM_FIELD_LABEL:
             $default_prop = array('label' => '');
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'label');
             $result_html = $new_prop['label'];
         case self::FORM_FIELD_BLANK:
             $default_prop = array('content' => '');
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'content');
             $result_html = $new_prop['content'];
         case self::FORM_FIELD_RATINGS:
             $default_prop = array('items' => array(), 'icon' => SmartUI::$icon_source . '-star');
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'max');
             if (!is_array($new_prop['items'])) {
                 $new_prop['items'] = array($new_prop['items']);
             $items = $new_prop['items'];
             $rating_html_list = array();
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 $item_prop = array('max' => 5, 'icon' => $new_prop['icon'], 'name' => $name . '-' . SmartUtil::create_id(), 'label' => '');
                 $new_item_prop = parent::set_array_prop_def($item_prop, $item, 'max');
                 $field_html = self::_get_field_html($new_item_prop['name'], self::FORM_FIELD_RATING, $new_item_prop, true);
                 $field_html .= $new_item_prop['label'] ? $new_item_prop['label'] : '&nbsp;';
                 $result_html = '	<div class="' . $field_class_map[$field_type] . '">';
                 $result_html .= $field_html;
                 $result_html .= '	</div>';
                 $rating_html_list[] = $result_html;
             $result_html = implode('', $rating_html_list);
         case self::FORM_FIELD_RATING:
             $default_prop = array('max' => 5, 'icon' => SmartUI::$icon_source . '-star');
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'max');
             $rating_html_list = array();
             for ($i = $new_prop['max']; $i >= 1; $i--) {
                 $rate_id = $name . '-' . $i;
                 $rating_html = self::_get_field_html($name, self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT, array('type' => 'radio', 'id' => $rate_id), true);
                 $rating_html .= '<label for="' . $rate_id . '"><i class="' . SmartUI::$icon_source . ' ' . $new_prop['icon'] . '"></i></label>';
                 $rating_html_list[] = $rating_html;
             $field_html .= implode('', $rating_html_list);
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	<label class="' . $field_class_map[$field_type] . '">';
             $result_html .= $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	</label>';
         case self::FORM_FIELD_TEXTAREA:
             $default_prop = array('rows' => 3, 'attr' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'icon' => '', 'icon_append' => true, 'value' => '', 'id' => '', 'type' => '', 'placeholder' => '', 'disabled' => false, 'wrapper' => 'label');
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'placeholder');
             $classes = array();
             $classes[] = 'custom-scroll';
             if ($new_prop['class']) {
                 array_push($classes, $new_prop['class']);
             $attrs = array();
             $attrs[] = 'class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"';
             $attrs[] = 'rows="' . $new_prop['rows'] . '"';
             $attrs[] = 'name="' . $name . '"';
             if ($new_prop['disabled']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'disabled="disabled"';
             if ($new_prop['id']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'id="' . $new_prop['id'] . '"';
             if ($new_prop['placeholder']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'placeholder="' . $new_prop['placeholder'] . '"';
             if ($new_prop['attr']) {
                 $attrs[] = implode(' ', $new_prop['attr']);
             if ($new_prop['icon']) {
                 $field_html .= '<i class="icon-' . ($new_prop['icon_append'] ? 'append' : 'prepend') . ' ' . SmartUI::$icon_source . ' ' . $new_prop['icon'] . '"></i>';
             $field_html .= '<textarea ' . implode(' ', $attrs) . '>';
             $field_html .= $new_prop['value'];
             $field_html .= '</textarea>';
             $field_class_map[self::FORM_FIELD_TEXTAREA] = 'textarea' . ($new_prop['type'] ? ' textarea-' . $new_prop['type'] : '');
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	<' . $new_prop['wrapper'] . ' class="' . $field_class_map[$field_type] . '">';
             $result_html .= $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	</' . $new_prop['wrapper'] . '>';
         case self::FORM_FIELD_MULTISELECT:
             if (isset($properties['attr'])) {
                 array_push($properties['attr'], array('multiple="multiple"', 'class="custom-scroll"'));
             } else {
                 $properties['attr'] = array('multiple="multiple"');
             if (isset($properties['class'])) {
                 array_push($properties['class'], array('custom-scroll'));
             } else {
                 $properties['class'] = array('custom-scroll');
             $properties['icon'] = '';
             $field_html = self::_get_field_html($name, self::FORM_FIELD_SELECT, $properties, true);
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	<label class="' . $field_class_map[$field_type] . '">';
             $result_html .= $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	</label>';
         case self::FORM_FIELD_SELECT2:
             if (!is_array($properties['class'])) {
                 $properties['class'] = array($properties['class']);
             array_push($properties['class'], 'select2');
             $properties['icon'] = '';
             $field_html = self::_get_field_html($name, self::FORM_FIELD_SELECT, $properties, true);
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	<label class="' . $field_class_map[$field_type] . '">';
             $result_html .= $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	</label>';
         case self::FORM_FIELD_SELECT:
             $default_prop = array('data' => array(), 'display' => '', 'value' => '', 'container' => 'select', 'selected' => false, 'id' => '', 'attr' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'icon' => '<i></i>', 'item_attr' => null, 'disabled' => false);
             $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'data');
             $data = $new_prop['data'];
             if (!is_array($data)) {
                 parent::err('SmartUI::Form "data" is required for "select" field.');
                 return '';
             if (!$data) {
                 $data = array(array('No Data'));
             $data = SmartUtil::object_to_array($data);
             if (!$new_prop['display']) {
                 $display_key = array_keys($data[0]);
                 $new_prop['display'] = is_array($data[0]) && $display_key ? $display_key[0] : 0;
             if (!$new_prop['value']) {
                 $value_key = array_keys($data[0]);
                 $new_prop['value'] = is_array($data[0]) && $value_key ? $value_key[0] : 0;
             $option_list = array();
