public function create() { $article = new Article(); if ($this->post) { $article->title = $this->PostData('title'); $article->permalink = $this->PostData('permalink'); $article->summary = $this->PostData('summary'); $article->published = $this->PostData('published'); if ($this->PostData('publish_now') == 1) { $article->publish_at = time(); } else { $article->set_publish_at($this->PostData('publish_at')); } $article->user_id = Site::CurrentUser()->id; if ($article->save()) { $page = new ArticlePage(); $page->article_id = $article->id; $page->title = $article->title; $page->content = $this->PostData('fullbody'); $page->save(); Site::Flash("notice", "The article has been added"); Redirect("admin/articles/{$article->id}"); } $this->assign("body", $this->PostData('fullbody')); } $this->assign("article", $article); $this->tinymce = true; $this->title = "Add Article"; $this->render("article/create.tpl"); }
public function user_index($nickname = null) { if (!$nickname) { $nickname = $this->GetData('nickname'); } $user = User::find_by_nickname($nickname); $newaward = new LoyaltyAward(); if ($this->post) { $newaward->user_id = $user->id; $newaward->points = $this->PostData("points"); $newaward->justification = $this->PostData("justification"); $newaward->awarded_by_id = Site::CurrentUser()->id; if (!$this->csrf) { Site::InstantFlash('error', 'Invalid form submission'); } elseif ($newaward->save()) { Site::Flash("notice", "The loyalty points have been awarded"); Redirect("admin/users/" . $user->permalink() . "/loyalty"); } else { Site::InstantFlash('error', 'Unable to award loyalty points'); } } $page = 1; if ($this->GetData('page')) { $page = $this->GetData('page'); } $id = mysql_real_escape_string($user->id); $awards = LoyaltyAward::paginate(" = '{$id}'", " DESC", $page, 50); $this->assign("user", $user); $this->assign("awards", $awards); $this->assign('newaward', $newaward); $this->title = "{$user->nickname} :: Loyalty"; $this->render("loyalty_award/user_index.tpl"); }
protected function selectLayout() { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/admin") === 0) { if (Site::CurrentUser() and Site::CurrentUser()->isAdmin() > 0) { return "admin"; } } return "layout"; }
public function acknowledge($id = null) { $script = self::load_script($id); if ($script->getAlert('bool') && !$script->acknowledged) { $script->acknowledged = true; $nickname = Site::CurrentUser()->nickname; $script->addlog("Alert acknowledged by {$nickname}"); $script->save(); } Site::flash("notice", "The script alert has been acknowledged."); RedirectBack("admin/scripts"); }
public function delete($id = null) { if (!$id) { $id = $this->GetData('id'); } $redemption = DiscountRedemption::find_by_id($id); if (!$redemption || $redemption->user->id != Site::CurrentUser()->id) { throw new Error404(); } $redemption->destroy(); Site::Flash("notice", "Discount code removed successfully."); RedirectBack("bookings/pay/{$cart_id}/"); }
public function index() { $page = 1; if ($this->GetData('page')) { $page = $this->GetData('page'); } $user = Site::CurrentUser(); $id = mysql_real_escape_string($user->id); $referrals = AffiliateReferral::paginate(" = '{$id}'", "affiliate_referrals.created_at DESC, DESC", $page, 25); $this->assign('user', $user); $this->assign('referrals', $referrals); $this->title = 'Referrals'; $this->render('affiliate_referral/index.tpl'); }
public function discounts() { $page = 1; if ($this->GetData('page')) { $page = $this->GetData('page'); } $user = Site::CurrentUser(); $id = mysql_real_escape_string($user->id); $discounts = LoyaltyDiscount::paginate(" = '{$id}'", " DESC", $page, 10); $this->assign('user', $user); $this->assign('discounts', $discounts); $this->title = 'Loyalty Points :: Discount Codes'; $this->render('loyalty_award/discounts.tpl'); }
protected static function load_news($permalink = null, $published = true) { if (!$permalink) { $permalink = $_GET['permalink']; } if (Site::CurrentUser() && Site::CurrentUser()->isAdmin() > 0) { $published = false; } $news = News::find_by_permalink($permalink, $published); if ($news) { return $news; } else { Error404(); } }
protected static function load_article($permalink = null) { if (!$permalink) { $permalink = $_GET['permalink']; } $object = Article::find_by_permalink($permalink); if ($object) { if (Site::CurrentUser() && Site::CurrentUser()->isAdmin()) { return $object; } elseif (!$object->published || $object->publish_at > time()) { throw new Error404('Article has not been published'); } return $object; } else { throw new Error404('Unable to find the article'); } }
protected static function load_event($permalink = null) { if (!$permalink) { $permalink = $_GET['event_permalink']; } $event = Event::find_by_permalink($permalink); if ($event) { if (!$event->visible) { self::restrict("admin"); } if (!$event->check_user(Site::CurrentUser())) { Error404(); } return $event; } else { Error404(); } }
