formatXMLString() публичный статический Метод

Устаревший: This method will be removed in SSP 2.0. Please use SimpleSAML\Utils\XML::formatXMLString() instead.
public static formatXMLString ( $xml, $indentBase = '' )
Пример #1
    protected function getDebugOutput($testrun, $body, $request, $relaystate, $response)
        $sb = 'NA';
        if (preg_match('|<body.*?>(.*?)</body>|is', $body, $matches)) {
            $sb = strip_tags($matches[1], '<p><span><div><table><tr><td><ul><li><ol><dd><dt><dl><code><pre>');
        $html = '<div class="debugoutput">

					<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($request)) . '</code></pre></div>

					<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . var_export($relaystate, TRUE) . '</div>

					<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($response)) . '</code></pre></div>

					<p>Resulting output from web page:</p>
					<div class="htmlout">' . $sb . '</div>

        #echo '<div>' . $html . '</div>'; exit;
        return $html;
Пример #2
  * Send an authenticationResponse using HTTP-POST.
  * @param string $response  The response which should be sent.
  * @param array $idpmd  The metadata of the IdP which is sending the response.
  * @param array $spmd  The metadata of the SP which is receiving the response.
  * @param string|NULL $relayState  The relaystate for the SP.
  * @param string $shire  The shire which should receive the response.
 public function sendResponse($response, $idpmd, $spmd, $relayState, $shire)
     SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateXMLDocument($response, 'saml11');
     $privatekey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPrivateKey($idpmd, TRUE);
     $publickey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPublicKey($idpmd, TRUE);
     $responsedom = new DOMDocument();
     $responsedom->loadXML(str_replace("\r", "", $response));
     $responseroot = $responsedom->getElementsByTagName('Response')->item(0);
     $firstassertionroot = $responsedom->getElementsByTagName('Assertion')->item(0);
     /* Determine what we should sign - either the Response element or the Assertion. The default
      * is to sign the Assertion, but that can be overridden by the 'signresponse' option in the
      * SP metadata or 'saml20.signresponse' in the global configuration.
     $signResponse = FALSE;
     if (array_key_exists('signresponse', $spmd) && $spmd['signresponse'] !== NULL) {
         $signResponse = $spmd['signresponse'];
         if (!is_bool($signResponse)) {
             throw new Exception('Expected the \'signresponse\' option in the metadata of the' . ' SP \'' . $spmd['entityid'] . '\' to be a boolean value.');
     } else {
         $signResponse = $this->configuration->getBoolean('shib13.signresponse', TRUE);
     /* Check if we have an assertion to sign. Force to sign the response if not. */
     if ($firstassertionroot === NULL) {
         $signResponse = TRUE;
     $signer = new SimpleSAML_XML_Signer(array('privatekey_array' => $privatekey, 'publickey_array' => $publickey, 'id' => $signResponse ? 'ResponseID' : 'AssertionID'));
     if (array_key_exists('certificatechain', $idpmd)) {
     if ($signResponse) {
         /* Sign the response - this must be done after encrypting the assertion. */
         /* We insert the signature before the saml2p:Status element. */
         $statusElements = SimpleSAML_Utilities::getDOMChildren($responseroot, 'Status', '@saml1p');
         assert('count($statusElements) === 1');
         $signer->sign($responseroot, $responseroot, $statusElements[0]);
     } else {
         /* Sign the assertion */
         $signer->sign($firstassertionroot, $firstassertionroot);
     $response = $responsedom->saveXML();
     if ($this->configuration->getBoolean('debug', FALSE)) {
         $p = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($this->configuration, 'post-debug.php');
         $p->data['header'] = 'SAML (Shibboleth 1.3) Response Debug-mode';
         $p->data['RelayStateName'] = 'TARGET';
         $p->data['RelayState'] = $relayState;
         $p->data['destination'] = $shire;
         $p->data['response'] = str_replace("\n", "", base64_encode($response));
         $p->data['responseHTML'] = htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($response));
     } else {
         SimpleSAML_Utilities::postRedirect($shire, array('TARGET' => $relayState, 'SAMLResponse' => base64_encode($response)));
Пример #3
    protected function getDebugOutputExtended($testrun, $body, $request, $relaystate, $response, $logoutRequest, $logoutRelayState, $LogoutResponse, $result2)
        $sb = 'NA';
        if (preg_match('|<body.*?>(.*?)</body>|is', $body, $matches)) {
            $sb = strip_tags($matches[1], '<p><span><div><table><tr><td><ul><li><ol><dd><dt><dl><code><pre>');
        $sb2 = 'NA';
        if (preg_match('|<body.*?>(.*?)</body>|is', $result2, $matches)) {
            $sb2 = strip_tags($matches[1], '<p><span><div><table><tr><td><ul><li><ol><dd><dt><dl><code><pre>');
        $html = '<div class="debugoutput">

