Пример #1
 * Display the form for the second step of the configuration wizard
 * which consists in sending an email, which maybe a problem under Windows
function DisplayStep2(SetupPage $oP, $sFrom, $sTo)
    //$sNextOperation = 'step3';
    $oP->add("<h1>iTop configuration wizard</h1>\n");
    $oP->add("<h2>Step 2: send an email</h2>\n");
    $oP->add("<p>Sending an email to '{$sTo}'... (From: '{$sFrom}')</p>\n");
    $oP->add("<form method=\"post\">\n");
    $oEmail = new Email();
    $oEmail->SetSubject("Test iTop");
    $oEmail->SetBody("<p>Hello,</p><p>The email function is now working fine.</p><p>You may now be able to use the notification function.</p><p>iTop</p>");
    $iRes = $oEmail->Send($aIssues, true);
    switch ($iRes) {
        case EMAIL_SEND_OK:
            $sTransport = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('email_transport');
            if ($sTransport == 'LogFile') {
                $oP->ok("The email has been logged into the file " . APPROOT . "/log/mail.log.");
            } else {
                $oP->ok("The email has been sent, check your inbox for the incoming mail...");
            $oP->add("<button onClick=\"window.history.back();\"><< Back</button>\n");
        case EMAIL_SEND_PENDING:
            $oP->ok("Email queued");
            $oP->add("<button onClick=\"window.history.back();\"><< Back</button>\n");
        case EMAIL_SEND_ERROR:
            foreach ($aIssues as $sError) {
            $oP->add("<button onClick=\"window.history.back();\"><< Back</button>\n");
Пример #2
 * Display the form for the second step of the configuration wizard
 * which consists in sending an email, which maybe a problem under Windows
function DisplayStep2(SetupPage $oP, $sFrom, $sTo)
    //$sNextOperation = 'step3';
    $oP->add("<h1>iTop configuration wizard</h1>\n");
    $oP->add("<h2>Step 2: send an email</h2>\n");
    $oP->add("<p>Sending an email to '{$sTo}'... (From: '{$sFrom}')</p>\n");
    $oP->add("<form method=\"post\">\n");
    $oEmail = new Email();
    $oEmail->SetSubject("Test iTop");
    $oEmail->SetBody("<p>Hello,</p><p>The email function is now working fine.</p><p>You may now be able to use the notification function.</p><p>iTop</p>");
    $iRes = $oEmail->Send($aIssues, true);
    switch ($iRes) {
        case EMAIL_SEND_OK:
            $oP->ok("The email has been sent, you may now check that the email will arrive...");
        case EMAIL_SEND_PENDING:
            $oP->ok("Email queued");
            $oP->add("<button onClick=\"window.history.back();\"><< Back</button>\n");
        case EMAIL_SEND_ERROR:
            foreach ($aIssues as $sError) {
            $oP->add("<button onClick=\"window.history.back();\"><< Back</button>\n");