  * Answer true if the current user is authorized to export this node.
  * @param SiteComponent $siteComponent
  * @return boolean
  * @access protected
 protected function isAuthorizedToExportComments(SiteComponent $siteComponent)
     $authZ = Services::getService("AuthZ");
     $idMgr = Services::getService("Id");
     return $authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.view_comments'), $siteComponent->getQualifierId());
  * Add a qualifierId
  * @param object SiteComponent $siteComponent
  * @return void
  * @access private
  * @since 11/14/07
 private function addQualifierForSiteComponent(SiteComponent $siteComponent, $isRoot = false)
     $qualifierId = $siteComponent->getQualifierId();
     $authZ = Services::getService('AuthZ');
     $idMgr = Services::getService('Id');
     // Skip if we've added it already
     if (in_array($qualifierId->getIdString(), $this->qualifierIdsAdded)) {
     $this->qualifierIdsAdded[] = $qualifierId->getIdString();
     // Skip any printing of the node if the current user has no authorization
     // to view the node or any descendents.
     if (!$authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId("edu.middlebury.authorization.view"), $qualifierId) && !$authZ->isUserAuthorizedBelow($idMgr->getId("edu.middlebury.authorization.view_authorizations"), $qualifierId)) {
     $roleMgr = SegueRoleManager::instance();
     $valuesHidden = false;
     try {
         $role = $roleMgr->getAgentsRole($this->agentId, $qualifierId);
     } catch (PermissionDeniedException $e) {
         $role = $roleMgr->getAgentsRole($this->agentId, $qualifierId, true);
         $valuesHidden = true;
     // Create the property with the current role
     $title = strip_tags($siteComponent->getDisplayName());
     if (!strlen($title)) {
         $title = _("Untitled");
     if ($isRoot) {
         $this->property->addField($qualifierId->getIdString(), $title, $role->getIdString(), ">=");
     } else {
         $parentQualifierId = $siteComponent->getParentComponent()->getQualifierId();
         $this->property->addChildField($parentQualifierId->getIdString(), $qualifierId->getIdString(), $title, $role->getIdString(), ">=");
     // Make the values hidden if the current user has no authorization
     // to view the authorizations of the node.
     if ($valuesHidden) {
     // Disable options that are precluded by implicit authorizations
     // coming from group membership.
     $groupRole = $roleMgr->getGroupImplictRole($this->agentId, $qualifierId, true);
     try {
         $groupIds = $groupRole->getAgentsCausing();
         $names = array();
         $agentMgr = Services::getService("Agent");
         foreach ($groupIds as $id) {
             $group = $agentMgr->getAgentOrGroup($id);
             if ($group->getDisplayName()) {
                 $names[] = "'" . $group->getDisplayName() . "'";
             } else {
                 $names[] = "'" . $id->getIdString() . "'";
         $groupNames = ' (' . implode(", ", $names) . ")";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $groupNames = '';
     foreach ($roleMgr->getRoles() as $role) {
         if ($role->isLessThan($groupRole)) {
             $message = _("You cannot remove the '%1' role because '%2' is a member a group%3 that has been given the '%1' role.");
             $message = str_replace("%1", $groupRole->getDisplayName(), $message);
             $message = str_replace("%2", $this->agent->getDisplayName(), $message);
             $message = str_replace("%3", $groupNames, $message);
             $this->property->makeDisabled($qualifierId->getIdString(), $role->getIdString(), $message);
     // Disable options that are precluded by implicit authorizations
     // coming from above the site in the AuthZ hierarchy.
     foreach ($roleMgr->getRoles() as $role) {
         if ($role->isLessThan($this->siteImplicitRole)) {
             $this->property->makeDisabled($qualifierId->getIdString(), $role->getIdString(), $this->siteImplicitRoleMessage);
     // Disable options where modify_authorization is not allowed.