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $item_attr = '';
                 if (!is_array($row)) {
                     $row = array($row);
                 $selected = $row[$new_prop['value']] == $new_prop['selected'];
                 if (isset($new_prop['item_attr'])) {
                     $item_attr = $get_property_value($new_prop['item_attr'], array('if_closure' => function ($item_attr) use($row) {
                         return SmartUtil::run_callback($row);
                     }, 'if_array' => function ($item_attr) use($row) {
                         $attrs = array();
                         foreach ($item_attr as $attr) {
                             $attrs[] = SmartUtil::replace_col_codes($attr, $row);
                         return implode(' ', $attrs);
                     }, 'if_other' => function ($item_attr) use($row) {
                         return SmartUtil::replace_col_codes($item_attr, $row);
                 $option_list[] = '<option value="' . $row[$new_prop['value']] . '"' . ($selected ? ' selected' : '') . ($item_attr ? ' ' . $item_attr : '') . '>' . $row[$new_prop['display']] . '</option>';
             $attrs = array();
             $attrs[] = 'name="' . $name . '"';
             if ($new_prop['disabled']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'disabled="disabled"';
             if ($new_prop['id']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'id="' . $new_prop['id'] . '"';
             if ($new_prop['attr']) {
                 $attrs[] = implode(' ', $new_prop['attr']);
             if ($new_prop['class']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'class="' . implode(' ', $new_prop['class']) . '"';
             $field_html = '<' . $new_prop['container'] . ' ' . implode(' ', $attrs) . '>';
             $field_html .= implode('', $option_list);
             $field_html .= '</' . $new_prop['container'] . '>' . $new_prop['icon'];
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	<label class="' . $field_class_map[$field_type] . '">';
             $result_html .= $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	</label>';
         case self::FORM_FIELD_FILEINPUT:
             $file_button = self::_get_field_html($name, self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT, array('type' => 'file', 'attr' => array_merge(array('onchange="this.parentNode.nextSibling.value = this.value"'), isset($properties['attr']) ? $properties['attr'] : array())), true);
             $field_html = '<span class="button">';
             $field_html .= $file_button;
             $field_html .= 'Browse</span>';
             $default_prop = array('icon' => false, 'tooltip' => false, 'attr' => array('readonly'), 'type' => 'text');
             if ($properties) {
                 foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
                     if (!isset($default_prop[$key])) {
                         $default_prop[$key] = $value;
             $field_html .= self::_get_field_html($name . '-display', self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT, $default_prop, true);
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	<label class="' . $field_class_map[$field_type] . '">';
             $result_html .= $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	</label>';
         case self::FORM_FIELD_HIDDEN:
             $default_prop = array('icon' => false, 'tooltip' => false, 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => '');
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'value');
             $field_html .= self::_get_field_html($name, self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT, $new_prop, true);
             return $field_html;
         case self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT:
             $default_prop = array('type' => 'text', 'attr' => array(), 'id' => '', 'icon' => '', 'icon_append' => true, 'placeholder' => '', 'value' => '', 'tooltip' => array(), 'disabled' => false, 'autocomplete' => false, 'size' => '', 'class' => array());
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'placeholder');
             $classes = array();
             if ($new_prop['class']) {
                 array_push($classes, $new_prop['class']);
             if ($new_prop['size']) {
                 $classes[] = 'input-' . $new_prop['size'];
             $attrs = array();
             $attrs[] = $classes ? 'class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' : '';
             $attrs[] = 'type="' . $new_prop['type'] . '"';
             $attrs[] = 'name="' . $name . '"';
             if ($new_prop['attr']) {
                 $attrs[] = implode(' ', $new_prop['attr']);
             if ($new_prop['id']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'id="' . $new_prop['id'] . '"';
             $attrs[] = 'value="' . $new_prop['value'] . '"';
             if ($new_prop['placeholder']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'placeholder="' . $new_prop['placeholder'] . '"';
             if ($new_prop['disabled']) {
                 $attrs[] = 'disabled="disabled"';
             $ac_html = '';
             if ($new_prop['autocomplete']) {
                 $ac_prop = array('data' => array(), 'display' => '', 'value' => '');
                 if (!isset($new_prop['autocomplete']['data'])) {
                     $ac_prop['data'] = $new_prop['autocomplete'];
                 } else {
                     $ac_prop['data'] = $new_prop['autocomplete']['data'];
                     $ac_prop['display'] = isset($new_prop['autocomplete']['display']) ? $new_prop['autocomplete']['display'] : '';
                     $ac_prop['value'] = isset($new_prop['autocomplete']['value']) ? $new_prop['autocomplete']['value'] : '';
                 $list_name = 'list-' . $name . '-' . SmartUtil::create_id();
                 $ac_html = self::_get_field_html('', self::FORM_FIELD_SELECT, array('container' => 'datalist', 'data' => $ac_prop['data'], 'display' => $ac_prop['display'], 'value' => $ac_prop['value'], 'id' => $list_name), true);
                 $attrs[] = 'list="' . $list_name . '"';
             if ($new_prop['icon']) {
                 $field_html .= '<i class="icon-' . ($new_prop['icon_append'] ? 'append' : 'prepend') . ' ' . SmartUI::$icon_source . ' ' . $new_prop['icon'] . '"></i>';
             $field_html .= '<input ' . implode(' ', $attrs) . ' />';
             $field_html .= $ac_html;
             if ($new_prop['tooltip']) {
                 $tooltip_prop = array('content' => '', 'position' => 'top-right');
                 $new_tooltip_prop = parent::set_array_prop_def($tooltip_prop, $new_prop['tooltip'], 'content');
                 $field_html .= '<b class="tooltip tooltip-' . $new_tooltip_prop['position'] . '">' . $new_tooltip_prop['content'] . '</b>';
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	<label class="' . $field_class_map[$field_type] . '">';
             $result_html .= $field_html;
             $result_html .= '	</label>';
         case self::FORM_FIELD_RADIO:
