private function getCacheDir($key)
     // use the first 2 characters of the hash as a directory prefix
     // this should prevent slowdowns due to huge directory listings
     // and thus give some basic amount of scalability
     return Shindig_Config::get('cache_root') . '/' . $this->prefix . '/' . substr($key, 0, 2);
Пример #2
 public function doPost()
     try {
         // we support both a raw http post (without application/x-www-form-urlencoded headers) like java does
         // and a more php / curl safe version of a form post with 'request' as the post field that holds the request json data
         if (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']) || isset($_POST['request'])) {
             $requestParam = urldecode(isset($_POST['request']) ? $_POST['request'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']);
             if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                 $requestParam = stripslashes($requestParam);
             $request = json_decode($requestParam);
             if ($request == $requestParam) {
                 throw new Exception("Malformed json string");
             $handler = new MetadataHandler();
             $response = $handler->process($request);
             echo json_encode(array('gadgets' => $response));
         } else {
             throw new Exception("No post data set");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error", true, 500);
         echo "<html><body><h1>Internal Server Error</h1><br />";
         if (Shindig_Config::get('debug')) {
             echo $e->getMessage() . "<br /><pre>";
             echo "</pre>";
         echo "</body></html>";
Пример #3
  * Enables output buffering so we can do correct header handling in the destructor
 public function __construct()
     // set our default cache time (config cache time defaults to 24 hours aka 1 day)
     $this->cacheTime = Shindig_Config::get('cache_time');
     // to do our header magic, we need output buffering on
 public function getDb()
     try {
         $fileName = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $this->jsonDbFileName;
         if (file_exists($fileName)) {
             if (!is_readable($fileName)) {
                 throw new SocialSpiException("Could not read temp json db file: {$fileName}, check permissions", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR);
             $cachedDb = file_get_contents($fileName);
             $jsonDecoded = json_decode($cachedDb, true);
             if ($jsonDecoded == $cachedDb || $jsonDecoded == null) {
                 throw new SocialSpiException("Failed to decode the json db", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR);
             return $jsonDecoded;
         } else {
             $jsonDb = Shindig_Config::get('jsondb_path');
             if (!file_exists($jsonDb) || !is_readable($jsonDb)) {
                 throw new SocialSpiException("Could not read json db file: {$jsonDb}, check if the file exists & has proper permissions", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR);
             $dbConfig = @file_get_contents($jsonDb);
             $contents = preg_replace('/(?<!http:|https:)\\/\\/.*$/m', '', preg_replace('@/\\*.*?\\*/@s', '', $dbConfig));
             $jsonDecoded = json_decode($contents, true);
             if ($jsonDecoded == $contents || $jsonDecoded == null) {
                 throw new SocialSpiException("Failed to decode the json db", ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR);
             return $jsonDecoded;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new SocialSpiException("An error occured while reading/writing the json db: " . $e->getMessage(), ResponseError::$INTERNAL_ERROR);
Пример #5
  * generates the library string (core:caja:etc.js) including a checksum of all the
  * javascript content (?v=<md5 of js>) for cache busting
  * @param array $features
  * @param Gadget $gadget
  * @return string the list of libraries in core:caja:etc.js?v=checksum> format
 protected function getJsUrl($features)
     if (!is_array($features) || !count($features)) {
         return 'null';
     $registry = $this->context->getRegistry();
     // Given the JsServlet automatically expends the js library, we just need
     // to include the "leaf" nodes of the features.
     $ret = $features;
     foreach ($features as $feature) {
         $depFeatures = $registry->features[$feature]['deps'];
         $ret = array_diff($ret, $depFeatures);
     $ret = implode(':', $ret);
     $cache = Cache::createCache(Shindig_Config::get('feature_cache'), 'FeatureCache');
     if (($md5 = $cache->get(md5('getJsUrlMD5'))) === false) {
         $features = $registry->features;
         // Build a version string from the md5() checksum of all included javascript
         // to ensure the client always has the right version
         $inlineJs = '';
         foreach ($features as $feature => $content) {
             $inlineJs .= $registry->getFeatureContent($feature, $this->context, true);
         $md5 = md5($inlineJs);
         $cache->set(md5('getJsUrlMD5'), $md5);
     $ret .= ".js?v=" . $md5;
     return $ret;
Пример #6
  * Merges the given array with the config array. It uses the keys/values from config/container.php.
