function rapporteurspreadsheet($attr)
    $attr = shortcode_atts(array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'type' => 'spreadsheets', 'tax' => 'spreadsheets_category', 'metabox' => 'spreadsheets_uploads'), $attr);
    $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
    $options = array('posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page, 'post_type' => $type, 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'paged' => $paged);
    //$loop = new WP_Query( $options);
    $loop = query_posts($options);
    $tabs = null;
    $tabs_content = null;
    $j = 0;
    if (have_posts()) {
        while (have_posts()) {
            $id = get_the_id();
            $the_title = get_the_title();
            $tab_id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\_]/i', '_', $the_title);
            $spreadsheet = get_post_meta($id, $metabox . '_spreadsheet', true);
            $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
            $file_path = preg_replace("#" . preg_quote($upload_dir['baseurl']) . "#i", $upload_dir['basedir'], $spreadsheet);
            $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($file_path);
            $active = $j == 0 ? 'active' : '';
            $tabs[] = "<li class='{$active}'><a data-toggle='tab' href='#{$tab_id}'>{$the_title}</a></li>";
            $tabs_content[] = "<div class='tab-pane {$active}' id='{$tab_id}'>";
            $tabs_content[] = '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">';
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($xlsx->rows() as $index => $rows) {
                $class = $i % 3 == 0 ? 'class="alternate"' : '';
                $cells = $i == 0 ? 'th' : 'td';
                $tabs_content[] = "<tr {$class}>";
                foreach ($rows as $column => $text) {
                    $tabs_content[] = "<{$cells}>" . (!empty($text) ? $text : '&nbsp;') . "</ {$cells}>";
                $tabs_content[] = '</tr>';
            $tabs_content[] = "</table></div>";
    return "<div class='tabbable tabs-left'><ul class='nav nav-tabs' id='myTab'>" . join("", $tabs) . "</ul> <div class='tab-content'>" . join("", $tabs_content) . "</div> </div> <script> \$('#myTab a:first').tab('show'); </script>";
Пример #2
 public function showFormat()
     //get the link of the file
     $file = new Files($this->formatfile_id);
     $path = $file->fileWithPath();
     if (preg_match("/xlsx\$/", $file->originalname) != 0) {
         $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($excelfile);
         return $xlsx->dump();
     } else {
         if (preg_match("/xls\$/", $file->originalname) != 0) {
             $xls = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader($excelfile);
             return $xls->dump();
Пример #3
 function create_json_file($file_name)
     if (empty($file_name)) {
         return false;
     if (empty($_FILES['file']) || empty($_FILES["file"]['name'])) {
         return false;
     require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '../includes/simplexlsx.class.php';
     $sw = get_option('ggkp_software', '1');
     $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
     $sheetNames = $xlsx->sheetNames();
     if (is_array($sheetNames)) {
         $sheets = array();
         foreach ($sheetNames as $sheetId => $sheetName) {
             if ($sheetId == $sw) {
                 $filteredData = $this->filterData($xlsx, $sw);
                 $filteredJsonData = json_encode($filteredData);
                 $uploadResult = $this->createJsonFilteredDataFile($filteredJsonData, $file_name);
             $sheets[] = $sheetId . ' -> ' . $sheetName;
         $this->sheets = '<p style="float: left; width: 100%">Werblad nummers ';
         $this->sheets .= '<br />' . $uploadResult . '</p>';
         $this->sheets .= '<br />' . implode('<br />', $sheets) . '</p>';
         $this->sheets .= '<p>Wanneer het Klompenpad werkblad wordt geopend en vervolgens wordt opgeslagen met LibreOffice kloppen de werkbladnummers niet meer. Alle werkbladnummers worden dan met 1 opgehoogd.</p><p>Wanneer het bestand met MSExcel wordt opgeslagen zijn de werkbladnummers oplopend vanaf 1.</p><p>Dit kan worden gecorrigeerd op de <a href="' . admin_url('options-general.php?page=' . $this->plugin_slug) . '">settings pagina</a> van deze plugin, dus de waarde 2 geven als het bestand met LibreOffice is opgeslagen, anders 1</p>';
     return $uploadResult;
Пример #4
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/lib/php/simplexlsx.class.php";
$skulist = array();
if (!array_key_exists("SKU", $_SESSION)) {
    $_SESSION["SKU"] = array();
$_SESSION["SKU"] = count($_SESSION["SKU"]) == 0 ? array() : $_SESSION["SKU"];
$error_message = "";
if (isset($_FILES['csvupload']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['csvupload']['tmp_name'])) {
    $allowed = array("xlsx");
    $filename = $_FILES["csvupload"]["name"];
    $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    if (!in_array($ext, $allowed)) {
        $error_message = "Please upload only <b>XLXS</b> file";
    } else {
        $_SESSION["SKU"] = array();
        $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($_FILES['csvupload']['tmp_name']);
        $rows = $xlsx->rows();
        $skureq = array();
        foreach ($rows as $data) {
            $sku = trim($data[0]);
            $skuconf = explode("-", $sku)[0];
            array_push($skureq, $skuconf);
            if (count($skureq) >= 50) {
                $skureq = array();
        foreach ($rows as $data) {
            $cat = empty($data[1]) ? "-" : $data[1];
            if (!array_key_exists($cat, $_SESSION["SKU"])) {

if (!empty($_FILES['upload_sql'])) {
    if (!empty($_FILES['upload_sql']['name'])) {

        $path = $config['path']['Storage'] . date('d_m_Y_H_i_s');
        $storage = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $path;

        $file = $_FILES['upload_sql']['tmp_name'];
        $upload = $_FILES['upload_sql']['name'];
        $truemime = $parse->CheckMime($file, $config['mimes']['Allow']);

        if ($truemime) {
            $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($file);
            $array = $xlsx->rows();
            $chunk = array_chunk($array, '500');
            if (empty($array)) goto die_a;
            $result = $parse->sqlXls($chunk, $storage, $path, $config['vars']['DocName'], $config['vars']['AddHeader']);
            goto die_b;
        } else {
            goto die_c;
    } elseif (empty($_FILES['upload_sql']['name'])) {
        goto die_d;

//Блок с выводом сообщений
die_a : die(json_encode(array('msg' => $config['messages']['EmptyXLS'])));

include '../include/koneksi.php';

if (isset($_FILES['userfile'])) {
    require_once "library/xlsx_reader/simplexlsx.class.php";
    $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
    $jumlahrowimport = 0;
    $gagal = 0;
    list($cols, ) = $xlsx->dimension();
    foreach ($xlsx->rows() as $b => $r) {
        if ($b <= 1) {
        // skip row by row array;
        //membaca column 1 NIM di excel
        $nim = $r[1];
        //column Nama 2
        $nama_mhs = $r[2];
        //column number 3 hp di excel
        $jurusan = $r[3];
        $username = $nim;
        $data = md5($nim);
        $password = $data;
        $foto = 'avatar.png';