             $default_prop = array('items' => array(), 'cols' => 0, 'inline' => false, 'toggle' => false);
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'items');
             if (!is_array($new_prop['items'])) {
                 $new_prop['items'] = array($new_prop['items']);
             $items = $new_prop['items'];
             $item_list_html = array();
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 $items_prop = array('name' => $name, 'checked' => false, 'value' => '', 'label' => '', 'id' => '', 'disabled' => false);
                 $new_item_prop = parent::set_array_prop_def($items_prop, $item, 'label');
                 $item_html = self::_get_field_html($new_item_prop['name'], self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT, array('type' => 'radio', 'attr' => $new_item_prop['checked'] ? array('checked') : null, 'value' => $new_item_prop['value'], 'id' => $new_item_prop['id']), true);
                 if ($new_prop['toggle']) {
                     $text_off = is_array($new_prop['toggle']) && isset($new_prop['toggle']['text-off']) ? $new_prop['toggle']['text-off'] : 'OFF';
                     $text_on = is_array($new_prop['toggle']) && isset($new_prop['toggle']['text-on']) ? $new_prop['toggle']['text-on'] : 'ON';
                     $item_html .= '<i data-swchon-text="' . $text_on . '" data-swchoff-text="' . $text_off . '"></i>';
                 } else {
                     $item_html .= '<i></i>';
                 $item_html .= $new_item_prop['label'];
                 $field_html = '	<label class="' . ($new_prop['toggle'] ? 'toggle' : $field_class_map[$field_type]) . ' ' . ($new_item_prop['disabled'] ? 'state-disabled' : '') . '">';
                 $field_html .= $item_html;
                 $field_html .= '	</label>';
                 $item_list_html[] = $field_html;
             if ($new_prop['cols']) {
                 $result_html .= '<div class="row">';
                 $result_html .= self::print_col_items($item_list_html, function ($item) {
                     return $item;
                 }, $new_prop['cols'], true);
                 $result_html .= '</div>';
             } else {
                 $list_html = implode('', $item_list_html);
                 if ($new_prop['inline']) {
                     $result_html .= '<div class="inline-group">';
                     $result_html .= $list_html;
                     $result_html .= '</div>';
                 } else {
                     $result_html .= $list_html;
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $result_html;
         case self::FORM_FIELD_CHECKBOX:
             $default_prop = array('items' => array(), 'cols' => 0, 'inline' => false, 'toggle' => false);
             $new_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($default_prop, $properties, array(), 'items');
             if (!is_array($new_prop['items'])) {
                 $new_prop['items'] = array($new_prop['items']);
             $items = $new_prop['items'];
             $item_list_html = array();
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 $items_prop = array('name' => $name, 'checked' => false, 'value' => '', 'label' => '', 'id' => '', 'disabled' => false);
                 $new_item_prop = parent::set_array_prop_def($items_prop, $item, 'label');
                 $item_html = self::_get_field_html($new_item_prop['name'], self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT, array('type' => 'checkbox', 'attr' => $new_item_prop['checked'] ? array('checked') : null, 'value' => $new_item_prop['value'], 'id' => $new_item_prop['id']), true);
                 if ($new_prop['toggle']) {
                     $text_off = is_array($new_prop['toggle']) && isset($new_prop['toggle']['text-off']) ? $new_prop['toggle']['text-off'] : 'OFF';
                     $text_on = is_array($new_prop['toggle']) && isset($new_prop['toggle']['text-on']) ? $new_prop['toggle']['text-on'] : 'ON';
                     $item_html .= '<i data-swchon-text="' . $text_on . '" data-swchoff-text="' . $text_off . '"></i>';
                 } else {
                     $item_html .= '<i></i>';
                 $item_html .= $new_item_prop['label'];
                 $field_html = '	<label class="' . ($new_prop['toggle'] ? 'toggle' : $field_class_map[$field_type]) . ' ' . ($new_item_prop['disabled'] ? 'state-disabled' : '') . '">';
                 $field_html .= $item_html;
                 $field_html .= '	</label>';
                 $item_list_html[] = $field_html;
             if ($new_prop['cols']) {
                 $result_html .= '<div class="row">';
                 $result_html .= self::print_col_items($item_list_html, function ($item) {
                     return $item;
                 }, $new_prop['cols'], true);
                 $result_html .= '</div>';
             } else {
                 $list_html = implode('', $item_list_html);
                 if ($new_prop['inline']) {
                     $result_html .= '<div class="inline-group">';
                     $result_html .= $list_html;
                     $result_html .= '</div>';
                 } else {
                     $result_html .= $list_html;
             if ($field_html_only) {
                 return $result_html;
     if (is_array($properties)) {
         $notes = isset($properties['note']) ? '<div class="note">' . $properties['note'] . '</div>' : '';
         $label = isset($properties['label']) && $properties['label'] ? '<label class="label">' . $properties['label'] . '</label>' : '';
     $result .= $label;
     $result .= $result_html;
     $result .= $notes;
     return $result;
 public function print_html($return = false)
     $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
     $that = $this;
     $structure = $this->_structure;
     $icon = $get_property_value($structure->icon, array('if_closure' => function ($icon) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($icon, array($that));
     }, 'if_array' => function ($icon) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Widget::icon requires string.');
         return '';
     $container = $get_property_value($structure->container, array('if_closure' => function ($container) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($container, array($that));
     }, 'if_array' => function ($container) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Widget::container requires string.');
         return '';
     $content = $get_property_value($structure->content, array('if_closure' => function ($content) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($content, array($that));
     }, 'if_array' => function ($content) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Widget::content requires string.');
         return '';
     $attr = $get_property_value($structure->attr, array('if_closure' => function ($attr) use($that) {
         $callback_return = SmartUtil::run_callback($attr, $array($that));
         if (is_array($callback_return)) {
             return $callback_return;
         } else {