 static function setConfig($tconfig)
     if (!is_array(self::$config)) {
     self::$config = array_merge(self::$config, $tconfig);
 protected function fetch_private_cert(&$request)
     $file = Shindig_Config::get('private_key_file');
     if (!(file_exists($file) && is_readable($file))) {
         throw new Exception("Error loding private key");
     $private_key = @file_get_contents($file);
     if (!$private_key) {
         throw new Exception("Error loding private key");
     $phrase = Shindig_Config::get('private_key_phrase');
     if (strpos($private_key, '-----BEGIN') === false) {
         $tmp .= "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
         $chunks .= str_split($private_key, 64);
         foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
             $tmp .= $chunk . "\n";
         $tmp .= "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";
         $private_key = $tmp;
     if (!($rsa_private_key = @openssl_pkey_get_private($private_key, $phrase))) {
         throw new Exception("Could not create the key");
     return $rsa_private_key;
  * Register our dom node observers that will remove the javascript, but only
  * if this view should be sanitized
  * @param GadgetRewriter $gadgetRewriter
 public function register(GadgetRewriter &$gadgetRewriter)
     $sanitizeViews = Shindig_Config::get('sanitize_views');
     // Only hook up our dom node observers if this view should be sanitized
     if (in_array($this->context->getView(), $sanitizeViews)) {
         $gadgetRewriter->addObserver('script', $this, 'rewriteScript');
Пример #9
  * Handles the get file request, only called on url = /public.crt
  * so this function has no logic other then to output the cert
 public function doGet()
     $file = Shindig_Config::get('public_key_file');
     if (!file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
         throw new Exception("Invalid public key location ({$file}), check config and file permissions");
Пример #10
 public static function readable($file)
     // only really check if check_file_exists == true, big performance hit on production systems, but also much safer :)
     if (Shindig_Config::get('check_file_exists')) {
         return is_readable($file);
     } else {
         return true;
 public function fetchRequest(RemoteContentRequest $request)
     $outHeaders = array();
     if ($request->hasHeaders()) {
         $headers = explode("\n", $request->getHeaders());
         foreach ($headers as $header) {
             if (strpos($header, ':')) {
                 $key = trim(substr($header, 0, strpos($header, ':')));
                 $val = trim(substr($header, strpos($header, ':') + 1));
                 if (strcmp($key, "User-Agent") != 0 && strcasecmp($key, "Transfer-Encoding") != 0 && strcasecmp($key, "Cache-Control") != 0 && strcasecmp($key, "Expries") != 0 && strcasecmp($key, "Content-Length") != 0) {
                     $outHeaders[$key] = $val;
     $outHeaders['User-Agent'] = "Shindig PHP";
     $options = array();
     $options['timeout'] = Shindig_Config::get('curl_connection_timeout');
     // configure proxy
     $proxyUrl = Shindig_Config::get('proxy');
     if (!empty($proxyUrl)) {
         $options['adapter'] = 'Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Proxy';
         $proxy = parse_url($proxyUrl);
         if (isset($proxy['host'])) {
             $options['proxy_host'] = $proxy['host'];
         if (isset($proxy['port'])) {
             $options['proxy_port'] = $proxy['port'];
         if (isset($proxy['user'])) {
             $options['proxy_user'] = $proxy['user'];
         if (isset($proxy['pass'])) {
             $options['proxy_pass'] = $proxy['pass'];
     $client = new Zend_Http_Client();
     if ($request->getContentType()) {
         $client->setHeaders(Zend_Http_Client::CONTENT_TYPE, $request->getContentType());
     if ($request->isPost()) {
     } else {
     $response = $client->request();
     return $request;
 public function __construct($file = false)
     if (!$file) {
         $file = Shindig_Config::get('base_path') . '/blacklist.txt';
     if (Shindig_File::exists($file)) {
         $this->rules = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($file));
Пример #13
 public function handleListMethods(RequestItem $request)