        $tanggal = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + 60 * 60 * 7);
Пример #7
function extract_text($file, $file0, $source_type, $url, $chrSet)
    global $db_con, $tmp_dir, $pdftotext_path, $catdoc_path, $xls2csv_path, $op_system, $mb, $debug;
    global $catppt_path, $home_charset, $command_line, $no_log, $clear, $converter_dir, $cl, $index_xmeta;
    $result = array();
    $home_charset1 = str_ireplace('iso-', '', $home_charset);
    $charset_int = str_ireplace('iso', '', $home_charset1);
    $temp_file = "tmp_file";
    $filename = $tmp_dir . "/" . $temp_file;
    if ($source_type == 'ods') {
        $filename .= "." . $source_type . "";
    if ($source_type == 'doc') {
        $filename .= "." . $source_type . "";
    if ($source_type == 'docx') {
        $filename .= "." . $source_type . "";
    if ($source_type == 'xlsx') {
        $filename .= "." . $source_type . "";
    if (!($handle = fopen($filename, 'w'))) {
        die("Cannot open file {$filename} in temp folder");
    if (fwrite($handle, $file) === FALSE) {
        die("Cannot write to file {$filename} in temp folder");
    //      for PDF documents enter here
    if ($source_type == 'pdf') {
        $a = new PDF2Text();
        echo $a->output();
        if (!($handle = fopen($pdftotext_path, 'rb'))) {
            printStandardReport('errorNoPDFConv', $command_line);
            $result[] = 'ERROR';
        } else {
            //   prepare command line for PDF converter
            if ($op_system != 'win') {
                $command = "" . $pdftotext_path . " -enc UTF-8 " . $filename . "";
            } else {
                $command = "" . $pdftotext_path . " -cfg xpdfrc " . $filename . " -";
            $a = exec($command, $result, $retval);
            //  convert the PDF document
            if ($retval != '0') {
                //   error handler for PDF file converter
                if ($retval == '1' || $retval == '3' || $retval == '127') {
                    if ($retval == '1') {
                        printStandardReport('errorOpenPDF', $command_line);
                    if ($retval == '3') {
                        printStandardReport('permissionError', $command_line);
                    if ($retval == '127') {
                        printStandardReport('noConverter', $command_line);
                } else {
                    printStandardReport('ufoError', $command_line);
                $result[] = 'ERROR';
            $result = implode(' ', $result);
        //      for DOC and RTF files enter here
    } else {
        if ($source_type == 'doc' || $source_type == 'rtf') {
            echo "\r\n\r\n<br /> op_system: '$op_system'<br />\r\n";
            echo "\r\n\r\n<br /> catdoc_path: '$catdoc_path'<br />\r\n";
            echo "\r\n\r\n<br /> charset_int: '$charset_int'<br />\r\n";
            echo "\r\n\r\n<br /> filename: '$filename'<br />\r\n";
            if ($op_system == 'win') {
                $command = "" . $catdoc_path . " -s " . $charset_int . " -d utf-8 -x " . $filename . "";
                $a = exec($command, $result, $retval);
                if (stristr($result[0], "catdoc.exe")) {
                    printDocReport($result[0], $cl);
            } else {
                $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Indexing of .doc and .rtf documents is currently not supported on LINUX OS.";
                printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                $retval = '';
                                $catdoc_path = str_ireplace("catdoc.exe", "catdoc.lin", $catdoc_path);
                                //$command = "".$catdoc_path." -cfg xpdfrc ".$filename." -";
                                $command = "".$catdoc_path." -s ".$charset_int." -d utf-8 -w -x ".$filename."";
                				$a = exec($command, $result, $retval);  //  convert the DOC document
                //echo "\r\n\r\n<br /> retval: '$retval'<br />\r\n";
                //echo "\r\n\r\n<br>result Array:<br><pre>";print_r($result);echo "</pre>\r\n";
                                if ($retval) {
                                    $result = 'ERROR';
                //echo "\r\n\r\n<br /> retval: '$retval'<br />\r\n";
                                    if($retval == '2') {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;File to be converted not found";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                     else if($retval == '3') {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Path to file not found.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == '11') {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The executable is corrupted.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == '12') {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Out of memory execution.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == '22') {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dll error";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == '31') {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The association is missing, use Shell to try the OpenWith dialog.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == '32') {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;File could not be opened.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == '126') {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Command invoked cannot execute (Permission problem or command is not an executable).";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == 127) {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Command not found.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == 128) {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Invalid argument to exit. Exit takes only integer range 0 – 255.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval > 128 && $retval < 255) {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fatal error code $retval";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    else if($retval == 255) {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exit status out of range. Exit takes only integer range 0 – 255.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
                                    } else {
                                        $message = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Unknown error code $retval.";
                                        printDocReport($message, $cl);
            //      for PPT files enter here
        } else {
            if ($source_type == 'ppt') {
                //  currently unsupported,as a failure was encountered for large PowerPoint presentations
                $a = '';
                            $command = $catppt_path." -s $charset_int -d utf-8 $filename";
                            $a = exec($command, $result, $retval);
                //      for XLS spreadsheets enter here
            } else {
                if ($source_type == 'xls') {
                    $error = '';
                    require_once "" . $converter_dir . "/xls_reader.php";
                    $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader();
                    if ($mb == '1') {
                        //  if extention exists, change 'iconv' to mb_convert_encoding:
                    // set output encoding.
