public function go() { //$feed = file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/_add-ons/wordpress/wp_posts.xml'); //$items = simplexml_load_string($feed); $posts_object = simplexml_load_file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/_add-ons/wordpress/roobottom_old_posts.xml'); $posts = object_to_array($posts_object); $yaml_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/_content/01-blog/'; foreach ($posts['table'] as $post) { if ($post['column'][8] == "publish") { $slug = Slug::make($post['column'][5]); $slug = preg_replace('/[^a-z\\d]+/i', '-', $slug); if (substr($slug, -1) == '-') { $slug = substr($slug, 0, -1); } $date = date('Y-m-d-Hi', strtotime($post['column'][3])); $file = $date . "-" . $slug . ".md"; if (!File::exists($yaml_path . $file)) { $yaml = []; $yaml['title'] = $post['column'][5]; $content = $post['column'][4]; $markdown = new HTML_To_Markdown($content, array('header_style' => 'atx')); File::put($yaml_path . $file, YAML::dump($yaml) . '---' . "\n" . $markdown); } echo $slug . "-" . $date; echo "<br/><hr/><br/>"; } } return "ok"; }
public function generateMarkerSlug() { $markers = Marker::all(); foreach ($markers as $marker) { $marker->slug = \Slug::make($marker->name); $marker->save(); } }
/** * Returns the URL for a given $taxonomy and $taxonomy_slug * * @param string $folder Folder to use * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy to use * @param string $taxonomy_slug Taxonomy slug to use * @return string */ public static function getURL($folder, $taxonomy, $taxonomy_slug) { $url = Config::getSiteRoot() . '/' . $folder . '/' . $taxonomy . '/'; $url .= Config::getTaxonomySlugify() ? Slug::make($taxonomy_slug) : $taxonomy_slug; // if taxonomies are not case-sensitive, make it lowercase if (!Config::getTaxonomyCaseSensitive()) { $url = strtolower($url); } return Path::tidy($url); }
public function run() { Category::create(['title' => 'Офисная бумага', 'alias' => Slug::make('Офисная бумага', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => 'бумага бумага бумага бумага ']); Category::create(['title' => 'Ризография', 'alias' => Slug::make('Ризография', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => 'ручки ручки ручки ручки ручки ручки ручки ']); Category::create(['title' => 'Картрижди', 'alias' => Slug::make('Картрижди', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => ' техника техника техника техника']); $category = Category::create(['title' => 'Канцтовары', 'alias' => Slug::make('Канцтовары', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => ' техника техника техника техника']); Category::create(['title' => 'Бумага для заметок', 'alias' => Slug::make('Бумага для заметок', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => ' техника техника техника техника', 'parent_id' => $category->id]); Category::create(['title' => 'Дыроколы', 'alias' => Slug::make('Дыроколы', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => ' техника техника техника техника', 'parent_id' => $category->id]); Category::create(['title' => 'Ежедневники', 'alias' => Slug::make('Ежедневники', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => ' техника техника техника техника', 'parent_id' => $category->id]); Category::create(['title' => 'Полиграфические материалы', 'alias' => Slug::make('Полиграфические материалы', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => ' техника техника техника техника']); Category::create(['title' => 'Офисная техника', 'alias' => Slug::make('Офисная техника', '-'), 'image' => '', 'description' => ' техника техника техника техника']); }
public function update($id) { $category = $this->category->find($id); if (Input::get('slug') === "") { Input::merge(['slug' => \Slug::make(Input::get('name'))]); } $category->fill(Input::all()); if ($category->updateUniques()) { return Redirect::route('')->with('success', Lang::get('admin/blogs/messages.create.success')); } else { return Redirect::back()->withInput(['only' => []])->withErrors($category->errors()); } }
public function update($id) { $news = $this->news->find($id); if (Input::get('slug') === "") { Input::merge(['slug' => \Slug::make(Input::get('title'))]); } $news->fill(Input::all()); if ($news->updateUniques()) { return Redirect::route('', $news->id)->with('success', Lang::get('admin/news/messages.create.success')); } else { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($news->errors()); } }