     $containerConfig = new ContainerConfig(Shindig_Config::get('container_path'));
     $gadgetConfig = $containerConfig->getConfig('default', 'gadgets.features');
     if (!isset($gadgetConfig['']) || count($gadgetConfig['']) == 1) {
         // this should really be set in config/container.js, but if not, we build a complete default set so at least most of it works out-of-the-box
         $gadgetConfig[''] = array('gadgets.rpc' => array('container.listMethods'), 'http://%host%/social/rpc' => array("messages.update", "albums.update", "activities.delete", "activities.update", "activities.supportedFields", "albums.get", "activities.get", "mediaitems.update", "messages.get", "appdata.get", "system.listMethods", "people.supportedFields", "messages.create", "mediaitems.delete", "mediaitems.create", "people.get", "people.create", "albums.delete", "messages.delete", "appdata.update", "activities.create", "mediaitems.get", "albums.create", "appdata.delete", "people.update", "appdata.create"), 'http://%host%/gadgets/api/rpc' => array('cache.invalidate'));
     return $gadgetConfig[''];
Пример #14
 public function __construct($context, MakeRequest $makeRequest = null)
     $this->context = $context;
     if (isset($makeRequest)) {
         $this->makeRequest = $makeRequest;
     } else {
         $makeRequestClass = Shindig_Config::get('makerequest_class');
         $this->makeRequest = new $makeRequestClass();
Пример #15
  * Produces the proxied version of a URL if it falls within the content-rewrite params and
  * will append a refresh param to the proxied url based on the expires param, and the gadget
  * url so that the proxy server knows to rewrite it's content or not
  * @param string $url
 private function getProxyUrl($url)
     if (strpos(strtolower($url), 'http://') === false && strpos(strtolower($url), 'https://') === false) {
         $url = $this->baseUrl . $url;
     $url = Shindig_Config::get('web_prefix') . '/gadgets/proxy?url=' . urlencode($url);
     $url .= '&refresh=' . (isset($this->rewrite['expires']) && is_numeric($this->rewrite['expires']) ? $this->rewrite['expires'] : '3600');
     $url .= '&gadget=' . urlencode($this->context->getUrl());
     return $url;
  * Retrieves a gadget specification from the Internet, processes its views and
  * adds it to the cache.
 private function fetchFromWeb($url, $ignoreCache)
     $remoteContentRequest = new RemoteContentRequest($url);
     $remoteContentRequest->getOptions()->ignoreCache = $ignoreCache;
     $remoteContent = new BasicRemoteContent();
     $spec = $remoteContent->fetch($remoteContentRequest);
     $gadgetSpecParserClass = Shindig_Config::get('gadget_spec_parser');
     $gadgetSpecParser = new $gadgetSpecParserClass();
     $gadgetSpec = $gadgetSpecParser->parse($spec->getResponseContent(), $this->context);
     return $gadgetSpec;
Пример #17
  * Fetches the content and returns it as-is using the headers as returned
  * by the remote host.
  * @param string $url the url to retrieve
 public function fetch($url)
     // TODO: Check to see if we can just use MakeRequestOptions::fromCurrentRequest
     $st = isset($_GET['st']) ? $_GET['st'] : (isset($_POST['st']) ? $_POST['st'] : false);
     $body = isset($_GET['postData']) ? $_GET['postData'] : (isset($_POST['postData']) ? $_POST['postData'] : false);
     $authz = isset($_GET['authz']) ? $_GET['authz'] : (isset($_POST['authz']) ? $_POST['authz'] : null);
     $headers = isset($_GET['headers']) ? $_GET['headers'] : (isset($_POST['headers']) ? $_POST['headers'] : null);
     $params = new MakeRequestOptions($url);
     $result = $this->makeRequest->fetch($this->context, $params);
     $httpCode = (int) $result->getHttpCode();
     $cleanedResponseHeaders = $this->makeRequest->cleanResponseHeaders($result->getResponseHeaders());
     $isShockwaveFlash = false;
     foreach ($cleanedResponseHeaders as $key => $val) {
         header("{$key}: {$val}", true);
         if (strtoupper($key) == 'CONTENT-TYPE' && strtolower($val) == 'application/x-shockwave-flash') {
             // We're skipping the content disposition header for flash due to an issue with Flash player 10
             // This does make some sites a higher value phishing target, but this can be mitigated by
             // additional referer checks.