             return array($callback_return);
     }, 'if_array' => function ($attr) {
         $attrs = array();
         foreach ($attr as $key => $value) {
             $attrs[] = $key . '="' . $value . '"';
         return $attrs;
     }, 'if_other' => function ($attr) {
         return array($attr);
     $class = $get_property_value($structure->class, array("if_closure" => function ($class) use($that) {
         return SmartUtil::run_callback($class, array($that));
     }, "if_array" => function ($class) {
         return implode(' ', $class);
     $type = $get_property_value($structure->type, array('if_array' => function ($class) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Button:type requires string.');
         return SmartUI::BUTTON_TYPE_DEFAULT;
     $classes = array();
     // labeled and icon
     if (trim($icon)) {
         $icon = '<i class="fa ' . $icon . '"></i>';
         if ($structure->options['labeled']) {
             $classes[] = 'btn-labeled';
             $icon = $structure->options['labeled'] ? '<span class="btn-label">' . $icon . '</span>' : $icon;
         $content = $icon . ' ' . $content;
     // custom class
     if ($class) {
         $classes[] = $class;
     // size
     $size_class = '';
     if ($structure->size) {
         $size_class = 'btn-' . $structure->size;
         $classes[] = $size_class;
     // disabled
     $disabled = $structure->options['disabled'] ? 'disabled' : '';
     $classes[] = $disabled;
     $class_htm = $classes ? ' ' . implode(' ', $classes) : '';
     $result = '';
     if ($structure->dropdown) {
         $dd_prop = array('items' => array(), 'multilevel' => false, 'split' => false);
         $new_dd_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($dd_prop, $structure->dropdown, array($this), 'items');
         if (is_array($new_dd_prop['items'])) {
             $dropdown_html = parent::print_dropdown($new_dd_prop['items'], $new_dd_prop['multilevel'], true);
         } else {
             $dropdown_html = $new_dd_prop['items'];
         if ($new_dd_prop['split']) {
             $split_prop = array('type' => $type, 'disabled' => false, 'dropup' => false, 'class' => array(), 'attr' => array());
             $new_split_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($split_prop, $new_dd_prop['split'], array($this, $new_dd_prop), 'type');
             $split_attrs = array();
             if (is_array($new_split_prop['attr'])) {
                 foreach ($new_split_prop['attr'] as $split_attr => $value) {
                     $split_attrs[] = $split_attr . '="' . $value . '"';
             } else {
                 $split_attrs[] = $new_split_prop['attr'];
             $split_classes = array();
             if (is_array($new_split_prop['class'])) {
                 $split_classes[] = implode(' ', $new_split_prop['class']);
             } else {
                 $split_classes[] = $new_split_prop['class'];
             $split_classes[] = $size_class;
             $split_class_htm = $split_classes ? ' ' . implode(' ', $split_classes) : '';
             $btn_main = '<' . $container . ' class="btn btn-' . $type . $class_htm . '" ' . implode(' ', $attr) . '>';
             $btn_main .= $content;
             $btn_main .= '</' . $container . '>';
             $btn_dd = '<' . $container . ' class="btn btn-' . $new_split_prop['type'] . $split_class_htm . ' dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" ' . implode(' ', $split_attrs) . '>';
             $btn_dd .= '<span class="caret"></span>';
             $btn_dd .= '</' . $container . '>';
             $btn_dd .= $dropdown_html;
             $result .= '<div class="btn-group' . ($new_split_prop['dropup'] ? ' dropup' : '') . '">' . $btn_main . $btn_dd . '</div>';
         } else {
             $result .= '<div class="dropdown">';
             $result .= '<' . $container . ' class="btn btn-' . $type . $class_htm . ' dropdown-toggle" ' . implode(' ', $attr) . ' data-toggle="dropdown">';
             $result .= $content . ' <span class="caret"></span>';
             $result .= '</' . $container . '>';
             $result .= $dropdown_html;
             $result .= '</div>';
     } else {
         $result .= '<' . $container . ' class="btn btn-' . $type . $class_htm . '" ' . implode(' ', $attr) . '>';
         $result .= $content;
         $result .= '</' . $container . '>';
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
Пример #7
    private function _get_bootstrap_result()
        $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
        $that = $this;
        $structure = $this->_structure;
        $steps = $get_property_value($structure->step, array('if_closure' => function ($steps) use($that) {
            return SmartUI::run_callback($steps, array($that));
        }, 'if_other' => function ($steps) {
            SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Wizard::step requires array');
            return null;
        if (!is_array($steps)) {
            parent::err("SmartUI::Wizard::step requires array");
            return null;
        $li_list = array();
        $step_content_list = array();
        $has_active = false;
        $step = 1;
        foreach ($steps as $step_id => $step_prop) {
            $step_structure = array('content' => isset($structure->content[$step_id]) ? $structure->content[$step_id] : '', 'title' => isset($structure->title[$step_id]) ? $structure->title[$step_id] : '', 'step' => $step, 'active' => isset($structure->active[$step_id]) && $structure->active[$step_id] === true);
            $new_step_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($step_structure, $step_prop, array($that, $steps, $step_id), 'title');
            foreach ($new_step_prop as $step_prop_key => $step_prop_vaue) {
                $new_step_prop_value = $get_property_value($step_prop_vaue, array('if_closure' => function ($prop_value) use($that, $steps) {
                    return SmartUI::run_callback($prop_value, array($that, $steps));
                $new_step_prop[$step_prop_key] = $new_step_prop_value;
            $step_content_classes = array();
            $step_content_classes[] = 'tab-pane';
            $li_classes = array();
            $a_classes = array();
            $a_attr = array();
            if (!$structure->active && !$has_active || $new_step_prop['active'] === true && !$has_active) {
                $li_classes[] = 'active';
                $step_content_classes[] = 'active';
                $has_active = true;
            $title = $new_step_prop['title'];
            $href = '#' . $step_id;
            $a_attr[] = 'data-toggle="tab"';
            $class = $li_classes ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $li_classes) . '"' : '';
            $li_html = '<li' . $class . ' data-target="#' . $step_id . '">';
            $li_html .= '<a href="' . $href . '" ' . ($a_classes ? 'class="' . implode(' ', $a_classes) . '"' : '') . ($a_attr ? ' ' . implode(' ', $a_attr) : '') . '>';
            $li_html .= '<span class="step">' . $new_step_prop['step'] . '</span> <span class="title">' . $title . '</span>';