public static function setForObject($object) { $slug_source = Slug::source($object->id); $instances = DB::table($object->name)->get(); $slugs = []; foreach ($instances as $instance) { if ($slug_source === null) { $slug = Slug::make($instance->created_at->format('Y-m-d'), $slugs); } else { $slug = Slug::make($instance->{$slug_source}, $slugs); } DB::table($object->name)->where('id', $instance->id)->update(['slug' => $slug]); $slugs[] = $slug; } }
/** * Заносим в БД новую категорию, после проверки ввода * @param AdminCategoryRequest $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function postCreate(AdminCategoryRequest $request) { $data = $request->all(); //Если алиас не задан, то генерируем его if (!$request->has('alias')) { $data['alias'] = \Slug::make($request->input('title')); } //Проверяем есть ли такой же алиас в БД if ($this->model->where('alias', '=', $data['alias'])->first()) { //Алиас такой существует, выводим ошибку return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'Такой алиас существует!!!'); } //Создаем новую запись в БД $this->model->create($data); return redirect()->route('admin.category.index')->with('success', 'Категория создана!'); }
public function update($id) { $work = $this->work->find($id); if (Input::get('slug') === "") { Input::merge(['slug' => \Slug::make(Input::get('title'))]); } $work->fill(Input::all()); $work->need_big_preview = Input::get('need_big_preview'); if ($work->updateUniques()) { if (Input::get('categories')) { $work->categories()->sync(Input::get('categories')); } return Redirect::route('', $work->id)->with('success', Lang::get('admin/works/messages.create.success')); } else { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($work->errors()); } }
/** * Обработка данных из формы и сохранение в БД * @param AdminArticleRequest $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function postCreate(AdminArticleRequest $request) { $data = $request->all(); //Если алиас не задан, то генерируем его if (!$request->has('alias')) { $data['alias'] = \Slug::make($request->input('title')); //Проверяем есть ли такой же алиас в БД if ($this->model->where('alias', '=', $data['alias'])->first()) { //Алиас такой существует, выводим ошибку return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'Такой алиас существует!!!'); } } $data['user_id'] = $request->user()->id; //Создаем запись в БД $this->model->create($data); return redirect()->route('admin.article.index')->with('success', 'Материал добавлен!'); }
public function update($id) { $post = $this->post->find($id); if (Input::get('slug') === "") { Input::merge(['slug' => \Slug::make(Input::get('title'))]); } $post->fill(Input::all()); if ($post->updateUniques()) { if (Input::get('rubrics')) { $post->rubrics()->sync(Input::get('rubrics')); } if (Input::get('tags')) { $post->retag(explode(",", Input::get('tags'))); } return Redirect::route('admin.blogs.edit', $post->id)->with('success', Lang::get('admin/blogs/messages.create.success')); } else { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($post->errors()); } }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); $title = $faker->sentence(); News::create(['created_at' => $faker->date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = 'now'), 'title' => $title, 'alias' => Slug::make($title, '-'), 'body' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 800), 'image' => '/public/files/Фото для сайта/Фото на новости/thumb-up.jpeg']); foreach (range(1, 22) as $index) { $title = $faker->sentence(); News::create(['created_at' => $faker->date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = 'now'), 'title' => $title, 'alias' => Slug::make($title, '-'), 'body' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 800), 'image' => $faker->imageUrl($width = 640, $height = 480)]); // foreach(range(1, 10) as $cindex) // { // Comment::create([ // 'created_at' => $faker->date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = 'now'), // 'author' => $faker->name, // 'body' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 200), // 'news_id' => $index, // ]); // } } }