             $isShockwaveFlash = true;
     if (!$isShockwaveFlash && !Shindig_Config::get('debug')) {
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=p.txt');
     $lastModified = $result->getResponseHeader('Last-Modified') != null ? $result->getResponseHeader('Last-Modified') : gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $result->getCreated()) . ' GMT';
     $notModified = false;
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && $lastModified && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) {
         $if_modified_since = strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']);
         // Use the request's Last-Modified, otherwise fall back on our internal time keeping (the time the request was created)
         $lastModified = strtotime($lastModified);
         if ($lastModified <= $if_modified_since) {
             $notModified = true;
     if ($httpCode == 200) {
         // only set caching headers if the result was 'OK'
         // was the &gadget=<gadget url> specified in the request? if so parse it and check the rewrite settings
         if (isset($_GET['gadget'])) {
             $this->rewriteContent($_GET['gadget'], $result);
     // If the cached file time is within the refreshInterval params value, return not-modified
     if ($notModified) {
         header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified', true);
         header('Content-Length: 0', true);
     } else {
         header("HTTP/1.1 {$httpCode} " . $result->getHttpCodeMsg());
         // then echo the content
         echo $result->getResponseContent();
  * Returns the user preferences in &up_<name>=<val> format
  * @param array $libs array of features this gadget requires
  * @param Gadget $gadget
  * @return string the up_<name>=<val> string to use in the redirection url
 private function getPrefsQueryString($prefs)
     $ret = '';
     foreach ($prefs as $pref) {
         $ret .= '&';
         $ret .= Shindig_Config::get('userpref_param_prefix');
         $ret .= urlencode($pref['name']);
         $ret .= '=';
         $ret .= urlencode($pref['value']);
     return $ret;
Пример #19
 private function getIframeURL(Shindig_Gadget $gadget, GadgetContext $context)
     $v = $gadget->getChecksum();
     $view = $gadget->getView($context->getView());
     $up = '';
     foreach ($gadget->gadgetSpec->userPrefs as $pref) {
         $up .= '&up_' . urlencode($pref['name']) . '=' . urlencode($pref['value']);
     $locale = $context->getLocale();
     //Note: putting the URL last, else some browsers seem to get confused (reported by hi5)
     return Shindig_Config::get('default_iframe_prefix') . 'container=' . $context->getContainer() . ($context->getIgnoreCache() ? '&nocache=1' : '&v=' . $v) . ($context->getModuleId() != 0 ? '&mid=' . $context->getModuleId() : '') . '&lang=' . $locale['lang'] . '&country=' . $locale['country'] . '&view=' . $view['view'] . $up . '&url=' . urlencode($context->getUrl());
 public function __construct()
     try {
         $service = trim(Shindig_Config::get('invalidate_service'));
         if (!empty($service)) {
             $cache = Cache::createCache(Shindig_Config::get('data_cache'), 'RemoteContent');
             $this->service = new $service($cache);
     } catch (ConfigException $e) {
         // Do nothing. If invalidate service is not specified in the config file.
         // All the requests to the handler will throw not implemented exception.
  * Initialize the OAuth factory with a default implementation of
  * BlobCrypter and consumer keys/secrets read from oauth.js
 public function OAuthFetcherFactoryInit($fetcher)
     try {
         $BBC = new BasicBlobCrypter();
         $this->oauthCrypter = new BasicBlobCrypter(srand($BBC->MASTER_KEY_MIN_LEN));
         $specFactory = new BasicGadgetSpecFactory();
         $OAuthStore = Shindig_Config::get('oauth_store');
         $basicStore = new BasicGadgetOAuthTokenStore(new $OAuthStore(), $specFactory);
         $this->tokenStore = $basicStore;
     } catch (Exeption $e) {
 public function __construct(Cache $cache)
     $this->cache = $cache;
     $this->invalidationEntry = Cache::createCache(Shindig_Config::get('data_cache'), 'InvalidationEntry');
     if (self::$makerCache == null) {
         self::$makerCache = Cache::createCache(Shindig_Config::get('data_cache'), 'MarkerCache');
         $value = self::$makerCache->expiredGet('marker');
         if ($value['found']) {
             self::$marker = $value['data'];
         } else {
             self::$marker = 0;
             self::$makerCache->set('marker', self::$marker);
 public function renderGadget(Shindig_Gadget $gadget, $view)
     // Was a privacy policy header configured? if so set it
     if (Shindig_Config::get('P3P') != '') {
         header("P3P: " . Shindig_Config::get('P3P'));
     $content = '';
     // Set doctype if quirks = false or empty in the view
     if (!empty($view['quirks']) || !$view['quirks']) {
         $content .= "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">\n";