				<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($request)) . '</code></pre></div>

				<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . var_export($relaystate, TRUE) . '</div>

				<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($response)) . '</code></pre></div>

				<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($logoutRequest)) . '</code></pre></div>

				<p>LogoutRequest RelayState:</p>
				<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . var_export($logoutRelayState, TRUE) . '</div>

				<div><pre class="debugbox"><code>' . htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($LogoutResponse)) . '</code></pre></div>

				<p>Resulting output from web page after logout:</p>
				<div class="htmlout">' . $sb . '</div>

				<p>Resulting output from web page after trying to access the attribute viewer again after being logged out (should not be logged in then):</p>
				<div class="htmlout">' . $sb2 . '</div>

        #echo '<div>' . $html . '</div>'; exit;
        return $html;
Пример #4
$crawler = new sspmod_fedlab_SAMLCrawler();
$requestRaw = sspmod_fedlab_SAMLCrawler::getHTTPRedirectMessage();
echo '<h2>Request</h2>' . "\n";
echo '<textarea style="width: 90%; height: 300px">';
echo htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($requestRaw));
echo '</textarea>';
#	print_r($request);
$relaystate = NULL;
if (isset($_REQUEST['RelayState'])) {
    $relaystate = $_REQUEST['RelayState'];
# createResponse($testrun, $request, $relayState = NULL) {
$samlResponse = $test->createResponseP('idp', $request, $relaystate);
echo '<h2>Prepared Response</h2>' . "\n";
echo '<textarea style="width: 90%; height: 300px">';
echo htmlspecialchars(SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($samlResponse['Response']));
echo '</textarea>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<form method="post" action="' . $samlResponse['url'] . '">';
echo ' <input type="hidden" name="SAMLResponse" value="' . base64_encode($samlResponse['Response']) . '" />';
if (!empty($relaystate)) {
    echo ' <input type="hidden" name="RelayState" value="' . htmlspecialchars($relaystate) . '" />';
echo ' <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send SAML Response" />';
echo '</form>';
$result = $this->crawler->sendResponse($samlResponse['url'], $samlResponse['Response'], $samlResponse['RelayState']);
$result2 = $this->crawler->getURLraw($this->initurl);
if (strstr($result2['body'], '*****@*****.**')) {
Пример #5
    throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Missing required parameter "id".');
$id = (string) $_REQUEST['id'];
$set = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['set'])) {
    $set = explode(',', $_REQUEST['set']);
$excluded_entities = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['exclude'])) {
    $excluded_entities = explode(',', $_REQUEST['exclude']);
$aggregator = sspmod_aggregator2_Aggregator::getAggregator($id);
$xml = $aggregator->getMetadata();
$mimetype = 'application/samlmetadata+xml';
$allowedmimetypes = array('text/plain', 'application/samlmetadata-xml', 'application/xml');
if (isset($_GET['mimetype']) && in_array($_GET['mimetype'], $allowedmimetypes)) {
    $mimetype = $_GET['mimetype'];
if ($mimetype === 'text/plain') {
    $xml = SimpleSAML_Utilities::formatXMLString($xml);
header('Content-Type: ' . $mimetype);
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($xml));
 * At this point, if the ID was forged, getMetadata() would
 * have failed to find a valid metadata set, so we can trust it.
header('Content-Disposition: filename=' . $id . '.xml');
echo $xml;