/** * Bootstraps the application by assigning the right functions to * the right action hooks. * * @since 1.0.0 */ static function bootStrap() { self::autoInclude(); // Initialize localization on init add_action('init', array(__CLASS__, 'localize')); // Enqueue hooks add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array(__CLASS__, 'enqueueFrontendScripts')); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(__CLASS__, 'enqueueBackendScripts')); // Ajax requests SlideshowPluginAJAX::init(); // Register slideshow post type SlideshowPluginPostType::init(); // Add general settings page SlideshowPluginGeneralSettings::init(); // Initialize stylesheet builder SlideshowPluginSlideshowStylesheet::init(); // Deploy slideshow on do_action('slideshow_deploy'); hook. add_action('slideshow_deploy', array('SlideshowPlugin', 'deploy')); // Initialize shortcode SlideshowPluginShortcode::init(); // Register widget add_action('widgets_init', array('SlideshowPluginWidget', 'registerWidget')); // Initialize plugin updater SlideshowPluginInstaller::init(); }
/** * Bootstraps the application by assigning the right functions to * the right action hooks. * * @since 1.0.0 */ static function bootStrap() { self::autoInclude(); // Initialize localization on init add_action('init', array(__CLASS__, 'localize')); // For ajax requests SlideshowPluginAjax::init(); // Register slideshow post type SlideshowPluginPostType::init(); // Add general settings page SlideshowPluginGeneralSettings::init(); // Deploy slideshow on do_action('slideshow_deploy'); hook. add_action('slideshow_deploy', array('SlideshowPlugin', 'deploy')); // Initialize shortcode SlideshowPluginShortcode::init(); // Register widget add_action('widgets_init', array('SlideshowPluginWidget', 'registerWidget')); // Initialize plugin updater SlideshowPluginInstaller::init(); }