                    //  read this document
                    $error = $data->_ole->error;
                    if ($error == '1') {
                        printStandardReport('xlsError', $command_line, $no_log);
                        $result = 'ERROR';
                    } else {
                        $result = '';
                        $boundsheets = array();
                        $sheets = array();
                        $boundsheets = $data->boundsheets;
                        // get all tables in this file
                        $sheets = $data->sheets;
                        // get content of all sheets in all tables
                        if ($boundsheets) {
                            foreach ($boundsheets as &$bs) {
                                $result .= "" . $bs['name'] . ", ";
                                //  collect all table names in this file
                            if ($sheets) {
                                foreach ($sheets as &$sheet) {
                                    $cells = $sheet['cells'];
                                    if ($cells) {
                                        //  ignore all empty cells
                                        foreach ($cells as &$cell) {
                                            foreach ($cell as &$content) {
                                                $result .= "" . $content . ", ";
                                                //  collect content of all cells
                            if (strtoupper($home_charset) == 'ISO-8859-1') {
                                $result = utf8_encode($result);
                    //      for ODS spreadsheets enter here
                } else {
                    if ($source_type == 'ods') {
                        require_once "" . $converter_dir . "/ods_reader.php";
                        $reader = ods_reader::reader($filename);
                        $sheets = $reader->read($filename);
                        if ($sheets) {
                            $result = '';
                            foreach ($sheets as &$sheet) {
                                if ($sheet) {
                                    foreach ($sheet as &$cell) {
                                        if ($cell) {
                                            //  ignore all empty cells
                                            foreach ($cell as &$content) {
                                                $result .= "" . $content . " ";
                                                //  collect content of all cells
                        } else {
                            $result = 'ERROR';
                        //      for ODT documents enter here
                    } else {
                        if ($source_type == 'odt') {
                            require_once "" . $converter_dir . "/odt_reader.php";
                            $x = new odt_reader();
                            // Unzip the document
                            $u = $x->odt_unzip($filename, false);
                            // read the document
                            $result = $x->odt_read($u[0], 2);
                            //  create some blanks around the <div> tags
                            $result = str_replace("<", " <", $result);
                            $result = str_replace(">", "> ", $result);
                            //echo "\r\n\r\n<br /> odt result: $result<br />\r\n";
                            //  for DOCX files enter here
                        } else {
                            if ($source_type == 'docx') {
                                //  converter class supplied by
                                $options = array('paragraph' => false, 'list' => false, 'table' => false, 'footnote' => false, 'endnote' => false, 'chart' => 0);
                                $docx_file = "docx.txt";
                                $result = '';
                                require_once "" . $converter_dir . "/docx/";
                                CreateDocx::DOCX2TXT($filename, $tmp_dir . "/" . $docx_file, $options);
                                if ($file = @file_get_contents($tmp_dir . "/" . $docx_file)) {
                                    $result = "{$file} ";
                                if ($index_xmeta) {
                                    require_once "" . $converter_dir . "/xmeta_converter.php";
                                    $docxmeta = new x_metadata();
                                                    echo "Title : " . $docxmeta->getTitle() . "<br>";
                                                    echo "Subject : " . $docxmeta->getSubject() . "<br>";
                                                    echo "Creator : " . $docxmeta->getCreator() . "<br>";
                                                    echo "Keywords : " . $docxmeta->getKeywords() . "<br>";
                                                    echo "Description : " . $docxmeta->getDescription() . "<br>";
                                                    echo "Last Modified By : " . $docxmeta->getLastModifiedBy() . "<br>";
                                                    echo "Revision : " . $docxmeta->getRevision() . "<br>";
                                                    echo "Date Created : " . $docxmeta->getDateCreated() . "<br>";
                                                    echo "Date Modified : " . $docxmeta->getDateModified() . "<br>";
                                    $result .= $docxmeta->getTitle() . $docxmeta->getSubject() . $docxmeta->getCreator() . $docxmeta->getKeywords() . $docxmeta->getDescription() . $docxmeta->getLastModifiedBy() . $docxmeta->getRevision() . $docxmeta->getDateCreated() . $docxmeta->getDateModified();
                                @unlink($tmp_dir . "/" . $docx_file);
                                            if($result && $chrSet != "UTF-8") {
                                                $result = @mb_convert_encoding($result, "UTF-8", $chrSet);
                                //  for XLSX spreadsheets enter here
                            } else {
                                if ($source_type == 'xlsx') {
                                    $result = '';
                                    $i = 1;
                                    $name = '';
                                    $finished = false;
                                    $names = array();
                                    require_once "" . $converter_dir . "/xlsx_reader.php";
                                    $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($filename);
                                    $names = $xlsx->sheetNames();
                                    //echo "\r\n\r\n<br>names array:<br><pre>";print_r($names);echo "</pre>\r\n";
                                    if ($debug == 2 && $names) {
                                        printXLSXreport(count($names), $cl);
                                    foreach ($names as $my_name) {
                                        $result .= $my_name . " ";
                                        if ($debug == 2) {
                                    while (!$finished) {
                                        //  get all sheets
                                        if ($rows = $xlsx->rows($i)) {
                                            foreach ($rows as $key) {
                                                foreach ($key as $val) {
                                                    if ($val) {
                                                        $result .= " " . $val;
                                                        //  add value of each cell
                                        } else {
                                            $finished = true;
                                            // no more sheets found
                                        //$my_name = $xlsx->sheetName($i);
                                        //echo "\r\n\r\n<br /> sheet name $i: '$my_name'<br />\r\n";
