  * @return bool
  * @param string $s_input
  * @param string[] field names $a_keys
  * @desc Test whether a short URL is already taken by another page
 public function Test($s_input, $a_keys)
     $short_url = new ShortUrl($s_input);
     $manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSiteSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $taken = $manager->IsUrlTaken($short_url);
     return !$taken;
 private function RegenerateFormat(ShortUrlFormat $format, $process_id)
     # KNOWN ISSUE: Only uses GetShortUrlForType which for a match means tournaments are wrong
     require_once "data/process-manager.class.php";
     $this->process = new ProcessManager($process_id);
     if ($this->process->ReadyToDeleteAll()) {
         $this->GetDataConnection()->query('DELETE FROM nsa_short_url WHERE short_url_base IN (
                                                 SELECT ' . $format->GetShortUrlField() . '
                                                 FROM ' . $format->GetTable() . ')');
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $short_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # Use format info to get existing short URL and querystring data for each item from the data tables.
     $short_url_manager->ReadAllByFormat($format, $this->process->GetQueryLimit());
     $a_short_urls = $short_url_manager->GetItems();
     # For each short URL runs Save() to re-save records in short url table. Doesn't
     # recalculate whether URLs clash, just takes what was in the data table.
     foreach ($a_short_urls as $o_short_url) {
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @param int[] $player_ids
  * @desc Delete from the database the players matching the supplied ids
 public function Delete($player_ids)
     # check parameter
     # Get tables
     $players = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('Player');
     $matches = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable("Match");
     $batting = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable("Batting");
     $bowling = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable("Bowling");
     $stats = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('PlayerMatch');
     $player_id_list = implode(', ', $player_ids);
     # delete from short URL cache
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $o_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $sql = "SELECT short_url FROM {$players} WHERE player_id IN ({$player_id_list})";
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
     # remove player of the match awards
     $sql = "UPDATE {$matches} SET player_of_match_id = NULL WHERE player_of_match_id IN ({$player_id_list})";
     $sql = "UPDATE {$matches} SET player_of_match_home_id = NULL WHERE player_of_match_home_id IN ({$player_id_list})";
     $sql = "UPDATE {$matches} SET player_of_match_away_id = NULL WHERE player_of_match_away_id IN ({$player_id_list})";
     # Reassign batting and bowling to 'unknown' player
     $unknown_player = new Player($this->GetSettings());
     foreach ($player_ids as $player_id) {
         $sql = "SELECT team_id FROM {$players} WHERE player_id  = " . Sql::ProtectNumeric($player_id);
         $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($sql);
         $row = $result->fetch();
         $player = new Player($this->GetSettings());
         $this->is_internal_delete = true;
         $this->MergePlayers($player, $unknown_player);
         $this->is_internal_delete = false;
     # Delete statistics
     $sql = "DELETE FROM {$stats} WHERE player_id IN ({$player_id_list})";
     # delete the player
     $sql = "DELETE FROM {$players} WHERE player_id IN ({$player_id_list})";
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @param int[] $a_ids
  * @desc Delete from the db the Grounds matching the supplied ids.
 function Delete($a_ids)
     # check parameter
     if (!is_array($a_ids)) {
         die('No grounds to delete');
     # build query
     $s_ground = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('Ground');
     $s_match = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('Match');
     $statistics = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('PlayerMatch');
     $s_ids = join(', ', $a_ids);
     # delete from short URL cache
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $o_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $s_sql = "SELECT short_url FROM {$s_ground} WHERE ground_id IN ({$s_ids})";
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
     # delete relationships
     $s_sql = 'UPDATE nsa_team SET ground_id = NULL WHERE ground_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     $s_sql = 'UPDATE ' . $s_match . ' SET ground_id = NULL WHERE ground_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     $s_sql = 'UPDATE ' . $statistics . ' SET ground_id = NULL WHERE ground_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     # delete ground(s)
     $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_ground . ' WHERE ground_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     $o_result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     return $this->GetDataConnection()->GetAffectedRows();
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @param int[] $a_ids
  * @desc Delete from the db the Matches matching the supplied ids.
