  * Returns the plugin action links ('Settings', 'Deactivate').
  * This method is hooked into the plugin_action_links filter hook.
  * @since 1.4
  * @param array $links
  * @return array
 public function addActionLinks($links)
     $links = array('settings' => '<a href="' . SiteTreeUtilities::adminURL($this->menuId) . '">' . __('Settings', 'sitetree') . '</a>', 'deactivate' => $links['deactivate']);
     return $links;
  * @since 1.4
 public function tabbedPageViewTabUrl($pageView, $tab_id)
     return SiteTreeUtilities::adminURL($pageView->id(), array('tab' => $tab_id));
Пример #3

 * @package SiteTree
 * @author Luigi Cavalieri
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 GPLv2.0 Public license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Collection of messages used more than once — just a way to cut down on unnecessary function calls.
// The elements of type Array contain the title of the field at index 0 and its description/tooltip at index 1.
$common_l10n = array('include' => array(__('Include', 'sitetree'), __('Check to include', 'sitetree')), 'title' => __('List title', 'sitetree'), 'show_count' => __('Posts count', 'sitetree'), 'exclude' => array(__('Exclude', 'sitetree'), __('Type in a comma separated list of IDs.', 'sitetree')), 'orderby' => __('Order by', 'sitetree'));
// Common values.
$list_style_options = array('1' => __('Hierarchical', 'sitetree'), '0' => __('Flat', 'sitetree'));
$orderby_options = array('name' => __('Name', 'sitetree'), 'count' => __('Most used', 'sitetree'));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$this->pages[$page_number]->sections['general'] = array(new SiteTreeSection('authors', '', __('Authors', 'sitetree'), array(new SiteTreeField('include', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['include'][0], $common_l10n['include'][1]), new SiteTreeField('title', 'TextField', 'text', $common_l10n['title'], '', __('Authors', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('show_count', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['show_count'], __('Show the number of posts published by each author.', 'sitetree'), true), new SiteTreeField('show_avatar', 'Checkbox', 'bool', __('Avatar', 'sitetree'), __("Show the author's avatar.", 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('avatar_size', 'NumberField', 'positiveNumber', __('Avatar size', 'sitetree'), __('Choose a value within the range 20px - 512px.', 'sitetree'), 60, array('min_value' => 20, 'max_value' => 512)), new SiteTreeField('show_bio', 'Checkbox', 'bool', __('Biographical info', 'sitetree'), sprintf(__("Show the biographical info set in the author's %sprofile page%s.", 'sitetree'), '<a href="' . admin_url('users.php') . '">', '</a>')), new SiteTreeField('exclude', 'TextField', 'listOfAuthors', $common_l10n['exclude'][0], __('Type in a comma separated list of public names.', 'sitetree'), ''), new SiteTreeField('orderby', 'Dropdown', 'options', $common_l10n['orderby'], '', 'display_name', array('display_name' => __('Name', 'sitetree'), 'posts_count' => __('Published posts', 'sitetree'))))), new SiteTreeSection('page', 'pages', __('Pages', 'sitetree'), array(new SiteTreeField('include', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['include'][0], $common_l10n['include'][1], true), new SiteTreeField('title', 'TextField', 'text', $common_l10n['title'], '', __('Pages', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('show_home', 'Checkbox', 'bool', __('Home page', 'sitetree'), __('Show a &#8220;Home&#8221; link at the top of the list.', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('list_style', 'Dropdown', 'options', __('List style', 'sitetree'), '', '1', $list_style_options), new SiteTreeField('depth', 'Dropdown', 'options', __('Levels to show', 'sitetree'), '', 0, $this->pageDepthOptions()))), new SiteTreeSection('archives', '', __('Archives', 'sitetree'), array(new SiteTreeField('include', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['include'][0], $common_l10n['include'][1], true), new SiteTreeField('title', 'TextField', 'text', $common_l10n['title'], '', __('Archives', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('show_count', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['show_count'], __('Show the number of posts each archive stores.', 'sitetree'), true))), new SiteTreeSection('categories', '', __('Categories', 'sitetree'), array(new SiteTreeField('include', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['include'][0], $common_l10n['include'][1]), new SiteTreeField('title', 'TextField', 'text', $common_l10n['title'], '', __('Categories', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('exclude', 