                                        //  try to get next sheet
                                    if ($index_xmeta) {
                                        require_once "" . $converter_dir . "/xmeta_converter.php";
                                        $xlscxmeta = new x_metadata();
                                                        echo "Title : " . $xlscxmeta->getTitle() . "<br>";
                                                        echo "Subject : " . $xlscxmeta->getSubject() . "<br>";
                                                        echo "Creator : " . $xlscxmeta->getCreator() . "<br>";
                                                        echo "Keywords : " . $xlscxmeta->getKeywords() . "<br>";
                                                        echo "Description : " . $xlscxmeta->getDescription() . "<br>";
                                                        echo "Last Modified By : " . $xlscxmeta->getLastModifiedBy() . "<br>";
                                                        echo "Revision : " . $xlscxmeta->getRevision() . "<br>";
                                                        echo "Date Created : " . $xlscxmeta->getDateCreated() . "<br>";
                                                        echo "Date Modified : " . $xlscxmeta->getDateModified() . "<br>";
                                        $result .= $xlscxmeta->getTitle() . $xlscxmeta->getSubject() . $xlscxmeta->getCreator() . $xlscxmeta->getKeywords() . $xlscxmeta->getDescription() . $xlscxmeta->getLastModifiedBy() . $xlscxmeta->getRevision() . $xlscxmeta->getDateCreated() . $xlscxmeta->getDateModified();
                                                if($result && $chrSet != "UTF-8") {
                                                    $result = @mb_convert_encoding($result, "UTF-8", $chrSet);
                                    //  for JavaScript enter here
                                } else {
                                    if ($source_type == 'js') {
                                        $result = extract_js($file);
    if ($result != 'ERROR') {
        if (is_array($result)) {
            $result = implode(" ", $result);
        $count = strlen($result);
        if ($count == '0') {
            //      if there was not one word found, print warning message
            if ($source_type == 'js') {
                printStandardReport('jsEmpty', $command_line, $no_log);
            } else {
                printStandardReport('nothingFound', $command_line, $no_log);
            $result = 'ERROR';
    if ($clear == 1) {
        unset($command, $retval, $a, $file, $count);
    return $result;
    public function callback_metabox($post, $metabox)
        global $post;
        // Nonce field for some validation
        wp_nonce_field(plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'jw_post_type');
        // Get all inputs from $data
        $custom_fields = $metabox['args'][0];
        // Get the saved values
        $meta = get_post_custom($post->ID);
        // Check the array and loop through it
        if (!empty($custom_fields)) {
            echo '<style> ul.admin-checkboxes { border: 1px solid #DFDFDF; background-color: #FFFFFF; margin:0px; 5px; padding: 5px; list-style-type:none; max-height: 80px; overflow-y: auto; } </style>';
            // Loop through $custom_fields
            foreach ($custom_fields as $label => $type) {
                $field_id_name = self::uglify($this->post_type_name . '_' . $metabox['id'] . '_' . $label);
                $select = '';
                $checkbox = '';
                if (is_array($type)) {
                    if (strtolower($type['type']) == 'select') {
                        // filter through them, and create options
                        $select .= "<select name='{$field_id_name}' class='widefat'>";
                        foreach ($type['options'] as $key => $option) {
                            $set_selected = isset($meta[$field_id_name]) && $meta[$field_id_name][0] == $key ? "selected = 'selected'" : '';
                            $select .= "<option value='{$key}' {$set_selected}> {$option} </option>";
                        $select .= "</select>";
                        array_push($_SESSION['taxonomy_data'], $field_id_name);
                    if (strtolower($type['type']) == 'checkbox') {
                        // filter through them, and create options
                        $checkbox .= "<ul class='admin-checkboxes'>";
                        foreach ($type['options'] as $key => $option) {
                            $answer_value = isset($meta[$field_id_name]) ? $meta[$field_id_name][0] : '';
                            $answer_value = explode(':::', $answer_value);
                            $checked = in_array($key, $answer_value) ? "checked = 'checked'" : '';
                            $checkbox .= "<li><input type='checkbox' name='{$field_id_name}[]' value='{$key}' {$checked} /> {$option}</li>";
                        $checkbox .= "</ul>";
                        array_push($_SESSION['taxonomy_data'], $field_id_name);
                } else {
                    $value = isset($meta[$field_id_name][0]) ? $meta[$field_id_name][0] : '';
                    $checked = $type == 'checkbox' && !empty($value) ? 'checked' : '';
                    $checkbox .= "<input type='checkbox' name='{$field_id_name}' value='{$value}' {$checked} />";
                    array_push($_SESSION['taxonomy_data'], $field_id_name);
                $lookup = array("text" => "<input type='text' name='{$field_id_name}' value='{$value}' class='widefat' />", "textarea" => "<textarea name='{$field_id_name}' class='widefat' rows='10'>{$value}</textarea>", "checkbox" => isset($checkbox) && !empty($checkbox) ? $checkbox : $checkbox, "select" => isset($select) && !empty($select) ? $select : '', "file" => "<input type='file' class='widefat' name='{$field_id_name}' id='{$field_id_name}' />", "spreadsheets" => "<input type='file' class='widefat' name='{$field_id_name}' id='{$field_id_name}' />");

                echo ucwords($label) . ':';
                echo $lookup[is_array($type) ? $type['type'] : $type];
                // If a file was uploaded, display it below the input.
                if (in_array($type, array('file', 'spreadsheets'))) {
                    // display the image
                    $file = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field_id_name, true);
                    $file_type = wp_check_filetype($file);
                    $image_types = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png');
                    $excel_types = array('xls', 'xlsx', 'csv');
                    if (isset($file)) {
                        if (in_array($file_type['ext'], $image_types)) {
                            echo " <p><img src='{$file}' alt='' style='max-width: 400px;' /> </p>";
                        } elseif (in_array($file_type['ext'], $excel_types)) {
                            $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
                            $file_path = preg_replace("#" . preg_quote($upload_dir['url']) . "#i", $upload_dir['path'], $file);
                            $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($file_path);
                            echo '<table class="widefat fixed" cellspacing="0">';
                            $i = 0;
                            foreach ($xlsx->rows() as $index => $rows) {
                                $class = $i % 3 == 0 ? 'class="alternate"' : '';
                                $cells = $i == 0 ? 'th' : 'td';
                                echo "<tr {$class}>";
                                foreach ($rows as $column => $text) {
                                    echo "<{$cells}>" . (!empty($text) ? $text : '&nbsp;') . "</ {$cells}>";
                                echo '</tr>';
                            echo '</table>';
                        } else {
                            echo " <p><a href='{$file}'>{$file}</a></p> ";