 public function DeleteMatch($a_ids)
     # check parameter
     if (!is_array($a_ids)) {
         die('No matches to delete');
     # build query
     $delete_sql = array();
     $s_match = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('Match');
     $s_season_match = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('SeasonMatch');
     $s_mt = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('MatchTeam');
     $batting = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('Batting');
     $bowling = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('Bowling');
     $stats = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('PlayerMatch');
     $s_ids = join(', ', $a_ids);
     # delete batting and bowling
     $match_team_ids = array();
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query("SELECT match_team_id FROM {$s_mt} WHERE match_id IN ({$s_ids})");
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
         $match_team_ids[] = $row->match_team_id;
     if (count($match_team_ids)) {
         $match_team_ids = join(",", $match_team_ids);
         $delete_sql[] = "DELETE FROM {$batting} WHERE match_team_id IN ({$match_team_ids})";
         $delete_sql[] = "DELETE FROM {$bowling} WHERE match_team_id IN ({$match_team_ids})";
     $this->GetDataConnection()->query("DELETE FROM {$stats} WHERE match_id IN ({$s_ids})");
     # delete teams
     $delete_sql[] = "DELETE FROM {$s_mt} WHERE match_id IN ({$s_ids})";
     # delete seasons
     $delete_sql[] = "DELETE FROM {$s_season_match} WHERE match_id IN ({$s_ids})";
     # if this is a tournament, delete the matches
     $tournament_match_ids = array();
     $s_sql = 'SELECT match_id FROM ' . $s_match . ' WHERE tournament_match_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
         $tournament_match_ids[] = $row->match_id;
     if (count($tournament_match_ids)) {
     # delete comments thread
     $delete_sql[] = "DELETE FROM nsa_forum_message WHERE item_id IN ({$s_ids}) AND item_type = " . ContentType::STOOLBALL_MATCH;
     # delete match(es)
     $delete_sql[] = "DELETE FROM {$s_match} WHERE match_id IN ({$s_ids});";
     # delete from short URL cache
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $o_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $s_sql = "SELECT short_url FROM {$s_match} WHERE match_id IN ({$s_ids})";
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
     # get players involved in the match before it's deleted, so that player statistics can be updated
     require_once 'stoolball/player-manager.class.php';
     $player_manager = new PlayerManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $player_ids = $player_manager->ReadPlayersInMatch($a_ids);
     # Run the collected delete commands
     foreach ($delete_sql as $sql) {
     # update player stats, removing this match and any players who featured only in this match
     require_once 'stoolball/statistics/statistics-manager.class.php';
     $statistics_manager = new StatisticsManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     if (count($player_ids)) {
     return $this->GetDataConnection()->GetAffectedRows();
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @param int[] $a_ids
  * @desc Delete from the db the Teams matching the supplied ids
 public function Delete($a_ids)
     # check parameter
     if (!count($a_ids)) {
         throw new Exception('No teams to delete');
     $s_ids = join(', ', $a_ids);
     # Get more information on the teams
     $teams = array();
     $s_sql = "SELECT team_id, short_url, owner_role_id FROM nsa_team WHERE team_id IN ({$s_ids})";
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
         $team = new Team($this->GetSettings());
         $teams[] = $team;
     # Check that current user is an admin or a team owner
     require_once "authentication/authentication-manager.class.php";
     $user = AuthenticationManager::GetUser();
     foreach ($teams as $team) {
         /* @var $team Team */
         if (!$user->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_TEAMS, $team->GetLinkedDataUri())) {
             throw new Exception("Unauthorised");
     # delete owner role
     $authentication_manager = new AuthenticationManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection(), null);
     foreach ($teams as $team) {
         /* @var $team Team */
         if ($team->GetOwnerRoleId()) {
     # delete from short URL cache
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $o_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     foreach ($teams as $team) {
         /* @var $team Team */
     # Delete relationships to matches
     $s_match_link = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('MatchTeam');
     $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_match_link . ' WHERE team_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     # Delete relationships to competitions
     $s_season_link = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('TeamSeason');
     $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_season_link . ' WHERE team_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     # Delete players
     require_once "player-manager.class.php";
     $player_manager = new PlayerManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $players = $player_manager->GetItems();
     if (count($players)) {
         $player_ids = array();
         foreach ($players as $player) {
             $player_ids[] = $player->GetId();
     # delete team(s)
     $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM nsa_team WHERE team_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     return $this->GetDataConnection()->GetAffectedRows();
  * @return int
  * @param Club $school
  * @desc Update the supplied school in the database
 public function SaveSchool(Club $school)
     if (!$school->GetId()) {
         throw new Exception("SaveSchool is for updates only. To save a new school, use Save()");
     # Set up short URL manager
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $new_short_url = $url_manager->EnsureShortUrl($school);
     $sql = 'UPDATE nsa_club SET ' . "club_name = " . Sql::ProtectString($this->GetDataConnection(), $school->GetName()) . ", \r\n        club_type = " . Club::SCHOOL . ", \r\n        short_url = " . Sql::ProtectString($this->GetDataConnection(), $school->GetShortUrl()) . ", \r\n        date_changed = " . gmdate('U') . ' ' . 'WHERE club_id = ' . Sql::ProtectNumeric($school->GetId());
     # Regenerate short URLs
