get_description() публичный Метод

Uses , , , , or
С версии: 1.0 (previously called `get_feed_description()` since 0.8)
public get_description ( ) : string | null
Результат string | null
Пример #1
  * Generate the module
 protected function compile()
     /** @var PageModel $objPage */
     global $objPage;
     if ($this->rss_template != 'rss_default') {
         $this->strTemplate = $this->rss_template;
         /** @var FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
         $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->strTemplate);
         $this->Template = $objTemplate;
     $this->Template->link = $this->objFeed->get_link();
     $this->Template->title = $this->objFeed->get_title();
     $this->Template->language = $this->objFeed->get_language();
     $this->Template->description = $this->objFeed->get_description();
     $this->Template->copyright = $this->objFeed->get_copyright();
     // Add image
     if ($this->objFeed->get_image_url()) {
         $this->Template->image = true;
         $this->Template->src = $this->objFeed->get_image_url();
         $this->Template->alt = $this->objFeed->get_image_title();
         $this->Template->href = $this->objFeed->get_image_link();
         $this->Template->height = $this->objFeed->get_image_height();
         $this->Template->width = $this->objFeed->get_image_width();
     // Get the items (see #6107)
     $arrItems = array_slice($this->objFeed->get_items(0, intval($this->numberOfItems) + intval($this->skipFirst)), intval($this->skipFirst), intval($this->numberOfItems) ?: null);
     $limit = count($arrItems);
     $offset = 0;
     // Split pages
     if ($this->perPage > 0) {
         // Get the current page
         $id = 'page_r' . $this->id;
         $page = \Input::get($id) !== null ? \Input::get($id) : 1;
         // Do not index or cache the page if the page number is outside the range
         if ($page < 1 || $page > max(ceil(count($arrItems) / $this->perPage), 1)) {
             throw new PageNotFoundException('Page not found: ' . \Environment::get('uri'));
         // Set limit and offset
         $offset = ($page - 1) * $this->perPage;
         $limit = $this->perPage + $offset;
         $objPagination = new \Pagination(count($arrItems), $this->perPage, \Config::get('maxPaginationLinks'), $id);
         $this->Template->pagination = $objPagination->generate("\n  ");
     $items = array();
     $last = min($limit, count($arrItems)) - 1;
     /** @var \SimplePie_Item[] $arrItems */
     for ($i = $offset, $c = count($arrItems); $i < $limit && $i < $c; $i++) {
         $items[$i] = array('link' => $arrItems[$i]->get_link(), 'title' => $arrItems[$i]->get_title(), 'permalink' => $arrItems[$i]->get_permalink(), 'description' => str_replace(array('<?', '?>'), array('&lt;?', '?&gt;'), $arrItems[$i]->get_description()), 'class' => ($i == 0 ? ' first' : '') . ($i == $last ? ' last' : '') . ($i % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd'), 'pubdate' => \Date::parse($objPage->datimFormat, $arrItems[$i]->get_date('U')), 'category' => $arrItems[$i]->get_category(0), 'object' => $arrItems[$i]);
         // Add author
         if (($objAuthor = $arrItems[$i]->get_author(0)) != false) {
             $items[$i]['author'] = trim($objAuthor->name . ' ' . $objAuthor->email);
         // Add enclosure
         if (($objEnclosure = $arrItems[$i]->get_enclosure(0)) != false) {
             $items[$i]['enclosure'] = $objEnclosure->get_link();
     $this->Template->items = array_values($items);
Пример #2
 function tagAction()
     $tag = $this->_request->getParam('tag');
     if (empty($tag)) {
     $feed = new SimplePie("{$tag}/feed");
     $this->view->description = $feed->get_description();
     $this->view->title = $feed->get_title();
     $this->view->items = $feed->get_items();
Пример #3
 public function addAction()
     require_once PLUGIN_DIR . "/FeedImporter/libraries/SimplePie/";
     $feed = new SimplePie();
     $varName = strtolower($this->_modelClass);
     $class = $this->_modelClass;
     $record = new FeedImporter_Feed();
     //Need an id to work with the tags, so save it now, even though it might be sloppy/confusing
     if ($_GET['feed_url']) {
         $feed_url = $_GET['feed_url'];
         $debug = new stdClass();
         // Run SimplePie.
         if ($feed->error()) {
             //return here?
         $debug->title = $feed->get_title();
         $debug->description = $feed->get_description();
         //Set up the tag configurations for the first import
         $import = new FeedImporter_Import();
         $import->processFeedTags($feed, $record->id);
         $record->feed_url = $feed_url;
         $record->feed_title = $feed->get_title();
         $record->feed_description = $feed->get_description();
     // Create a new FakeCron_Task for the feed
     $fc_task = new FakeCron_Task();
     $fc_task->interval = 0;
     $fc_task->name = "Cron for feed " . $record->feed_title;
     $fc_task->plugin_class = "FeedImporter_FakeCronTask";
     $fc_task->plugin_name = 'FeedImporter';
     $fc_task->params = serialize(array($record->id));
     $record->task_id = $fc_task->id;
     $_POST['task_id'] = $fc_task->id;
     $this->view->assign(array($varName => $record));
     try {
         if ($record->saveForm($_POST)) {
     } catch (Omeka_Validator_Exception $e) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #4
  * Handles all of the heavy lifting for getting the feed, parsing it, and managing customizations.
  * @access private
  * @param mixed $url Either a single feed URL (as a string) or an array of feed URLs (as an array of strings).
  * @param array $options An associative array of options that the function should take into account when rendering the markup.
  * <ul>
  *     <li>string $classname  - The classname that the <div> surrounding the feed should have. Defaults to nb-list for newsblocks::listing() and nb-wide for newsblocks::wide().</li>
  *     <li>string $copyright - The copyright string to use for a feed. Not part of the standard output, but it's available if you want to use it. Defaults to NULL with multifeeds; Use $item->get_feed()->get_copyright() instead.</li>
  *     <li>string $date_format - The format to use when displaying dates on items. Uses values from, NOT</li>
  *     <li>string $description - The description for the feed (not the item). Not part of the standard output, but it's available if you want to use it. Defaults to NULL with multifeeds; Use $item->get_feed()->get_description() instead.</li>
  *     <li>string $direction - The direction of the text. Valid values are "ltr" and "rtl". Defaults to "ltr".</li>
  *     <li>string $favicon - The favicon URL to use for the feed. Since favicon URLs aren't actually located in feeds, SimplePie guesses. Sometimes that guess is wrong. Give it the correct favicon with this option. Defaults to NULL with multifeeds; Use $item->get_feed()->get_favicon() instead.</li>
  *     <li>string $id - The ID attribute that the <div> surrounding the feed should have. This value should be unique per feed. Defaults to a SHA1 hash value based on the URL(s).</li>
  *     <li>string $item_classname - The classname for the items. Useful for styling with CSS. Also useful for JavaScript in creating custom tooltips for a feed. Defaults to "tips".</li>
  *     <li>integer $items - The number of items to show (the rest are hidden until "More" is clicked). Defaults to 10.</li>
  *     <li>string $language - The language of the feed. Not part of the standard output, but it's available if you want to use it. Defaults to NULL with multifeeds; Use $item->get_feed()->get_language() instead.</li>
  *     <li>integer $length - The maximum character length of the item description in the tooltip. Defaults to 200.</li>
  *     <li>string $more - The text to use for the "More" link. Defaults to "More &raquo;"</li>
  *     <li>boolean $more_move - Whether the "More" link should move when it's clicked. Defaults to FALSE (i.e. stays in the same place).</li>
  *     <li>boolean $more_fx - Whether the secondary list should slide or simply appear/disappear when the "More" link is clicked. Defaults to TRUE (i.e. slides).</li>
  *     <li>string $permalink - The permalink for the feed (not the item). Defaults to NULL with multifeeds; Use $item->get_feed()->get_permalink() instead.</li>
  *     <li>boolean $show_title - Whether to show the title of the feed. Defaults to TRUE.</li>
  *     <li>integer $since - A Unix timestamp. Anything posted more recently than this timestamp will get the "New" image applied to it. Defaults to 24 hours ago.</li>
  *     <li>$string $title - The title for the feed (not the item). Defaults to multiple titles with multifeeds, so you should manually set it in that case.</li>
  * </ul>
  * @return string The (X)HTML markup to display on the page.
 function data($url, $options = null)
     // Create a new SimplePie instance with this feed
     $feed = new SimplePie();
     // Prep URL values to hash later.
     if (!is_array($url)) {
         $hash_str = array($url);
     } else {
         $hash_str = $url;
     // Set the default values.
     $classname = null;
     $copyright = $feed->get_copyright();
     $date_format = '%a, %e %b %Y, %I:%M %p';
     $description = $feed->get_description();
     $direction = 'ltr';
     $favicon = $feed->get_favicon();
     $id = 'a' . sha1(implode('', $hash_str));
     $item_classname = 'tips';
     $items = 10;
     $language = $feed->get_language();
     $length = 200;
     $more = 'More &raquo;';
     $more_move = false;
     $more_fx = true;
     $permalink = $feed->get_permalink();
     $show_title = true;
     $since = time() - 24 * 60 * 60;
     // 24 hours ago.
     $title = $feed->get_title();
     // Override defaults with passed-in values.
     // Set values for those that are still null
     if (!$favicon) {
         $favicon = NB_FAVICON_DEFAULT;
     if (!$title) {
         if (is_array($url)) {
             $feed_title = array();
             foreach ($url as $u) {
                 $feed_title[] = newsblocks::name($u);
             $title = implode(', ', $feed_title);
     // Send the data back to the calling function.
     return array('classname' => $classname, 'copyright' => $copyright, 'date_format' => $date_format, 'description' => $description, 'direction' => $direction, 'favicon' => $favicon, 'feed' => $feed, 'id' => $id, 'item_classname' => $item_classname, 'items' => $items, 'language' => $language, 'length' => $length, 'more' => $more, 'more_move' => $more_move, 'more_fx' => $more_fx, 'permalink' => $permalink, 'show_title' => $show_title, 'since' => $since, 'title' => $title);
Пример #5
  * Implements CollectionAbstract::buildDocument().
  * @param IndexDocument $document
  * @param \SimplePie_Item $data
 public function buildDocument(IndexDocument $document, $data)
     $document->source = $this->_feed->get_title();
     $document->subject = $this->_feed->get_description();
     $document->title = $data->get_title();
     $document->link = $data->get_link();
     $document->description = $data->get_description();
     $document->creator = (array) $data->get_author();
     $document->date = $data->get_date();
     // PHP properties cannot have dashes (-), and the fields below have
     // dashes in the field name.
     $document->source_link = $this->_feed->get_link();
     $document->item_subject = $this->_feed->get_link();
Пример #6
 private function view()
     $feeds = $this->_db->queryAll('SELECT id, url, title FROM feeds WHERE user = ? ORDER BY title, url', $this->getIdUser());
     $this->info = array();
     foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
         $pie = new SimplePie();
         $pie->set_cache_location(rtrim(DIR_TPL_COMPILE, '/'));
         $items = $pie->get_items(0, self::FEED_MAX_ITEMS);
         $now = time();
         for ($i = count($items) - 1; $i != 0; --$i) {
             $time = $items[$i]->get_date('U');
             if ($time && $now - $time > self::FEED_MAX_DAYS * 86400) {
         $this->info[] = array('title' => empty($feed['title']) ? $pie->get_title() : $feed['title'], 'id' => $feed['id'], 'description' => $pie->get_description(), 'news' => $items);
Пример #7
function probe_url($url, $mode = PROBE_NORMAL, $level = 1)
    require_once 'include/email.php';
    $result = array();
    if (!$url) {
        return $result;
    $result = Cache::get("probe_url:" . $mode . ":" . $url);
    if (!is_null($result)) {
        $result = unserialize($result);
        return $result;
    $network = null;
    $diaspora = false;
    $diaspora_base = '';
    $diaspora_guid = '';
    $diaspora_key = '';
    $has_lrdd = false;
    $email_conversant = false;
    $connectornetworks = false;
    $appnet = false;
    if (strpos($url, '')) {
        $connectornetworks = true;
        $network = NETWORK_TWITTER;
    // Twitter is deactivated since twitter closed its old API
    //$twitter = ((strpos($url,'') !== false) ? true : false);
    $lastfm = strpos($url, '') !== false ? true : false;
    $at_addr = strpos($url, '@') !== false ? true : false;
    if (!$appnet && !$lastfm && !$connectornetworks) {
        if (strpos($url, 'mailto:') !== false && $at_addr) {
            $url = str_replace('mailto:', '', $url);
            $links = array();
        } else {
            $links = lrdd($url);
        if (count($links)) {
            $has_lrdd = true;
            logger('probe_url: found lrdd links: ' . print_r($links, true), LOGGER_DATA);
            foreach ($links as $link) {
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === NAMESPACE_ZOT) {
                    $zot = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === NAMESPACE_DFRN) {
                    $dfrn = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'salmon') {
                    $notify = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === NAMESPACE_FEED) {
                    $poll = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $hcard = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $profile = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $poco = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $diaspora_base = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                    $diaspora = true;
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $diaspora_guid = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                    $diaspora = true;
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'diaspora-public-key') {
                    $diaspora_key = base64_decode(unamp($link['@attributes']['href']));
                    if (strstr($diaspora_key, 'RSA ')) {
                        $pubkey = rsatopem($diaspora_key);
                    } else {
                        $pubkey = $diaspora_key;
                    $diaspora = true;
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '' and $mode == PROBE_NORMAL) {
                    $diaspora = false;
            // Status.Net can have more than one profile URL. We need to match the profile URL
            // to a contact on incoming messages to prevent spam, and we won't know which one
            // to match. So in case of two, one of them is stored as an alias. Only store URL's
            // and not webfinger user@host aliases. If they've got more than two non-email style
            // aliases, let's hope we're lucky and get one that matches the feed author-uri because
            // otherwise we're screwed.