     // Rewriting the gadget's content using the libxml library does impose some restrictions to the validity of the input html, so
     // for the time being (until either gadgets are all fixed, or we find a more tolerant html parsing lib), we try to avoid it when we can
     $domRewrite = false;
     if (isset($gadget->gadgetSpec->rewrite) || Shindig_Config::get('rewrite_by_default')) {
         $domRewrite = true;
     } elseif ((strpos($view['content'], 'text/os-data') !== false || strpos($view['content'], 'text/os-template') !== false) && $gadget->gadgetSpec->templatesDisableAutoProcessing == false) {
         $domRewrite = true;
     if (!$domRewrite) {
         // Manually generate the html document using basic string concatinations instead of using our DOM based functions
         $content .= "<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"/>\n";
         $content .= '<style>' . Shindig_Config::get('gadget_css') . "</style>\n";
         $scripts = $this->getJavaScripts();
         foreach ($scripts as $script) {
             if ($script['type'] == 'inline') {
                 $content .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">{$script['content']}</script>\n";
             } else {
                 $content .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$script['content']}\"></script>\n";
         $content .= "</head>\n<body>\n";
         $content .= $gadget->substitutions->substitute($view['content']);
         $content .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . $this->getBodyScript() . "</script>\n";
         $content .= "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
     } else {
         // Use the (libxml2 based) DOM rewriter
         $content .= "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"/></head><body>\n";
         // Append the content for the selected view
         $content .= $gadget->substitutions->substitute($view['content']);
         $content .= "\n</body>\n</html>";
         $content = $this->parseTemplates($content);
         $content = $this->rewriteContent($content);
         $content = $this->addTemplates($content);
     echo $content;
Пример #24
 private static function loadConfig()
     global $shindigConfig;
     if (!self::$config) {
         // load default configuration
         include_once 'config/container.php';
         self::$config = $shindigConfig;
         $localConfigPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../config/local.php");
         if (file_exists($localConfigPath)) {
             // include local.php if it exists and merge the config arrays.
             // the second array values overwrites the first one's
             include_once $localConfigPath;
             self::$config = array_merge(self::$config, $shindigConfig);
  * @see BasicSecurityTokenDecoder::createToken()
 public function createToken($stringToken)
     if (empty($stringToken) && !empty($_GET['authz'])) {
         throw new GadgetException('INVALID_GADGET_TOKEN');
     try {
         if (Shindig_Config::get('allow_plaintext_token') && count(explode(':', $stringToken)) == 6) {
             $tokens = explode(":", $stringToken);
             return new opShindigSecurityToken(null, null, urldecode($tokens[$this->OWNER_INDEX]), urldecode($tokens[$this->VIEWER_INDEX]), urldecode($tokens[$this->APP_ID_INDEX]), urldecode($tokens[$this->CONTAINER_INDEX]), urldecode($tokens[$this->APP_URL_INDEX]), urldecode($tokens[$this->MODULE_ID_INDEX]));
         } else {
             return opShindigSecurityToken::createFromToken($stringToken, Shindig_Config::get('token_max_age'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new GadgetException('INVALID_GADGET_TOKEN');
Пример #26
 public function doGet()
     $this->noHeaders = true;
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) {
         header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
         header('Content-Length: 0');
     $uri = strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     $uri = substr($uri, strrpos($uri, '/') + 1);
     // remove any params that would confuse our parser
     if (strpos($uri, '?')) {
         $uri = substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, '?'));
     if (strpos($uri, '.js') !== false) {
         $uri = substr($uri, 0, strlen($uri) - 3);
     $needed = array();
     if (strpos($uri, ':')) {
         $needed = explode(':', $uri);
     } else {
         $needed[] = $uri;
     $found = array();
     $missing = array();
     $contextClass = Shindig_Config::get('gadget_context_class');
     $context = new $contextClass('GADGET');
     $registry = new GadgetFeatureRegistry(Shindig_Config::get('features_path'));
     if ($registry->resolveFeatures($needed, $found, $missing)) {
         $isGadgetContext = !isset($_GET["c"]) || $_GET['c'] == 0 ? true : false;
         $jsData = '';
         foreach ($found as $feature) {
             $jsData .= $registry->getFeatureContent($feature, $context, $isGadgetContext);
         if (!strlen($jsData)) {
             header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found", true);