     $authN = Services::getService('AuthN');
     $adminRole = $roleMgr->getRole('admin');
     if (!$authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId("edu.middlebury.authorization.modify_authorizations"), $qualifierId)) {
         foreach ($roleMgr->getRoles() as $role) {
             $this->property->makeDisabled($qualifierId->getIdString(), $role->getIdString(), _("You are not authorized to change authorization here."));
     } else {
         if ($authN->getFirstUserId()->isEqual($this->agentId)) {
             foreach ($roleMgr->getRoles() as $role) {
                 if ($role->isLessThan($adminRole)) {
                     $this->property->makeDisabled($qualifierId->getIdString(), $role->getIdString(), _("You cannot remove your own Administrator access."));
     // Disable the Administrator role for everyone and institute.
     $nonAdminAgents = array();
     $nonAdminAgents[] = $idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.agents.everyone');
     $nonAdminAgents[] = $idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.agents.anonymous');
     $nonAdminAgents[] = $idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.agents.users');
     $nonAdminAgents[] = $idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.institute');
     foreach ($nonAdminAgents as $agentId) {
         if ($agentId->isEqual($this->agentId)) {
             $message = _("You cannot give the '%1' role to '%2' for security reasons.");
             $message = str_replace("%1", $adminRole->getDisplayName(), $message);
             $message = str_replace("%2", $this->agent->getDisplayName(), $message);
             $this->property->makeDisabled($qualifierId->getIdString(), 'admin', $message);
  * Answer the HTML for the controls top-bar
  * @param <##>
  * @return <##>
  * @access public
  * @since 4/7/06
 function getControlsHTML(SiteComponent $siteComponent, $title, $controlsHTML, $borderColor, $backgroundColor, $dividerColor, $leftIndentLevel = 0, $borderWidth = '0px', $selectionLinkHtml = null)
     $halfLineWidth = 1;
     $lineWidth = $halfLineWidth * 2 . 'px';
     $halfLineWidth = $halfLineWidth . 'px';
     $opacityStyles = "filter:alpha(opacity=70); " . "-moz-opacity: .70; " . "opacity: .70; ";
     print "\n<div class='controls_bar' " . "id='controls_bar__" . $siteComponent->getId() . "' " . "style='" . "color: #000; " . "min-width: 150px; " . "border-top: {$borderWidth} solid {$borderColor}; " . "border-left: {$borderWidth} solid {$borderColor}; " . "border-right: {$borderWidth} solid {$borderColor}; " . ($leftIndentLevel ? "margin-left: 10px; " : "");
     if (!$this->controlsAlwaysVisible()) {
         print "visibility: hidden; ";
     // 		print "position: absolute; ";
     // 		print "z-index: 10; ";
     print "left: 0px; ";
     print "'";
     // 		print " onmouseover='showControlsLink(this)'"
     // 			." onmouseout='hideControlsLink(this)'";
     // Any clicks on the page will hide all options panels.
     // Prevent clicks within the panel from hiding it.
     print " onclick='";
     print "if (event.stopPropagation) { ";
     print "event.stopPropagation(); ";
     print "} else if (window.event) { ";
     print "window.event.cancelBubble = true; ";
     print "}";
     print "'";
     print ">";
     print "\n<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'" . " style='width: 100%; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; " . "background-color: {$backgroundColor}; " . $opacityStyles . "'" . ">";
     print "\n\t<tr>";
     print "\n\t\t<td class='controls_bar_title'>";
     print "\n\t\t" . $title;
     print "\n\t\t</td>";
     print "\n\t\t<td style='text-align: right;'>";
     print AuthZPrinter::getAZIcon($siteComponent->getQualifierId());
     if (!is_null($selectionLinkHtml)) {
         print "\n\t\t\t\t<span class='selection_link'" . " style='" . "cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap;'" . ">";
         print $selectionLinkHtml;
         print " |</span>";
     print "\n\t\t\t\t<span class='controls_link'" . " style='" . "cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap;'" . " onclick='toggleControls(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);'" . ">";
     print "\n\t\t\t" . _("Options");
     print "\n\t\t\t</span>";
     print "\n\t\t</td>";
     print "\n\t</tr>";
     print "\n</table>";
     $opacityStyles = "filter:alpha(opacity=95); " . "-moz-opacity: .95; " . "opacity: .95; ";
     print "\n\t\t\t<div class='controls' style='display: none; border-top: 1px solid {$dividerColor}; background-color: {$backgroundColor}; " . $opacityStyles . " position: absolute; left: 0px; z-index: 10; text-align: left;' ";
     print ">";
     print $controlsHTML;
     print "\n\t\t\t\t</div>";
     print "\n</div>";
     // 		if (!$float) {
     // 			print "\n<div style='display: block;' class='controls_spacer'>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</div>";
     // 		}
     return ob_get_clean();
Пример #4
  * Copy a component.