/** * Cleans up a file name * * @param string $path Path and file name to clean up * @return string */ public static function cleanFilename($path) { $extension = self::getExtension($path); $path = str_replace('.' . $extension, '', $path); return Slug::make($path) . '.' . $extension; }
Route::get('/import/import/{table}', 'ImportController@import'); Route::get('/import/drop/{table}', 'ImportController@drop'); }); # All authenticated users Route::group(array('before' => 'user'), function () { Route::get('/', array('as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'ObjectController@index')); Route::get('/logout', 'LoginController@getLogout'); Route::post('/upload/image', 'FileController@image'); # Test routes Route::get('/schema/save', 'ObjectController@saveSchema'); Route::get('/schema/load', 'ObjectController@loadSchema'); Route::get('/image/test', 'FileController@test'); Route::get('/slug/test', function () { $phrases = ['', 'and', 'this is a normal test', 'this is a really really really long test because it\'s amazing and great and am i at 50 YET???']; foreach ($phrases as $phrase) { echo '<p>' . $phrase . ' becomes <em>' . Slug::make($phrase, ['', 'normal-test', 'normal-test-1']) . '</em></p>'; } }); Route::get('/slug/object/{object_id}', function ($object_id) { $object = DB::table(DB_OBJECTS)->find($object_id); Slug::setForObject($object); die('object was ' . $object->name); }); Route::get('cleanup', function () { FieldController::cleanup(); FileController::findOrphans(); FileController::cleanup(); }); # Complex instance routing, optionally with linked_id for related objects Route::get('/{object_name}/delete/{instance_id}', 'InstanceController@delete'); Route::get('/{object_name}', 'InstanceController@index');
public function showRecipiesByMarkerBySlug($slug) { if ($marker = Marker::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first()) { $recipies = $marker->recipies; $recipies = $recipies->filter(function ($item) { return $item->postStatus_id == 3; }); $title = CmsOption::getValue('Название сайта') . ' | ' . $marker->name; $metaOptions = ['marker' => $marker]; Session::put('recipies', $recipies); Session::put('marker', $marker); Session::put('typepage', 'bymarker'); if ($marker->slug == '') { $markerslug = \Slug::make($marker->name); } else { $markerslug = $marker->slug; } return view('recipieGrid', ['recipies' => $recipies, 'title' => $title, 'page_title' => $marker->name, 'metaOptions' => $metaOptions]); } }
public function testWithNoTransliterate() { $slug = Slug::make('essai Français')->setTransliterate(false); $good_slug = 'essai-français'; $this->assertEquals($good_slug, $slug); }
public function waresImportStore() { if (Input::hasFile('importFile')) { $file = Input::file('importFile'); $filePath = public_path('uploads/imports/' . date('Y/m/d')); $fileName = Str::random('3') . $file->getClientOriginalName(); $file->move($filePath, $fileName); $excel = Excel::load("{$filePath}/{$fileName}", function ($reader) { })->get(); foreach ($excel as $item) { $ware = Ware::where('article', $item->sku)->first(); if (!$ware) { $ware = new Ware(); $ware->slug = Slug::make($item->name) . Str::random(8); } $ware->article = $item->sku; $ware->slug = Slug::make($item->name); $ware->title = $item->name; $ware->price = $item->list_price; $ware->discount = $item->sell_price; $ware->save(); } return 'ok'; } }
/** * slugify * Converts a string from normal-format to slug-format * * credit: * * @deprecated Use Slug::make() instead * * @param string $text String to convert * @return string */ public static function slugify($text) { Log::warn("Use of Statamic_Helper::slugify() is deprecated. Use Slug::make() instead.", "core", "Statamic_Helper"); return Slug::make($text); }
/** * Vérification des champs modifiable et * Slugification des champs à slugifier * @param array $fields * @return array */ private function getFillandSlug($fields) { // verification des champs modifiable foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { // unset not fillable if (!in_array($key, $this->fillable)) { unset($fields[$key]); } // slug if (in_array($key, $this->slugs)) { $key_slug = array_search($key, $this->slugs); if (empty($fields[$key_slug]) || !isset($fields[$key_slug])) { $fields[$key_slug] = \Slug::make($fields[$key]); } } } return $fields; }
