Пример #1
  * full cancel of the order at shopgate
  * $data["order"] should set with an object of Mage_Sales_Model_Order
  * called on event "order_cancel_after"
  * called from Mage_Sales_Model_Order::cancel()
  * Uses the cancle_order action in ShopgateMerchantApi
  * @see http://wiki.shopgate.com/Merchant_API_cancel_order
  * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
  * @return bool
 public function cancelOrder(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
     /* @var $order Mage_Sales_Model_Order */
     $order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
     /* @var $shopgateOrder Shopgate_Framework_Model_Shopgate_Order */
     $shopgateOrder = Mage::getModel("shopgate/shopgate_order")->load($order->getId(), "order_id");
     if (!$shopgateOrder->getId()) {
         return true;
     if ($order instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order) {
         try {
             $orderNumber = $shopgateOrder->getShopgateOrderNumber();
             // Do nothing if plugin is not active for this store
             if (!Mage::getStoreConfig(Shopgate_Framework_Model_Config::XML_PATH_SHOPGATE_ACTIVE, $this->_config->getStoreViewId())) {
                 return true;
             if (!$this->_config->isValidConfig()) {
                 return true;
             $cancellationItems = array();
             $qtyCancelled = 0;
             $rd = $shopgateOrder->getShopgateOrderObject();
             $orderItems = $order->getItemsCollection();
             $rdItem = false;
             foreach ($orderItems as $orderItem) {
                 /**  @var $orderItem Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Item */
                 if ($rd instanceof ShopgateOrder) {
                     $rdItem = $this->_findItemByProductId($rd->getItems(), $orderItem->getData('product_id'));
                 if ($orderItem->getProductType() != Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_CONFIGURABLE && $orderItem->getQtyCanceled() + $orderItem->getQtyRefunded() > 0 && !$orderItem->getIsVirtual() && $rdItem) {
                     $cancellationItems[] = array("item_number" => $rdItem->getItemNumber(), "quantity" => intval($orderItem->getQtyCanceled()) + intval($orderItem->getQtyRefunded()));
                     $qtyCancelled += intval($orderItem->getQtyCanceled()) + intval($orderItem->getQtyRefunded());
             if (count($orderItems) > 0 && empty($cancellationItems)) {
                 $order->addStatusHistoryComment('[SHOPGATE] Notice: Credit memo was not sent to Shopgate because no product quantity was affected.');
                 return true;
             $fullCancellation = empty($cancellationItems);
             $fullCancellation = $fullCancellation || $qtyCancelled == $order->getTotalQtyOrdered();
             $cancelShippingCosts = !$shopgateOrder->hasShippedItems($order);
             /** @var Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Creditmemo $creditMemo */
             $creditMemo = $observer->getEvent()->getCreditMemo();
             if ($creditMemo) {
                 if ($creditMemo->getShippingAmount() == $order->getShippingAmount()) {
                     $cancelShippingCosts = true;
                 } else {
                     $cancelShippingCosts = false;
             $this->_merchantApi->cancelOrder($shopgateOrder->getShopgateOrderNumber(), $fullCancellation, $cancellationItems, $cancelShippingCosts, "Order was cancelled in Shopsystem!");
             Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addSuccess(Mage::helper("shopgate")->__("[SHOPGATE] Order successfully cancelled at Shopgate."));
             if (!$shopgateOrder->getIsSentToShopgate() && !$this->_completeShipping($shopgateOrder, $order)) {
                 $this->_logShopgateError("! (#{$orderNumber})  not sent to shopgate and shipping not complete", ShopgateLogger::LOGTYPE_ERROR);
         } catch (ShopgateMerchantApiException $e) {
             if ($e->getCode() == "222") {
                 // order already canceled in shopgate
             } else {
                 // Received error from shopgate server
                 Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addError(Mage::helper("shopgate")->__("[SHOPGATE] An error occured while trying to cancel the order at Shopgate.<br />Please contact Shopgate support."));
                 Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addError("Error: {$e->getCode()} - {$e->getMessage()}");
                 $this->_logShopgateError("! (#{$orderNumber})  SMA-Error on cancel order! Message: {$e->getCode()} -\n                     {$e->getMessage()}", ShopgateLogger::LOGTYPE_ERROR);
                 $this->_logShopgateError("! (#{$orderNumber})  SMA-Error on cancel order! Message: {$e->getCode()} -\n                     {$e->getMessage()}", ShopgateLogger::LOGTYPE_DEBUG);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->addError(Mage::helper("shopgate")->__("[SHOPGATE] An unknown error occured!<br />Please contact Shopgate support."));
             $this->_logShopgateError("! (#{$orderNumber})  SMA-Error on cancel order! Message: {$e->getCode()} -\n                     {$e->getMessage()}", ShopgateLogger::LOGTYPE_ERROR);
             $this->_logShopgateError("! (#{$orderNumber})  SMA-Error on cancel order! Message: {$e->getCode()} -\n                     {$e->getMessage()}", ShopgateLogger::LOGTYPE_DEBUG);
Пример #2
  * @param ShopgateConfigInterface $config
 public function setup(ShopgateConfigInterface $config)
     // needs to check if an old config is present without any access token
     if ($config->getCustomerNumber() && $config->getShopNumber() && $config->getApiKey() && !$config->getOauthAccessToken()) {
         // needs to load the non-oauth-url since the new access token needs to be generated using the classic shopgate merchant api authentication
         $apiUrls = $config->getApiUrls();
         $apiUrl = $config->getServer() == 'custom' ? str_replace('/api/merchant2', '/api/merchant', $config->getApiUrl()) : $apiUrls[$config->getServer()][ShopgateConfigInterface::SHOPGATE_AUTH_SERVICE_CLASS_NAME_SHOPGATE];
         $smaAuthServiceShopgate = new ShopgateAuthenticationServiceShopgate($config->getCustomerNumber(), $config->getApiKey());
         $classicSma = new ShopgateMerchantApi($smaAuthServiceShopgate, $config->getShopNumber(), $apiUrl);
         // the "get_shop_info" returns an oauth access token
         $shopInfo = $classicSma->getShopInfo()->getData();
         // set newly generated access token
         $this->accessToken = $shopInfo['oauth_access_token'];
         // create a new settings array
         $shopgateSettingsNew = array($field = 'oauth_access_token' => $shopInfo[$field], $field = 'customer_number' => $shopInfo[$field], $field = 'shop_number' => $shopInfo[$field], $field = 'apikey' => $shopInfo[$field], $field = 'alias' => $shopInfo[$field], $field = 'cname' => $shopInfo[$field]);
         // save all shop config data to plugin-config using the configs save method
         $config->save(array_keys($shopgateSettingsNew), true);
     } elseif (!$this->accessToken && $config->getOauthAccessToken()) {
         // this would mean the data was somehow not in sync (should no be happening by default)
         $this->accessToken = $config->getOauthAccessToken();
     } else {
         // skip this since the connection is fully functional or there has not been made any connection at all, yet
         // -> missing data (except the oauth access token) is treated as "no valid connection available"
         // -> in either case there is nothing to do here