} if ($view != 'media' && !db::isError($bs)) { $view = 'detail'; $detail = new SectionTemplate(); $detail->file = "show_detail.php"; $detail->args['show'] = $bs; if (USE_MOD_REWRITE) { $auxLink = '<a href="' . SITE_WEB_DIRECTORY . '/shows/">Return to Show Calendar/Search</a>'; } else { $auxLink = '<a href="' . SITE_WEB_DIRECTORY . '/shows.php">Return to Show Calendar/Search</a>'; } } } if (!$view && $_GET['submit'] == 'search') { $view = 'search'; $sl = new ShowList(); $sl->toSearch = $_GET['toSearch']; $sl->includeAV = $_GET['includeAV']; $sl->includePictures = $_GET['includePictures']; $sl->isAllAges = $_GET['isAllAges']; $sl->keywords = $_GET['keywords']; $results = $sl->get($_GET['e'], $_GET['s']); $total = $sl->getTotal(); $shows = array(); foreach ($results as $sh) { $detail = new SectionTemplate(); $detail->file = "show_summary.php"; $detail->args['show'] = $sh; $shows[] = $detail; } if (count($shows) == 0) {
$page_title = 'View/Edit Shows'; $section = 'shows'; include 'layout/header.php'; ?> <div id="breadcrumb"> <a href="index.php">Audition ></a> <a href="live.php">Live ></a> Shows </div> <h1>shows:</h1> <div class="inset"> <p> <?php $sl = new ShowList(); $sl->includeAll(); $sl->toSearch = 'all'; $showlist = $sl->get($_GET['entries_per_page'], $_GET['start']); $news_total = $sl->getTotal(); ?> <form id="amount_form" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> " method="get"> <a href="show_add.php">Add Show</a><span class="padded">|</span> <?php include 'layout/paging.php'; ?> </form> </p>
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * For further information visit: * http://www.auditionrocks.com/ * * File Authors: * Andrew Embler (andrew@electricstate.com) */ require_once 'audition/base.php'; include_class('band_news'); include_class('band_members'); include_class('shows'); include_class('band_information'); $bi = BandInformation::get(); $bn = new BandNewsList(); $bn_result = $bn->get_band_news(1, 0, 1); $sl = new ShowList(); $sl->includeAll(); $sl->toSearch = 'upcoming'; $showlist = $sl->get(1); $bs = $showlist[0]; $pt = new PageTemplate(); $pt->file = "index.php"; $pt->args['bandInformation'] = $bi; if (is_object($bn_result[0]) && !db::isError($bn_result[0])) { $pt->args['news'] = $bn_result[0]; } if (is_object($showlist[0]) && !db::isError($showlist[0])) { $pt->args['show'] = $showlist[0]; } $pt->display();
$msg->displayMsg(12); } if ($edit_structure_object) { echo "</form>"; } } /***************************************************************************** Listview, die Listendarstellung, views: lists, openobject_main /*****************************************************************************/ if ($view == "lists" || $view == "openobject_main") { require_once ($RELATIVE_PATH_RESOURCES."/views/ShowList.class.php"); $list=new ShowList(); if ($_SESSION['resources_data']["list_recurse"]) $list->setRecurseLevels(-1); else $list->setRecurseLevels(0); if ($view != "openobject_main") $list->setAdminButtons(TRUE); if ($edit_structure_object) { echo"<form method=\"POST\" action=\"".URLHelper::getLink()."\">"; echo CSRFProtection::tokenTag(); } if ($view == "openobject_main") {