            foreach ($links as $link) {
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'alias') {
                    if (strpos($link['@attributes']['href'], '@') === false) {
                        if (isset($profile)) {
                            if ($link['@attributes']['href'] !== $profile) {
                                $alias = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                        } else {
                            $profile = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
            // If the profile is different from the url then the url is abviously an alias
            if ($alias == "" and $profile != "" and !$at_addr and normalise_link($profile) != normalise_link($url)) {
                $alias = $url;
        } elseif ($mode == PROBE_NORMAL) {
            // Check email
            $orig_url = $url;
            if (strpos($orig_url, '@') && validate_email($orig_url)) {
                $x = q("SELECT `prvkey` FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()));
                $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `server` != '' LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()));
                if (count($x) && count($r)) {
                    $mailbox = construct_mailbox_name($r[0]);
                    $password = '';
                    openssl_private_decrypt(hex2bin($r[0]['pass']), $password, $x[0]['prvkey']);
                    $mbox = email_connect($mailbox, $r[0]['user'], $password);
                    if (!$mbox) {
                        logger('probe_url: email_connect failed.');
                if ($mbox) {
                    $msgs = email_poll($mbox, $orig_url);
                    logger('probe_url: searching ' . $orig_url . ', ' . count($msgs) . ' messages found.', LOGGER_DEBUG);
                    if (count($msgs)) {
                        $addr = $orig_url;
                        $network = NETWORK_MAIL;
                        $name = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '@'));
                        $phost = substr($url, strpos($url, '@') + 1);
                        $profile = 'http://' . $phost;
                        // fix nick character range
                        $vcard = array('fn' => $name, 'nick' => $name, 'photo' => avatar_img($url));
                        $notify = 'smtp ' . random_string();
                        $poll = 'email ' . random_string();
                        $priority = 0;
                        $x = email_msg_meta($mbox, $msgs[0]);
                        if (stristr($x[0]->from, $orig_url)) {
                            $adr = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($x[0]->from, '');
                        } elseif (stristr($x[0]->to, $orig_url)) {
                            $adr = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($x[0]->to, '');
                        if (isset($adr)) {
                            foreach ($adr as $feadr) {
                                if (strcasecmp($feadr->mailbox, $name) == 0 && strcasecmp($feadr->host, $phost) == 0 && strlen($feadr->personal)) {
                                    $personal = imap_mime_header_decode($feadr->personal);
                                    $vcard['fn'] = "";
                                    foreach ($personal as $perspart) {
                                        if ($perspart->charset != "default") {
                                            $vcard['fn'] .= iconv($perspart->charset, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $perspart->text);
                                        } else {
                                            $vcard['fn'] .= $perspart->text;
                                    $vcard['fn'] = notags($vcard['fn']);
    if ($mode == PROBE_NORMAL) {
        if (strlen($zot)) {
            $s = fetch_url($zot);
            if ($s) {
                $j = json_decode($s);
                if ($j) {
                    $network = NETWORK_ZOT;
                    $vcard = array('fn' => $j->fullname, 'nick' => $j->nickname, 'photo' => $j->photo);
                    $profile = $j->url;
                    $notify = $j->post;
                    $pubkey = $j->pubkey;
                    $poll = 'N/A';
        if (strlen($dfrn)) {
            $ret = scrape_dfrn($hcard ? $hcard : $dfrn, true);
            if (is_array($ret) && x($ret, 'dfrn-request')) {
                $network = NETWORK_DFRN;
                $request = $ret['dfrn-request'];
                $confirm = $ret['dfrn-confirm'];
                $notify = $ret['dfrn-notify'];
                $poll = $ret['dfrn-poll'];
                $vcard = array();
                $vcard['fn'] = $ret['fn'];
                $vcard['nick'] = $ret['nick'];
                $vcard['photo'] = $ret['photo'];
    if ($diaspora && $diaspora_base && $diaspora_guid) {
        if ($mode == PROBE_DIASPORA || !$notify) {
            $notify = $diaspora_base . 'receive/users/' . $diaspora_guid;
            $batch = $diaspora_base . 'receive/public';
        if (strpos($url, '@')) {
            $addr = str_replace('acct:', '', $url);
    if ($network !== NETWORK_ZOT && $network !== NETWORK_DFRN && $network !== NETWORK_MAIL) {
        if ($diaspora) {
            $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA;
        } elseif ($has_lrdd and $notify) {
            $network = NETWORK_OSTATUS;
        if (strpos($url, '@')) {
            $addr = str_replace('acct:', '', $url);
        $priority = 0;
        if ($hcard && !$vcard) {
            $vcard = scrape_vcard($hcard);
            // Google doesn't use absolute url in profile photos
            if (x($vcard, 'photo') && substr($vcard['photo'], 0, 1) == '/') {
                $h = @parse_url($hcard);
                if ($h) {
                    $vcard['photo'] = $h['scheme'] . '://' . $h['host'] . $vcard['photo'];
            logger('probe_url: scrape_vcard: ' . print_r($vcard, true), LOGGER_DATA);
        if ($diaspora && $addr) {
            // Diaspora returns the name as the nick. As the nick will never be updated,
            // let's use the Diaspora nickname (the first part of the handle) as the nick instead
            $addr_parts = explode('@', $addr);
            $vcard['nick'] = $addr_parts[0];
        /* if($twitter) {
        			logger('twitter: setup');
        			$tid = basename($url);
        			$tapi = '';
        				$poll = $tapi . '?user_id=' . $tid;
        				$poll = $tapi . '?screen_name=' . $tid;
        			$profile = '!/' . $tid;
        			//$vcard['photo'] = '' . $tid;
        			$vcard['photo'] = '' . $tid . '&size=bigger';
        			$vcard['nick'] = $tid;
        			$vcard['fn'] = $tid;
        		} */
        if ($lastfm) {
            $profile = $url;
            $poll = str_replace(array('www.', ''), array('', ''), $url) . '/recenttracks.rss';
            $vcard['nick'] = basename($url);
            $vcard['fn'] = $vcard['nick'] . t(' on');
            $network = NETWORK_FEED;
        if (!x($vcard, 'fn')) {
            if (x($vcard, 'nick')) {
                $vcard['fn'] = $vcard['nick'];
        $check_feed = false;
        if (stristr($url, '') && !stristr($url, '/rss')) {
            $poll = $url . '/rss';
            $check_feed = true;
            // Will leave it to others to figure out how to grab the avatar, which is on the $url page in the open graph meta links
        if ($appnet || !$poll) {
            $check_feed = true;
        if (!isset($vcard) || !x($vcard, 'fn') || !$profile) {
            $check_feed = true;
        if ($at_addr && !count($links)) {
            $check_feed = false;
        if ($connectornetworks) {
            $check_feed = false;
        if ($check_feed) {
            $feedret = scrape_feed($poll ? $poll : $url);
            logger('probe_url: scrape_feed ' . ($poll ? $poll : $url) . ' returns: ' . print_r($feedret, true), LOGGER_DATA);
            if (count($feedret) && ($feedret['feed_atom'] || $feedret['feed_rss'])) {
                $poll = x($feedret, 'feed_atom') ? unamp($feedret['feed_atom']) : unamp($feedret['feed_rss']);
                if (!x($vcard)) {
                    $vcard = array();
            if (x($feedret, 'photo') && !x($vcard, 'photo')) {
                $vcard['photo'] = $feedret['photo'];
            require_once 'library/simplepie/';
            $feed = new SimplePie();
            $xml = fetch_url($poll);
            logger('probe_url: fetch feed: ' . $poll . ' returns: ' . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
            $a = get_app();
            logger('probe_url: scrape_feed: headers: ' . $a->get_curl_headers(), LOGGER_DATA);
            // Don't try and parse an empty string
            $feed->set_raw_data($xml ? $xml : '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><xml></xml>');
            if ($feed->error()) {
                logger('probe_url: scrape_feed: Error parsing XML: ' . $feed->error());
                $network = NETWORK_PHANTOM;
            if (!x($vcard, 'photo')) {
                $vcard['photo'] = $feed->get_image_url();
            $author = $feed->get_author();
            if ($author) {
                $vcard['fn'] = unxmlify(trim($author->get_name()));
                if (!$vcard['fn']) {
                    $vcard['fn'] = trim(unxmlify($author->get_email()));
                if (strpos($vcard['fn'], '@') !== false) {
                    $vcard['fn'] = substr($vcard['fn'], 0, strpos($vcard['fn'], '@'));
                $email = unxmlify($author->get_email());
                if (!$profile && $author->get_link()) {
                    $profile = trim(unxmlify($author->get_link()));
                if (!$vcard['photo']) {
                    $rawtags = $feed->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author');
                    if ($rawtags) {
                        $elems = $rawtags[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10];
                        if (x($elems, 'link') && $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['rel'] === 'photo') {
                            $vcard['photo'] = $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['href'];
                // Fetch fullname via poco:displayName
                $pocotags = $feed->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author');
                if ($pocotags) {
                    $elems = $pocotags[0]['child'][''];
                    if (isset($elems["displayName"])) {
                        $vcard['fn'] = $elems["displayName"][0]["data"];
                    if (isset($elems["preferredUsername"])) {
                        $vcard['nick'] = $elems["preferredUsername"][0]["data"];
            } else {
                $item = $feed->get_item(0);
                if ($item) {
                    $author = $item->get_author();
                    if ($author) {
                        $vcard['fn'] = trim(unxmlify($author->get_name()));
                        if (!$vcard['fn']) {
                            $vcard['fn'] = trim(unxmlify($author->get_email()));
                        if (strpos($vcard['fn'], '@') !== false) {
                            $vcard['fn'] = substr($vcard['fn'], 0, strpos($vcard['fn'], '@'));
                        $email = unxmlify($author->get_email());
                        if (!$profile && $author->get_link()) {
                            $profile = trim(unxmlify($author->get_link()));
                    if (!$vcard['photo']) {
                        $rawmedia = $item->get_item_tags('', 'thumbnail');
                        if ($rawmedia && $rawmedia[0]['attribs']['']['url']) {
                            $vcard['photo'] = unxmlify($rawmedia[0]['attribs']['']['url']);
                    if (!$vcard['photo']) {
                        $rawtags = $item->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author');
                        if ($rawtags) {
                            $elems = $rawtags[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10];
                            if (x($elems, 'link') && $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['rel'] === 'photo') {
                                $vcard['photo'] = $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['href'];
            // Workaround for misconfigured Friendica servers
            if ($network == "" and strstr($url, "/profile/")) {
                $noscrape = str_replace("/profile/", "/noscrape/", $url);
                $noscrapejson = fetch_url($noscrape);
                if ($noscrapejson) {
                    $network = NETWORK_DFRN;
                    $poco = str_replace("/profile/", "/poco/", $url);
                    $noscrapedata = json_decode($noscrapejson, true);
                    if (isset($noscrapedata["addr"])) {
                        $addr = $noscrapedata["addr"];
                    if (isset($noscrapedata["fn"])) {
                        $vcard["fn"] = $noscrapedata["fn"];
                    if (isset($noscrapedata["key"])) {
                        $pubkey = $noscrapedata["key"];
                    if (isset($noscrapedata["photo"])) {
                        $vcard["photo"] = $noscrapedata["photo"];
                    if (isset($noscrapedata["dfrn-request"])) {
                        $request = $noscrapedata["dfrn-request"];
                    if (isset($noscrapedata["dfrn-confirm"])) {
                        $confirm = $noscrapedata["dfrn-confirm"];
                    if (isset($noscrapedata["dfrn-notify"])) {
                        $notify = $noscrapedata["dfrn-notify"];
                    if (isset($noscrapedata["dfrn-poll"])) {
                        $poll = $noscrapedata["dfrn-poll"];
            if (!$vcard['photo'] && strlen($email)) {
                $vcard['photo'] = avatar_img($email);
            if ($poll === $profile) {
                $lnk = $feed->get_permalink();
            if (isset($lnk) && strlen($lnk)) {
                $profile = $lnk;
            if (!$network) {
                $network = NETWORK_FEED;
                // If it is a feed, don't take the author name as feed name
            if (!x($vcard, 'fn')) {
                $vcard['fn'] = notags($feed->get_title());
            if (!x($vcard, 'fn')) {
                $vcard['fn'] = notags($feed->get_description());
            if (strpos($vcard['fn'], 'Twitter / ') !== false) {
                $vcard['fn'] = substr($vcard['fn'], strpos($vcard['fn'], '/') + 1);
                $vcard['fn'] = trim($vcard['fn']);
            if (!x($vcard, 'nick')) {
                $vcard['nick'] = strtolower(notags(unxmlify($vcard['fn'])));
                if (strpos($vcard['nick'], ' ')) {
                    $vcard['nick'] = trim(substr($vcard['nick'], 0, strpos($vcard['nick'], ' ')));
            if (!$priority) {
                $priority = 2;
    if (!x($vcard, 'photo')) {
        $a = get_app();
        $vcard['photo'] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/person-175.jpg';
    if (!$profile) {
        $profile = $url;
    // No human could be associated with this link, use the URL as the contact name
    if ($network === NETWORK_FEED && $poll && !x($vcard, 'fn')) {
        $vcard['fn'] = $url;
    if ($notify != "" and $poll != "") {
        $baseurl = matching(normalise_link($notify), normalise_link($poll));
        $baseurl2 = matching($baseurl, normalise_link($profile));
        if ($baseurl2 != "") {
            $baseurl = $baseurl2;
    if ($baseurl == "" and $notify != "") {
        $baseurl = matching(normalise_link($profile), normalise_link($notify));
    if ($baseurl == "" and $poll != "") {
        $baseurl = matching(normalise_link($profile), normalise_link($poll));
    $baseurl = rtrim($baseurl, "/");
    if (strpos($url, '@') and $addr == "" and $network == NETWORK_DFRN) {
        $addr = str_replace('acct:', '', $url);
    $vcard['fn'] = notags($vcard['fn']);
    $vcard['nick'] = str_replace(' ', '', notags($vcard['nick']));
    $result['name'] = $vcard['fn'];
    $result['nick'] = $vcard['nick'];
    $result['url'] = $profile;
    $result['addr'] = $addr;
    $result['batch'] = $batch;
    $result['notify'] = $notify;
    $result['poll'] = $poll;
    $result['request'] = $request;
    $result['confirm'] = $confirm;
    $result['poco'] = $poco;
    $result['photo'] = $vcard['photo'];
    $result['priority'] = $priority;
    $result['network'] = $network;
    $result['alias'] = $alias;
    $result['pubkey'] = $pubkey;
    $result['baseurl'] = $baseurl;
    logger('probe_url: ' . print_r($result, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
    if ($level == 1) {
        // Trying if it maybe a diaspora account
        if ($result['network'] == NETWORK_FEED or $result['addr'] == "") {
            require_once 'include/bbcode.php';
            $address = GetProfileUsername($url, "", true);
            $result2 = probe_url($address, $mode, ++$level);
            if ($result2['network'] != "") {
                $result = $result2;
        // Maybe it's some non standard GNU Social installation (Single user, subfolder or no uri rewrite)
        if ($result['network'] == NETWORK_FEED and $result['baseurl'] != "" and $result['nick'] != "") {
            $addr = $result['nick'] . '@' . str_replace("http://", "", $result['baseurl']);
            $result2 = probe_url($addr, $mode, ++$level);
            if ($result2['network'] != "" and $result2['network'] != NETWORK_FEED) {
                $result = $result2;
    // Only store into the cache if the value seems to be valid
    if ($result['network'] != NETWORK_PHANTOM) {
        Cache::set("probe_url:" . $mode . ":" . $url, serialize($result), CACHE_DAY);
    return $result;
Пример #8
 public function create()
     if (!$this->axipi_session->userdata('mbr_id')) {
         redirect(base_url() . '?u=' . $this->input->get('u'));
     $data = array();
     $content = array();
     $this->load->library(array('form_validation', 'analyzer_library'));
     if ($this->config->item('folders')) {
         $query = $this->db->query('SELECT flr.* FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('folders') . ' AS flr WHERE flr.mbr_id = ? GROUP BY flr.flr_id ORDER BY flr.flr_title ASC', array($this->member->mbr_id));
         $data['folders'] = array();
         $data['folders'][0] = $this->lang->line('no_folder');
         if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
             foreach ($query->result() as $flr) {
                 $data['folders'][$flr->flr_id] = $flr->flr_title;
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('url', 'lang:url_feed', 'required');
     if ($this->config->item('folders')) {
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('folder', 'lang:folder', 'required');
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('priority', 'lang:priority', 'numeric');
     //$this->form_validation->set_rules('direction', 'lang:direction', '');
     $data['error'] = false;
     $data['feeds'] = array();
     if ($this->input->post('url') && !$this->input->post('analyze_done')) {
         $metas = $this->analyzer_library->metas;
         if (count($metas) > 0) {
             $data['feeds'][''] = '-';
             foreach ($metas as $meta) {
                 $add = true;
                 $headers = get_headers($meta['href'], 1);
                 if (isset($headers['Location']) == 1) {
                     $meta['href'] = $headers['Location'];
                     $headers = get_headers($meta['href'], 1);
                     if (isset($headers['Location']) == 1) {
                         $add = false;
                 if ($add) {
                     if ($meta['title'] == '') {
                         $data['feeds'][$meta['href']] = $meta['href'];
                     } else {
                         $data['feeds'][$meta['href']] = $meta['title'];
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE || count($data['feeds']) > 0) {
         $content = $this->load->view('subscriptions_create', $data, TRUE);
     } else {
         if ($this->config->item('folders')) {
             $folder = false;
             if ($this->input->post('folder')) {