Пример #9
  * Import Microsoft Excel 2007-2013 data
  * @since 1.1.0
 protected function import_xlsx()
     TablePress::load_file('simplexlsx.class.php', 'libraries');
     $simplexlsx = new SimpleXLSX($this->import_data, true);
     if ($simplexlsx->success() && 0 < $simplexlsx->sheetsCount()) {
         // Get Worksheet ID of the first Worksheet (not necessarily "1", which is the default in SimpleXLSX)
         $sheet_ids = array_keys($simplexlsx->sheetNames());
         $worksheet_id = $sheet_ids[0];
         $this->imported_table = array('data' => $this->pad_array_to_max_cols($simplexlsx->rows($worksheet_id)));
     } else {
         $output = '<strong>' . __('The imported file contains errors:', 'tablepress') . '</strong><br /><br />' . $simplexlsx->error() . '<br />';
         wp_die($output, 'Import Error', array('response' => 200, 'back_link' => true));
Пример #10
 function create_excel_file($file_name)
     $new_file_name = $file_name;
     if (empty($new_file_name)) {
         return false;
     if (empty($_FILES['file']) || empty($_FILES["file"]['name'])) {
         return false;
     require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '../includes/simplexlsx.class.php';
     $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
     $sheetNames = $xlsx->sheetNames();
     if (is_array($sheetNames)) {
         foreach ($sheetNames as $sheetId => $sheetName) {
             if ($sheetId != 1) {
                 $the_name = $new_file_name . '_sheet_' . $sheetId;
             } else {
                 $the_name = $new_file_name;
             $jsonData[$sheetId] = json_encode($xlsx->rows($sheetId));
             $this->createJsonDataFile($jsonData[$sheetId], $the_name);
     $file_ext = end(explode(".", $_FILES["file"]['name']));
     $options = array('slug' => $new_file_name, 'filename' => $new_file_name . '.' . $file_ext, 'json_file' => $new_file_name . '.json', 'options_file' => $new_file_name . '.options.json', 'file_ext' => $file_ext, 'filesize' => filesize($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]), 'upload_time' => time(), 'sheet_names' => $sheetNames);
     $file_name = $this->upload_dir . '/' . $new_file_name . '.options.json';
     $fp = fopen($file_name, "wb");
     fwrite($fp, json_encode($options));
     return array('jsonData' => $jsonData, 'options' => $options);
Пример #11
$db_name = Yii::app()->db->connectionString;
$value = substr(strstr(strstr($db_name, 'dbname='),'='),1);
echo $value;

include 'simplexlsx.class.php';
$date = $_REQUEST['date'];
$xlsx = new SimpleXLSX('college_data/csv_docs/sheet'.$date.'.xlsx');
$data1 =$xlsx->rows();
$count = 0;
foreach($data1 as $data)
$var1 = null;
$eid = null;
		function unixstamp( $excelDateTime ) 
		    $d = floor( $excelDateTime ); // seconds since 1900
		    $t = $excelDateTime - $d;
		    return ($d > 0) ? ( $d - 25569 ) * 86400 + $t * 86400 : $t * 86400;
		$unixDateVal = unixstamp($data[2]);
		//echo $exdate; exit;
		$filename = "Book".$exdate.".xlsx";
Пример #12
  * Read ExcelX  file
  * @param string $file_name
  * @return array
 public static function readXlsxFile($file_name)
     $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX(self::TEMP_FOLDER . $file_name);
     return $xlsx->dimension();
Пример #13
 function student_bulk_add($param1 = '')
     if ($this->session->userdata('admin_login') != 1) {
         redirect(base_url(), 'refresh');
     if ($param1 == 'import_excel') {
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], 'uploads/student_import.xlsx');
         // Importing excel sheet for bulk student uploads
         include 'simplexlsx.class.php';
         $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX('uploads/student_import.xlsx');
         list($num_cols, $num_rows) = $xlsx->dimension();
         $f = 0;
         foreach ($xlsx->rows() as $r) {
             // Ignore the inital name row of excel file
             if ($f == 0) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $num_cols; $i++) {
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $data['name'] = $r[$i];
                 } else {
                     if ($i == 1) {
                         $data['birthday'] = $r[$i];
                     } else {
                         if ($i == 2) {
                             $data['sex'] = $r[$i];
                         } else {
                             if ($i == 3) {
                                 $data['address'] = $r[$i];
                             } else {
                                 if ($i == 4) {
                                     $data['phone'] = $r[$i];
                                 } else {
                                     if ($i == 5) {
                                         $data['email'] = $r[$i];
                                     } else {
                                         if ($i == 6) {
                                             $data['password'] = $r[$i];
                                         } else {
                                             if ($i == 7) {
                                                 $data['roll'] = $r[$i];
             $data['class_id'] = $this->input->post('class_id');
             $this->db->insert('student', $data);
         redirect(base_url() . 'index.php?admin/student_information/' . $this->input->post('class_id'), 'refresh');
     $page_data['page_name'] = 'student_bulk_add';
     $page_data['page_title'] = get_phrase('add_bulk_student');
     $this->load->view('backend/index', $page_data);
Пример #14
        $sep = new sepa();
        $bu = new buchen();
        $bu->buchungsjournal_auszug($_SESSION['geldkonto_id'], $_SESSION['temp_kontoauszugsnummer']);
    case "excel_buchen_ALT":
        // print_r($_SESSION);
        if (!$_FILES) {
            echo '<h1>Upload</h1>
		<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
		*.XLSX <input type="file" name="file"  />&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Parse" />
        } else {
            require_once "classes/simplexlsx.class.php";
            $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
            echo '<pre>';
            // print_r($xlsx->rows(5));
            echo '<h1>Parsing Result</h1>';
            echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\">";
            $arr = $xlsx->rows(5);
            $anz = count($arr);
            for ($a = 2; $a < $anz; $a++) {
                if (empty($arr[$a][3])) {
                    // Kontoauszug
                    // echo $arr[$a][0]."<br>";
                } else {
                    echo "<tr><td>";
                    echo $arr[$a][0] . "<br>";
                    // Kontobez
                    $gk = new gk();
Пример #15
function gravaImportar()
    global $db, $TPLV, $geral, $usuario, $urls, $log;
    include GLOBAL_PATH . 'import/simplexlsx.class.php';
    $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX(GLOBAL_PATH . 'import/online.xlsx');
    $cont = 0;
    $sql = 'DELETE FROM onde_comprar_online';
    foreach ($xlsx->rows() as $registro) {
        if ($cont > 1) {
            $nome = $registro[0];
            $link = $registro[1];
            $atuacao = $registro[2];
            $cnpj = $registro[3];
            $responsavel = $registro[4];
            $email = $registro[5];
            $fone = $registro[6];
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO onde_comprar_online (nome,atuacao,link,cnpj,responsavel,email,fone,ativo) VALUES ("' . $nome . '","' . $atuacao . '","' . $link . '","' . $cnpj . '","' . $responsavel . '","' . $email . '","' . $fone . '","1")';
    $TPLV->assignGlobal('msg', 'Dados Atualizados com sucesso!');
         if (count($csvline) > 1) {
             $search = $csvline[0];
             $replace = $csvline[1];
             $search = trim($search);
             $replace = trim($replace);
             $search = $search == '' ? null : $search;
             $replace = $replace == '' ? null : $replace;
             if ($search !== null && $replace !== null) {