public function run($action) { $controller = get_class($this); $user = Site::CurrentUser(); if ($user) { $group = $user->aclgroup; } else { $group = ACLGroup::find_by_code('guest'); } if (!$group) { throw new Error500('Unable to find ACL group'); } $rule = $this->getRule($group, $controller, $action); if (!$rule) { throw new Error403('You do not have permission to access this resource'); } switch ($rule->action) { case 'araDeny': if ($rule->error) { Site::InstantFlash('error', $rule->error); } elseif ($rule->notice) { Site::InstantFlash('notice', $rule->notice); } throw new Error403('You do not have permission to access this resource'); case 'araRedirect': if ($rule->error) { Site::Flash('error', $rule->error); } elseif ($rule->notice) { Site::Flash('notice', $rule->notice); } $uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if (substr($uri, 0, 1) == '/') { $uri = substr($uri, 1); } Site::Flash('redirect', $uri); Redirect($rule->url); break; case 'araAllow': $params = func_get_args(); array_shift($params); call_user_func_array(array($this, $action), $params); break; } }
public static function render($title = null, $headcontent = null) { self::init(); global $site; global $config; $smarty = new SmartySite(); $smarty->assign("title", $title); $smarty->assign("site", $site); $smarty->assign("content", "|--|CONTENT|--|"); $smarty->assign("headcontent", $headcontent); $smarty->assign("next_event", Event::next_event()); $all_events = Event::find_all("events.visible = true", "events.startdate DESC"); $events = array(); foreach ($all_events as $event) { if ($event->check_user(Site::CurrentUser())) { $events[] = $event; } } $smarty->assign("all_events", $events); $output = $smarty->fetch("application/layout.tpl"); $output = explode("|--|CONTENT|--|", $output); return array("header" => $output[0], "footer" => $output[1]); }
public function create() { $news = new News(); if ($this->post) { $news->title = $this->PostData('title'); $news->permalink = $this->PostData('permalink'); $news->summary = $this->PostData('summary'); $news->body = $this->PostData('body'); $news->fullbody = $this->PostData('fullbody'); $news->published = $this->PostData('published'); $news->tag_id = $this->PostData('tag_id'); $news->ipb_id = $this->PostData('ipb_id'); $news->image = $this->PostData('image'); if ($this->PostData('publish_now') == 1) { $news->publish_at = time(); } else { $news->set_publish_at($this->PostData('publish_at')); } $news->user_id = Site::CurrentUser()->id; if ($news->Save()) { $news->update_tags($this->PostData('tags')); Site::Flash("notice", "The news has been added"); Redirect("admin/news"); } } $this->assign("news", $news); $tags = array('' => 'None'); $allTags = Tag::find_all("tags.system = TRUE", "tags.tag ASC"); foreach ($allTags as $tag) { $tags[$tag->id] = $tag->tag; } $this->assign("tags", $tags); $this->tinymce = true; $this->title = "Add News"; $this->render("news/create.tpl"); }
public function award() { if ($this->post) { $achievement = $this->load_achievement($this->PostData('achievement_id')); $user_temp = $this->PostData('users'); if (!is_array($user_temp)) { $user_temp = explode(',', $user_temp); } $error_on = array(); $success = 0; foreach ($user_temp as $name_temp) { $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string($name_temp); $user = User::find_by_id($user_id); if ($user) { if ($achievement->award($user, $this->PostData("category_id"))) { $success++; } else { $error_on[] = $name; } } else { $error_on[] = $name; } } if (count($user_temp) == 1) { if ($success == 1) { Site::InstantFlash("notice", "{$user->nickname} has been awarded {$achievement->name}"); } else { Site::InstantFlash("error", "Unable to award achievement"); } } else { if ($success == 0) { Site::InstantFlash("error", "Unable to award achievements to any of the users listed"); } elseif (count($error_on) > 0) { Site::InstantFlash("error", "Awarded achievement to {$success} user" . ($success != 1 ? "s" : "") . ", failed to award to " . implode(", ", $error_on)); } else { Site::InstantFlash("notice", "Awarded achievements to all users listed."); } } } $filters = array(); $pageQuery = ''; if ($this->GetData('query')) { $pageQuery = $this->GetData('query'); $query = mysql_real_escape_string($this->GetData('query')); $filters[] = "users.nickname LIKE '%{$query}%'"; } $filter = implode('AND', $filters); $achievement_id = null; if ($this->GetData('achievement_id')) { $achievement_id = $this->GetData('achievement_id'); } $page = 1; if ($this->GetData('page')) { $page = $this->GetData('page'); } $users = User::paginate($filter, 'users.nickname ASC', $page, 50); $achievements = Achievement::find_all("", "achievements.created_at ASC"); $achlist = array(); foreach ($achievements as $ach) { $achlist[$ach->id] = "{$ach->id}. {$ach->name}"; } // Yay - Magic Numbers! $category_id = 11; $categories = array(); $all_categories = array(); $all_categories = AchievementCategory::find_all(); foreach ($all_categories as $category) { $event = Event::find("achievement_category_id={$category->id}"); if (!