Пример #1
 protected function saveOldValues($data)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if (!$app->isAdmin()) {
         return false;
     // An array name with the names of the arrays that contain parameters for components
     $comParams = array('nocache', 'skip', 'useJoomlaRouter', 'notTranslateURLList', 'notInsertIsoCodeList', 'shDoNotOverrideOwnSef', 'useJoomsefRouter', 'useAcesefRouter', 'compEnablePageId', 'defaultComponentStringList');
     // Same thing for the language params
     $languageParams = array('pageTexts', 'shLangTranslateList', 'shLangInsertCodeList');
     $newParams = array();
     foreach ($data as $param => $val) {
         if (in_array($param, $comParams)) {
             //-->this will be mostly hardcoded and it's basically the reverse process of the one that loads the parameters from the json(database)
             //-->into the config class
             switch ($param) {
                 case 'nocache':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___manageURL'] = 1;
                 case 'skip':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___manageURL'] = 2;
                 case 'useJoomlaRouter':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___manageURL'] = 3;
                 case 'notTranslateURLList':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___translateURL'] = 1;
                 case 'notInsertIsoCodeList':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___insertIsoCode'] = 1;
                 case 'shDoNotOverrideOwnSef':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___shDoNotOverrideOwnSef'] = 1;
                 case 'useJoomsefRouter':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___shDoNotOverrideOwnSef'] = 30;
                 case 'useAcesefRouter':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___shDoNotOverrideOwnSef'] = 40;
                 case 'compEnablePageId':
                     foreach ($val as $com) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___compEnablePageId'] = 1;
                 case 'defaultComponentStringList':
                     foreach ($val as $com => $str) {
                         $newParams['com_' . $com . '___defaultComponentString'] = $str;
             //--unseting the array param because he will be replaced the new parameters in the datas array that will become the json object
         } elseif (in_array($param, $languageParams)) {
             switch ($param) {
                 case 'pageTexts':
                     foreach ($val as $lang => $paramval) {
                         $newParams['languages_' . $lang . '_pageText'] = $paramval;
                 case 'shLangTranslateList':
                     foreach ($val as $lang => $paramval) {
                         $newParams['languages_' . $lang . '_translateURL'] = $paramval;
                 case 'shLangInsertCodeList':
                     foreach ($val as $lang => $paramval) {
                         $newParams['languages_' . $lang . '_insertCode'] = $paramval;
             //--unseting the array param because he will be replaced the new parameters in the datas array that will become the json object
         } elseif ($val === false) {
             $data[$param] = 0;
         } elseif ($val === true) {
             $data[$param] = 1;
     // get plugins details
     $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system', 'shmobile');
     $params = new JRegistry();
     $newParams['mobile_switch_enabled'] = $params->get('mobile_switch_enabled', 0);
     $newParams['mobile_template'] = $params->get('mobile_template', '');
     //merging the new parameters into the datas array that will become the json object;
     $data = array_merge($data, $newParams);
     //-->this code is running also on the site part, not only to the admin, so we need to check out if the JPATH_BASE is going to administrator side
     $comConfigModel = Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getComConfigComponentModel();
     $component = $comConfigModel->getComponent();
     if (empty($component->id)) {
         return false;
     // Attempt to save the configuration.
     $configArray = array('params' => $data, 'id' => $component->id, 'option' => 'com_sh404sef');
Пример #2
 public function getForm()
     // import com_config model
     $comConfigModel = Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getComConfigComponentModel('com_sh404sef', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_sh404sef/configuration');
     $form = $comConfigModel->getForm();
     $component = $comConfigModel->getComponent();
     // version prefix
     $this->joomlaVersionPrefix = Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getJoomlaVersionPrefix();
     $method = '_getByComponentField' . $this->joomlaVersionPrefix;
     // inject the by components part in the form
     $field = $this->{$method}();
     // inject the languages part in the form
     $method = '_getLanguagesField' . $this->joomlaVersionPrefix;
     $field = $this->{$method}();
     // inject the current content of the 404 error page as default value in the txt404 form field
     $currentErrorPageContent = $this->_getErrorPageContent();
     $form->setFieldAttribute('txt404', 'default', $currentErrorPageContent);
     // inject analytics group field in form
     $field = $this->_getAnalyticsGroupsField();
     // merge categories in jooomla tab
     $field = $this->_getCategoriesField();
     // Bind the form to the data.
     if ($form && $component->params) {
     // make sure Analytics password is not visible in the source code of the page
     $form->setValue('analyticsPassword', null, '********');
     // special processing for various parameters: turn string into an array
     // security
     $form->setValue('shSecOnlyNumVars', null, implode("\n", $form->getValue('shSecOnlyNumVars', null, array())));
     $form->setValue('shSecAlphaNumVars', null, implode("\n", $form->getValue('shSecAlphaNumVars', null, array())));
     $form->setValue('shSecNoProtocolVars', null, implode("\n", $form->getValue('shSecNoProtocolVars', null, array())));
     $form->setValue('ipWhiteList', null, implode("\n", $form->getValue('ipWhiteList', null, array())));
     $form->setValue('ipBlackList', null, implode("\n", $form->getValue('ipBlackList', null, array())));
     $form->setValue('uAgentWhiteList', null, implode("\n", $form->getValue('uAgentWhiteList', null, array())));
     $form->setValue('uAgentBlackList', null, implode("\n", $form->getValue('uAgentBlackList', null, array())));
     // analytics
     $form->setValue('analyticsExcludeIP', null, implode("\n", $form->getValue('analyticsExcludeIP', null, array())));
     // read mobile params from the mobile plugin, not from the component config, which only has a copy
     $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system', 'shmobile');
     $params = new JRegistry();
     $form->setValue('mobile_switch_enabled', null, $params->get('mobile_switch_enabled', 0));
     $form->setValue('mobile_template', null, $params->get('mobile_template', ''));
     // inject a link to shLib plugin params for cache settings
     $form->setFieldAttribute('UrlCacheHandlerLink', 'additionaltext', '<span class = "btn sh404sef-textinput"><a href="' . Sh404sefHelperGeneral::getShLibPluginLink() . '" target="_blank">' . JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_CONFIGURE_SHLIB_PLUGIN') . '</a></span>');
     return $form;