Пример #1
 function GetChildDevicePicture($parentDetails, $rear = false)
      * The following section will make a few assumptions
      * - All dimensions will be given back as a percentage of the whole for scalability
      * -- Labels will be the exception to that, we're just going to assign them values
      * - Child devices will only have one face, front
      * -- This makes the pictures on the templates easier to manage
      * --- Children of an HTRAY or VTRAY will be treated as any other device with a front
      *		and a rear image.  This makes this just stupidly complicated but has to be done
      * -- Child devices defined with rear slots will have the rear slots ignored
      * --- This logic needs to be applied to the functions that figure power usage and weight
      *		so we don't end up with phantom sources
      * - Child devices shouldn't need to conform to the 1.75:19 ratio we use for devices 
      *		directly in a cabinet they will target the slot that they are inside
     $resp = "";
     $templ = new DeviceTemplate();
     $templ->TemplateID = $this->TemplateID;
     $parentDev = $parentDetails->parentDev;
     $parentTempl = $parentDetails->parentTempl;
     // API path correction
     $path = "";
     if (preg_match('/api\\//', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', getcwd()))) {
         $path = "../../";
     // We'll only consider checking a rear image on a child if it is sitting on a shelf
     if (($parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' || $parentTempl->Model == 'VTRAY') && $rear) {
         $picturefile = "pictures/{$templ->RearPictureFile}";
     } else {
         $picturefile = "pictures/{$templ->FrontPictureFile}";
     if (!file_exists($path . $picturefile)) {
         $picturefile = "pictures/P_ERROR.png";
     @(list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path . $picturefile));
     // Make sure there is an image! DOH! If either is 0 then use a text box
     $width = intval($width);
     $height = intval($height);
     $noimage = false;
     if ($width == 0 || $height == 0) {
         $noimage = true;
         if ($parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY') {
             $height = $parentDetails->targetWidth;
             $width = $parentDetails->targetHeight;
         } elseif ($parentTempl->Model == 'VTRAY') {
             $width = $parentDetails->targetWidth;
             $height = $parentDetails->targetHeight;
     // In the event of read error this will rotate a horizontal text label
     $hor_blade = $width == "" || $height == "" ? true : $width > $height;
     // We only need these numbers in the event that we have a nested device
     // and need to scale the coordinates based off the original image size
     $kidsHavingKids = new stdClass();
     $kidsHavingKids->Height = $height ? $height : 1;
     $kidsHavingKids->Width = $width ? $width : 1;
     $slot = new Slot();
     $slotOK = false;
     //get slot from DB
     $slot->TemplateID = $parentDev->TemplateID;
     $slot->Position = $this->Position;
     $slot->BackSide = $this->BackSide;
     if ($parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' || $parentTempl->Model == 'VTRAY' || $slot->GetSlot()) {
         // If we're dealing with a shelf mimic what GetSlot() would have done for our fake slot
         if ($parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' || $parentTempl->Model == 'VTRAY') {
             $imageratio = $hor_blade || !$hor_blade && $parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' ? $width / $height : $height / $width;
             // If we don't have an image this will make the text box fit correctly, hopefully
             if ($noimage) {
                 $imageratio = $parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' ? $height / $width : $width / $height;
             $slot->W = $parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' ? $parentDetails->targetWidth / $parentDev->ChassisSlots : $parentDetails->targetWidth;
             $slot->H = $parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' ? $parentDetails->targetHeight : $parentDetails->targetHeight / $parentDev->ChassisSlots;
             $slot->X = $parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' ? $rear ? ($parentDev->ChassisSlots - $this->Position - $this->Height + 1) * $slot->W : ($slot->Position - 1) * $slot->W : 0;
             $slot->Y = $parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' ? 0 : $parentDetails->targetHeight - $parentDetails->targetHeight / $parentDev->ChassisSlots * ($this->Position + $this->Height - 1);
             // Enlarge the slot if needed
             $slot->H = $parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' ? $parentDetails->targetHeight : $parentDetails->targetHeight / $parentDev->ChassisSlots * $this->Height;
             $slot->W = $parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' ? $parentDetails->targetWidth / $parentDev->ChassisSlots * $this->Height : $slot->H * $imageratio;
             // To center the devices in the slot we first needed to know the width figured just above
             $slot->X = $parentTempl->Model == 'VTRAY' ? ($parentDetails->targetWidth - $slot->W) / 2 : $slot->X;
             // This covers the event that an image scaled properly will be too wide for the slot.
