function plgSh404sefAnalyticsCustomVars(&$customVars, $sefConfig)
    // add custom variable : page creation time
    if ($sefConfig->analyticsEnableTimeCollection) {
        $profiler =& JProfiler::getInstance('sh404sef_profiler');
        $pageCreationTime = $profiler->getBuffer();
        //extract Data
        $pageCreationTime = str_replace('sh404sef_profiler : ', '', $pageCreationTime[0]);
        $tmp = explode(', ', $pageCreationTime);
        // we may have memory report attached
        $time = str_replace(' seconds', '', $tmp[0]);
        // classify exact time into predefined categories for encoding
        $time = Sh404sefHelperAnalytics::classifyTime($time);
        // same for memory used
        $memory = empty($tmp[1]) ? 0 : sh404sefHelperAnalytics::classifyMemory(str_replace(' MB', '', trim($tmp[1])));
        // store results into incoming array
        $customVars[SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_TIME_CUSTOM_VAR]->name = 'Page creation time and ram';
        $customVars[SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_TIME_CUSTOM_VAR]->value = ($time << 4) + $memory;
    // add custom variable : user logged in
    if ($sefConfig->analyticsEnableUserCollection) {
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        $customVars[SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_USER_CUSTOM_VAR]->name = 'Logged-in user';
        $userType = empty($user->usertype) ? 'anonymous' : $user->usertype;
        $customVars[SH404SEF_ANALYTICS_USER_CUSTOM_VAR]->value = htmlentities($userType, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    return true;