/** * Gets a list of taxonomy values by type * * @param string $type Taxonomy type to retrieve * @return TaxonomySet */ public static function getTaxonomiesByType($type) { self::loadCache(); $data = array(); // taxonomy type doesn't exist, return empty if (!isset(self::$cache['taxonomies'][$type])) { return new TaxonomySet(array()); } $url_root = Config::getSiteRoot() . $type; $values = self::$cache['taxonomies'][$type]; $slugify = Config::getTaxonomySlugify(); // what we need // - name // - count of related content // - related foreach ($values as $key => $parts) { $set = array(); $prepared_key = $slugify ? Slug::make($key) : rawurlencode($key); foreach ($parts['files'] as $url) { if (!isset(self::$cache['urls'][$url])) { continue; } $set[$url] = self::$cache["content"][self::$cache['urls'][$url]['folder']][self::$cache['urls'][$url]['file']]['data']; } $data[$key] = array('content' => new ContentSet($set), 'name' => $parts['name'], 'url' => $url_root . '/' . $prepared_key, 'slug' => $type . '/' . $prepared_key); $data[$key]['count'] = $data[$key]['content']->count(); } return new TaxonomySet($data); }
/** * Takes a dot-notated key and finds the value for it in the given * array or object. * * @param string $key Dot-notated key to find * @param array|object $data Array or object to search * @param mixed $default Default value to use if not found * @return mixed */ protected function getVariable($key, $data, $default = null) { $modifiers = null; if (strpos($key, "|") === false) { } else { $parts = explode("|", $key); $key = $parts[0]; $modifiers = array_splice($parts, 1); } if (strpos($key, $this->scopeGlue) === false) { $parts = explode('.', $key); } else { $parts = explode($this->scopeGlue, $key); } foreach ($parts as $key_part) { if (is_array($data)) { if (!array_key_exists($key_part, $data)) { return $default; } $data = $data[$key_part]; } elseif (is_object($data)) { if (!isset($data->{$key_part})) { return $default; } $data = $data->{$key_part}; } else { return $default; } } if ($modifiers) { foreach ($modifiers as $mod) { if (strpos($mod, ":") === false) { $modifier_name = $mod; $modifier_params = array(); } else { $parts = explode(":", $mod); $modifier_name = $parts[0]; $modifier_params = array_splice($parts, 1); } if ($modifier_name == 'trim') { $data = trim($data); } elseif ($modifier_name == 'img') { $data = '<img src="' . \Path::toAsset($data) . '" />'; } elseif ($modifier_name == 'link') { if (filter_var($data, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { // email address $data = '<a href="mailto:' . $data . '" />' . $data . '</a>'; } else { $data = '<a href="' . $data . '" />' . $data . '</a>'; } } elseif ($modifier_name == 'upper') { $data = strtoupper($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'lower') { $data = strtolower($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'slugify') { $data = \Slug::make($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'deslugify') { $data = trim(preg_replace('~[-_]~', ' ', $data), " "); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'title') { $data = ucwords($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'format') { $data = date($modifier_params[0], $data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'format_number') { $decimals = isset($modifier_params[0]) ? $modifier_params[0] : 0; $data = number_format($data, $decimals); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'in_future') { $data = \Date::resolve($data) > time() ? "true" : ""; } else { if ($modifier_name == 'in_past') { $data = \Date::resolve($data) < time() ? "true" : ""; } else { if ($modifier_name == 'markdown') { $data = Markdown($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'textile') { $textile = new \Textile(); $data = $textile->TextileThis($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'length') { if (is_array($data)) { $data = count($data); } else { $data = strlen($data); } } else { if ($modifier_name == 'scramble') { $data = str_shuffle($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'word_count') { $data = str_word_count($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'obfuscate') { $data = \HTML::obfuscateEmail($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'rot13') { $data = str_rot13($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'urlencode') { $data = urlencode($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'urldecode') { $data = urldecode($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'striptags') { $data = strip_tags($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == '%') { $divisor = isset($modifier_params[0]) ? $modifier_params[0] : 1; $data = $data % $divisor; } else { if ($modifier_name == 'empty') { $data = \Helper::isEmptyArray($data) ? "true" : ""; } else { if ($modifier_name == 'not_empty') { $data = !