                 $query = $this->db->query('SELECT flr.* FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('folders') . ' AS flr WHERE flr.mbr_id = ? AND flr.flr_id = ? GROUP BY flr.flr_id', array($this->member->mbr_id, $this->input->post('folder')));
                 if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
                     $folder = $this->input->post('folder');
         $query = $this->db->query('SELECT fed.*, sub.sub_id FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('feeds') . ' AS fed LEFT JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('subscriptions') . ' AS sub ON sub.fed_id = fed.fed_id AND sub.mbr_id = ? WHERE fed.fed_link = ? GROUP BY fed.fed_id', array($this->member->mbr_id, $this->input->post('url')));
         if ($query->num_rows() == 0) {
             $parse_url = parse_url($this->input->post('url'));
             if (isset($parse_url['host']) == 1 && $parse_url['host'] == '' && $this->config->item('instagram/enabled')) {
                 if ($this->config->item('instagram/access_token')) {
                     $parts = explode('/', rtrim($parse_url['path'], '/'));
                     $total_parts = count($parts);
                     $last_part = $parts[$total_parts - 1];
                     $result = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $last_part . '&count=15&access_token=' . $this->config->item('instagram/access_token')));
                     if (count($result->data) == 0) {
                         $data['error'] = 'User not found';
                     } else {
                         $user_id = false;
                         foreach ($result->data as $user) {
                             if ($user->username == $last_part) {
                                 $user_id = $user->id;
                         if (!$user_id) {
                             $data['error'] = 'User not found';
                         } else {
                             $result = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $user_id . '?access_token=' . $this->config->item('instagram/access_token')));
                             $this->db->set('fed_title', 'Instagram @' . $result->data->username);
                             $this->db->set('fed_url', $this->input->post('url'));
                             $this->db->set('fed_description', $result->data->bio);
                             $this->db->set('fed_image', $result->data->profile_picture);
                             $this->db->set('fed_link', $this->input->post('url'));
                             if (isset($parse_url['host']) == 1) {
                                 $this->db->set('fed_host', $parse_url['host']);
                             $this->db->set('fed_lastcrawl', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                             $this->db->set('fed_datecreated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                             $fed_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                             $this->db->set('mbr_id', $this->member->mbr_id);
                             $this->db->set('fed_id', $fed_id);
                             if ($this->config->item('folders')) {
                                 if ($folder) {
                                     $this->db->set('flr_id', $folder);
                             $this->db->set('sub_priority', $this->input->post('priority'));
                             $this->db->set('sub_direction', $this->input->post('direction'));
                             $this->db->set('sub_datecreated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                             $sub_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                             $result = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $user_id . '/media/recent?access_token=' . $this->config->item('instagram/access_token')));
                             $this->readerself_library->crawl_items_instagram($fed_id, $result->data);
             } else {
                 if (isset($parse_url['host']) == 1 && $parse_url['host'] == '' && $this->config->item('facebook/enabled')) {
                     include_once 'thirdparty/facebook/autoload.php';
                     $fb = new Facebook\Facebook(array('app_id' => $this->config->item('facebook/id'), 'app_secret' => $this->config->item('facebook/secret')));
                     $fbApp = $fb->getApp();
                     $accessToken = $fbApp->getAccessToken();
                     try {
                         $parts = explode('/', rtrim($parse_url['path'], '/'));
                         $total_parts = count($parts);
                         $last_part = $parts[$total_parts - 1];
                         $request = new Facebook\FacebookRequest($fbApp, $accessToken, 'GET', $last_part . '?fields=link,name,about');
                         $response = $fb->getClient()->sendRequest($request);
                         $result = $response->getDecodedBody();
                         $this->db->set('fed_title', $result['name']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_url', $result['link']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_description', $result['about']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_link', $result['link']);
                         if (isset($parse_url['host']) == 1) {
                             $this->db->set('fed_host', $parse_url['host']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_lastcrawl', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $this->db->set('fed_datecreated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $fed_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                         $this->db->set('mbr_id', $this->member->mbr_id);
                         $this->db->set('fed_id', $fed_id);
                         if ($this->config->item('folders')) {
                             if ($folder) {
                                 $this->db->set('flr_id', $folder);
                         $this->db->set('sub_priority', $this->input->post('priority'));
                         $this->db->set('sub_direction', $this->input->post('direction'));
                         $this->db->set('sub_datecreated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $sub_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                         $request = new Facebook\FacebookRequest($fbApp, $accessToken, 'GET', $last_part . '?fields=feed{created_time,id,message,story,full_picture,place,type,status_type,link}');
                         $response = $fb->getClient()->sendRequest($request);
                         $posts = $response->getDecodedBody();
                         $this->readerself_library->crawl_items_facebook($fed_id, $posts['feed']['data']);
                         redirect(base_url() . 'subscriptions/read/' . $sub_id);
                     } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
                         $data['error'] = 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
                     } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
                         $data['error'] = 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
                 } else {
                     include_once 'thirdparty/simplepie/autoloader.php';
                     include_once 'thirdparty/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php';
                     $sp_feed = new SimplePie();
                     if ($sp_feed->error()) {
                         $data['error'] = $sp_feed->error();
                     } else {
                         $parse_url = parse_url($sp_feed->get_link());
                         $this->db->set('fed_title', $sp_feed->get_title());
                         $this->db->set('fed_url', $sp_feed->get_link());
                         $this->db->set('fed_description', $sp_feed->get_description());
                         $this->db->set('fed_link', $sp_feed->subscribe_url());
                         if (isset($parse_url['host']) == 1) {
                             $this->db->set('fed_host', $parse_url['host']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_lastcrawl', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $this->db->set('fed_datecreated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $fed_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                         $this->db->set('mbr_id', $this->member->mbr_id);
                         $this->db->set('fed_id', $fed_id);
                         if ($this->config->item('folders')) {
                             if ($folder) {
                                 $this->db->set('flr_id', $folder);
                         $this->db->set('sub_priority', $this->input->post('priority'));
                         $this->db->set('sub_direction', $this->input->post('direction'));
                         $this->db->set('sub_datecreated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $sub_id = $this->db->insert_id();
                         $data['sub_id'] = $sub_id;
                         $data['fed_title'] = $sp_feed->get_title();
                         $this->readerself_library->crawl_items($fed_id, $sp_feed->get_items());
         } else {
             $fed = $query->row();
             if (!$fed->sub_id) {
                 $this->db->set('mbr_id', $this->member->mbr_id);
                 $this->db->set('fed_id', $fed->fed_id);
                 if ($this->config->item('folders')) {
                     if ($folder) {
                         $this->db->set('flr_id', $folder);
                 $this->db->set('sub_priority', $this->input->post('priority'));
                 $this->db->set('sub_direction', $this->input->post('direction'));
                 $this->db->set('sub_datecreated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                 $sub_id = $this->db->insert_id();
             } else {
                 $sub_id = $fed->sub_id;
             $data['sub_id'] = $sub_id;
             $data['fed_title'] = $fed->fed_title;
         if ($data['error']) {
             $content = $this->load->view('subscriptions_create', $data, TRUE);
         } else {
             redirect(base_url() . 'subscriptions/read/' . $sub_id);
Пример #9
 public function items()
     if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
         $content = array();
     } else {
         $content = '';
     if ($this->input->is_cli_request() && !$this->config->item('refresh_by_cron')) {
         $content .= 'Refresh by cron disabled' . "\n";
     } else {
         include_once 'thirdparty/simplepie/autoloader.php';
         include_once 'thirdparty/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php';
         if ($this->config->item('facebook/enabled')) {
             include_once 'thirdparty/facebook/autoload.php';
             $fb = new Facebook\Facebook(array('app_id' => $this->config->item('facebook/id'), 'app_secret' => $this->config->item('facebook/secret')));
             $fbApp = $fb->getApp();
             $accessToken = $fbApp->getAccessToken();
         $query = $this->db->query('SELECT fed.* FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('feeds') . ' AS fed WHERE fed.fed_nextcrawl IS NULL OR fed.fed_nextcrawl <= ? GROUP BY fed.fed_id HAVING (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(sub.mbr_id)) FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('subscriptions') . ' AS sub WHERE sub.fed_id = fed.fed_id) > 0', array(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
         if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
             $microtime_start = microtime(1);
             $errors = 0;
             foreach ($query->result() as $fed) {
                 $parse_url = parse_url($fed->fed_link);
                 if (isset($parse_url['host']) == 1 && $parse_url['host'] == '' && $this->config->item('facebook/enabled')) {
                     try {
                         $parts = explode('/', $parse_url['path']);
                         $total_parts = count($parts);
                         $last_part = $parts[$total_parts - 1];
                         $request = new Facebook\FacebookRequest($fbApp, $accessToken, 'GET', $last_part . '?fields=link,name,about');
                         $response = $fb->getClient()->sendRequest($request);
                         $result = $response->getDecodedBody();
                         $request = new Facebook\FacebookRequest($fbApp, $accessToken, 'GET', $last_part . '?fields=feed{created_time,id,message,story,full_picture,place,type,status_type,link}');
                         $response = $fb->getClient()->sendRequest($request);
                         $posts = $response->getDecodedBody();
                         $this->readerself_library->crawl_items_facebook($fed->fed_id, $posts['feed']['data']);
                         $lastitem = $this->db->query('SELECT itm.itm_datecreated FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('items') . ' AS itm WHERE itm.fed_id = ? GROUP BY itm.itm_id ORDER BY itm.itm_id DESC LIMIT 0,1', array($fed->fed_id))->row();
                         $this->db->set('fed_title', $result['name']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_url', $result['link']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_link', $result['link']);
                         if (isset($parse_url['host']) == 1) {
                             $this->db->set('fed_host', $parse_url['host']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_description', $result['about']);
                         $this->db->set('fed_lasterror', '');
                         $this->db->set('fed_lastcrawl', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         if ($lastitem) {
                             $nextcrawl = '';
                             //older than 96 hours, next crawl in 12 hours
                             if ($lastitem->itm_datecreated < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 24 * 96)) {
                                 $nextcrawl = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600 * 12);
                                 //older than 48 hours, next crawl in 6 hours
                             } else {
                                 if ($lastitem->itm_datecreated < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 48)) {
                                     $nextcrawl = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600 * 6);
                                     //older than 24 hours, next crawl in 3 hours
                                 } else {
                                     if ($lastitem->itm_datecreated < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 24)) {
                                         $nextcrawl = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600 * 3);
                             $this->db->set('fed_nextcrawl', $nextcrawl);
                         $this->db->where('fed_id', $fed->fed_id);
                     } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
                         $this->db->set('fed_lasterror', 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage());
                         $this->db->set('fed_lastcrawl', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $this->db->where('fed_id', $fed->fed_id);
                     } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
                         $this->db->set('fed_lasterror', 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage());
                         $this->db->set('fed_lastcrawl', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $this->db->where('fed_id', $fed->fed_id);
                 } else {
                     $sp_feed = new SimplePie();
                     if ($sp_feed->error()) {
                         $this->db->set('fed_lasterror', $sp_feed->error());
                         $this->db->set('fed_lastcrawl', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         $this->db->where('fed_id', $fed->fed_id);
                     } else {
                         $this->readerself_library->crawl_items($fed->fed_id, $sp_feed->get_items());
                         $lastitem = $this->db->query('SELECT itm.itm_datecreated FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('items') . ' AS itm WHERE itm.fed_id = ? GROUP BY itm.itm_id ORDER BY itm.itm_id DESC LIMIT 0,1', array($fed->fed_id))->row();
                         $parse_url = parse_url($sp_feed->get_link());
                         $this->db->set('fed_title', $sp_feed->get_title());
                         $this->db->set('fed_url', $sp_feed->get_link());
                         $this->db->set('fed_link', $sp_feed->subscribe_url());
                         if (isset($parse_url['host']) == 1) {
                             $this->db->set('fed_host', $parse_url['host']);
                         if ($sp_feed->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_ALL) {
                             $this->db->set('fed_type', 'rss');
                         } else {
                             if ($sp_feed->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_ALL) {
                                 $this->db->set('fed_type', 'atom');
                         if ($sp_feed->get_image_url()) {
                             $this->db->set('fed_image', $sp_feed->get_image_url());
                         $this->db->set('fed_description', $sp_feed->get_description());
                         $this->db->set('fed_lasterror', '');
                         $this->db->set('fed_lastcrawl', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                         if ($lastitem) {
                             $nextcrawl = '';
                             //older than 96 hours, next crawl in 12 hours
                             if ($lastitem->itm_datecreated < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 24 * 96)) {
                                 $nextcrawl = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600 * 12);
                                 //older than 48 hours, next crawl in 6 hours
                             } else {
                                 if ($lastitem->itm_datecreated < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 48)) {
                                     $nextcrawl = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600 * 6);
                                     //older than 24 hours, next crawl in 3 hours
                                 } else {
                                     if ($lastitem->itm_datecreated < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 24)) {
                                         $nextcrawl = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600 * 3);
                             $this->db->set('fed_nextcrawl', $nextcrawl);
                         $this->db->where('fed_id', $fed->fed_id);
             $this->db->set('crr_time', microtime(1) - $microtime_start);
             if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
                 $this->db->set('crr_memory', memory_get_peak_usage());
             $this->db->set('crr_feeds', $query->num_rows());
             if ($errors > 0) {
                 $this->db->set('crr_errors', $errors);
             $this->db->set('crr_datecreated', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             if ($this->db->dbdriver == 'mysqli') {
                 $this->db->query('OPTIMIZE TABLE categories, connections, enclosures, favorites, feeds, folders, history, items, members, share, subscriptions');
function feedzy_rss($atts, $content = '')
    global $feedzyStyle;
    $feedzyStyle = true;
    $count = 0;
    //Load SimplePie if not already
    if (!class_exists('SimplePie')) {
        require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-feed.php';
    //Retrieve & extract shorcode parameters
    extract(shortcode_atts(array("feeds" => '', "max" => '5', "feed_title" => 'yes', "target" => '_blank', "title" => '', "meta" => 'yes', "summary" => 'yes', "summarylength" => '', "thumb" => 'yes', "default" => '', "size" => '', "keywords_title" => ''), $atts, 'feedzy_default'));
    //Use "shortcode_atts_feedzy_default" filter to edit shortcode parameters default values or add your owns.