  * @param object SiteComponent
  * @return void
  * @access protected
  * @since 8/4/08
 protected function copyComponent(SiteComponent $siteComponent)
     $authZ = Services::getService("AuthZ");
     $idMgr = Services::getService("Id");
     if (!$authZ->isUserAuthorized($idMgr->getId('edu.middlebury.authorization.modify'), $siteComponent->getQualifierId())) {
         throw new PermissionDeniedException("You are not authorized to copy this node from its original location.");
     try {
          * Export the Component
         $exportDir = DATAPORT_TMP_DIR . "/" . $siteComponent->getId() . "-" . str_replace(':', '_', DateAndTime::now()->asString());
         // Do the export
         $visitor = new DomExportSiteVisitor($exportDir);
         $visitor->enableStatusOutput(_("Exporting from original location."));
         $doc = $visitor->doc;
         // Validate the result
         // 			printpre(htmlentities($doc->saveXMLWithWhitespace()));
         $doc->schemaValidateWithException(MYDIR . "/doc/raw/dtds/segue2-subtree.xsd");
         // 			printpre($this->listDir($exportDir));
         // 			throw new Exception('test');
          * Import the Component
         $importer = new DomImportSiteVisitor($doc, $exportDir, SiteDispatcher::getSiteDirector());
         if (RequestContext::value('copy_permissions') == 'true') {
         if (RequestContext::value('copy_discussions') == 'false') {
         $importer->enableStatusOutput(_("Importing into new location"));
         $newComponent = $importer->importSubtreeUnderOrganizer($this->getDestinationComponent());
         // Delete the decompressed Archive
         return $newComponent;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (file_exists($exportDir . ".tar.gz")) {
             unlink($exportDir . ".tar.gz");
         throw $e;
  * Answer the history control
  * @param object SiteComponent $siteComponent
  * @return string
  * @access public
  * @since 1/10/08
 public function getHistory(SiteComponent $siteComponent)
     $authZ = Services::getService("AuthZ");
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
     if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idManager->getId("edu.middlebury.authorization.modify"), $siteComponent->getQualifierId())) {
         $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
         $harmoni->history->markReturnURL('view_history_' . $siteComponent->getId());
         $url = SiteDispatcher::quickURL('versioning', 'view_history', array("node" => $siteComponent->getId(), 'returnModule' => $harmoni->request->getRequestedModule(), 'returnAction' => $harmoni->request->getRequestedAction()));
         print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<a href='" . $url . "'>";
         print _("history");
         print "</a>";
     return ob_get_clean();
  * Print block style options
  * @param SiteComponent $siteComponent
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 6/04/08
 function printBlockStyleOptions(SiteComponent $siteComponent)
     print "\n\t\t\t\t<tr><td class='ui2_settingborder'>";
     print "\n\t\t\t\t<div class='ui2_settingtitle'>";
     print _('Block Style: ') . "\n\t\t\t\t</div>";
     print "\n\t\t\t\t</td><td class='ui2_settingborder'>";
     $authZ = Services::getService("AuthZ");
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized($idManager->getId("edu.middlebury.authorization.modify"), $siteComponent->getQualifierId())) {
         $canEdit = true;
     } else {
         $canEdit = false;
     $methods = array('Block_Standard' => _('Standard Block'), 'Block_Sidebar' => _('Sidebar Block'), 'Block_Alert' => _('Alert Block'), 'Header' => _('Header'), 'Footer' => _('Footer'));
     print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<select class='ui2_field'";
     print $canEdit ? "" : " disabled='disabled'";
     print " name='" . RequestContext::name('displayType') . "'>";
     foreach ($methods as $method => $display) {
         print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value='" . $method . "'";
         if ($siteComponent->getDisplayType() === $method) {
             print " selected='selected'";
         print ">";
         print $display;
         print "</option>";
     print "\n\t\t\t\t\t</select><br/> ";
     print "\n\t\t\t\t</td></tr>";