     if (is_object($new_short_url)) {
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @param int[] $a_ids
  * @desc Delete from the db the seasons matching the supplied ids
 function Delete($a_ids)
     # check parameter
     # build query
     $s_season = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('Season');
     $s_season_link = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('TeamSeason');
     $s_rule = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('SeasonRule');
     $s_smt = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('SeasonMatchType');
     $s_points = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('PointsAdjustment');
     $s_match = $this->GetSettings()->GetTable('SeasonMatch');
     # delete from short URL cache
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $o_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $s_ids = join(', ', $a_ids);
     $s_sql = "SELECT short_url FROM {$s_season} WHERE season_id IN ({$s_ids})";
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
     foreach ($a_ids as $i_season_id) {
         $i_season_id = Sql::ProtectNumeric($i_season_id);
         # Find out what competition we're dealing with
         $s_sql = 'SELECT competition_id FROM ' . $s_season . ' WHERE season_id = ' . $i_season_id;
         $o_result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
         $o_row = $o_result->fetch();
         if (is_object($o_row)) {
             $i_competition_id = $o_row->competition_id;
             # Delete matches
             $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_match . ' WHERE season_id = ' . $i_season_id;
             # Delete match types
             $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_smt . ' WHERE season_id = ' . $i_season_id;
             # Delete points adjustments
             $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_points . ' WHERE season_id = ' . $i_season_id;
             # delete rules
             $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_rule . ' WHERE season_id = ' . $i_season_id;
             # delete relationships to teams
             $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_season_link . ' WHERE season_id = ' . $i_season_id;
             # delete season(s)
             $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_season . ' WHERE season_id = ' . $i_season_id;
             # update latest season

ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../classes/' . PATH_SEPARATOR . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/../");
require_once 'context/stoolball-settings.class.php';
require_once 'data/mysql-connection.class.php';
require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
$settings = new StoolballSettings();
$db = new MySqlConnection($settings->DatabaseHost(), $settings->DatabaseUser(), $settings->DatabasePassword(), $settings->DatabaseName());
$short_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($settings, $db);
$real_url = $short_url_manager->ParseRequestUrl();
if (is_array($real_url)) {
    $hidden_get_vars = array_combine($real_url['param_names'], $real_url['param_values']);
    $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $hidden_get_vars);
    $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/' . $real_url['script'];
    require $real_url['script'];
} else {
    # Hard-coded URLs which redirect to WordPress and so can't be in .htaccess
    if (strtolower(trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/')) == "insurance") {
        header("Location: /manage/insurance/");
    # If page requested starting with /news, make WordPress think it was /category/news
    if (substr(strtolower(trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/')), 0, 4) == "news") {
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/news") {
            $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = "/news/";
        # Keeps the /category bit invisible if just /news requested
        $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = "/category" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    # Does it look suspicious?
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @param int[] $a_ids
  * @desc Delete from the db the Clubs matching the supplied ids. Teams will remain, unaffiliated with any Club.
 function Delete($a_ids)
     # check parameter
     if (!is_array($a_ids)) {
         die('No Clubs to delete');
     # build query
     $s_club = $this->o_settings->GetTable('Club');
     $s_ids = join(', ', $a_ids);
     # delete from short URL cache
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $s_sql = "SELECT short_url FROM {$s_club} WHERE club_id IN ({$s_ids})";
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
     # delete relationships to teams
     $s_sql = 'UPDATE nsa_team SET club_id = NULL WHERE club_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     # delete club(s)
     $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_club . ' WHERE club_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     return $this->GetDataConnection()->GetAffectedRows();
  * @access public
  * @return void
  * @param int[] $a_ids
  * @desc Delete from the db the Competitions matching the supplied ids
 function Delete($a_ids)
     # check paramter
     if (!is_array($a_ids)) {
         die('No Competitions to delete');
     # build query
     $s_comp = $this->o_settings->GetTable('Competition');
     $s_season = $this->o_settings->GetTable('Season');
     $s_ids = join(', ', $a_ids);
     # get the seasons and use SeasonManager to deal with them
     $season_ids = array();
     $s_sql = 'SELECT season_id FROM ' . $s_season . ' WHERE competition_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
         $season_ids[] = $row->season_id;
     require_once 'stoolball/season-manager.class.php';
     $season_manager = new SeasonManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # delete from short URL cache
     require_once 'http/short-url-manager.class.php';
     $o_url_manager = new ShortUrlManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $s_sql = "SELECT short_url FROM {$s_comp} WHERE competition_id IN ({$s_ids})";
     $result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
     # delete competition(s)
     $s_sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $s_comp . ' WHERE competition_id IN (' . $s_ids . ') ';
     $o_result = $this->GetDataConnection()->query($s_sql);
     return $this->GetDataConnection()->GetAffectedRows();