    if (!empty($feeds)) {
        $feeds = rtrim($feeds, ',');
        $feeds = explode(',', $feeds);
        //Remove SSL from HTTP request to prevent fetching errors
        foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
            $feedURL[] = preg_replace("/^https:/i", "http:", $feed);
        if (count($feedURL) === 1) {
            $feedURL = $feedURL[0];
    if ($max == '0') {
        $max = '999';
    } else {
        if (empty($max) || !ctype_digit($max)) {
            $max = '5';
    if (empty($size) || !ctype_digit($size)) {
        $size = '150';
    $sizes = array('width' => $size, 'height' => $size);
    $sizes = apply_filters('feedzy_thumb_sizes', $sizes, $feedURL);
    if (!empty($title) && !ctype_digit($title)) {
        $title = '';
    if (!empty($keywords_title)) {
        $keywords_title = rtrim($keywords_title, ',');
        $keywords_title = array_map('trim', explode(',', $keywords_title));
    if (!empty($summarylength) && !ctype_digit($summarylength)) {
        $summarylength = '';
    if (!empty($default)) {
        $default = $default;
    } else {
        $default = apply_filters('feedzy_default_image', $default, $feedURL);
    //Load SimplePie Instance
    $feed = new SimplePie();
    $feed->set_cache_duration(apply_filters('wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime', 7200, $feedURL));
    do_action_ref_array('wp_feed_options', array($feed, $feedURL));
    $feed->strip_htmltags(array('base', 'blink', 'body', 'doctype', 'embed', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'html', 'iframe', 'input', 'marquee', 'meta', 'noscript', 'object', 'param', 'script', 'style'));
    // Display the error message
    if ($feed->error()) {
        $content .= apply_filters('feedzy_default_error', $feed->error(), $feedURL);
    $content .= '<div class="feedzy-rss">';
    if ($feed_title == 'yes') {
        $content .= '<div class="rss_header">';
        $content .= '<h2><a href="' . $feed->get_permalink() . '" class="rss_title">' . html_entity_decode($feed->get_title()) . '</a> <span class="rss_description"> ' . $feed->get_description() . '</span></h2>';
        $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '<ul>';
    //Loop through RSS feed
    $items = apply_filters('feedzy_feed_items', $feed->get_items(), $feedURL);
    foreach ((array) $items as $item) {
        $continue = apply_filters('feedzy_item_keyword', true, $keywords_title, $item, $feedURL);
        if ($continue == true) {
            //Count items
            if ($count >= $max) {
            //Fetch image thumbnail
            if ($thumb == 'yes' || $thumb == 'auto') {
                $thethumbnail = feedzy_retrieve_image($item);
            $itemAttr = apply_filters('feedzy_item_attributes', $itemAttr = '', $sizes, $item, $feedURL);
            //Build element DOM
            $content .= '<li ' . $itemAttr . '>';
            if ($thumb == 'yes' || $thumb == 'auto') {
                $contentThumb = '';
                if (!empty($thethumbnail) && $thumb == 'auto' || $thumb == 'yes') {
                    $contentThumb .= '<div class="rss_image" style="width:' . $sizes['width'] . 'px; height:' . $sizes['height'] . 'px;">';
                    $contentThumb .= '<a href="' . $item->get_permalink() . '" target="' . $target . '" title="' . $item->get_title() . '" >';
                    if (!empty($thethumbnail)) {
                        $thethumbnail = feedzy_image_encode($thethumbnail);
                        $contentThumb .= '<span class="default" style="width:' . $sizes['width'] . 'px; height:' . $sizes['height'] . 'px; background-image:  url(' . $default . ');" alt="' . $item->get_title() . '"></span>';
                        $contentThumb .= '<span class="fetched" style="width:' . $sizes['width'] . 'px; height:' . $sizes['height'] . 'px; background-image:  url(' . $thethumbnail . ');" alt="' . $item->get_title() . '"></span>';
                    } else {
                        if (empty($thethumbnail) && $thumb == 'yes') {
                            $contentThumb .= '<span style="width:' . $sizes['width'] . 'px; height:' . $sizes['height'] . 'px; background-image:url(' . $default . ');" alt="' . $item->get_title() . '"></span>';
                    $contentThumb .= '</a>';
                    $contentThumb .= '</div>';
                //Filter: feedzy_thumb_output
                $content .= apply_filters('feedzy_thumb_output', $contentThumb, $feedURL);
            $contentTitle = '';
            $contentTitle .= '<span class="title"><a href="' . $item->get_permalink() . '" target="' . $target . '">';
            if (is_numeric($title) && strlen($item->get_title()) > $title) {
                $contentTitle .= preg_replace('/\\s+?(\\S+)?$/', '', substr($item->get_title(), 0, $title)) . '...';
            } else {
                $contentTitle .= $item->get_title();
            $contentTitle .= '</a></span>';
            //Filter: feedzy_title_output
            $content .= apply_filters('feedzy_title_output', $contentTitle, $feedURL);
            $content .= '<div class="rss_content">';
            //Define Meta args
            $metaArgs = array('author' => true, 'date' => true, 'date_format' => get_option('date_format'), 'time_format' => get_option('time_format'));
            //Filter: feedzy_meta_args
            $metaArgs = apply_filters('feedzy_meta_args', $metaArgs, $feedURL);
            if ($meta == 'yes' && ($metaArgs['author'] || $metaArgs['date'])) {
                $contentMeta = '';
                $contentMeta .= '<small>' . __('Posted', 'feedzy_rss_translate') . ' ';
                if ($item->get_author() && $metaArgs['author']) {
                    $author = $item->get_author();
                    if (!($authorName = $author->get_name())) {
                        $authorName = $author->get_email();
                    if ($authorName) {
                        $domain = parse_url($item->get_permalink());
                        $contentMeta .= __('by', 'feedzy_rss_translate') . ' <a href="http://' . $domain['host'] . '" target="' . $target . '" title="' . $domain['host'] . '" >' . $authorName . '</a> ';
                if ($metaArgs['date']) {
                    $contentMeta .= __('on', 'feedzy_rss_translate') . ' ' . date_i18n($metaArgs['date_format'], $item->get_date('U'));
                    $contentMeta .= ' ';
                    $contentMeta .= __('at', 'feedzy_rss_translate') . ' ' . date_i18n($metaArgs['time_format'], $item->get_date('U'));
                $contentMeta .= '</small>';
                //Filter: feedzy_meta_output
                $content .= apply_filters('feedzy_meta_output', $contentMeta, $feedURL);
            if ($summary == 'yes') {
                $contentSummary = '';
                $contentSummary .= '<p>';
                //Filter: feedzy_summary_input
                $description = $item->get_description();
                $description = apply_filters('feedzy_summary_input', $description, $item->get_content(), $feedURL);
                if (is_numeric($summarylength) && strlen($description) > $summarylength) {
                    $contentSummary .= preg_replace('/\\s+?(\\S+)?$/', '', substr($description, 0, $summarylength)) . ' […]';
                } else {
                    $contentSummary .= $description . ' […]';
                $contentSummary .= '</p>';
                //Filter: feedzy_summary_output
                $content .= apply_filters('feedzy_summary_output', $contentSummary, $item->get_permalink(), $feedURL);
            $content .= '</div>';
            $content .= '</li>';
    $content .= '</ul>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    return apply_filters('feedzy_global_output', $content, $feedURL);
Пример #11
<input name="url" type="text" value="<?php 
echo $_POST['url'];
" style="width:400px;"><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Get Feed">
if (isset($_POST['url']) && $_POST['url'] != "") {
    $url = $_POST['url'];
    include_once 'Simple/autoloader.php';
    $feed = new SimplePie();
    echo "<span><h1>" . $feed->get_title() . "</h1>";
    echo "<b>" . $feed->get_description() . "</b></span><hr />";
    $itemCount = $feed->get_item_quantity();
    $items = $feed->get_items();
    foreach ($items as $item) {
<div><a href="<?php 
        echo $item->get_permalink();
        echo $item->get_title();
</a><br />
<em style="font-size:.7em;color:#666666"><?php 
        echo $item->get_date();
Пример #12
  * Get posts from feeds:
  * @param array $feeds Array with the feeds.
  * @return array Array with the posts.