             // Recalculate all the things!  Shelves are stupid.
             if ($parentTempl->Model == 'VTRAY' && $slot->W > $parentDetails->targetWidth) {
                 $originalH = $slot->H;
                 $slot->W = $parentDetails->targetWidth;
                 $slot->H = $slot->W / $imageratio;
                 $slot->X = 0;
                 $slot->Y = $originalH - $slot->H;
             if ($parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' && $slot->W > $slot->H * $imageratio) {
                 $originalW = $slot->W;
                 $originalX = $slot->X;
                 $slot->W = $slot->H * $imageratio;
                 $slot->X = $rear ? $originalX + ($originalW - $slot->W) : $slot->X;
             } elseif ($parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' && $slot->H > $slot->W * $this->Height / $imageratio && !$noimage) {
                 $originalH = $slot->H;
                 $slot->H = $hor_blade ? $slot->W * $imageratio : $slot->W / $imageratio;
                 $slot->Y = $originalH - $slot->H;
             // Reset the zoome on the parent to 1 just for trays
             $parentDetails->zoomX = 1;
             $parentDetails->zoomY = 1;
         // Check for slot orientation before we possibly modify it via height
         $hor_slot = $slot->W > $slot->H;
         // We dealt with the slot sizing above for trays this will bypass the next bit
         if ($parentTempl->Model == 'HTRAY' || $parentTempl->Model == 'VTRAY') {
             $slotOK = true;
             $this->Height = 0;
         // This will prevent the freak occurance of a child device with a 0 height
         if ($this->Height >= 1) {
             // If height==1 then just accept the defined slot as is
             if ($this->Height > 1) {
                 //get last slot
                 $lslot = new Slot();
                 $lslot->TemplateID = $slot->TemplateID;
                 $lslot->Position = $slot->Position + $this->Height - 1;
                 // If the height extends past the defined slots then just get the last slot
                 if ($lslot->Position > ($slot->BackSide ? $parentDev->RearChassisSlots : $parentDev->ChassisSlots)) {
                     $lslot->Position = $slot->BackSide ? $parentDev->RearChassisSlots : $parentDev->ChassisSlots;
                 $lslot->BackSide = $slot->BackSide;
                 if ($lslot->GetSlot()) {
                     //calculate total size
                     $xmin = min($slot->X, $lslot->X);
                     $ymin = min($slot->Y, $lslot->Y);
                     $xmax = max($slot->X + $slot->W, $lslot->X + $lslot->W);
                     $ymax = max($slot->Y + $slot->H, $lslot->Y + $lslot->H);
                     //put new size in $slot
                     $slot->X = $xmin;
                     $slot->Y = $ymin;
                     $slot->W = $xmax - $xmin;
                     $slot->H = $ymax - $ymin;
                 } else {
                     // Last slot isn't defined so just error out
             $slotOK = true;
     if ($slotOK) {
         // Determine if the element needs to be rotated or not
         // This only evaluates if we have a horizontal image in a vertical slot
         $rotar = !$hor_slot && $hor_blade ? "rotar_d" : "";
         // Scale the slot to fit the forced aspect ratio
         $zoomX = $parentDetails->zoomX;
         $zoomY = $parentDetails->zoomY;
         $slot->X = $slot->X * $zoomX;
         $slot->Y = $slot->Y * $zoomY;
         $slot->W = $slot->W * $zoomX;
         $slot->H = $slot->H * $zoomY;
         if ($rotar) {
             $left = $slot->X - abs($slot->W - $slot->H) / 2;
             $top = $slot->Y + abs($slot->W - $slot->H) / 2;
             $height = $slot->W;
             $width = $slot->H;
         } else {
             $left = $slot->X;
             $top = $slot->Y;
             $height = $slot->H;
             $width = $slot->W;
         $left = intval(round($left));
         $top = intval(round($top));
         $height = intval(round($height));
         $width = intval(round($width));
         // If they have rights to the device then make the picture clickable
         $clickable = $this->Rights != "None" ? "\t\t\t<a href=\"devices.php?DeviceID={$this->DeviceID}\">\n" : "";
         $clickableend = $this->Rights != "None" ? "\t\t\t</a>\n" : "";
         // Add in flags for missing ownership
         // Device pictures are set on the template so always assume template has been set
         $flags = $this->Owner == 0 ? '(O)&nbsp;' : '';
         $flags = $this->TemplateID == 0 ? $flags . '(T)&nbsp;' : $flags;
         $flags = $flags != '' ? '<span class="hlight">' . $flags . '</span>' : '';
         $label = "";