\Helper::isEmptyArray($data) ? "true" : ""; } else { if ($modifier_name == 'numeric') { $data = is_numeric($data) ? "true" : ""; } else { if ($modifier_name == 'repeat') { $multiplier = isset($modifier_params[0]) ? $modifier_params[0] : 1; $data = str_repeat($data, $multiplier); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'reverse') { $data = strrev($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'round') { $precision = isset($modifier_params[0]) ? (int) $modifier_params[0] : 0; $data = round((double) $data, $precision); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'floor') { $data = floor((double) $data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'ceil') { $data = ceil((double) $data); } else { if ($modifier_name == '+') { if (isset($modifier_params[0])) { $number = $modifier_params[0]; $data = $data + $number; } } else { if ($modifier_name == '-') { if (isset($modifier_params[0])) { $number = $modifier_params[0]; $data = $data - $number; } } else { if ($modifier_name == '*') { if (isset($modifier_params[0])) { $number = $modifier_params[0]; $data = $data * $number; } } else { if ($modifier_name == '/') { if (isset($modifier_params[0])) { $number = $modifier_params[0]; $data = $data / $number; } } else { if ($modifier_name == '^') { if (isset($modifier_params[0])) { $exp = $modifier_params[0]; $data = pow($data, $exp); } } else { if ($modifier_name == 'sqrt') { $data = sqrt($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'abs') { $data = abs($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'log') { $base = isset($modifier_params[0]) ? (int) $modifier_params[0] : M_E; $data = log($data, $base); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'log10') { $data = log10($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'deg2rad') { $data = deg2rad($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'rad2deg') { $data = rad2deg($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'sin') { $data = sin($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'asin') { $data = asin($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'cos') { $data = cos($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'acos') { $data = acos($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'tan') { $data = tan($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'atan') { $data = atan($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'decbin') { $data = decbin($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'dechex') { $data = dechex($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'decoct') { $data = decoct($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'hexdec') { $data = hexdec($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'octdec') { $data = octdec($data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'bindec') { $data = bindec((string) $data); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'distance_in_mi_from') { if (!isset($modifier_params[0])) { return 'Unknown'; } if (!preg_match(\Pattern::COORDINATES, $data, $point_1_matches)) { return 'Unknown'; } if (!preg_match(\Pattern::COORDINATES, $modifier_params[0], $point_2_matches)) { return 'Unknown'; } $point_1 = array($point_1_matches[1], $point_1_matches[2]); $point_2 = array($point_2_matches[1], $point_2_matches[2]); $distance = \Math::getDistanceInKilometers($point_1, $point_2); $data = \Math::convertKilometersToMiles($distance); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'distance_in_km_from') { if (!isset($modifier_params[0])) { return 'Unknown'; } if (!preg_match(\Pattern::COORDINATES, $data, $point_1_matches)) { return 'Unknown'; } if (!preg_match(\Pattern::COORDINATES, $modifier_params[0], $point_2_matches)) { return 'Unknown'; } $point_1 = array($point_1_matches[1], $point_1_matches[2]); $point_2 = array($point_2_matches[1], $point_2_matches[2]); $data = \Math::getDistanceInKilometers($point_1, $point_2); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'smartypants') { $data = SmartyPants($data, 2); } else { if ($modifier_name == 'widont') { // thanks to Shaun Inman for inspriation here // // if there are content tags if (preg_match("/<\\/(?:p|li|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|figcaption)>/ism", $data)) { $data = preg_replace("/(?