 public function getPosts($feeds)
     $posts = array();
     foreach ($feeds as $name => $feed) {
         Debug::info("Getting posts from " . $feed['url']);
         $rss = new SimplePie($feed['url']);
         $counter = 1;
         foreach ($rss->get_items() as $item) {
             Debug::info("  post {$counter} of " . MAXPOSTS . ".");
             if (!is_object($item)) {
                 Debug::error("Parsing item (" . $item . ").");
             } else {
                 if (strstr($item->get_title(), "[minipost]")) {
                 } else {
                     $timestamp = strtotime($item->get_date());
                     # Post:
                     $posts[$timestamp]['id'] = "p" . $timestamp . "-" . $counter;
                     $posts[$timestamp]['pubdate'] = $item->get_date('r');
                     $posts[$timestamp]['date'] = $item->get_local_date();
                     $posts[$timestamp]['time'] = $item->get_local_date("%T");
                     $posts[$timestamp]['permalink'] = $item->get_permalink();
                     $posts[$timestamp]['title'] = $item->get_title();
                     $posts[$timestamp]['description'] = $item->get_description();
                     $posts[$timestamp]['content'] = $item->get_content();
                     if ($posts[$timestamp]['description'] == $posts[$timestamp]['content'] and strlen($posts[$timestamp]['content']) < 400) {
                         $posts[$timestamp]['description'] = Html::Cut(Html::BurnerClean($item->get_description()));
                         $posts[$timestamp]['content'] = "";
                         $posts[$timestamp]['toggle'] = "";
                     } else {
                         $posts[$timestamp]['description'] = Html::Cut(Html::BurnerClean($item->get_description()));
                         $posts[$timestamp]['content'] = Html::Clean($item->get_content());
                         $posts[$timestamp]['toggle'] = "<a onclick='ToggleContent(\"" . $posts[$timestamp]['id'] . "\"); return false;' href=\"#\">&dArr; Read more</a>";
                     // Microblogging posts have same description as title
                     if (FALSE !== strpos($posts[$timestamp]['title'], $posts[$timestamp]['description'])) {
                         $posts[$timestamp]['description'] = "";
                         $posts[$timestamp]['content'] = "";
                         $posts[$timestamp]['toggle'] = "";
                     # Rss:
                     $posts[$timestamp]['description_rss'] = $posts[$timestamp]['description'];
                     $posts[$timestamp]['content_rss'] = $posts[$timestamp]['content'];
                     # author:
                     if (method_exists($item, 'get_author') and is_object($item->get_author())) {
                         # The feed ones:
                         $posts[$timestamp]['author'] = $item->get_author()->get_name();
                         $posts[$timestamp]['author_link'] = $item->get_author()->get_link();
                     } else {
                         Debug::say("No author data feed " . $name);
                         $posts[$timestamp]['author'] = $name;
                         $posts[$timestamp]['author_link'] = $rss->get_permalink();
                     # Si han quedado vacíos pese a todo:
                     if (empty($posts[$timestamp]['author'])) {
                         $posts[$timestamp]['author'] = $name;
                     if (empty($posts[$timestamp]['author_link'])) {
                         $posts[$timestamp]['author_link'] = $feed['url'];
                     $posts[$timestamp]['author_email'] = $feed['email'];
                     # Gravatar:
                     if (strlen($feed['avatar'])) {
                         $posts[$timestamp]['author_avatar'] = "" . md5($feed['avatar']) . "&amp;size=40&amp;default=" . urlencode(DEFAULT_AVATAR);
                     } else {
                         if (strlen($feed['avatar_url'])) {
                             $posts[$timestamp]['author_avatar'] = $feed['avatar_url'];
                     # Blog:
                     $posts[$timestamp]['blog_title'] = $rss->get_title();
                     $posts[$timestamp]['blog_url'] = $rss->get_permalink();
                     $posts[$timestamp]['blog_desc'] = $rss->get_description();
                     # Logo:
                     $posts[$timestamp]['logo_url'] = $rss->get_image_url();
                     $posts[$timestamp]['logo_link'] = $rss->get_image_link();
                     $posts[$timestamp]['logo_title'] = $rss->get_image_title();
             if ($counter > MAXPOSTS) {
     return $posts;
Пример #13
 public function parse_single_feed($flux)
     $feed = new SimplePie();
     if (!$feed->error()) {
         $feed_title = strip_tags($feed->get_title());
         if (strlen($feed_title) > 50) {
             $feed_title = substr($feed_title, 0, 47) . '...';
         $exist = $this->getConnectionWrapper()->addFlux($_POST['url'], $feed_title, $feed->get_description());
         $idFlux = $this->getConnectionWrapper()->getFluxId($feed_title);
         $this->NON_CLASSE = $this->getConnectionWrapper()->getFolderId($this->session_get("user_id", null), 'Non classé');
         $this->getConnectionWrapper()->addAbonnement($this->session_get("user_id", null), $this->NON_CLASSE, $idFlux);
         if (!$exist) {
             foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item) {
                 $item_title = strip_tags($item->get_title());
                 if (strlen($item_title) > 50) {
                     $item_title = substr($item_title, 0, 47) . '...';
                 $item_desc = $item->get_description();
                 if (strlen($item_desc) == 0) {
                     $item_desc = 'Aucune description disponible: ' . $item->get_permalink();
                 $item_content = $item->get_content();
                 if (strlen($item_content) == 0) {
                     $item_content = 'Aucun contenu supplémentaire disponible: ' . $item->get_permalink();
                 $this->getConnectionWrapper()->addArticle($idFlux, $item_title, $item->get_permalink(), $item_desc, $item_content, $item->get_date('Y-m-j G:i:s'));
Пример #14
function discover_by_url($url, $arr = null)
    require_once 'library/HTML5/Parser.php';
    $x = scrape_feed($url);
    if (!$x) {
        if (!$arr) {
            return false;
        $network = $arr['network'] ? $arr['network'] : 'unknown';
        $name = $arr['name'] ? $arr['name'] : 'unknown';
        $photo = $arr['photo'] ? $arr['photo'] : '';
        $addr = $arr['addr'] ? $arr['addr'] : '';
        $guid = $url;
    $profile = $url;
    logger('scrape_feed results: ' . print_r($x, true));
    if ($x['feed_atom']) {
        $guid = $x['feed_atom'];
    if ($x['feed_rss']) {
        $guid = $x['feed_rss'];
    if (!$guid) {
        return false;
    // try and discover stuff from the feeed
    require_once 'library/simplepie/';
    $feed = new SimplePie();
    $level = 0;
    $x = z_fetch_url($guid, false, $level, array('novalidate' => true));
    if (!$x['success']) {
        logger('probe_url: feed fetch failed for ' . $poll);
        return false;
    $xml = $x['body'];
    logger('probe_url: fetch feed: ' . $guid . ' returns: ' . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
    logger('probe_url: scrape_feed: headers: ' . $x['header'], LOGGER_DATA);
    // Don't try and parse an empty string
    $feed->set_raw_data($xml ? $xml : '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><xml></xml>');
    if ($feed->error()) {
        logger('probe_url: scrape_feed: Error parsing XML: ' . $feed->error());
    $name = unxmlify(trim($feed->get_title()));
    $photo = $feed->get_image_url();
    $author = $feed->get_author();
    if ($author) {
        if (!$name) {
            $name = unxmlify(trim($author->get_name()));
        if (!$name) {
            $name = trim(unxmlify($author->get_email()));
            if (strpos($name, '@') !== false) {
                $name = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, '@'));
        if (!$profile && $author->get_link()) {
            $profile = trim(unxmlify($author->get_link()));
        if (!$photo) {
            $rawtags = $feed->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author');
            if ($rawtags) {
                $elems = $rawtags[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10];
                if (x($elems, 'link') && $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['rel'] === 'photo') {
                    $photo = $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['href'];
    } else {
        $item = $feed->get_item(0);
        if ($item) {
            $author = $item->get_author();
            if ($author) {
                if (!$name) {
                    $name = trim(unxmlify($author->get_name()));
                    if (!$name) {
                        $name = trim(unxmlify($author->get_email()));
                    if (strpos($name, '@') !== false) {
                        $name = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, '@'));
                if (!$profile && $author->get_link()) {
                    $profile = trim(unxmlify($author->get_link()));
            if (!$photo) {
                $rawmedia = $item->get_item_tags('', 'thumbnail');
                if ($rawmedia && $rawmedia[0]['attribs']['']['url']) {
                    $photo = unxmlify($rawmedia[0]['attribs']['']['url']);
            if (!$photo) {
                $rawtags = $item->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author');
                if ($rawtags) {
                    $elems = $rawtags[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10];
                    if (x($elems, 'link') && $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['rel'] === 'photo') {
                        $photo = $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['href'];
    if ($poll === $profile) {
        $lnk = $feed->get_permalink();
    if (isset($lnk) && strlen($lnk)) {
        $profile = $lnk;
    if (!$network) {
        $network = 'rss';
    if (!$name) {
        $name = notags($feed->get_description());
    if (!$guid) {
        return false;
    $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($guid));
    if ($r) {
        return true;
    if (!$photo) {
        $photo = z_root() . '/images/rss_icon.png';
    $r = q("insert into xchan ( xchan_hash, xchan_guid, xchan_pubkey, xchan_addr, xchan_url, xchan_name, xchan_network, xchan_instance_url, xchan_name_date ) values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') ", dbesc($guid), dbesc($guid), dbesc($pubkey), dbesc($addr), dbesc($profile), dbesc($name), dbesc($network), dbesc(z_root()), dbesc(datetime_convert()));
    $photos = import_xchan_photo($photo, $guid);
    $r = q("update xchan set xchan_photo_date = '%s', xchan_photo_l = '%s', xchan_photo_m = '%s', xchan_photo_s = '%s', xchan_photo_mimetype = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($photos[0]), dbesc($photos[1]), dbesc($photos[2]), dbesc($photos[3]), dbesc($guid));
    return true;
Пример #15
$feed = new SimplePie();

$path = 'file';
$path = $path.'.xml';
$filename = $path.'.js';
echo "Wrote:<br />";
$return = 'var data = {' . "\n";
$return .= '"info" : [{' . "\n";
$return .= '"title": "'.$feed->get_title().'",' . "\n";
$return .= '"description": "'.$feed->get_description().'"' . "\n";
$return .= '}],' . "\n";
$amount = $feed->get_item_quantity();
$return .= '"playlist" : [' . "\n";
foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item) {
	$return .= '{' . "\n";
	$return .= '"title": "'.$item->get_title().'",' . "\n";
	$return .= '"description": "'.$item->get_description().'",' . "\n";
	$return .= '"href": "'.$item->get_permalink().'",' . "\n";
	if ($enclosure = $item->get_enclosure()) {
		$return .= '"url": "'.$enclosure->get_link().'",' . "\n";
		$return .= '"thumbnail": "'.str_replace('.png', '_thumbnail.png', $enclosure->get_thumbnail()).'",' . "\n";
		$return .= '"time": "'.$enclosure->get_duration(true).'"' . "\n";
	$return .= '}, ';
$return = rtrim($return, ", ");
Пример #16
					<!-- If the feed has a link back to the site that publishes it (which 99% of them do), link the feed's title to it. -->
					<h3 class="header"><?php 
    if ($feed->get_link()) {
        echo '<a href="' . $feed->get_link() . '">';
    echo $feed->get_title();
    if ($feed->get_link()) {
        echo '</a>';

					<!-- If the feed has a description, display it. -->
    echo $feed->get_description();


				<!-- Let's begin looping through each individual news item in the feed. -->
    foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item) {
					<div class="chunk">

						<!-- If the item has a permalink back to the original post (which 99% of them do), link the item's title to it. -->
        if ($item->get_permalink()) {
            echo '<a href="' . $item->get_permalink() . '">';
Пример #17
function fof_update_feed($url)
    global $FOF_FEED_TABLE;
    # Get feed data.
    if (!$url) {
        return 0;
    if (!empty($url)) {
        $piefeed = new SimplePie();
    } else {
        return 0;
    //   	echo "Memory usage after set cache: " . number_format(memory_get_usage());
    //echo "Memory usage after set init: " . number_format(memory_get_usage());
    //echo "Memory usage after contenttype: " . number_format(memory_get_usage());
    if (!$piefeed->data) {
        //print "<font color=\"red\">" . _("error was") . "</font>: <B>" . $piefeed->error . "</b> ";
        //print "<a href=\"$url\">" . _("try to validate it?") . "</a> ";
        // Do what PHP should be doing on it's own.
        return 0;
    $title = $piefeed->get_title();
    $link = $piefeed->get_link();
    $description = $piefeed->get_description();
    $safeurl = mysql_escape_string($url);
    $result = fof_do_query("select id, url, aging from feeds where url='{$safeurl}'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    //	echo "Memory usage after first query: " . number_format(memory_get_usage());
    $feed_id = $row['id'];
    $keep_days = $row['aging'];
    if ($keep_days < 0) {
        $keep_days = 60;
    //	$result2 = fof_do_query("select image from feeds where `id`='$feed_id'");
    //	$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
    //	mysql_free_result($result);
    //echo "Memory usage after second query: " . number_format(memory_get_usage());
    //  $image2 = $row2['image'];
    	if (!$image2)
    		$imagelink = $piefeed->get_favicon(true, '');
    		$HTTPRequest = @fopen($imagelink, 'r'); 
    		if ($HTTPRequest) 
    			stream_set_timeout($HTTPRequest, 0.1);
    			$favicon = fread($HTTPRequest, 8192);
    			$HTTPRequestData = stream_get_meta_data($HTTPRequest);
    			if (!$HTTPRequestData['timed_out'] && strlen($favicon) < 42) 
    				$imagelink = "";
    			$imagelink = $piefeed->get_image_url();
    			$HTTPRequest = @fopen($imagelink, 'r'); 
    			if ($HTTPRequest) 
    				stream_set_timeout($HTTPRequest, 0.1);
    				$favicon = fread($HTTPRequest, 8192);
    				$HTTPRequestData = stream_get_meta_data($HTTPRequest);
    				if (!$HTTPRequestData['timed_out'] && strlen($favicon) < 42) 
    					$imagelink = "";
    		$sql = "update `$FOF_FEED_TABLE` set `image`='$imagelink' where `id`='$feed_id'";
    		$result = fof_do_query($sql);
      }  // closes image
    # Get article items and attributes
    foreach ($piefeed->get_items() as $item) {
        $ageflag = "0";
        $dccreator = "";
        $dcsubject = "";
        $link = mysql_escape_string($item->get_permalink());
        if (!$link) {
            $link = $item->get_id();
        $title = mysql_escape_string($item->get_title());
        if (!$title) {
            $title = "[" . _("no title") . "]";
        # get <dc:creator> or <author>
        foreach ($item->get_authors() as $author) {
            $authorname = $author->get_name() . " " . $author->get_email();
            if (!empty($authorname)) {
                $dccreator .= $authorname . ', ';
        $dccreator = mysql_escape_string(substr("{$dccreator}", 0, -2));
        # get <dc:date> and <pubdate>
        $dcdate = mysql_escape_string($item->get_date());
        $dcdate = eregi_replace(",", "", $dcdate);
        # get <dc:subject> or <category>
        $category_array = $item->get_category();
        $category_array = array_unique($category_array);
        foreach ($category_array as $category) {
            if (!empty($category)) {
                $dcsubject .= $category . ', ';
        $dcsubject = substr(mysql_escape_string($dcsubject), 0, -2);
        # get article content
        $content = mysql_escape_string($item->get_description());
        $content = str_replace('"?i=http', '"http', $content);
        # dont know why
        # this creeps in
        if ($enclosure = $item->get_enclosure(0)) {
            $content .= '<br />(' . $enclosure->get_type() . '; ' . $enclosure->get_size() . ' MB)<br />';
        # Now manage the article data
        $sql = "select id from items where feed_id='{$feed_id}' and link='{$link}'";
        #print "<br />" . $sql . "<br />";
        $result = fof_do_query($sql);
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $id = $row['id'];
        # if the item does not already exist, add it
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
            # dcdate   : August 2, 2006, 1:30 am
            # timestamp: 2006-09-16 15:51:53
            # add it only if it's not older than keep_days
            $dcdatetime = strtotime($dcdate);
            # We set ageflag == 1 if its OK to add the item to the database
            if ($dcdatetime < 1) {
                $dcdatetime = NULL;
                $ageflag = 1;
            } else {
                if (time() - $dcdatetime < $keep_days * 24 * 60 * 60) {
                    $ageflag = 1;
            if ($ageflag) {
                $sql = "insert into items (feed_id,link,title,content,dcdate,dccreator,dcsubject) values ('{$feed_id}','{$link}','{$title}','{$content}','{$dcdatetime}','{$dccreator}','{$dcsubject}')";
                #print "<br />" . $sql . "<br />";
                $result = fof_do_query($sql);
                $ids[] = $id;
                #keep track of it so we don't delete it below
                $ageflag = 0;
        //echo "Memory usage after item foreach loop: " . number_format(memory_get_usage());
    // closes opening foreach loop
    // Do what PHP should be doing on it's own.