                 $search_replaces[$search] = $replace;
 } else {
     if ($extension_xlsx == '.xlsx') {
         $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($srch_file);
         foreach ($xlsx->rows() as $row) {
             $search = $row[0];
             $replace = $row[1];
             $search = trim($search);
             $replace = trim($replace);
             $search = $search == '' ? null : $search;
             $replace = $replace == '' ? null : $replace;
             if ($search !== null && $replace !== null) {
                 $search_replaces[$search] = $replace;
 foreach ($search_replaces as $search => $replace) {
     $reports[] = array_merge(array('search' => $search, 'replace' => $replace), icit_srdb_replacer($connection, $search, $replace, $tables));
Пример #17
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
    <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script type='text/javascript' src='script.js'></script>
$root = "./";
require "includes.php";

include 'nav.php';
include 'simplexlsx.class.php';
$xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']);
$name = $_FILES['avatar']['name'];
$names = explode('.', $name);
$nameFinal = "";
$i = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($names) - 1; $i++) {
    $nameFinal .= $names[$i];
$email_owner = $_SESSION['email'];
$url_txt = print_r($xlsx->rows(), true);
// echo $url_txt;
echo '<br/>';
$_type = $_SESSION['type'];
$contentDao = new ContentDAO(DynamoDbClientBuilder::get());
$content = new Content();
Пример #18
 public function fileupload($file_name)
     // $file_name = $result['filename'];
     // for header columns checking
     $headers_array = array('1' => array('0' => 'Vendor(FILTER)', '1' => 'Plant', '2' => 'Products(FILTER)', '3' => 'Capabilities(FILTER)', '4' => 'Equipment(FILTER)', '5' => 'Street', '6' => 'City', '7' => 'State', '8' => 'Country', '9' => 'Zipcode'), '2' => array('0' => 'Client(FILTER)', '1' => 'Division(FILTER)', '2' => 'LocationType(FILTER)', '3' => 'Street1', '4' => 'City', '5' => 'State', '6' => 'Country', '7' => 'Zipcode'), '3' => array('0' => 'Distributor(FILTER)', '1' => 'PlantType(FILTER)', '2' => 'Plant', '3' => 'PlantID', '4' => 'DistributionType(FILTER)', '5' => 'Performance(DynamicMapPinColor)', '6' => 'Street', '7' => 'City', '8' => 'State', '9' => 'Country', '10' => 'Zipcode'));
     if (file_exists($file_name)) {
         require_once APPPATH . 'third_party/upload.php';
         $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($file_name);
         $err_flag = false;
         if (count($xlsx->sheets) > 2) {
             // checking number of sheets
             $excel_data = array();
             for ($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) {
                 $excel_data[$i] = $xlsx->rows($i);
             foreach ($excel_data as $s => $sheet) {
                 // looping sheets
                 if (count($sheet[0])) {
                     foreach ($sheet[0] as $k => $v) {
                         $vv = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $v);
                         if ($headers_array[$s][$k] != $vv) {
                             // checking file headers
                             $err_flag = true;
         } else {
             $err_flag = true;
         if ($err_flag) {
             // return error if not match
             echo json_encode(array('fail' => 'Columns Headers not matched'));
         } else {
             // store file detail in log table
             $log_sql = 'insert into log_files(`file_name`,`temp_name`,`date_uploaded`,`ipaddress`) values ("' . $_REQUEST['filename'] . '","' . $file_name . '","' . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '","' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '")';
             // delete existing data
             $arr_del_sql = array();
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate user_capabilities;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate user_distribution_types;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate user_equipments;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate user_products;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate user_details;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate users;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate capabilities;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate distribution_types;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate division;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate equipments;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate location_type;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate plant_type;');
             array_push($arr_del_sql, 'truncate products;');
             foreach ($arr_del_sql as $del_sql) {
             // store new excel data
             // table names
             $tables = array('Capabilities' => 'capabilities', 'Vendor' => 'users', 'Client' => 'users', 'Distributor' => 'users', 'Products' => 'products', 'Equipment' => 'equipments', 'Division' => 'division', 'LocationType' => 'location_type', 'PlantType' => 'plant_type', 'DistributionType' => 'distribution_types');
             $bridge_tables = array('Capabilities' => 'user_capabilities', 'Products' => 'user_products', 'Equipment' => 'user_equipments', 'DistributionType' => 'user_distribution_types');
             // reading excell
             $excel_data = array();
             for ($s = 1; $s < 4; $s++) {
                 // extract values from excel
                 $excel_data[$s] = $xlsx->rows($s);
             $filter_index = array();
             $headings = array();
             $user_details_vals = '';
             // framing inser values
             $master_array = array();
             foreach ($excel_data as $s => $sheet) {
                 // looping sheets
                 $row_cnt = count($sheet);
                 foreach ($sheet[0] as $k => $v) {
                     // identifiyin filter columns
                     if (strpos($v, '(FILTER)')) {
                         $filter_index[$s][$k] = trim(str_replace('(FILTER)', '', $v));
                         $flt = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $filter_index[$s][$k]);
                         // select master data
                         $qry = 'select id,name from ' . $tables[$flt];
                         $ds = $this->db->query($qry);
                         // while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($ds)) {
                         foreach ($ds->result_array() as $row) {
                             $master_array[$s][$k][$row['id']] = $row['name'];
                     $txt = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', str_replace('(FILTER)', '', $v));
                     //remove spaces
                     $headings[$s][$k] = $txt;
                 for ($r = 1; $r < $row_cnt; $r++) {
                     //looping records in each sheet
                     $record_data = array();
                     foreach ($sheet[$r] as $k => $val) {
                         // insert values into master tables
                         if (!empty($filter_index[$s][$k])) {
                             $name = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', trim($filter_index[$s][$k]));
                             //remove spaces
                             if ($k == 0) {
                                 $val = trim($val);
                                 if ($val != '' && (!isset($master_array[$s][$k]) || !in_array($val, $master_array[$s][$k]))) {
                                     //if(!isset($master_array[$s][$k]) || !in_array($val,$master_array[$s][$k])){
                                     //$val = ($val==''?'Blank':$val);
                                     $ins = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tables[$name] . ' (`name`,`ipaddress`) VALUES ("' . addslashes($val) . '","' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '")';
                                     $res = $this->db->query($ins);