            $li_html .= '</a>';
            $li_html .= '</li>';
            $li_list[] = $li_html;
            $step_content_html = '<div class="' . implode(' ', $step_content_classes) . '" id="' . $step_id . '">';
            $step_content_html .= $new_step_prop['content'];
            $step_content_html .= '</div>';
            $step_content_list[] = $step_content_html;
        $ul_classes = array();
        $ul_classes[] = 'bootstrapWizard';
        $ul_classes[] = $structure->tabl_class;
        $content_classes = array();
        $content_classes[] = 'tab-content';
        $content_html = '<div class="' . implode(' ', $content_classes) . '">';
        $content_html .= implode('', $step_content_list);
        $content_html .= '		<div class="form-actions">
									<div class="row">
										<div class="col-sm-12">
											<ul class="pager wizard no-margin">
												<!--<li class="previous first disabled">
												<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-lg btn-default"> First </a>
												<li class="previous disabled">
													<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-lg btn-default"> Previous </a>
												<!--<li class="next last">
												<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary"> Last </a>
												<li class="next">
													<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-lg txt-color-darken"> Next </a>
        $content_html .= '</div>';
        $ul_html = '<div class="form-bootstrapWizard">';
        $ul_html .= '	<ul class="' . implode(' ', $ul_classes) . '">';
        $ul_html .= implode('', $li_list);
        $ul_html .= '	</ul>';
        $ul_html .= '	<div class="clearfix"></div>';
        $ul_html .= '</div>';
        $main_content_html = '<div class="row">';
        $main_content_html .= '		<div class="col-sm-12" id="' . $structure->id . '">';
        $main_content_html .= $ul_html . $content_html;
        $main_content_html .= '		</div>';
        $main_content_html .= '</div>';
        if (isset($structure->options["in_widget"]) && $structure->options["in_widget"]) {
            $structure->widget->body("content", $main_content_html);
            if ($structure->title) {
                $structure->widget->header('title', $structure->title);
            $result = $structure->widget->print_html(true);
        } else {
            $result = $main_content_html;
        return $result;
Пример #8
 public function print_html($return = false)
     $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
     $that = $this;
     $structure = $this->_structure;
     $items = $get_property_value($structure->item, array('if_closure' => function ($items) use($that) {
         return SmartUI::run_callback($items, array($that));
     }, 'if_other' => function ($items) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Carousel:item requires array');
         return null;
     if (!is_array($items)) {
         parent::err("SmartUI::Carousel:item requires array");
         return null;
     $indicators_list = array();
     $items_list = array();
     $has_active = false;
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($items as $item_key => $item) {
         $item_structure = array('img' => isset($structure->img[$item_key]) ? $structure->img[$item_key] : '', 'caption' => isset($structure->caption[$item_key]) ? $structure->caption[$item_key] : '', 'active' => isset($structure->active[$item_key]) ? $structure->active[$item_key] : '');
         $new_item_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($item_structure, $item, array($this, $items), 'img');
         foreach ($new_item_prop as $tab_item_key => $item_prop_value) {
             $new_item_prop_value = $get_property_value($item_prop_value, array('if_closure' => function ($prop_value) use($that, $items) {
                 return SmartUI::run_callback($prop_value, array($that, $items));
             $new_item_prop[$tab_item_key] = $new_item_prop_value;
         $image_prop = array('src' => '', 'alt' => '');
         $new_image_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($image_prop, $new_item_prop['img'], array($this, $items, $new_item_prop), 'src');
         $indicator_classes = array();
         $item_classes = array();
         $item_classes[] = 'item';
         if (!$structure->active && !$has_active || $new_item_prop['active'] === true && !$has_active) {
             $has_active = true;
             $indicator_classes[] = 'active';
             $item_classes[] = 'active';
         $indicators_list[] = '<li data-target="#' . $structure->id . '" data-slide-to="' . $index . '" class="' . implode(' ', $indicator_classes) . '"></li>';
         $item_html = '<div class="' . implode(' ', $item_classes) . '">';
         $item_html .= '		<img src="' . $new_image_prop['src'] . '" alt="' . $new_image_prop['alt'] . '">';
         $item_html .= '		<div class="carousel-caption">';
         $item_html .= $new_item_prop['caption'];
         $item_html .= '		</div>';
         $item_html .= '</div>';
         $items_list[] = $item_html;
     $controls_html = '';
     if ($structure->options['controls']) {
         $controls_html .= '	<a class="left carousel-control" href="#' . $structure->id . '" data-slide="prev">';
         $controls_html .= $structure->options['controls'][0];
         $controls_html .= '	</a>';
         $controls_html .= '	<a class="right carousel-control" href="#' . $structure->id . '" data-slide="next">';
         $controls_html .= $structure->options['controls'][1];
         $controls_html .= '	</a>';
     $result = '<div id="' . $structure->id . '" class="carousel ' . $structure->options['style'] . '">';
     $result .= '	<ol class="carousel-indicators">';
     $result .= implode('', $indicators_list);
     $result .= '	</ol>';
     $result .= '	<div class="carousel-inner">';
     $result .= implode('', $items_list);
     $result .= '	</div>';
     $result .= $controls_html;
     $result .= '</div>';
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
 public function print_html($return = false)
     $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
     $that = $this;
     $structure = $this->_structure;
     $fields = $get_property_value($structure->field, array('if_closure' => function ($fields) use($that) {
         return SmartUI::run_callback($fields, array($that));
     }, 'if_other' => function ($fields) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Accordion:panel requires array');
         return null;
     if (!is_array($fields)) {
         parent::err("SmartUI::Accordion:panel requires array");
         return null;
     if (!$structure->fieldset || !is_array($structure->fieldset)) {
         $structure->fieldset[] = array_keys($structure->field);
     $fieldsets_html_list = array();
     $fieldsets = count($structure->fieldset);
     for ($fs_index = 0; $fs_index < $fieldsets; $fs_index++) {
         $fs_fields = $structure->fieldset[$fs_index];
         $groups = array();