    //return $n;
Пример #18
 // Init Feed
 if ($rss_obj->data) {
     // check RSS image
     if ($rss_obj->get_image_url()) {
         $rss['temp_feedinfo'] = '<a href="' . ($rss_obj->get_image_link() ? $rss_obj->get_image_link() : $rss_obj->get_permalink()) . '" target="_blank">';
         $rss['temp_feedinfo'] .= '<img src="' . $rss_obj->get_image_url() . '" alt="' . $rss_obj->get_image_title() . '" />';
         $rss['temp_feedinfo'] .= '</a>';
         $rss['template_FEEDINFO'] = render_cnt_template($rss['template_FEEDINFO'], 'IMAGE', $rss['temp_feedinfo']);
     } else {
         $rss['template_FEEDINFO'] = render_cnt_template($rss['template_FEEDINFO'], 'IMAGE', '');
     $rss['template_FEEDINFO'] = render_cnt_template($rss['template_FEEDINFO'], 'TITLE', $rss_obj->get_title());
     $rss['template_FEEDINFO'] = render_cnt_template($rss['template_FEEDINFO'], 'DESCRIPTION', $rss_obj->get_description());
     $c = 0;
     $rss['items'] = array();
     foreach ($rss_obj->get_items() as $rssvalue) {
         // general item info
         $rss['items'][$c] = render_cnt_template($rss['template_ITEM'], 'LINK', $rssvalue->get_permalink());
         $rss['items'][$c] = render_cnt_template($rss['items'][$c], 'TITLE', $rssvalue->get_title());
         $rss['items'][$c] = render_cnt_template($rss['items'][$c], 'DESCRIPTION', $rssvalue->get_description());
         $rss['items'][$c] = render_cnt_template($rss['items'][$c], 'CONTENT', $rssvalue->get_content());
         // author
         $rss['item_author'] = $rssvalue->get_author();
         $rss['items'][$c] = render_cnt_template($rss['items'][$c], 'AUTHOR', $rss['item_author'] ? $rss['item_author']->get_name() : '');
         // item date
         $rss['items'][$c] = render_cnt_date($rss['items'][$c], $rssvalue->get_date('U'));
         // Thumbnail
         $rss['item_thumbnail'] = '';
Пример #19
 * The actual function that can be called on webpages.
function SimplePieWP($feed_url, $options = null)
    // Quit if the SimplePie class isn't loaded.
    if (!class_exists('SimplePie')) {
        die('<p style="font-size:16px; line-height:1.5em; background-color:#c00; color:#fff; padding:10px; border:3px solid #f00; text-align:left;"><img src="' . SIMPLEPIE_PLUGINDIR_WEB . '/images/error.png" /> There is a problem with the SimplePie Plugin for WordPress. Check your <a href="' . WP_CPANEL . '" style="color:#ff0; text-decoration:underline;">Installation Status</a> for more information.</p>');
    if (isset($locale) && !empty($locale) && $locale != 'auto') {
        setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale);
    // Default general settings
    $template = get_option('simplepie_template');
    $items = get_option('simplepie_items');
    $items_per_feed = get_option('simplepie_items_per_feed');
    $date_format = get_option('simplepie_date_format');
    $enable_cache = get_option('simplepie_enable_cache');
    $set_cache_location = get_option('simplepie_set_cache_location');
    $set_cache_duration = get_option('simplepie_set_cache_duration');
    $enable_order_by_date = get_option('simplepie_enable_order_by_date');
    $set_timeout = get_option('simplepie_set_timeout');
    // Default text-shortening settings
    $truncate_feed_title = get_option('simplepie_truncate_feed_title');
    $truncate_feed_description = get_option('simplepie_truncate_feed_description');
    $truncate_item_title = get_option('simplepie_truncate_item_title');
    $truncate_item_description = get_option('simplepie_truncate_item_description');
    // Default advanced settings
    $processing = get_option('simplepie_processing');
    $locale = get_option('simplepie_locale');
    $local_date_format = get_option('simplepie_local_date_format');
    $strip_htmltags = get_option('simplepie_strip_htmltags');
    $strip_attributes = get_option('simplepie_strip_attributes');
    $set_max_checked_feeds = get_option('simplepie_set_max_checked_feeds');
    // Overridden settings
    if ($options) {
        // Fix the template location if one was passed in.
        if (isset($options['template']) && !empty($options['template'])) {
            $options['template'] = SIMPLEPIE_PLUGINDIR . '/templates/' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $options['template'])) . '.tmpl';
        // Fix the processing location if one was passed in.
        if (isset($options['processing']) && !empty($options['processing'])) {
            $options['processing'] = SIMPLEPIE_PLUGINDIR . '/processing/' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $options['processing'])) . '.php';
    // Load post-processing file.
    if ($processing && $processing != '') {
        include_once $processing;
    // If template doesn't exist, die.
    if (!file_exists($template) || !is_readable($template)) {
        die('<p style="font-size:16px; line-height:1.5em; background-color:#c00; color:#fff; padding:10px; border:3px solid #f00; text-align:left;"><img src="' . SIMPLEPIE_PLUGINDIR_WEB . '/images/error.png" /> The SimplePie template file is not readable by WordPress. Check the <a href="' . WP_CPANEL . '" style="color:#ff0; text-decoration:underline;">WordPress Control Panel</a> for more information.</p>');
    // Initialize SimplePie
    $feed = new SimplePie();
    $feed->strip_htmltags(explode(' ', $strip_htmltags));
    $feed->strip_attributes(explode(' ', $strip_attributes));
    // Load up the selected template file
    $handle = fopen($template, 'r');
    $tmpl = fread($handle, filesize($template));
    // ERRORS
    // I'm absolutely sure that there is a better way to do this.
    // Define what we're looking for
    $error_start_tag = '{IF_ERROR_BEGIN}';
    $error_end_tag = '{IF_ERROR_END}';
    $error_start_length = strlen($error_start_tag);
    $error_end_length = strlen($error_end_tag);
    // Find what we're looking for
    $error_start_pos = strpos($tmpl, $error_start_tag);
    $error_end_pos = strpos($tmpl, $error_end_tag);
    $error_length_pos = $error_end_pos - $error_start_pos;
    // Grab what we're looking for
    $error_string = substr($tmpl, $error_start_pos + $error_start_length, $error_length_pos - $error_start_length);
    $replacable_string = $error_start_tag . $error_string . $error_end_tag;
    if ($error_message = $feed->error()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace($replacable_string, $error_string, $tmpl);
        $tmpl = str_replace('{ERROR_MESSAGE}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ERROR_MESSAGE', $error_message), $tmpl);
    } elseif ($feed->get_item_quantity() == 0) {
        $tmpl = str_replace($replacable_string, $error_string, $tmpl);
        $tmpl = str_replace('{ERROR_MESSAGE}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ERROR_MESSAGE', 'There are no items in this feed.'), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace($replacable_string, '', $tmpl);
    // FEED
    if ($author = $feed->get_author()) {
        if ($email = $author->get_email()) {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_AUTHOR_EMAIL', $email), $tmpl);
        } else {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', '', $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($author = $feed->get_author()) {
        if ($link = $author->get_link()) {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_LINK}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_AUTHOR_LINK', $link), $tmpl);
        } else {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_LINK}', '', $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_LINK}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($author = $feed->get_author()) {
        if ($name = $author->get_name()) {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_NAME}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_AUTHOR_NAME', $name), $tmpl);
        } else {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_NAME}', '', $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_AUTHOR_NAME}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($contributor = $feed->get_contributor()) {
        if ($email = $contributor->get_email()) {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL', $email), $tmpl);
        } else {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', '', $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($contributor = $feed->get_contributor()) {
        if ($link = $contributor->get_link()) {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK', $link), $tmpl);
        } else {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', '', $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($contributor = $feed->get_contributor()) {
        if ($name = $contributor->get_name()) {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME', $name), $tmpl);
        } else {
            $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', '', $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($copyright = $feed->get_copyright()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_COPYRIGHT}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_COPYRIGHT', $copyright), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_COPYRIGHT}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($description = $feed->get_description()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_DESCRIPTION}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_DESCRIPTION', $description), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_DESCRIPTION}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($encoding = $feed->get_encoding()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_ENCODING}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_ENCODING', $encoding), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_ENCODING}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($favicon = $feed->get_favicon()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_FAVICON}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_FAVICON', $favicon), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_FAVICON}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($image_height = $feed->get_image_height()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_HEIGHT}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_IMAGE_HEIGHT', $image_height), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_HEIGHT}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($image_link = $feed->get_image_link()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_LINK}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_IMAGE_LINK', $image_link), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_LINK}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($image_title = $feed->get_image_title()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_TITLE}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_IMAGE_TITLE', $image_title), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_TITLE}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($image_url = $feed->get_image_url()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_URL}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_IMAGE_URL', $image_url), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_URL}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($image_width = $feed->get_image_width()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_WIDTH}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_IMAGE_WIDTH', $image_width), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_IMAGE_WIDTH}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($language = $feed->get_language()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_LANGUAGE}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_LANGUAGE', $language), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_LANGUAGE}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($latitude = $feed->get_latitude()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_LATITUDE}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_LATITUDE', $latitude), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_LATITUDE}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($longitude = $feed->get_longitude()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_LONGITUDE}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_LONGITUDE', $longitude), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_LONGITUDE}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($permalink = $feed->get_permalink()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_PERMALINK}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_PERMALINK', $permalink), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_PERMALINK}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($title = $feed->get_title()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_TITLE}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('FEED_TITLE', $title), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{FEED_TITLE}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($subscribe_url = $feed->subscribe_url()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{SUBSCRIBE_URL}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('SUBSCRIBE_URL', $subscribe_url), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{SUBSCRIBE_URL}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($description = $feed->get_description()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{TRUNCATE_FEED_DESCRIPTION}', SimplePie_Truncate(SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('TRUNCATE_FEED_DESCRIPTION', $description), $truncate_feed_description), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{TRUNCATE_FEED_DESCRIPTION}', '', $tmpl);
    if ($title = $feed->get_title()) {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{TRUNCATE_FEED_TITLE}', SimplePie_Truncate(SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('TRUNCATE_FEED_TITLE', $title), $truncate_feed_title), $tmpl);
    } else {
        $tmpl = str_replace('{TRUNCATE_FEED_TITLE}', '', $tmpl);
    // ITEMS
    // Separate out the pre-item template
    $tmpl = explode('{ITEM_LOOP_BEGIN}', $tmpl);
    $pre_tmpl = $tmpl[0];
    // Separate out the item template
    $tmpl = explode('{ITEM_LOOP_END}', $tmpl[1]);
    $item_tmpl = $tmpl[0];
    // Separate out the post-item template
    $post_tmpl = $tmpl[1];
    // Clear out the variable
    // Start putting the output string together.
    $tmpl = $pre_tmpl;
    // Loop through all of the items that we're supposed to.
    foreach ($feed->get_items(0, $items) as $item) {
        // Get a reference to the parent $feed object.
        $parent = $item->get_feed();
        // Get a working copy of the item template.  We don't want to edit the original.
        $working_item = $item_tmpl;
        if ($contributor = $item->get_contributor()) {
            if ($email = $contributor->get_email()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL', $email), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', '', $working_item);
        if ($contributor = $item->get_contributor()) {
            if ($link = $contributor->get_link()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK', $link), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', '', $working_item);
        if ($contributor = $item->get_contributor()) {
            if ($name = $contributor->get_name()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME', $name), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', '', $working_item);
        if ($copyright = $item->get_copyright()) {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_COPYRIGHT}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_COPYRIGHT', $copyright), $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_COPYRIGHT}', '', $working_item);
        if ($author = $parent->get_author()) {
            if ($email = $author->get_email()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL', $email), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', '', $working_item);
        if ($author = $parent->get_author()) {
            if ($link = $author->get_link()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_LINK}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_LINK', $link), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_LINK}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_LINK}', '', $working_item);
        if ($author = $parent->get_author()) {
            if ($name = $author->get_name()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_NAME}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_NAME', $name), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_NAME}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_AUTHOR_NAME}', '', $working_item);
        if ($contributor = $parent->get_contributor()) {
            if ($email = $contributor->get_email()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL', $email), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL}', '', $working_item);
        if ($contributor = $parent->get_contributor()) {
            if ($link = $contributor->get_link()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK', $link), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_LINK}', '', $working_item);
        if ($contributor = $parent->get_contributor()) {
            if ($name = $contributor->get_name()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME', $name), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_PARENT_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME}', '', $working_item);
        if ($author = $item->get_author()) {
            if ($email = $author->get_email()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_AUTHOR_EMAIL', $email), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_AUTHOR_EMAIL}', '', $working_item);
        if ($author = $item->get_author()) {
            if ($link = $author->get_link()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_AUTHOR_LINK}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_AUTHOR_LINK', $link), $working_item);
            } else {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_AUTHOR_LINK}', '', $working_item);
        } else {
            $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_AUTHOR_LINK}', '', $working_item);
        if ($author = $item->get_author()) {
            if ($name = $author->get_name()) {
                $working_item = str_replace('{ITEM_AUTHOR_NAME}', SimplePie_WordPress::post_process('ITEM_AUTHOR_NAME', $name), $working_item);
            } else {
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    // Start by removing all line breaks and tabs.
    $tmpl = preg_replace('/(\\n|\\r|\\t)/i', "", $tmpl);
    $tmpl = str_replace('{PLUGIN_DIR}', SIMPLEPIE_PLUGINDIR_WEB, $tmpl);
    $tmpl .= $post_tmpl;
    // Kill the object to prevent memory leaks.
    // Return the data back to the page.
    return $tmpl;
Пример #20
 function parse($syncId, &$nbEvents = 0, $enableCache = true, $forceFeed = false)
     $nbEvents = 0;
     assert('is_int($syncId) && $syncId>0');
     if (empty($this->id) || 0 == $this->id) {
         /* Le flux ne dispose pas pas d'id !. Ça arrive si on appelle
            parse() sans avoir appelé save() pour un nouveau flux.
            @TODO: un create() pour un nouveau flux ? */
         $msg = 'Empty or null id for a feed! ' . 'See ' . __FILE__ . ' on line ' . __LINE__;
         error_log($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
         // Arrêt, sinon création événements sans flux associé.
     $feed = new SimplePie();
     $feed->set_useragent('Mozilla/4.0 Leed (LightFeed Aggregator) ' . VERSION_NAME . ' by idleman');
     if (!$feed->init()) {
         $this->error = $feed->error;
         $this->lastupdate = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
         return false;
     // UTF-8 par défaut pour SimplePie
     if ($this->name == '') {
         $this->name = $feed->get_title();
     if ($this->name == '') {
         $this->name = $this->url;
     $this->website = $feed->get_link();
     $this->description = $feed->get_description();
     $items = $feed->get_items();
     $eventManager = new Event();
     $events = array();
     $iEvents = 0;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         // Ne retient que les 100 premiers éléments de flux.
         if ($iEvents++ >= 100) {
         // Si le guid existe déjà, on évite de le reparcourir.