$event || $event->check_user(Site::CurrentUser()) && $event->display_achievements) { $categories[$category->id] = $category->category_name; if ($category->default_category) { $category_id = $category->id; } } } if ($this->GetData('category_id')) { $category_id = $this->GetData('category_id'); } $this->assign("achievements", $achlist); $this->assign("categories", $categories); $this->assign("category_id", $category_id); $this->assign("achievement_id", $achievement_id); $this->assign("users", $users); $this->assign('pagequery', $pageQuery); $this->title = "Award Achievement"; $this->render("achievement/award.tpl"); }
protected static function load_event($permalink = null) { if (!$permalink) { $permalink = $_GET['permalink']; } $event = Event::find_by_permalink($permalink); if ($event) { if (!$event->visible) { if (!Site::CurrentUser()->isAdmin()) { throw new Error403(); } } if (!$event->check_user(Site::CurrentUser())) { Error404(); } return $event; } else { Error404(); } }
function RenderPage($title, $content, $layout = "layout", $nosql = false, $vars = array()) { global $site; global $config; $smarty = new SmartySite(); $smarty->assign("title", $title); $smarty->assign("content", $content); $smarty->assign("headcontent", ""); $smarty->assign("site", $site); foreach ($vars as $name => $value) { $smarty->assign($name, $value); } if (isset($_SESSION['csrf'])) { $smarty->assign("csrf", $_SESSION['csrf']); } if (!$nosql) { $revert = false; if (isset($config['dev_sql']) && $config['dev_sql']) { $config['dev_sql'] = false; $revert = true; } $smarty->assign("next_event", Event::next_event()); $events = array('future' => Event::find_all("(events.visible = true OR events.advertised = true) AND events.enddate > NOW()", "events.enddate ASC"), 'past' => Event::find_all("(events.visible = true OR events.advertised = true) AND events.enddate <= NOW()", "events.enddate DESC")); foreach ($events as $type => $collection) { ${$type} = array(); foreach ($collection as $key => $event) { if ($event->check_user(Site::CurrentUser())) { array_push(${$type}, $event); } } $smarty->assign("{$type}Events", ${$type}); } $smallEvents = array(); $largeEvents = array(); foreach ($future as $event) { if ($event->capacity < 50) { $smallEvents[] = $event; } else { $largeEvents[] = $event; } } $smallEvents = array_slice($smallEvents, 0, 3); $largeEvents = array_slice($largeEvents, 1, 1); $smarty->assign('smallEvents', $smallEvents); $smarty->assign('largeEvents', $largeEvents); if ($revert) { $config['dev_sql'] = true; } } // Determine SSL or not $protocol = "http"; if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) and $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) { $protocol = "https"; } $baseuri = "{$protocol}://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}"; $smarty->assign("protocol", $protocol); $smarty->assign("baseuri", $baseuri); $smarty->display("application/{$layout}.tpl"); if (isset($config['dev_sql']) && $config['dev_sql']) { file_put_contents("logs/sql.log", "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); } die; }
protected static function load_signup($id = null) { if (!$id) { $id = $_GET['signup_id']; } $id = mysql_real_escape_string($id); $signup = EventSignup::find_by_id($id); if ($signup and $signup->user_id == Site::CurrentUser()->id) { return $signup; } else { Error404(); } }
public function show($permalink = null) { if (isset($_GET['permalink'])) { $permalink = $_GET['permalink']; } $survey = Survey::find_by_permalink($permalink); if (!$survey or !$survey->active && Site::CurrentUser()->isAdmin() == 0) { Error404(); } if ($survey->event->id) { $event_id = mysql_real_escape_string($survey->event_id); $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string(Site::CurrentUser()->id); $result = EventSignup::find(" = '{$event_id}' AND = '{$user_id}' AND event_signups.paid"); if (!$result) { Site::Flash("error", "You must have attended {$survey->event->name} to take this survey"); RedirectBack(); } } $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string(Site::CurrentUser()->id); $survey_id = mysql_real_escape_string($survey->id); $response = SurveyResponse::find(" = '{$survey_id}' AND = '{$user_id}'"); if ($response) { Site::Flash("error", "You have already completed this survey"); Redirect("surveys"); } $response = new SurveyResponse(); $response->survey = $survey; $response->survey_id = $survey->id; $response->user = Site::CurrentUser(); $response->user_id = Site::CurrentUser()->id; $answers = array(); $choices = array(); $valid = true; $errors = array(); if ($this->post) { foreach ($survey->questions() as $question) { $answer = new SurveyAnswer(); $answer->survey_question_id = $question->id; if (in_array($question->type, array("sqtTextbox", "sqtTextArea"))) { // Free-text input if (isset($_POST['question'][$question->id])) { $answer->value = $_POST['question'][$question->id]; } elseif (!