         $resp .= "\t\t<div class=\"dept{$this->Owner} {$rotar}\" style=\"left: " . number_format(round($left / $parentDetails->targetWidth * 100, 2), 2, '.', '') . "%; top: " . number_format(round($top / $parentDetails->targetHeight * 100, 2), 2, '.', '') . "%; width: " . number_format(round($width / $parentDetails->targetWidth * 100, 2), 2, '.', '') . "%; height:" . number_format(round($height / $parentDetails->targetHeight * 100, 2), 2, '.', '') . "%;\">\n{$clickable}";
         //			if(($templ->FrontPictureFile!="" && !$rear) || ($templ->RearPictureFile!="" && $rear)){
         if ($picturefile != 'pictures/') {
             // IMAGE
             // this rotate should only happen for a horizontal slot with a vertical image
             $rotateimage = $hor_slot && !$hor_blade ? " class=\"rotar_d rlt\"  style=\"height: " . number_format(round($width / $height * 100, 2), 2, '.', '') . "%; left: 100%; width: " . number_format(round($height / $width * 100, 2), 2, '.', '') . "%; top: 0; position: absolute;\"" : "";
             $resp .= "\t\t\t\t<img data-deviceid={$this->DeviceID} src=\"{$picturefile}\"{$rotateimage} alt=\"{$this->Label}\">\n";
             // LABEL FOR IMAGE
             if ($hor_slot || $rotar && !$hor_slot) {
                 $label = "\t\t\t<div class=\"label\" style=\"line-height:" . $height . "px; height:" . $height . "px;" . ($height * 0.8 < 13 ? " font-size: " . intval($height * 0.8) . "px;" : "") . "\">";
             } else {
                 // This is a vertical slot with a vertical picture so we have to rotate the label
                 $label = "\t\t\t<div class=\"rotar_d rlt label\" style=\"top: calc(" . $height . "px * 0.05); left: " . $width . "px; width: calc(" . $height . "px * 0.9); line-height:" . $width . "px; height:" . $width . "px;" . ($width * 0.8 < 13 ? " font-size: " . intval($width * 0.8) . "px; " : "") . "\">";
             $label .= "<div>{$flags}{$this->Label}" . ($rear ? " (" . __("Rear") . ")" : "") . "</div></div>\n";
         } else {
             //LABEL for child device without image - Always show
             $resp .= "\t\t\t\t<div class=\"label noimage\" data-deviceid={$this->DeviceID} style='height: " . $height . "px; line-height:" . $height . "px; " . ($height * 0.8 < 13 ? " font-size: " . intval($height * 0.8) . "px;" : "") . "'>";
             $resp .= "<div>{$flags}{$this->Label}" . ($rear ? " (" . __("Rear") . ")" : "") . "</div></div>\n";
         $resp .= $clickableend . $label;
         // If the label on a nested chassis device proves to be a pita remove the label
         // above and uncomment the following if
         // if($this->ChassisSlots<4){$resp.=$label;}
         if ($this->ChassisSlots > 0) {
             $kidsHavingKids->targetWidth = $width;
             $kidsHavingKids->targetHeight = $height;
             $kidsHavingKids->zoomX = $width / $kidsHavingKids->Width;
             $kidsHavingKids->zoomY = $height / $kidsHavingKids->Height;
             $kidsHavingKids->parentDev = $this;
             $kidsHavingKids->parentTempl = $templ;
             $childList = $this->GetDeviceChildren();
             foreach ($childList as $tmpDev) {
                 if (!$tmpDev->BackSide && !$rear || $tmpDev->BackSide && $rear) {
                     $resp .= $tmpDev->GetChildDevicePicture($kidsHavingKids, $rear);
         $resp .= "\t\t</div>\n";
     return $resp;
Пример #2
//	Method:	POST
//	Params:
//		Required: templateid, slutnum
//		Optional: everything else
//	Returns: true/false on update operation
$app->post('/devicetemplate/:templateid/slot/:slotnum', function ($templateid, $slotnum) use($app, $person) {
    $s = new Slot();
    $s->TemplateID = $templateid;
    $s->PortNumber = $slotnum;
    if (!$person->WriteAccess) {
        $response['error'] = true;
        $response['errorcode'] = 403;
        $response['message'] = __("Unauthorized");
    } else {
        if (!$s->GetSlot()) {
            $response['error'] = true;
            $response['errorcode'] = 404;
            $response['message'] = __("Template slot not found with id: ") . " {$templateid}:{$slotnum}";
        } else {
            foreach ($app->request->post() as $prop => $val) {
                $s->{$prop} = $val;
            // Just to make sure
            $s->TemplateID = $templateid;
            $s->PortNumber = $slotnum;
            if (!$s->UpdateSlot()) {
                $response['error'] = true;
                $response['errorcode'] = 404;
                $response['message'] = __("Template slot update failed");
            } else {
Пример #3
 function UpdateSlot()
     $oldslot = new Slot();
     $oldslot->TemplateID = $this->TemplateID;
     $oldslot->Position = $this->Position;
     $oldslot->BackSide = $this->BackSide;
     $sql = "UPDATE fac_Slots SET X={$this->X}, Y={$this->Y}, W={$this->W}, H={$this->H} \n\t\t\tWHERE TemplateID={$this->TemplateID} AND Position={$this->Position} AND \n\t\t\tBackSide={$this->BackSide};";
     if (!$this->query($sql)) {
         return false;
     class_exists('LogActions') ? LogActions::LogThis($this, $oldslot) : '';
     return true;