         $alreadyParsed = $eventManager->load(array('guid' => $item->get_id(), 'feed' => $this->id));
         if (isset($alreadyParsed) && $alreadyParsed != false) {
             $events[] = $alreadyParsed->getId();
         // Initialisation des informations de l'événement (élt. de flux)
         $event = new Event();
         $event->setCreator('' == $item->get_author() ? '' : $item->get_author()->name);
         // inexistant, donc non-lu
         //Gestion de la balise enclosure pour les podcasts et autre cochonneries :)
         $enclosure = $item->get_enclosure();
         if ($enclosure != null && $enclosure->link != '') {
             $enclosureName = substr($enclosure->link, strrpos($enclosure->link, '/') + 1, strlen($enclosure->link));
             $enclosureArgs = strpos($enclosureName, '?');
             if ($enclosureArgs !== false) {
                 $enclosureName = substr($enclosureName, 0, $enclosureArgs);
             $enclosureFormat = isset($enclosure->handler) ? $enclosure->handler : substr($enclosureName, strrpos($enclosureName, '.') + 1);
             $enclosure = '<div class="enclosure"><h1>Fichier média :</h1><a href="' . $enclosure->link . '"> ' . $enclosureName . '</a> <span>(Format ' . strtoupper($enclosureFormat) . ', ' . Functions::convertFileSize($enclosure->length) . ')</span></div>';
         } else {
             $enclosure = '';
         $event->setContent($item->get_content() . $enclosure);
         $event->setDescription($item->get_description() . $enclosure);
         if (trim($event->getDescription()) == '') {
             $event->setDescription(substr($event->getContent(), 0, 300) . '…<br><a href="' . $event->getLink() . '">Lire la suite de l\'article</a>');
         if (trim($event->getContent()) == '') {
     $listid = "";
     foreach ($events as $item) {
         $listid .= ',' . $item;
     $query = 'UPDATE `' . MYSQL_PREFIX . 'event` SET syncId=' . $syncId . ' WHERE id in (0' . $listid . ');';
     $myQuery = $this->customQuery($query);
     $this->lastupdate = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
     return true;
Пример #21
function probe_url($url, $mode = PROBE_NORMAL)
    require_once 'include/email.php';
    $result = array();
    if (!$url) {
        return $result;
    $network = null;
    $diaspora = false;
    $diaspora_base = '';
    $diaspora_guid = '';
    $diaspora_key = '';
    $has_lrdd = false;
    $email_conversant = false;
    $twitter = strpos($url, '') !== false ? true : false;
    $at_addr = strpos($url, '@') !== false ? true : false;
    if (!$twitter) {
        if (strpos($url, 'mailto:') !== false && $at_addr) {
            $url = str_replace('mailto:', '', $url);
            $links = array();
        } else {
            $links = lrdd($url);
        if (count($links)) {
            $has_lrdd = true;
            logger('probe_url: found lrdd links: ' . print_r($links, true), LOGGER_DATA);
            foreach ($links as $link) {
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === NAMESPACE_ZOT) {
                    $zot = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === NAMESPACE_DFRN) {
                    $dfrn = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'salmon') {
                    $notify = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === NAMESPACE_FEED) {
                    $poll = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $hcard = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $profile = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $poco = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $diaspora_base = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                    $diaspora = true;
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') {
                    $diaspora_guid = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                    $diaspora = true;
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'diaspora-public-key') {
                    $diaspora_key = base64_decode(unamp($link['@attributes']['href']));
                    $pubkey = rsatopem($diaspora_key);
                    $diaspora = true;
            // Status.Net can have more than one profile URL. We need to match the profile URL
            // to a contact on incoming messages to prevent spam, and we won't know which one
            // to match. So in case of two, one of them is stored as an alias. Only store URL's
            // and not webfinger user@host aliases. If they've got more than two non-email style
            // aliases, let's hope we're lucky and get one that matches the feed author-uri because
            // otherwise we're screwed.
            foreach ($links as $link) {
                if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'alias') {
                    if (strpos($link['@attributes']['href'], '@') === false) {
                        if (isset($profile)) {
                            if ($link['@attributes']['href'] !== $profile) {
                                $alias = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
                        } else {
                            $profile = unamp($link['@attributes']['href']);
        } elseif ($mode == PROBE_NORMAL) {
            // Check email
            $orig_url = $url;
            if (strpos($orig_url, '@') && validate_email($orig_url)) {
                $x = q("SELECT `prvkey` FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()));
                $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `server` != '' LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()));
                if (count($x) && count($r)) {
                    $mailbox = construct_mailbox_name($r[0]);
                    $password = '';
                    openssl_private_decrypt(hex2bin($r[0]['pass']), $password, $x[0]['prvkey']);
                    $mbox = email_connect($mailbox, $r[0]['user'], $password);
                    if (!$mbox) {
                        logger('probe_url: email_connect failed.');
                if ($mbox) {
                    $msgs = email_poll($mbox, $orig_url);
                    logger('probe_url: searching ' . $orig_url . ', ' . count($msgs) . ' messages found.', LOGGER_DEBUG);
                    if (count($msgs)) {
                        $addr = $orig_url;
                        $network = NETWORK_MAIL;
                        $name = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '@'));
                        $phost = substr($url, strpos($url, '@') + 1);
                        $profile = 'http://' . $phost;
                        // fix nick character range
                        $vcard = array('fn' => $name, 'nick' => $name, 'photo' => avatar_img($url));
                        $notify = 'smtp ' . random_string();
                        $poll = 'email ' . random_string();
                        $priority = 0;
                        $x = email_msg_meta($mbox, $msgs[0]);
                        if (stristr($x->from, $orig_url)) {
                            $adr = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($x->from, '');
                        } elseif (stristr($x->to, $orig_url)) {
                            $adr = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($x->to, '');
                        if (isset($adr)) {
                            foreach ($adr as $feadr) {
                                if (strcasecmp($feadr->mailbox, $name) == 0 && strcasecmp($feadr->host, $phost) == 0 && strlen($feadr->personal)) {
                                    $personal = imap_mime_header_decode($feadr->personal);
                                    $vcard['fn'] = "";
                                    foreach ($personal as $perspart) {
                                        if ($perspart->charset != "default") {
                                            $vcard['fn'] .= iconv($perspart->charset, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $perspart->text);
                                        } else {
                                            $vcard['fn'] .= $perspart->text;
                                    $vcard['fn'] = notags($vcard['fn']);
    if ($mode == PROBE_NORMAL) {
        if (strlen($zot)) {
            $s = fetch_url($zot);
            if ($s) {
                $j = json_decode($s);
                if ($j) {
                    $network = NETWORK_ZOT;
                    $vcard = array('fn' => $j->fullname, 'nick' => $j->nickname, 'photo' => $j->photo);
                    $profile = $j->url;
                    $notify = $j->post;
                    $pubkey = $j->pubkey;
                    $poll = 'N/A';
        if (strlen($dfrn)) {
            $ret = scrape_dfrn($hcard ? $hcard : $dfrn);
            if (is_array($ret) && x($ret, 'dfrn-request')) {
                $network = NETWORK_DFRN;
                $request = $ret['dfrn-request'];
                $confirm = $ret['dfrn-confirm'];
                $notify = $ret['dfrn-notify'];
                $poll = $ret['dfrn-poll'];
                $vcard = array();
                $vcard['fn'] = $ret['fn'];
                $vcard['nick'] = $ret['nick'];
                $vcard['photo'] = $ret['photo'];
    if ($diaspora && $diaspora_base && $diaspora_guid) {
        if ($mode == PROBE_DIASPORA || !$notify) {
            $notify = $diaspora_base . 'receive/users/' . $diaspora_guid;
            $batch = $diaspora_base . 'receive/public';
        if (strpos($url, '@')) {
            $addr = str_replace('acct:', '', $url);
    if ($network !== NETWORK_ZOT && $network !== NETWORK_DFRN && $network !== NETWORK_MAIL) {
        if ($diaspora) {
            $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA;
        } elseif ($has_lrdd) {
            $network = NETWORK_OSTATUS;
        $priority = 0;
        if ($hcard && !$vcard) {
            $vcard = scrape_vcard($hcard);
            // Google doesn't use absolute url in profile photos
            if (x($vcard, 'photo') && substr($vcard['photo'], 0, 1) == '/') {
                $h = @parse_url($hcard);
                if ($h) {
                    $vcard['photo'] = $h['scheme'] . '://' . $h['host'] . $vcard['photo'];
            logger('probe_url: scrape_vcard: ' . print_r($vcard, true), LOGGER_DATA);
        if ($twitter) {
            logger('twitter: setup');
            $tid = basename($url);
            $tapi = '';
            if (intval($tid)) {
                $poll = $tapi . '?user_id=' . $tid;
            } else {
                $poll = $tapi . '?screen_name=' . $tid;
            $profile = '!/' . $tid;
            $vcard['photo'] = '' . $tid;
            $vcard['nick'] = $tid;
            $vcard['fn'] = $tid . '@twitter';
        if (!x($vcard, 'fn')) {
            if (x($vcard, 'nick')) {
                $vcard['fn'] = $vcard['nick'];
        $check_feed = false;
        if ($twitter || !$poll) {
            $check_feed = true;
        if (!isset($vcard) || !x($vcard, 'fn') || !$profile) {
            $check_feed = true;
        if ($at_addr && !count($links)) {
            $check_feed = false;
        if ($check_feed) {
            $feedret = scrape_feed($poll ? $poll : $url);
            logger('probe_url: scrape_feed ' . ($poll ? $poll : $url) . ' returns: ' . print_r($feedret, true), LOGGER_DATA);
            if (count($feedret) && ($feedret['feed_atom'] || $feedret['feed_rss'])) {
                $poll = x($feedret, 'feed_atom') ? unamp($feedret['feed_atom']) : unamp($feedret['feed_rss']);
                if (!x($vcard)) {
                    $vcard = array();
            if (x($feedret, 'photo') && !x($vcard, 'photo')) {
                $vcard['photo'] = $feedret['photo'];
            require_once 'library/simplepie/';
            $feed = new SimplePie();
            $xml = fetch_url($poll);
            logger('probe_url: fetch feed: ' . $poll . ' returns: ' . $xml, LOGGER_DATA);
            $a = get_app();
            logger('probe_url: scrape_feed: headers: ' . $a->get_curl_headers(), LOGGER_DATA);
            if ($feed->error()) {
                logger('probe_url: scrape_feed: Error parsing XML: ' . $feed->error());
            if (!x($vcard, 'photo')) {
                $vcard['photo'] = $feed->get_image_url();
            $author = $feed->get_author();
            if ($author) {
                $vcard['fn'] = unxmlify(trim($author->get_name()));
                if (!$vcard['fn']) {
                    $vcard['fn'] = trim(unxmlify($author->get_email()));
                if (strpos($vcard['fn'], '@') !== false) {
                    $vcard['fn'] = substr($vcard['fn'], 0, strpos($vcard['fn'], '@'));
                $email = unxmlify($author->get_email());
                if (!$profile && $author->get_link()) {
                    $profile = trim(unxmlify($author->get_link()));
                if (!$vcard['photo']) {
                    $rawtags = $feed->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author');
                    if ($rawtags) {
                        $elems = $rawtags[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10];
                        if (x($elems, 'link') && $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['rel'] === 'photo') {
                            $vcard['photo'] = $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['href'];
            } else {
                $item = $feed->get_item(0);
                if ($item) {
                    $author = $item->get_author();
                    if ($author) {
                        $vcard['fn'] = trim(unxmlify($author->get_name()));
                        if (!$vcard['fn']) {
                            $vcard['fn'] = trim(unxmlify($author->get_email()));
                        if (strpos($vcard['fn'], '@') !== false) {
                            $vcard['fn'] = substr($vcard['fn'], 0, strpos($vcard['fn'], '@'));
                        $email = unxmlify($author->get_email());
                        if (!$profile && $author->get_link()) {
                            $profile = trim(unxmlify($author->get_link()));
                    if (!$vcard['photo']) {
                        $rawmedia = $item->get_item_tags('', 'thumbnail');
                        if ($rawmedia && $rawmedia[0]['attribs']['']['url']) {
                            $vcard['photo'] = unxmlify($rawmedia[0]['attribs']['']['url']);
                    if (!$vcard['photo']) {
                        $rawtags = $item->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author');
                        if ($rawtags) {
                            $elems = $rawtags[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10];
                            if (x($elems, 'link') && $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['rel'] === 'photo') {
                                $vcard['photo'] = $elems['link'][0]['attribs']['']['href'];
            if (!$vcard['photo'] && strlen($email)) {
                $vcard['photo'] = avatar_img($email);
            if ($poll === $profile) {
                $lnk = $feed->get_permalink();
            if (isset($lnk) && strlen($lnk)) {
                $profile = $lnk;
            if (!x($vcard, 'fn')) {
                $vcard['fn'] = notags($feed->get_title());
            if (!x($vcard, 'fn')) {
                $vcard['fn'] = notags($feed->get_description());
            if (strpos($vcard['fn'], 'Twitter / ') !== false) {
                $vcard['fn'] = substr($vcard['fn'], strpos($vcard['fn'], '/') + 1);
                $vcard['fn'] = trim($vcard['fn']);
            if (!x($vcard, 'nick')) {
                $vcard['nick'] = strtolower(notags(unxmlify($vcard['fn'])));
                if (strpos($vcard['nick'], ' ')) {
                    $vcard['nick'] = trim(substr($vcard['nick'], 0, strpos($vcard['nick'], ' ')));
            if (!$network) {
                $network = NETWORK_FEED;
            if (!$priority) {
                $priority = 2;
    if (!x($vcard, 'photo')) {
        $a = get_app();
        $vcard['photo'] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/person-175.jpg';
    if (!$profile) {
        $profile = $url;
    // No human could be associated with this link, use the URL as the contact name
    if ($network === NETWORK_FEED && $poll && !x($vcard, 'fn')) {
        $vcard['fn'] = $url;
    $vcard['fn'] = notags($vcard['fn']);
    $vcard['nick'] = str_replace(' ', '', notags($vcard['nick']));
    $result['name'] = $vcard['fn'];
    $result['nick'] = $vcard['nick'];
    $result['url'] = $profile;
    $result['addr'] = $addr;
    $result['batch'] = $batch;
    $result['notify'] = $notify;
    $result['poll'] = $poll;
    $result['request'] = $request;
    $result['confirm'] = $confirm;
    $result['poco'] = $poco;
    $result['photo'] = $vcard['photo'];
    $result['priority'] = $priority;
    $result['network'] = $network;
    $result['alias'] = $alias;
    $result['pubkey'] = $pubkey;