<!<[p|li|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|div|figcaption])([^\\s])[ \t]+([^\\s]+(?:<\\/(?:p|li|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|div|figcaption)>))\$/im", "\$1 \$2", rtrim($data)); // otherwise } else { $data = preg_replace("/([^\\s])\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s*\$/im", "\$1 \$2", rtrim($data)); } } elseif ($modifier_name == 'backspace') { if (!is_array($data) && isset($modifier_params[0]) && $modifier_params[0] > 0) { $data = substr($data, 0, -$modifier_params[0]); } } else { if ($modifier_name == 'truncate') { $length = 30; $hellip = "…"; if (sizeof($modifier_params) > 0) { $length = (int) $modifier_params[0]; } else { if (isset($modifier_params[1])) { $hellip = (int) $modifier_params[1]; } } if (strlen($data) > $length) { $data = substr($data, 0, $length) . $hellip; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return $data; }
public static function get_content_meta($slug, $folder = null, $raw = false, $parse = true) { $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance(); $site_root = Config::getSiteRoot(); $content_root = Config::getContentRoot(); $content_type = Config::getContentType(); $file = $folder ? "{$content_root}/{$folder}/{$slug}.{$content_type}" : "{$content_root}/{$slug}.{$content_type}"; $file = Path::tidy($file); $meta_raw = File::exists($file) ? file_get_contents($file) : ''; if (Pattern::endsWith($meta_raw, "---")) { $meta_raw .= "\n"; # prevent parse failure } # Parse YAML Front Matter if (strpos($meta_raw, "---") === false) { $meta = self::loadYamlCached($meta_raw); if (is_array($meta)) { $meta = array_merge($meta, $app->config); } $meta['content'] = ""; if ($raw) { $meta['content_raw'] = ""; } } else { list($yaml, $content) = preg_split("/\n---/", $meta_raw, 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $meta = self::loadYamlCached($yaml); if ($raw) { $meta['content_raw'] = $content; } // Parse the content if necessary //$meta['content'] = $parse ? Content::parse($content, $meta) : $content; $meta['content'] = $content; } if (File::exists($file)) { $meta['last_modified'] = filemtime($file); } if (!$raw) { $meta['homepage'] = Config::getSiteRoot(); $meta['raw_url'] = Request::getResourceURI(); $meta['page_url'] = Request::getResourceURI(); # Is date formatted correctly? if (Config::getEntryTimestamps() && Slug::isDateTime($slug)) { $datetimestamp = Slug::getTimestamp($slug); $datestamp = Slug::getTimestamp($slug); $meta['datetimestamp'] = $datetimestamp; $meta['datestamp'] = $datestamp; $meta['date'] = Date::format(Config::getDateFormat(), $datestamp); $meta['time'] = Date::format(Config::getTimeFormat(), $datetimestamp); $meta['page_url'] = preg_replace(Pattern::DATETIME, '', $meta['page_url']); # clean url override } elseif (Slug::isDate($slug)) { $datestamp = Slug::getTimestamp($slug); $meta['datestamp'] = $datestamp; $meta['date'] = Date::format(Config::getDateFormat(), $datestamp); $meta['page_url'] = preg_replace(Pattern::DATE, '', $meta['page_url']); # clean url override } elseif (Slug::isNumeric($slug)) { $meta['numeric'] = Slug::getOrderNumber($slug); } $meta['permalink'] = Path::tidy(Config::getSiteURL() . '/' . $meta['page_url']); $taxonomy_slugify = isset($app->config['_taxonomy_slugify']) && $app->config['_taxonomy_slugify']; # Jam it all together, brother. # @todo: functionize/abstract this method for more flexibility and readability foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value) && Taxonomy::isTaxonomy($key)) { $value = array($value); $meta[$key] = $value; } if (is_array($value)) { $list = array(); $url_list = array(); $i = 1; $total_results = count($meta[$key]); foreach ($meta[$key] as $k => $v) { $url = null; if (Taxonomy::isTaxonomy($key) && !is_array($v)) { // DO NOT DO numerical regex replace on the actual taxonomy item $url = Path::tidy(strtolower($site_root . '/' . $folder . '/' . $key)); $url = preg_replace(Pattern::NUMERIC, '', $url); if ($taxonomy_slugify) { $url .