'TextField', 'listOfNum', $common_l10n['exclude'][0], $common_l10n['exclude'][1], ''), new SiteTreeField('show_count', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['show_count'], __('Show the number of posts published under each category.', 'sitetree'), true), new SiteTreeField('feed_text', 'TextField', 'text', __("Text of the link to each category's RSS feed", 'sitetree'), __('Leave empty to hide the link.', 'sitetree'), 'RSS', 'small-text'), new SiteTreeField('list_style', 'Dropdown', 'options', __('List style', 'sitetree'), '', '1', $list_style_options), new SiteTreeField('orderby', 'Dropdown', 'options', $common_l10n['orderby'], '', 'name', $orderby_options))), new SiteTreeSection('tags', '', __('Tags', 'sitetree'), array(new SiteTreeField('include', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['include'][0], $common_l10n['include'][1]), new SiteTreeField('title', 'TextField', 'text', $common_l10n['title'], '', __('Tags', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('exclude', 'TextField', 'listOfNum', $common_l10n['exclude'][0], $common_l10n['exclude'][1], ''), new SiteTreeField('show_count', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['show_count'], __('Show the number of posts published under each tag.', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('orderby', 'Dropdown', 'options', $common_l10n['orderby'], '', 'name', $orderby_options))), new SiteTreeSection('post', 'posts', __('Posts', 'sitetree'), array(new SiteTreeField('include', 'Checkbox', 'bool', $common_l10n['include'][0], $common_l10n['include'][1], true), new SiteTreeField('title', 'TextField', 'text', $common_l10n['title'], '', __('Posts', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('groupby', 'Dropdown', 'options', __('Group by', 'sitetree'), '', 'none', array('none' => '-', 'date' => __('Date', 'sitetree'), 'category' => __('Category', 'sitetree'), 'author' => __('Author', 'sitetree'))), new SiteTreeField('category_label', 'TextField', 'restrictedHtml', __('Category label', 'sitetree'), sprintf(__('Allowed tags: %s, %s, %s.', 'sitetree'), '<code>&lt;em&gt;</code>', '<code>&lt;span&gt;</code>', '<code>&lt;strong&gt;</code>'), '', null, array('strong' => true, 'span' => true, 'em' => true)), new SiteTreeField('orderby', 'Dropdown', 'options', $common_l10n['orderby'], '', 'post_date', array('post_date' => __('Most recent', 'sitetree'), 'comment_count' => __('Most popular', 'sitetree'), 'post_title' => __('Title', 'sitetree'))), new SiteTreeField('show_comments_count', 'Checkbox', 'bool', __('Comments count', 'sitetree'), __('Show&mdash;if there are any&mdash;the number of comments submitted for each post.', 'sitetree')), new SiteTreeField('show_date', 'Checkbox', 'bool', __('Published date', 'sitetree'), sprintf(__('Show the date of publication for each post (the format is set by the &#8220;Date format&#8221; ' . 'setting in the %sGeneral Settings%s page).', 'sitetree'), '<a href="' . admin_url('options-general.php') . '">', '</a>')), new SiteTreeField('limit', 'NumberField', 'positiveNumber', __('Max. number of entries', 'sitetree'), sprintf(__('The total limit set in the %sUnder the Hood tab%s takes priority.', 'sitetree'), '<a href="' . SiteTreeUtilities::adminURL($this->page('html5', false)->id, array('tab' => 'hood')) . '">', '</a>'), 200, array('min_value' => 5, 'max_value' => 1000)))));
$this->pages[$page_number]->sections['hood'] = array(new SiteTreeSection('', '', '', array(new SiteTreeField('items_limit', 'NumberField', 'positiveNumber', __('Max. number of items', 'sitetree'), __("To keep high the user experience, it's recommended to stay under 300 items.", 'sitetree'), 200, array('min_value' => 50, 'max_value' => 1000)), new SiteTreeField('title_tag', 'Dropdown', 'options', __('Heading tag', 'sitetree'), __('Tag applied to each title&mdash;if any has been set.', 'sitetree'), 'h3', array('h2' => 'h2', 'h3' => 'h3', 'h4' => 'h4')), new SiteTreeField('list_wrapper', 'Dropdown', 'options', __('Wrapper tag', 'sitetree'), __('Each list will be enclosed within this tag.', 'sitetree'), '0', array('0' => '-', 'div' => 'div', 'section' => 'section')), new SiteTreeField('trailing_html', 'Textarea', 'html', __('Additional HTML code to put at the end of each list', 'sitetree'), __('You can use all the tags allowed in the post / page content editor.', 'sitetree'), ''), new SiteTreeField('css_code', 'Textarea', 'plainText', __('Type in a few lines of CSS to style your Archive', 'sitetree'), sprintf(__("You don't need to markup the code with the %s tag.", 'sitetree'), '<code>&lt;style&gt;</code>'), '#sitetree-credits {font-size:90%; text-align:right;}'))));