    logger('probe_url: ' . print_r($result, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
    return $result;
Пример #22
    $feedname = NULL;
echo "<div style=\"padding:20px;\">";
echo "Trying to add new feed: " . "<b>" . $feedname . "</b>";
$feed = new SimplePie();
//if error found, show error message and stop parsing
if ($feed->error()) {
    echo "<strong>Error! </strong>Unable to process feed: " . $feedname . "<br><br>";
    echo $feed->error();
} else {
    $title = $feed->get_title();
    $feed_desc = $feed->get_description();
    $feedurl = $feed->get_permalink();
    //favicon has been deprecated: $feed->get_favicon();
    $favicon = NULL;
    echo "<table style=\"width: 500px; margin-top:10px;\" class=\"table table-bordered\">";
    echo "<tr><td>Feed url:</td><td>" . $feedurl . "</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>Feed title:</td><td>" . $title . "</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>Feed description:</td><td>" . $feed_desc . "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    if (empty($title)) {
        echo "<strong style=\"color:red;\"><br>Title is empty, rss feed seems to be invalid!</strong>";
    //check if feed_name already exists in database
    $database->query("SELECT feed_name FROM t_feeds WHERE feed_name = :feed_name OR url = :url");
    $database->bind(':feed_name', $title);
Пример #23
 function getFeed(&$params)
     //global $mainframe;
     $slick_rss = array();
     //init feed array
     if (!class_exists('SimplePie')) {
         //include Simple Pie processor class
         require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'simplepie' . DS . 'simplepie.php';
     // check if cache directory exists and is writeable
     $cacheDir = JPATH_BASE . DS . 'cache';
     if (!is_writable($cacheDir)) {
         $slick_rss['error'][] = 'Cache folder is unwriteable. Solution: chmod 777 ' . $cacheDir;
         $cache_exists = false;
     } else {
         $cache_exists = true;
     //get local module parameters from xml file module config settings
     $rssurl = $params->get('rssurl', NULL);
     $rssitems = $params->get('rssitems', 5);
     $rssdesc = $params->get('rssdesc', 1);
     $rssimage = $params->get('rssimage', 1);
     $rssitemtitle_words = $params->get('rssitemtitle_words', 0);
     $rssitemdesc = $params->get('rssitemdesc', 0);
     $rssitemdesc_images = $params->get('rssitemdesc_images', 1);
     $rssitemdesc_words = $params->get('rssitemdesc_words', 0);
     $rsstitle = $params->get('rsstitle', 1);
     $rsscache = $params->get('rsscache', 3600);
     $link_target = $params->get('link_target', 1);
     $no_follow = $params->get('no_follow', 0);
     $enable_tooltip = $params->get('enable_tooltip', 'yes');
     $tooltip_desc_words = $params->get('t_word_count_desc', 25);
     $tooltip_desc_images = $params->get('tooltip_desc_images', 1);
     $tooltip_title_words = $params->get('t_word_count_title', 25);
     if (!$rssurl) {
         $slick_rss['error'][] = 'Invalid feed url. Please enter a valid url in the module settings.';
         return $slick_rss;
         //halt if no valid feed url supplied
     switch ($link_target) {
         //open links in current or new window
         case 1:
             $link_target = '_blank';
         case 0:
             $link_target = '_self';
             $link_target = '_blank';
     $slick_rss['target'] = $link_target;
     if ($no_follow) {
         $slick_rss['nofollow'] = 'rel="nofollow"';
     //Load and build the feed array
     $feed = new SimplePie();
     //check and set caching
     if ($cache_exists) {
         $cache_time = intval($rsscache);
     } else {
     //process the loaded feed
     //store any error message
     if (isset($feed->error)) {
         $slick_rss['error'][] = $feed->error;
     //start building the feed meta-info (title, desc and image)
     // feed title
     if ($feed->get_title() && $rsstitle) {
         $slick_rss['title']['link'] = $feed->get_link();
         $slick_rss['title']['title'] = $feed->get_title();
     // feed description
     if ($rssdesc) {
         $slick_rss['description'] = $feed->get_description();
     // feed image
     if ($rssimage && $feed->get_image_url()) {
         $slick_rss['image']['url'] = $feed->get_image_url();
         $slick_rss['image']['title'] = $feed->get_image_title();
     //end feed meta-info
     //start processing feed items
     //if there are items in the feed
     if ($feed->get_item_quantity()) {
         //start looping through the feed items
         $slick_rss_item = 0;
         //item counter for array indexing in the loop
         foreach ($feed->get_items(0, $rssitems) as $currItem) {
             // item title
             $item_title = trim($currItem->get_title());
             // item title word limit check
             if ($rssitemtitle_words) {
                 $item_titles = explode(' ', $item_title);
                 $count = count($item_titles);
                 if ($count > $rssitemtitle_words) {
                     $item_title = '';
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $rssitemtitle_words; $i++) {
                         $item_title .= ' ' . $item_titles[$i];
                     $item_title .= '...';
             $slick_rss['items'][$slick_rss_item]['title'] = $item_title;
             // Item Title
             $slick_rss['items'][$slick_rss_item]['link'] = $currItem->get_permalink();
             // item description
             if ($rssitemdesc) {
                 $desc = trim($currItem->get_description());
                 if (!$rssitemdesc_images) {
                     $desc = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\\>/i", "", $desc);
                     //strip image tags
                 //item description word limit check
                 if ($rssitemdesc_words) {
                     $texts = explode(' ', $desc);
                     $count = count($texts);
                     if ($count > $rssitemdesc_words) {
                         $desc = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $rssitemdesc_words; $i++) {
                             $desc .= ' ' . $texts[$i];
                             //build words
                         $desc .= '...';
                 $slick_rss['items'][$slick_rss_item]['description'] = $desc;
                 //Item Description
             // tooltip text
             if ($enable_tooltip == 'yes') {
                 //tooltip item title
                 $t_item_title = trim($currItem->get_title());
                 // tooltip title word limit check
                 if ($tooltip_title_words) {
                     $t_item_titles = explode(' ', $t_item_title);
                     $count = count($t_item_titles);
                     if ($count > $tooltip_title_words) {
                         $tooltip_title = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $tooltip_title_words; $i++) {
                             $tooltip_title .= ' ' . $t_item_titles[$i];
                         $tooltip_title .= '...';
                     } else {
                         $tooltip_title = $t_item_title;
                 } else {
                     $tooltip_title = $t_item_title;
                 $tooltip_title = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", " ", $tooltip_title);
                 //replace new line characters in tooltip title, important!
                 $tooltip_title = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($tooltip_title), ENT_QUOTES);
                 //format text for tooltip
                 $slick_rss['items'][$slick_rss_item]['tooltip']['title'] = $tooltip_title;
                 //Tooltip Title
                 //tooltip item description
                 $text = trim($currItem->get_description());
                 if (!$tooltip_desc_images) {
                     $text = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\\>/i", "", $text);
                 // tooltip desc word limit check
                 if ($tooltip_desc_words) {
                     $texts = explode(' ', $text);
                     $count = count($texts);
                     if ($count > $tooltip_desc_words) {
                         $text = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $tooltip_desc_words; $i++) {
                             $text .= ' ' . $texts[$i];
                         $text .= '...';
                 $text = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", " ", $text);
                 //replace new line characters in tooltip, important!
                 $text = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($text), ENT_QUOTES);
                 //format text for tooltip
                 $slick_rss['items'][$slick_rss_item]['tooltip']['description'] = $text;
                 //Tooltip Body
             } else {
                 $slick_rss['items'][$slick_rss_item]['tooltip'] = array();
             //increment item counter
     //end item quantity check if statement
     //return the feed data structure for the template
     return $slick_rss;
Пример #24
  * getFeed
  * @param   array  &$params  The module options.
  * @return	void
 public static function getFeed(&$params)
     // Global $mainframe;
     // Init feed array
     $light_rss = array();
     // Get local module parameters from xml file module config settings
     $rssurl = $params->get('rssurl', null);
     $rssitems = $params->get('rssitems', 5);
     $rssdesc = $params->get('rssdesc', 1);
     $rssimage = $params->get('rssimage', 1);
     $rssitemtitle_words = $params->get('rssitemtitle_words', 0);
     $rssitemdesc = $params->get('rssitemdesc', 0);
     $rssitemdesc_images = $params->get('rssitemdesc_images', 1);
     $rssitemdesc_words = $params->get('rssitemdesc_words', 0);
     $rsstitle = $params->get('rsstitle', 1);
     $rsscache = $params->get('rsscache', 3600);
     $link_target = $params->get('link_target', 1);
     $no_follow = $params->get('no_follow', 0);
     $enable_tooltip = $params->get('enable_tooltip', 'yes');
     $tooltip_desc_words = $params->get('t_word_count_desc', 25);
     $tooltip_desc_images = $params->get('tooltip_desc_images', 1);
     $tooltip_title_words = $params->get('t_word_count_title', 25);
     $add_dots = !EParameter::getComponentParam(CAUTOTWEETNG, 'donot_add_dots');
     if (!$rssurl) {
         $light_rss['error'][] = 'Invalid feed url. Please enter a valid url in the module settings.';
         // Halt if no valid feed url supplied
         return $light_rss;
     switch ($link_target) {
         // Open links in current or new window
         case 1:
             $link_target = '_blank';
         case 0:
             $link_target = '_self';
             $link_target = '_blank';
     $light_rss['target'] = $link_target;
     if ($no_follow) {
         $light_rss['nofollow'] = 'rel="nofollow"';
     if (!class_exists('SimplePie')) {
         // Include Simple Pie processor class
         include_once JPATH_AUTOTWEET . '/libs/SimplePie_autoloader.php';
     // Load and build the feed array
     $feed = new SimplePie();
     $use_sp_cache = EParameter::getComponentParam(CAUTOTWEETNG, 'use_sp_cache', true);
     if ($use_sp_cache && is_writable(JPATH_CACHE)) {
         $cache_time = intval($rsscache);
     } else {
     // Process the loaded feed
     // Store any error message
     if (isset($feed->error)) {
         $light_rss['error'][] = $feed->error;
     // Start building the feed meta-info (title, desc and image)
     // Feed title
     if ($feed->get_title() && $rsstitle) {
         $light_rss['title']['link'] = $feed->get_link();
         $light_rss['title']['title'] = $feed->get_title();
     // Feed description
     if ($rssdesc) {
         $light_rss['description'] = $feed->get_description();
     // Feed image
     if ($rssimage && $feed->get_image_url()) {
         $light_rss['image']['url'] = $feed->get_image_url();
         $light_rss['image']['title'] = $feed->get_image_title();
     // End feed meta-info
     // Start processing feed items
     // If there are items in the feed
     if ($feed->get_item_quantity()) {
         // Start looping through the feed items
         $light_rss_item = 0;
         // Item counter for array indexing in the loop
         foreach ($feed->get_items(0, $rssitems) as $currItem) {
             // Item title
             $item_title = trim($currItem->get_title());
             // Item title word limit check
             if ($rssitemtitle_words) {
                 $item_titles = explode(' ', $item_title);
                 $count = count($item_titles);
                 if ($count > $rssitemtitle_words) {
                     $item_title = '';
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $rssitemtitle_words; $i++) {
                         $item_title .= ' ' . $item_titles[$i];
                     if ($add_dots) {
                         $item_title .= '...';
             // Item Title
             $light_rss['items'][$light_rss_item]['title'] = $item_title;
             $light_rss['items'][$light_rss_item]['link'] = $currItem->get_permalink();
             // Item description
             if ($rssitemdesc) {
                 $desc = trim($currItem->get_description());
                 if (!$rssitemdesc_images) {
                     // Strip image tags
                     $desc = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\\>/i", "", $desc);
                 // Item description word limit check
                 if ($rssitemdesc_words) {
                     $texts = explode(' ', $desc);
                     $count = count($texts);
                     if ($count > $rssitemdesc_words) {
                         $desc = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $rssitemdesc_words; $i++) {
                             // Build words
                             $desc .= ' ' . $texts[$i];
                         if ($add_dots) {
                             $desc .= '...';
                 // Item Description
                 $light_rss['items'][$light_rss_item]['description'] = $desc;
             // Tooltip text
             if ($enable_tooltip == 'yes') {
                 // Tooltip item title
                 $t_item_title = trim($currItem->get_title());
                 // Tooltip title word limit check
                 if ($tooltip_title_words) {
                     $t_item_titles = explode(' ', $t_item_title);
                     $count = count($t_item_titles);
                     if ($count > $tooltip_title_words) {
                         $tooltip_title = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $tooltip_title_words; $i++) {
                             $tooltip_title .= ' ' . $t_item_titles[$i];
                         if ($add_dots) {
                             $tooltip_title .= '...';
                     } else {
                         $tooltip_title = $t_item_title;
                 } else {
                     $tooltip_title = $t_item_title;
                 // Replace new line characters in tooltip title, important!
                 $tooltip_title = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", " ", $tooltip_title);
                 // Format text for tooltip
                 $tooltip_title = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($tooltip_title), ENT_QUOTES);
                 // Tooltip Title
                 $light_rss['items'][$light_rss_item]['tooltip']['title'] = $tooltip_title;
                 // Tooltip item description
                 $text = trim($currItem->get_description());
                 if (!$tooltip_desc_images) {
                     $text = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\\>/i", "", $text);
                 // Tooltip desc word limit check
                 if ($tooltip_desc_words) {
                     $texts = explode(' ', $text);
                     $count = count($texts);
                     if ($count > $tooltip_desc_words) {
                         $text = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $tooltip_desc_words; $i++) {
                             $text .= ' ' . $texts[$i];
                         if ($add_dots) {
                             $text .= '...';
                 // Replace new line characters in tooltip, important!
                 $text = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", " ", $text);
                 // Format text for tooltip
                 $text = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($text), ENT_QUOTES);
                 // Tooltip Body
                 $light_rss['items'][$light_rss_item]['tooltip']['description'] = $text;
             } else {
                 // Blank
                 $light_rss['items'][$light_rss_item]['tooltip'] = array();
             // Increment item counter
     // End item quantity check if statement
     // Return the feed data structure for the template
     return $light_rss;