         $with_col_cntr = 0;
         $grouped = false;
         foreach ($fs_fields as $field_name) {
             $field = $structure->field[$field_name];
             $field_prop = array('type' => self::FORM_FIELD_INPUT, 'col' => 0, 'properties' => array());
             $new_field_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($field_prop, $field, array($this, $fs_index, $fs_fields), 'type');
             if (isset($structure->property[$field_name])) {
                 $new_field_prop['properties'] = $structure->property[$field_name];
             if (isset($structure->col[$field_name])) {
                 $new_field_prop['col'] = $structure->col[$field_name];
             if (isset($structure->type[$field_name])) {
                 $new_field_prop['type'] = $structure->type[$field_name];
             $field_html = self::print_field($field_name, $new_field_prop['type'], $new_field_prop['properties'], $new_field_prop['col'], true);
             $collumned = $new_field_prop['col'] > 0;
             if (!$grouped) {
                 $last_group_key = SmartUtil::create_id();
                 $group = self::_create_field_group($collumned, $field_html, $new_field_prop['col']);
                 $groups[$last_group_key] = $group;
                 $grouped = true;
             } else {
                 $last_group = $groups[$last_group_key];
                 if ($last_group->collumned === $collumned && $last_group->total < 12) {
                     $last_group->items[] = $field_html;
                     $last_group->total = $last_group->total + (int) $new_field_prop['col'];
                 } else {
                     $last_group_key = SmartUtil::create_id();
                     $group = self::_create_field_group($collumned, $field_html, $new_field_prop['col']);
                     $groups[$last_group_key] = $group;
                     $grouped = true;
         $fields_html_list = array();
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $group_html = '';
             $fields_html = implode('', $group->items);
             if ($group->collumned) {
                 $group_html .= '<div class="row">';
                 $group_html .= $fields_html;
                 $group_html .= '</div>';
             } else {
                 $group_html .= $fields_html;
             $fields_html_list[] = $group_html;
         $fieldsets_html_list[] = '<fieldset>' . implode('', $fields_html_list) . '</fieldset>';
     $header = $get_property_value($structure->header, array('if_closure' => function ($header) use($that) {
         return SmartUI::run_callback($header, array($that));
     $footer = $get_property_value($structure->footer, array('if_closure' => function ($footer) use($that) {
         return SmartUI::run_callback($footer, array($that));
     $form_attrs = array();
     $form_attrs[] = 'class="smart-form"';
     $form_attrs[] = 'method="' . $structure->options['method'] . '"';
     $form_attrs[] = 'action="' . $structure->options['action'] . '"';
     $form_html = '<form ' . implode(' ', $form_attrs) . '>';
     $form_html .= $header ? '<header>' . $header . '</header>' : '';
     $form_html .= implode('', $fieldsets_html_list);
     $form_html .= $footer ? '<footer>' . $footer . '</footer>' : '';
     $form_html .= '</form>';
     if (isset($structure->options["in_widget"]) && $structure->options["in_widget"]) {
         $structure->widget->body("content", $form_html);
         if ($structure->title) {
             $structure->widget->header('title', $structure->title);
         $result = $structure->widget->print_html(true);
     } else {
         $result = $form_html;
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
Пример #10
 public function print_html($return = false)
     $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
     $that = $this;
     $structure = $this->_structure;
     $panels = $get_property_value($structure->panel, array('if_closure' => function ($panels) use($that) {
         return SmartUI::run_callback($panels, array($that));
     }, 'if_other' => function ($panels) {
         SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Accordion:panel requires array');
         return null;
     if (!is_array($panels)) {
         parent::err("SmartUI::Accordion:panel requires array");
         return null;
     $panel_html_list = array();
     foreach ($panels as $panel_id => $panel_prop) {
         $panel_structure = array('header' => isset($structure->header[$panel_id]) ? $structure->header[$panel_id] : '', 'content' => isset($structure->content[$panel_id]) ? $structure->content[$panel_id] : '', 'expand' => isset($structure->expand[$panel_id]) ? $structure->expand[$panel_id] : false, 'padding' => isset($structure->padding[$panel_id]) ? $structure->padding[$panel_id] : null);
         $new_panel_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($panel_structure, $panel_prop, array($this, $panels), 'header');
         foreach ($new_panel_prop as $panel_prop_key => $panel_prop_vaue) {
             $new_panel_prop_value = $get_property_value($panel_prop_vaue, array('if_closure' => function ($prop_value) use($that, $panels) {
                 return SmartUI::run_callback($prop_value, array($that, $panels));
             $new_panel_prop[$panel_prop_key] = $new_panel_prop_value;
         // header
         $header_structure = array('content' => '', 'container' => 'h4', 'icons' => isset($structure->icons[$panel_id]) ? $structure->icons[$panel_id] : $structure->options['global_icons']);
         $new_header_prop = parent::get_clean_structure($header_structure, $new_panel_prop['header'], array($that, $panels), 'content');
         $a_classes = array();
         if (!$new_panel_prop['expand']) {
             $a_classes[] = 'collapsed';
         $a_attr = array();
         $a_attr[] = 'data-parent="#' . $structure->id . '"';
         $a_attr[] = 'href="#' . $panel_id . '"';
         $a_attr[] = 'data-toggle="collapse"';
         $icons = is_array($new_header_prop['icons']) ? implode(' ', array_map(function ($icon) {
             return '<i class="' . SmartUI::$icon_source . ' ' . $icon . '"></i> ';
         }, $new_header_prop['icons'])) : $new_header_prop['icons'];
         $body_classes = array();
         $body_classes[] = 'panel-body';
         if (isset($new_panel_prop['padding'])) {
             $body_classes[] = $new_panel_prop['padding'] ? 'padding-' . $new_panel_prop['padding'] : 'no-padding';
         $panel_html = '<div class="panel panel-default">';
         $panel_html .= '	<div class="panel-heading">';
         $panel_html .= '		<' . $new_header_prop['container'] . ' class="panel-title">';
         $panel_html .= '			<a ' . implode(' ', $a_attr) . ' class="' . implode(' ', $a_classes) . '"> ';
         $panel_html .= $icons;
         $panel_html .= $new_header_prop['content'];
         $panel_html .= '			</a>';
         $panel_html .= '		</' . $new_header_prop['container'] . '>';
         $panel_html .= '	</div>';
         $panel_html .= '	<div id="' . $panel_id . '" class="panel-collapse collapse ' . ($new_panel_prop['expand'] ? 'in' : '') . '">';