= "/" . strtolower(Slug::make($v)); } else { $url .= "/" . strtolower($v); } $list[] = array('name' => $v, 'count' => $i, 'url' => $url, 'total_results' => $total_results, 'first' => $i == 1 ? true : false, 'last' => $i == $total_results ? true : false); $url_list[] = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $v . '</a>'; } elseif (!is_array($v)) { $list[] = array('name' => $v, 'count' => $i, 'url' => $url, 'total_results' => $total_results, 'first' => $i == 1 ? true : false, 'last' => $i == $total_results ? true : false); } // account for known structure // - // name: something // url: if (is_array($v) && isset($v['name']) && isset($v['url'])) { $url_list[] = '<a href="' . $v['url'] . '">' . $v['name'] . '</a>'; } $i++; } if (isset($url) || count($url_list)) { $meta[$key . '_url_list'] = implode(', ', $url_list); $meta[$key . '_spaced_url_list'] = join(" ", $url_list); $meta[$key . '_ordered_url_list'] = "<ol><li>" . join("</li><li>", $url_list) . "</li></ol>"; $meta[$key . '_unordered_url_list'] = "<ul><li>" . join("</li><li>", $url_list) . "</li></ul>"; $meta[$key . '_sentence_url_list'] = Helper::makeSentenceList($url_list); $meta[$key . '_ampersand_sentence_url_list'] = Helper::makeSentenceList($url_list, "&", false); } if (isset($meta[$key][0]) && !is_array($meta[$key][0])) { $meta[$key . '_list'] = implode(', ', $meta[$key]); $meta[$key . '_option_list'] = implode('|', $meta[$key]); $meta[$key . '_spaced_list'] = implode(' ', $meta[$key]); $meta[$key . '_ordered_list'] = "<ol><li>" . join("</li><li>", $meta[$key]) . "</li></ol>"; $meta[$key . '_unordered_list'] = "<ul><li>" . join("</li><li>", $meta[$key]) . "</li></ul>"; $meta[$key . '_sentence_list'] = Helper::makeSentenceList($meta[$key]); $meta[$key . '_ampersand_sentence_list'] = Helper::makeSentenceList($meta[$key], "&", false); $meta[$key] = $list; } } } } return $meta; }
| | Let's create or update this file. | */ $file_content = File::buildContent($publish_data['yaml'], $publish_data['content']); File::put(Path::assemble(BASE_PATH, $file), $file_content); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Rename/move file |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If the slug changed we'll need to rename the file accordingly. | */ if (!isset($form_data['new'])) { $new_slug = $form_data['meta']['slug'] === '/' ? '/' : Slug::make($form_data['meta']['slug']); // Date Entry if ($form_data['type'] == 'date') { // With Timestamps if (Config::getEntryTimestamps()) { $new_timestamp = $form_data['meta']['publish-time']; $new_datestamp = $form_data['meta']['publish-date']; $new_file = Path::assemble($content_root, dirname($path), $status_prefix . $new_datestamp . "-" . $new_timestamp . "-" . $new_slug . "." . $content_type); // Without Timestamps } else { $new_datestamp = $form_data['meta']['publish-date']; $new_file = Path::assemble($content_root, dirname($path), $status_prefix . $new_datestamp . "-" . $new_slug . "." . $content_type); } // Numerical Entry } elseif ($form_data['type'] == 'number') { $new_numeric = $form_data['meta']['publish-numeric'];
/** * Converts string from special characters to URL friendly string * * @param string $string String co covert * @param string $separator Separator to replace spaces * @param null $emptyValue Return value if target result is empty * * @return string URL friendly string */ public static function slug($string, $separator = '-', $emptyValue = null) { return Slug::make($string, $separator, $emptyValue); }
public function user_agent() { $slugify = $this->fetchParam("slugify", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, TRUE); $user_agent = $this->getBrowserInfo()['browser_ua']; if ($slugify) { return Slug::make($user_agent); } else { return $user_agent; } }