         header("Content-Type: text/javascript");
         echo $jsData;
     } else {
         header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found", true);
 public function getFeatureContent($feature, GadgetContext $context, $isGadgetContext)
     if (empty($feature)) {
         return '';
     if (!isset($this->features[$feature])) {
         throw new GadgetException("Invalid feature: " . htmlentities($feature));
     $featureName = $feature;
     $feature = $this->features[$feature];
     $filesContext = $isGadgetContext ? 'gadgetJs' : 'containerJs';
     if (!isset($feature[$filesContext])) {
         // no javascript specified for this context
         return '';
     $ret = '';
     if (Shindig_Config::get('compress_javascript')) {
         $featureCache = Cache::createCache(Shindig_Config::get('feature_cache'), 'FeatureCache');
         if ($featureContent = $featureCache->get(md5('features:' . $featureName . $isGadgetContext))) {
             return $featureContent;
     foreach ($feature[$filesContext] as $entry) {
         switch ($entry['type']) {
             case 'URL':
                 $request = new RemoteContentRequest($entry['content']);
                 $request->getOptions()->ignoreCache = $context->getIgnoreCache();
                 if ($request->getHttpCode() == '200') {
                     $ret .= $request->getResponseContent() . "\n";
             case 'FILE':
                 $file = $feature['basePath'] . '/' . $entry['content'];
                 $ret .= file_get_contents($file) . "\n";
             case 'INLINE':
                 $ret .= $entry['content'] . "\n";
     if (Shindig_Config::get('compress_javascript')) {
         $ret = JsMin::minify($ret);
         $featureCache->set(md5('features:' . $featureName . $isGadgetContext), $ret);
     return $ret;
Пример #28
  * Does the actual rewrite option scanning and performs the dom parsing
  * @param string $content
  * @param Gadget $gadget
 public function rewrite($content, Shindig_Gadget &$gadget, $checkDocument = false)
     // Check to see if the gadget requested rewriting, or if rewriting is forced in the configuration
     if (is_array($gadget->gadgetSpec->rewrite) || Shindig_Config::get('rewrite_by_default')) {
         require_once "src/gadgets/rewrite/ContentRewriter.php";
         $contentRewriter = new ContentRewriter($this->context, $gadget);
     // Are we configured to sanitize certain views? (if so the config should be an array of view names to sanitize, iaw: array('profile', 'home'))
     if (is_array(Shindig_Config::get('sanitize_views'))) {
         require_once "src/gadgets/rewrite/SanitizeRewriter.php";
         $sanitizeRewriter = new SanitizeRewriter($this->context, $gadget);
     // no observers registered, return the original content, otherwise parse the DOM tree and call the observers
     if (!count($this->domObservers)) {
         return $content;
     } else {
         $this->doc = new DOMDocument(null, 'utf-8');
         $this->doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
         $this->doc->formatOutput = false;
         $this->doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
         $this->doc->recover = false;
         $this->doc->resolveExternals = false;
         if (!$this->doc->loadHtml($content)) {
             //TODO parse and output libxml_get_errors();
             // parsing failed, return the unmodified content
             return $content;
         if ($checkDocument) {
         // find and parse all nodes in the dom document
         $rootNodes = $this->doc->getElementsByTagName('*');
         // DomDocument tries to make the document a valid html document, so added the html/body/head elements to it.. so lets strip them off before returning the content
         $html = $this->doc->saveHTML();
         // If the gadget specified the caja feature, cajole it
         if (in_array('caja', $gadget->features)) {
             //TODO : use the caja daemon to cajole the content (experimental patch is available and will be added soon)
         return $html;
 public function __construct($name)
     $this->prefix = $name;
     if (!self::$memcache) {
         self::$memcache = new Memcache();
         $host = Shindig_Config::get('cache_host');
         $port = Shindig_Config::get('cache_port');
         if (Shindig_Config::get('cache_memcache_pconnect')) {
             if (!@self::$memcache->pconnect($host, $port)) {
                 throw new CacheException("Couldn't connect to memcache server");
         } else {
             if (!@self::$memcache->connect($host, $port)) {
                 throw new CacheException("Couldn't connect to memcache server");
Пример #30
 public function set($key, $value, $ttl = false)
     if (!$ttl) {
         $ttl = Shindig_Config::Get('cache_time');
     if ($this->storage->isLocked($key)) {
     $data = serialize(array('time' => $this->time->getRequestTime(), 'ttl' => $ttl, 'valid' => true, 'data' => $value));
     try {
         $this->storage->store($key, $data);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;