                                     $insert_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                                     $master_array[$s][$k][$insert_id] = $val;
                             } else {
                                 $arrvals = explode(', ', $val);
                                 foreach ($arrvals as $v) {
                                     $v = trim($v);
                                     if (!isset($master_array[$s][$k]) || !in_array($v, $master_array[$s][$k])) {
                                         if ($v != '') {
                                             //$v = ($v==''?'Blank':$v);
                                             $ins = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tables[$name] . ' (`name`,`ipaddress`) VALUES ("' . addslashes($v) . '","' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '")';
                                             $res = $this->db->query($ins);
                                             $insert_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                                             $master_array[$s][$k][$insert_id] = $v;
                             $record_data[$s][$k] = !empty($master_array[$s][$k]) ? array_search(trim($val), $master_array[$s][$k]) : '';
                     // insert values into main details table
                     $street_val = '';
                     if (array_search('Street', $headings[$s])) {
                         $street_val = $sheet[$r][array_search('Street', $headings[$s])];
                     if (array_search('Street1', $headings[$s])) {
                         $street_val = $sheet[$r][array_search('Street1', $headings[$s])];
                     $zip_code = '';
                     if (array_search('Zipcode', $headings[$s])) {
                         $zip_code = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', trim($sheet[$r][array_search('Zipcode', $headings[$s])]));
                         // remove space in zipcode
                         if (is_numeric($zip_code)) {
                             if (strlen($zip_code) == 4) {
                                 $zip_code = '0' . $zip_code;
                             } else {
                                 if (strlen($zip_code) == 3) {
                                     $zip_code = '00' . $zip_code;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($zip_code, '-')) {
                                 // consider first value if two zip codes are given
                                 $zip = explode('-', $zip_code);
                                 $zip_code = $zip[0];
                     if ($record_data[$s][0] != '') {
                         $ins = 'INSERT INTO user_details (user_type_id,users_id,street,city,state,country,zip_code,plant,plant_id,division_id,location_type_id,plant_type_id,performance,ipaddress) VALUES(' . $s . ',' . $record_data[$s][0] . ',' . '"' . $xlsx->addString($street_val) . '",' . '"' . (array_search('City', $headings[$s]) ? $sheet[$r][array_search('City', $headings[$s])] : '""') . '",' . '"' . (array_search('State', $headings[$s]) ? $sheet[$r][array_search('State', $headings[$s])] : '""') . '",' . '"' . (array_search('Country', $headings[$s]) ? $sheet[$r][array_search('Country', $headings[$s])] : '""') . '",' . '"' . (array_search('Zipcode', $headings[$s]) ? $zip_code : '""') . '",' . '"' . (array_search('Plant', $headings[$s]) ? $sheet[$r][array_search('Plant', $headings[$s])] : '') . '",' . '"' . (array_search('PlantID', $headings[$s]) ? $sheet[$r][array_search('PlantID', $headings[$s])] : '') . '",' . (array_search('Division', $headings[$s]) && $record_data[$s][array_search('Division', $headings[$s])] != '' ? $record_data[$s][array_search('Division', $headings[$s])] : 'null') . ',' . (array_search('LocationType', $headings[$s]) && $record_data[$s][array_search('LocationType', $headings[$s])] != '' ? $record_data[$s][array_search('LocationType', $headings[$s])] : 'null') . ',' . (array_search('PlantType', $headings[$s]) && $record_data[$s][array_search('PlantType', $headings[$s])] != '' ? $record_data[$s][array_search('PlantType', $headings[$s])] : 'null') . ',' . '"' . (array_search('Performance(DynamicMapPinColor)', $headings[$s]) ? $sheet[$r][array_search('Performance(DynamicMapPinColor)', $headings[$s])] : '') . '","' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '"' . ');';
                         $res = $this->db->query($ins);
                         $row_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                         // insert values into bridge tables
                         if ($row_id) {
                             foreach ($filter_index[$s] as $k => $v) {
                                 if (trim($sheet[$r][$k])) {
                                     $name = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', trim($filter_index[$s][$k]));
                                     //remove spaces
                                     if (isset($bridge_tables[$name])) {
                                         $ch_qry = '';
                                         $arrvals = explode(', ', $sheet[$r][$k]);
                                         foreach ($arrvals as $v) {
                                             if (trim($v) != '') {
                                                 $ch_qry .= '(' . $row_id . ',' . array_search(trim($v), $master_array[$s][$k]) . '),';
                                         $qry = 'insert into ' . $bridge_tables[$name] . ' values ' . trim($ch_qry, ',') . ';';
             // update latitude and longitude values from available zipcodes
             //Commented to on 22 MAY 2014
             /*    $latlong_sql = 'UPDATE user_details AS d
                                   SET d.longitude= (SELECT u.Longitude FROM usa_zips u WHERE u.ZIPCode=d.zip_code LIMIT 1),
                                       d.latitude=(SELECT u.Latitude FROM usa_zips u WHERE u.ZIPCode=d.zip_code LIMIT 1);';
                   $ds = $this->db->query($latlong_sql);*/
             // update latitude and longitude values from available address library
             $qry = 'SELECT id,street,city,state,country,zip_code FROM user_details WHERE is_updated="0"';
             $ds = $this->db->query($qry);
             foreach ($ds->result_array() as $row) {
                 $addr = '';
                 if (trim($row['street']) != '') {
                     $addr .= $row['street'];
                     if ($row['street'] != '') {
                         $addr .= ' ' . $row['city'];
                         if ($row['state'] != '') {
                             $addr .= ' ' . $row['state'];
                             if ($row['state'] != $row['country'] && $row['country'] != '') {
                                 $addr .= ' ' . $row['country'];
                 // check in address library
                 $chk_sql = 'SELECT latitude,longitude FROM address_lib
                         WHERE street="' . $row['street'] . '" AND city="' . $row['city'] . '" AND state="' . $row['state'] . '" AND country="' . $row['country'] . '";';
                 $chk_ds = mysql_query($chk_sql);
                 $rec = mysql_fetch_row($chk_ds);
                 if (!empty($rec)) {
                     // if exist, update to user details table
                     $latlong_sql = 'UPDATE user_details SET longitude= "' . $rec[1] . '",latitude="' . $rec[0] . '",is_updated="1" where id=' . $row['id'];
                     $res = mysql_query($latlong_sql);
                 } else {
             // fetching errored records
             $sql = 'SELECT,ud.user_type_id,ud.street,,ud.state,,ud.zip_code,ud.latitude,ud.longitude,
                         FROM user_details ud
                         LEFT JOIN users u ON
                         WHERE latitude IS NULL';
             $res = $this->db->query($sql);
             $err = array();
             foreach ($res->result_array() as $row) {
