public function isUniqueSlug($slug) { $sheets = Sheet::all(); foreach ($sheets as $sheet) { if ($sheet->slug == $slug) { return false; } } return true; }
public function destroy() { $id = Auth::user()->id; $usertodelete = User::find($id); $usernotes = DB::table('notes')->where('user_id', $id); $allnotes = Note::all(); $allsheets = Sheet::all(); $allmeetups = Meetup::all(); $usermeetups = DB::table('meetups')->where('admin_id', $id); $userattending = DB::table('attendees')->where('attendee_id', $id); $usercomments = DB::table('meetcoms')->where('attendee_id', $id); $usernotecomments = DB::table('notecoms')->where('collaborator_id', $id); $usersheetcomments = DB::table('sheetcoms')->where('collaborator_id', $id); $sheetids = []; $meetupids = []; $noteids = []; $usercomments->delete(); $usernotecomments->delete(); $usersheetcomments->delete(); // Collects all notes that the user has made foreach ($allnotes as $note) { if ($note->user_id == $id) { array_push($noteids, $note->id); } } // Deletes all collaborators from any notes the user has made foreach ($noteids as $notes) { $othernotecom = DB::table('notecoms')->where('note_id', $note); $othernotecom->delete(); } // Collects all sheets that the user has made foreach ($allsheets as $sheet) { if ($sheet->user_id == $id) { array_push($sheetids, $sheet->id); } } // deletes all lines and collaboration from others in every sheet the user has made foreach ($sheetids as $sheets) { $userline = DB::table('lines')->where('sheet_id', $sheets); $othersheetcom = DB::table('sheetcoms')->where('sheet_id', $sheets); $userline->delete(); $othersheetcom->delete(); } // Collects all meetups that the user is the admin of foreach ($allmeetups as $meetup) { if ($meetup->admin_id == $id) { array_push($meetupids, $meetup->id); } } // Removes all attendees from all meetups that the user is a part of. foreach ($meetupids as $meetups) { $peopleattending = DB::table('attendees')->where('meetup_id', $meetups); $peopleattending->delete(); } $userattending->delete(); $usernotes->delete(); $userssheets = DB::table('sheets')->where('user_id', $id); $userssheets->delete(); $usermeetups->delete(); $usertodelete->delete(); Session::flash('successMessage', 'Goodbye Forever'); return Redirect::action('UsersController@showlogin'); }