         $panel_html .= '		<div class="' . implode(' ', $body_classes) . '">';
         $panel_html .= $new_panel_prop['content'];
         $panel_html .= '		</div>';
         $panel_html .= '	</div>';
         $panel_html .= '</div>';
         $panel_html_list[] = $panel_html;
     $result = '<div class="panel-group smart-accordion-default" id="' . $structure->id . '">';
     $result .= implode('', $panel_html_list);
     $result .= '</div>';
     if ($return) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo $result;
    public function print_html($return = false)
        $get_property_value = parent::_get_property_value_func();
        $that = $this;
        $structure = $this->_structure;
        $rows = $get_property_value($structure->data, array("if_array" => function ($data) use($that, $get_property_value, $structure) {
            $html_rows = array();
            foreach ($data as $row_index => $row_data) {
                $row_prop = array("hidden" => false, "checkbox" => true, "detail" => true, "class" => "", "attr" => "", "content" => true);
                $new_row_prop = $row_prop;
                if (isset($structure->row[$row_index + 1])) {
                    $row_prop_value = $structure->row[$row_index + 1];
                    if ($row_prop_value === false) {
                        $new_row_prop["hidden"] = true;
                    } else {
                        if ($row_prop_value === "") {
                            $new_row_prop["content"] = "";
                        } else {
                            $new_row_prop = SmartUtil::get_clean_structure($row_prop, $row_prop_value, array($row_data, $row_index), 'class');
                $rows_html = '';
                foreach ($row_data as $col_name => $cell_value) {
                    $hide_class = '';
                    if (isset($structure->hide[$col_name]) && $structure->hide[$col_name] === true || in_array($col_name, $structure->hidden)) {
                        $hide_class = ' class="hidden"';
                    if (isset($new_row_prop["content"]) && !$new_row_prop["content"]) {
                        $rows_html .= '<td' . $hide_class . '></td>';
                    $cell_html = $cell_value;
                    if (isset($structure->cell[$col_name])) {
                        $cell_prop = $structure->cell[$col_name];
                        $cell_html = $get_property_value($cell_prop, array("if_closure" => function ($prop) use($that, $row_data, $row_index, $cell_value) {
                            return SmartUtil::run_callback($prop, array($row_data, $cell_value, $row_index));
                        }, "if_array" => function ($cell_prop) use($that, $row_data, $row_index, $cell_value, $get_property_value) {
                            //icon, content, color, url[href, title, tooltip, attr]
                            $cell_html = $cell_value;
                            if (isset($cell_prop["content"])) {
                                $cell_html = $get_property_value($cell_prop["content"], array("if_closure" => function ($content) use($that, $row_data, $row_index, $cell_value) {
                                    $content_value = $that::replace_col_codes(SmartUtil::run_callback($content, array($row_data, $cell_value, $row_index)), $row_data);
                                    return $content_value;
                                }, "if_other" => function ($content) use($cell_html) {
                                    $cell_html = $content;
                                    return $cell_html;
                            if (isset($cell_prop["url"])) {
                                $map_url_prop = array("href" => "#", "target" => "_self", "title" => "", "attr" => "");
                                $map_url_prop = $get_property_value($cell_prop["url"], array("if_closure" => function ($prop) use($row_data, $row_index, $cell_value, $map_url_prop) {
                                    $url = SmartUtil::run_callback($prop, array($row_data, $cell_value, $row_index));
                                    $map_url_prop["href"] = $url;
                                    return $map_url_prop;
                                }, "if_array" => function ($url_prop) use($that, $row_data, $cell_html, $map_url_prop) {
                                    $map_url_prop["target"] = isset($url_prop['target']) ? $url_prop['target'] : "_self";
                                    $map_url_prop["href"] = isset($url_prop['href']) ? $that::replace_col_codes($url_prop['href'], $row_data, true) : '#';
                                    $map_url_prop["attr"] = isset($url_prop['attr']) && $url_prop['attr'] ? $url_prop['attr'] : '';
                                    $map_url_prop["title"] = isset($url_prop['title']) ? $that::replace_col_codes($url_prop['title'], $row_data, true) : '';
                                    return $map_url_prop;
                                }, "if_other" => function ($url_prop) use($that, $row_data, $cell_html, $map_url_prop) {
                                    $map_url_prop["href"] = $that::replace_col_codes($url_prop, SmartUtil::object_to_array($row_data), true);
                                    return $map_url_prop;
                                $cell_html = '<a href="' . $map_url_prop["href"] . '" target="' . $map_url_prop["target"] . '" ' . $map_url_prop["attr"] . ' title="' . $map_url_prop["title"] . '">' . $cell_html . '</a>';
                            if (isset($cell_prop["icon"])) {
                                $cell_html = $get_property_value($cell_prop["icon"], array("if_closure" => function ($icon) use($row_data, $row_index, $cell_value, $cell_html) {
                                    $icon_value = SmartUtil::run_callback($prop, array($row_data, $cell_value, $row_index));
                                    return '<i class="fa ' . $icon_value . ' fa-md"></i> ' . $cell_html;
                                }, "if_other" => function ($icon) use($cell_html) {
                                    return '<i class="fa ' . $icon . ' fa-md"></i> ' . $cell_html;
                            if (isset($cell_prop["color"])) {
                                $cell_html = $get_property_value($cell_prop["color"], array("if_closure" => function ($color) use($row_data, $row_index, $cell_value, $cell_html) {
                                    $color_value = SmartUtil::run_callback($color, array($row_data, $cell_value, $row_index));
                                    return '<span class="' . $color_value . '">' . $cell_html . '</span>';
                                }, "if_other" => function ($color) use($cell_html) {
                                    return '<span class="' . $color . '">' . $cell_html . '</span>';
                            if (isset($cell_prop["callback"]) && SmartUtil::is_closure($cell_prop["callback"])) {
                                $new_cell_html = SmartUtil::run_callback($cell_prop["callback"], array($row_data, $cell_html, $row_index));
