/** * getAllDJProfiles * * @static * @access public * @return void */ public static function getAllDJProfiles() { $shows = ShowModel::getAllShows(); $profiles = array(); foreach ($shows as $show) { foreach ($show['ShowUsers'] as $user) { $profiles[] = array('ShowID' => $show['ShowID'], 'UserID' => $user['UserID'], 'DJName' => $user['DJName'], 'ShowName' => $show['ShowName'], 'ShowDescription' => $show['ShowDescription'], 'ShowURL' => $show['ShowURL'], 'ShowCategory' => $show['ShowCategory']); } } return $profiles; }
/** * import * * @access public * @return void */ public function import() { $shows = ShowModel::getAllShows(); if (count($shows) == 0) { throw new \Exception("Failed to retrieve all the shows from Spinitron. Check your settings."); } foreach ($shows as $show) { $this->createShow($show); } $profiles = ProfileModel::getAllDJProfiles(); if (count($profiles) == 0) { throw new \Exception("Failed to retrieve all the DJ profiles from Spinitron. Check your settings."); } foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $this->createProfile($profile); } }
public static function getCurrentShow() { $response = json_encode(ShowModel::getCurrentShow()); echo $response; die; }