$question->required) { continue; } } else { if (isset($_POST['question'][$question->id])) { $chosen = array(); if ($question->type == "sqtCheckbox") { // Checkboxes $chosen = $_POST['question'][$question->id]; } else { // Radio/Select $chosen = array($_POST['question'][$question->id]); } foreach ($chosen as $id) { $option = SurveyQuestionOption::find_by_id($id); if (!$option or $option->question->id != $question->id) { if (!$question->required) { continue; } $valid = false; $answer->add_error("Answer for question {$question->position} is invalid"); $errors[] = $question->id; break; } $choice = new SurveyAnswerChoice(); $choice->survey_question_option_id = $option->id; $choices[$question->id][$option->id] = $choice; } } elseif ($question->required) { $valid = false; $answer->add_error("You must enter an answer for question {$question->position}"); $errors[] = $question->id; } else { continue; } } $result = $answer->validate(); if (!$result) { $valid = false; } $answers[$question->id] = $answer; } if ($valid) { // This is valid, let's save everything! if ($response->save()) { foreach ($answers as $answer) { $answer->survey_response_id = $response->id; $answer->save(); $answers[$answer->survey_question_id] = $answer; } foreach ($choices as $question_id => $answer_choices) { foreach ($answer_choices as $choice) { $choice->survey_answer_id = $answers[$question_id]->id; $choice->save(); } } $account = TwitterAccount::find_by_code('site'); if ($account) { $message = "{$response->user->nickname} has completed the {$survey->name} Survey"; $account->add_tweet($message); } Redirect("surveys/{$survey->permalink}/complete"); } $valid = false; } } $this->assign("answers", $answers); $this->assign("choices", $choices); $this->assign("valid", $valid); $this->assign("survey", $survey); $this->assign("response", $response); $this->assign("errors", $errors); $this->title = $survey->name; $this->render("survey/show.tpl"); }
public function steam_link() { global $config; $openid = new LightOpenID($config['steam']['url']); if (!$openid->mode) { $openid->identity = $config['steam']['endpoint']; header('Location: ' . $openid->authUrl()); die; } elseif ($openid->mode == 'cancel') { Site::Flash('error', 'Steam connection attempt cancelled'); Redirect('account/steam'); } else { if ($openid->validate()) { $pattern = "/^http:\\/\\/steamcommunity\\.com\\/openid\\/id\\/(7[0-9]{15,25}+)\$/"; preg_match($pattern, $openid->identity, $matches); $user = Site::CurrentUser(); $user->steamid64bit = $matches[1]; if ($user->save()) { Site::Flash('notice', 'Your Steam account has been connected to your epic.LAN account'); Redirect('account/steam'); } } Site::Flash('error', 'Unable to connect your Steam account to your epic.LAN account'); Redirect('account/steam'); } }
protected static function load_event($permalink = null, $allowed = false) { if (!$permalink) { $permalink = $_GET['permalink']; } $event = Event::find_by_permalink($permalink); if ($event) { if (!$allowed && !$event->check_user(Site::CurrentUser())) { Error404(); } if ($event->active) { return $event; } else { Site::Flash("error", "It is not possible to book for this event"); Redirect($event->permalink); } } else { Error404(); } }
public function complete() { if (isset($_GET['merchant_return_link'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; Redirect("payments/{$id}/complete"); } $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']); $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string(Site::CurrentUser()->id); $cart = Cart::find("carts.user_id = '{$user_id}' AND = '{$id}'"); if ($cart) { // Validate Cart foreach ($cart->items() as $item) { if ($item->object == null) { Error404(); } } $signups = $cart->get_signups(); if (count($signups) == 1) { $this->assign("signup", current($signups)); } $redemptions = array(); if ($cart->full_cart_discount()) { $id = mysql_real_escape_string($cart->id); $redemptions = DiscountRedemption::find_all("discount_redemptions.cart_id = '{$id}' and discount_redemptions.cart_item_id is null"); } $this->assign("cart", $cart); $this->assign("cart_discounts", $redemptions); $this->title = "Payment Complete"; $this->render("paymenttransaction/complete.tpl"); } else { Error404(); } }
protected function getCart($id = null) { if (!$id) { $id = $this->GetData('id'); } $id = mysql_real_escape_string($id); $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string(Site::CurrentUser()->id); $cart = Cart::find(" = '{$id}' and carts.user_id = '{$user_id}'"); if (!$cart) { throw new Error404('Unable to find cart'); } return $cart; }