public function createPhotoCollection() { $yaml_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/_content/photos/'; $files = glob($yaml_path . '*.{md,collection}', GLOB_BRACE); $arr_files = []; //put each file into an array foreach ($files as $file) { if (basename($file) != "") { $temp = array('date' => substr(basename($file), 0, 10), 'time' => substr(basename($file), 11, 4), 'hour' => substr(basename($file), 11, 2), 'file' => basename($file)); $arr_files[] = $temp; } } //now split these into more arrays, grouped by date. //this is where we're loosing a file $last_date = $arr_files[0]['date']; $arr_groups = []; $i = 0; foreach ($arr_files as $file) { if ($last_date != $file['date']) { $i++; } $arr_groups[$i][] = $file; $last_date = $file['date']; } reset($arr_groups); //now further split this into similar times (+ or - 2 hours of eachother) $last_time = $arr_groups[0][0]['hour']; foreach ($arr_groups as $group) { if (count($group) > 1) { $last_time = $group[0]['hour']; foreach ($group as $item) { $max = $last_time + 2; $min = $last_time - 2; if ($min < $item['hour'] && $item['hour'] > $max) { $i++; } $time_groups[$i][] = $item; $last_time = $item['hour']; } $i++; } } //now write out these groups into new YAML files. foreach ($time_groups as $times) { $YAML_arr = []; $images_arr = []; $i = 0; if (count($times) > 1) { foreach ($times as $item) { //convert this array into the -images part of the YAML $images_arr[] = YAML::parseFile($yaml_path . $item['file']); $i++; } $YAML_arr['title'] = $images_arr[0]['title']; $YAML_arr['cover'] = $images_arr[0]['image']; $YAML_arr['first_time'] = $times[0]['time']; $YAML_arr['last_time'] = $times[$i - 1]['time']; $YAML_arr['images'] = $images_arr; $slug = Slug::make($images_arr[0]['flickr_id']); $file = $times[0]['date'] . "-" . $times[0]['time'] . "-" . $slug . ".md"; if (!File::exists($yaml_path . "collections/" . $file)) { File::put($yaml_path . "collections/" . $file, YAML::dump($YAML_arr) . '---' . "\n"); foreach ($times as $item) { $arhive_file = $archive_file = preg_replace('"\\.md$"', '.collection', $item['file']); if (File::exists($yaml_path . $item['file'])) { rename($yaml_path . $item['file'], $yaml_path . $archive_file); } } } } } return true; }
public function update($object_name, $instance_id, $linked_id = false) { $object = DB::table(DB_OBJECTS)->where('name', $object_name)->first(); $fields = DB::table(DB_FIELDS)->where('object_id', $object->id)->where('visibility', '<>', 'hidden')->get(); //metadata $updates = array('updated_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_by' => Auth::user()->id); //run loop through the fields foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field->type == 'checkboxes') { # Figure out schema $object_column = self::getKey($object->name); $remote_column = self::getKey($field->related_object_id); # Clear old values DB::table($field->name)->where($object_column, $instance_id)->delete(); # Loop through and save all the checkboxes if (Input::has($field->name)) { foreach (Input::get($field->name) as $related_id) { DB::table($field->name)->insert(array($object_column => $instance_id, $remote_column => $related_id)); } } } elseif ($field->type == 'images') { # Unset any old file associations (will get cleaned up after this loop) DB::table(DB_FILES)->where('field_id', $field->id)->where('instance_id', $instance_id)->update(array('instance_id' => null)); # Create new associations $file_ids = explode(',', Input::get($field->name)); $precedence = 0; foreach ($file_ids as $file_id) { DB::table(DB_FILES)->where('id', $file_id)->update(array('instance_id' => $instance_id, 'precedence' => ++$precedence)); } } else { if ($field->type == 'image') { # Unset any old file associations (will get cleaned up after this loop) DB::table(DB_FILES)->where('field_id', $field->id)->where('instance_id', $instance_id)->update(array('instance_id' => null)); # Capture the uploaded file by setting the reverse-lookup DB::table(DB_FILES)->where('id', Input::get($field->name))->update(array('instance_id' => $instance_id)); } $updates[$field->name] = self::sanitize($field); } } //slug if (!empty($object->url)) { $uniques = DB::table($object->name)->where('id', '<>', $instance_id)->lists('slug'); $updates['slug'] = Slug::make(Input::get('slug'), $uniques); } /* //todo manage a redirect table if client demand warrants it $old_slug = DB::table($object->name)->find($instance_id)->pluck('slug'); if ($updates['slug'] != $old_slug) { }*/ //run update DB::table($object->name)->where('id', $instance_id)->update($updates); //clean up abandoned files FileController::cleanup(); //update object meta DB::table(DB_OBJECTS)->where('id', $object->id)->update(['count' => DB::table($object->name)->whereNull('deleted_at')->count(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_by' => Auth::user()->id]); return Redirect::to(Input::get('return_to')); }