                 $err[$row['user_type_id']][] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'street' => $row['street'], 'city' => $row['city'], 'user_type_id' => $row['user_type_id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'country' => $row['country'], 'zip_code' => $row['zip_code'], 'latitude' => $row['latitude'], 'longitude' => $row['longitude']);
             $sql = 'SELECT COUNT( as cnt,ud.user_type_id FROM user_details ud
                         WHERE ud.latitude IS NOT NULL GROUP BY ud.user_type_id';
             $res = $this->db->query($sql);
             $succ_arr = array();
             foreach ($res->result_array() as $row) {
                 $succ_arr[$row['user_type_id']] = $row['cnt'];
             $rs = array('success' => true, 'err_data' => $err, 'succ_data' => $succ_arr);
             echo json_encode($rs);
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array('fail' => 'unable to get file'));
Пример #19
 public function create()
     $data = array();
     $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<span class="help-block">', '</span>');
     $rules = array(array('field' => 'table', 'label' => 'Table Name', 'rules' => 'trim|required'));
     if ($this->form_validation->run() === TRUE) {
         $table = $this->input->post('table');
         $content = $this->input->post('content');
         $html = new simple_html_dom();
         $rows = array();
         foreach ($html->find('table') as $tbl) {
             foreach ($tbl->find('tr') as $tr) {
                 $row = array();
                 //Loop over tds
                 foreach ($tr->find('td') as $td) {
                     $row[] = $td->innertext;
                 $rows[] = $row;
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], 'uploads/student_import.xlsx');
         // Importing excel sheet for bulk student uploads
         include 'simplexlsx.class.php';
         $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX('uploads/student_import.xlsx');
         //list($num_cols, $num_rows) = $xlsx->dimension();
         $f = 0;
         $items = array();
         //Build Db insert
         foreach ($xlsx->rows() as $rws) {
             //if ($rws[0] != '') {
             // Ignore the inital name row of excel file
             if ($f == 0) {
             //Get the item structure
             $item = $this->getItemStructure($table);
             $keys = array_keys($item);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($rws); $i++) {
                 if ($keys[$i] == "password") {
                     $item[$keys[$i]] = $rws[$i] != '' ? md5($rws[$i]) : md5(trim($item[$keys[$i]]));
                 } else {
                     $item[$keys[$i]] = $rws[$i] != '' ? $rws[$i] : trim($item[$keys[$i]]);
             $items[] = $item;
         $this->uploader_model->create_multiple($items, $table);
     //$this->data['siteinfos'] = NULL;
     //$this->data['alert'] = NULL;
     $this->data["subview"] = "uploader/create";
     $this->load->view('_layout_main', $this->data);
     //$this->load->view('uploader/create', $data);
Пример #20
 function load_excelxlsx($xlsx_datei)
     $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($xlsx_datei);
     $records = $xlsx->rows();
     foreach ($records as $i => $row) {
         if ($row[0] and $i > 0) {
             $records[$i][0] = $this->ExcelToPHPObject($row[0])->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     return $records;
Пример #21

include 'simplexlsx.class.php';
$xlsx = new SimpleXLSX('countries_and_population.xlsx');
echo '<h1>$xlsx->rows()</h1>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<h1>$xlsx->rowsEx()</h1>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Пример #22

include 'simplexlsx.class.php';
$xlsx = new SimpleXLSX('countries_and_population.xlsx');
echo '<table cellpadding="10">
<tr><td valign="top">';
// output worsheet 1
list($num_cols, $num_rows) = $xlsx->dimension();
echo '<h1>Sheet 1</h1>';
echo '<table>';
foreach ($xlsx->rows() as $r) {
    echo '<tr>';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_cols; $i++) {
        echo '<td>' . (!empty($r[$i]) ? $r[$i] : '&nbsp;') . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</td><td valign="top">';
// output worsheet 2
list($num_cols, $num_rows) = $xlsx->dimension(2);
echo '<h1>Sheet 2</h1>';
echo '<table>';
foreach ($xlsx->rows(2) as $r) {
    echo '<tr>';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_cols; $i++) {
        echo '<td>' . (!empty($r[$i]) ? $r[$i] : '&nbsp;') . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
Пример #23
 public static function excelToModel($modelclass, $excelfile, $rowbegin, $rowend, $map)
     $output = array();
     //get path of excelfile
     $file = Files::model()->findByPk($excelfile);
     $excelfile = Yii::getPathOfAlias(Yii::app()->params['filesAlias']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->originalname;
     if (preg_match("/xlsx\$/", $file->originalname) != 0) {
         $xlsx = new SimpleXLSX($excelfile);
         $rows = $xlsx->rows();
         for ($row = $rowbegin; $row <= $rowend; $row++) {
             $model = new $modelclass();
             $str = "";
             try {
                 foreach ($map as $field => $col) {
                     if (is_array($col)) {
                         $colnew = $col['col'];
                         $_model = $col['model'];
                         $_attr = $col['attr'];
                         $_field = $col['field'];
                         $model->{$field} = $_model::model()->findByAttributes(array($_attr => $rows[$row - $rowbegin + 1][$colnew]))->{$_field};
                         $str .= $model->{$field};
                         $str .= ",";
                     } else {
                         //echo $field;
                         $stemp = $rows[$row - $rowbegin + 1][$col];
                         //echo print_r($rows);
                         //echo print_r($map);
                         $model->{$field} = (string) $stemp;
                         $str .= $model->{$field} . ",";
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 //echo ($ex->getMessage()."\$field");
             $output[$row - $rowbegin][0] = $str;
             if ($model->save()) {
                 $output[$row - $rowbegin][1] = "Saved without errors";
             } else {
                 $output[$row - $rowbegin][1] = "Not saved due to error(s) " . $model->getError('name');
     } else {
         if (preg_match("/xls\$/", $file->originalname) != 0) {
             $xls = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader($excelfile);
             for ($row = $rowbegin; $row <= $rowend; $row++) {
                 $model = new $modelclass();
                 $str = "";
                 foreach ($map as $field => $col) {
                     if (is_array($col)) {
                         $colnew = $col['col'];
                         $_model = $col['model'];
                         $_attr = $col['attr'];
                         $_field = $col['field'];
                         $str .= $model->{$field} = $_model::model()->findByAttributes(array($_attr => $xls->val($row, $colnew)))->{$_field};
                         $str .= ",";
                     } else {
                         $str .= $model->{$field} = $xls->val($row, $col);
                         $str .= ",";
                     $output[$row][0] = $str;
                     if ($model->save()) {
                         $output[$row][1] = "Saved without errors";
                     } else {
                         $output[$row][1] = "Not saved due to Errors";
         } else {
             //echo "error in excel file\n"; exit;
     $str1 = "<table border=1><th>Row</th><th>Data</th><th>Result</th>";
     foreach ($output as $row => $arr) {
         $str1 .= "<tr><td>" . $row . "</td>" . "<td>" . $output[$row][0] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $output[$row][1] . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "";
     $str1 .= "</table>";
     return $str1;
     //return CJSON::encode(array('html'=>$str1));