                                if (trim($new_cell_html) != "") {
                                    $cell_html = $new_cell_html;
                            return $cell_html;
                        }, "if_other" => function ($cell_prop) use($that, $row_data) {
                            return $that::replace_col_codes($cell_prop, $row_data);
                    $rows_html .= '<td' . $hide_class . '> ' . $cell_html . ' </td>';
                $row_classes = array();
                if ($new_row_prop["class"]) {
                    $row_classes[] = $new_row_prop["class"];
                if ($new_row_prop["hidden"] === true) {
                    $row_classes[] = 'hidden';
                $attr = $new_row_prop["attr"] ? ' ' . $new_row_prop["attr"] : '';
                $row_class = $row_classes ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $row_classes) . '"' : '';
                $row_checkbox = '';
                $row_details = '';
                if (isset($structure->options["checkboxes"]) && $structure->options["checkboxes"]) {
                    $option = $structure->options["checkboxes"];
                    $checkbox_prop = array("name" => $structure->id . "_checkbox", "id" => "", "checked" => false);
                    $new_checkbox_prop = SmartUtil::get_clean_structure($checkbox_prop, $option, array($that, $row_data, $row_index), 'name');
                    $id = $new_checkbox_prop["id"] ? 'id="' . $new_checkbox_prop["id"] . '"' : '';
                    $content = '<label class="checkbox-inline">
		                          <input type="checkbox" ' . ($new_checkbox_prop["checked"] ? 'checked' : '') . ' class="checkbox style-0" name="' . $checkbox_prop["name"] . '[]" ' . $id . ' />
                    if ($new_row_prop["checkbox"] === false) {
                        $content = '';
                    $row_checkbox = '
			                <td class="center" width="20px"> ' . $content . ' </td>';
                if (isset($structure->options["row_details"]) && $structure->options["row_details"]) {
                    $option = $structure->options["row_details"];
                    $detail_prop = array("id" => "", "icon" => 'fa-plus-square', "title" => 'Show Details');
                    $new_detail_prop = SmartUtil::get_clean_structure($detail_prop, $option, array($that, $row_data, $row_index), 'icon');
                    $id = $new_detail_prop["id"] ? 'id="' . $new_detail_prop["id"] . '"' : '';
                    $content = '<a href="#" ' . $id . '>
									<i class="fa ' . $detail_prop['icon'] . ' fa-lg" data-toggle="row-detail" title="' . $detail_prop['title'] . '"></i>
                    if ($new_row_prop["detail"] === false) {
                        $content = '';
                    $row_details = '<td class="center" width="20px"> ' . $content . ' </td>';
                $html_rows[] = '<tr' . $row_class . $attr . '>' . $row_details . $row_checkbox . $rows_html . '</tr>';
            return implode('', $html_rows);
        }, "if_closure" => function ($data) {
            SmartUI::err('SmartUI::DataTable::data requires an array of objects/array');
            return '';
        }, "if_other" => function ($data) {
            SmartUI::err('SmartUI::DataTable::data requires an array of objects/array');
            return '';
        $cols = $get_property_value($structure->col, array("if_array" => function ($cols) use($that, $get_property_value, $structure) {
            $html_col_list = array();
            foreach ($cols as $col_name => $col_value) {
                if (is_null($col_value) || $col_value === false) {
                $col_value_prop = array("name" => $col_name, "class" => "", "attr" => array(), "icon" => "", "hidden" => isset($structure->hide[$col_name]) && $structure->hide[$col_name] === true || in_array($col_name, $structure->hidden));
                $new_col_value = SmartUtil::get_clean_structure($col_value_prop, $col_value, array($that, $cols), 'name');
                if ($new_col_value['attr']) {
                    if (is_array($new_col_value["attr"])) {
                        foreach ($new_col_value["attr"] as $attr => $value) {
                            $attrs[] = $attr . '="' . $value . '"';
                    } else {
                        $attrs[] = $new_col_value["attr"];
                    $new_col_value["attr"] = $attrs;
                $classes = array();
                if ($new_col_value['class']) {
                    $classes[] = $new_col_value['class'];
                if ($new_col_value['hidden'] === true) {
                    $classes[] = "hidden";
                $class = $classes ? 'class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' : '';
                $main_attributes = array($class, implode(' ', $new_col_value['attr']));
                $htm_attrs = trim(implode(' ', $main_attributes));
                $htm_attrs = $htm_attrs ? ' ' . $htm_attrs : '';
                $html_col_list[] = '<th' . $htm_attrs . '>' . $new_col_value['icon'] . ' ' . $new_col_value['name'] . ' </th>';
            $html_cols = implode('', $html_col_list);
            $checkbox_header = '';
            $detail_header = '';
            if (isset($structure->options["checkboxes"]) && $structure->options["checkboxes"]) {
                $checkbox_header = '
						<th class="center" width="20px">
							<label class="checkbox-inline">
								<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox style-0">
            if (isset($structure->options["row_details"]) && $structure->options["row_details"]) {
                $detail_header = '
						<th class="center" width="20px"></th>';
            return '<tr>' . $detail_header . $checkbox_header . $html_cols . '</tr>';
        $id = $get_property_value($structure->id, array("if_closure" => function ($prop) use($that) {
            return SmartUtil::run_callback($prop, array($that));
        }, "if_other" => function ($prop) {
            return $prop;
        }, "if_array" => function ($prop) use($structure) {
            SmartUI::err('SmartUI::Widget::id requires string.');
            return $structure->id;
        $id = $id ? 'id="' . $id . '"' : '';
        $table_html = '<table ' . $id . ' class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">';
        $table_html .= '<thead>';
        $table_html .= $cols;
        $table_html .= '</thead>';
        $table_html .= '<tbody>';
        $table_html .= $rows;
        $table_html .= '</tbody>';
        $table_html .= '</table>';
        $result = $table_html;
        if (isset($structure->options["in_widget"]) && $structure->options["in_widget"]) {
            // no need for widget's toolbar for datatable 1.10.x
            // if (!$structure->options["static"])
            // 	$structure->widget->body('toolbar', '');
            $structure->widget->body("content", $table_html);
            $result = $structure->widget->print_html(true);
        if ($return) {
            return $result;
        } else {
            echo $result;