public function run()
     Settings::create(array('id' => 1, 'tool_tip' => 'This is the default unit of distance', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_distance_unit', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 2, 'tool_tip' => 'Default Changing method for users', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_charging_method_for_users', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 3, 'tool_tip' => 'Incase of Fixed price payment, Base price is the total amount thats charged to users', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'base_price', 'value' => '50'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 4, 'tool_tip' => 'Needed only incase of time and distance based payment', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'price_per_unit_distance', 'value' => '10'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 5, 'tool_tip' => 'Needed only incase of time and distance based payment', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'price_per_unit_time', 'value' => '8'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 6, 'tool_tip' => 'Maximum time for provider to respond for a request', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'provider_timeout', 'value' => '60'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 7, 'tool_tip' => 'Send SMS Notifications', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'sms_notification', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 8, 'tool_tip' => 'Send Email Notifications', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'email_notification', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 9, 'tool_tip' => 'Send Push Notifications', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'push_notification', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 10, 'tool_tip' => 'User can get amount thru the referral code', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'referral_code_activation', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 11, 'tool_tip' => 'Referral bonus can be cut while cash payment', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'get_referral_profit_on_card_payment', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 12, 'tool_tip' => 'Referral bonus can be cut while card payment', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'get_referral_profit_on_cash_payment', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 13, 'tool_tip' => 'Bonus credit that should be added to old registered user incase if user refers another', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_referral_bonus_to_refered_user', 'value' => '7'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 14, 'tool_tip' => 'Bonus credit that should be added to new registered user incase if user refers another', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_referral_bonus_to_refereel', 'value' => '3'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 15, 'tool_tip' => 'User can get amount thru the promotional code', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'promotional_code_activation', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 16, 'tool_tip' => 'Promotional bonus can be cut while cash payment', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'get_promotional_profit_on_card_payment', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 17, 'tool_tip' => 'Promotional bonus can be cut while card payment', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'get_promotional_profit_on_cash_payment', 'value' => '1'));
     /* Settings::create(array('id' => 18, 'tool_tip' => 'Bonus credit that should be added incase if user refers another', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_referral_bonus', 'value' => '10')); */
     Settings::create(array('id' => 19, 'tool_tip' => 'This mobile number will get SMS notifications about requests', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'admin_phone_number', 'value' => '+917708288018'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 20, 'tool_tip' => 'This address will get Email notifications about requests', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'admin_email_address', 'value' => '*****@*****.**'));
     /* SMS TEMPLATES */
     Settings::create(array('id' => 21, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used for approve sms to provider', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_walker_approve', 'value' => 'Hello..., %name%. You are approved as a Service Provider.'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 22, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used for decline sms to provider', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_walker_decline', 'value' => 'Sorry..., %name%. You are Decline as a Service Provider.'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 23, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify user by SMS when a provider the accepts request', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_when_provider_accepts', 'value' => 'Hi %user%, Your request is accepted by %driver%. You can reach him by %driver_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 24, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify user by SMS when a provider the arrives', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_when_provider_arrives', 'value' => 'Hi %user%, The %driver% has arrived at your location.You can reach user by %driver_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 25, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify user by SMS when a provider the completes the service', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_when_provider_completes_job', 'value' => 'Hi %user%, Your request is successfully completed by %driver%. Your Bill amount id %amount%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 26, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify admin by SMS when a new request is created', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_request_created', 'value' => 'Request id %id% is created by %user%, You can reach him by %user_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 27, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify admin by SMS when a request remains unanswered by all providers', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_request_unanswered', 'value' => 'Request id %id% created by %user% is left unanswered, You can reach user by %user_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 28, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify admin by SMS when a request is completed', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_request_completed', 'value' => 'Request id %id% created by %user% is completed, You can reach user by %user_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 29, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify admin by SMS when payment is generated for a request', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_payment_generated', 'value' => 'Payment for Request id %id% is generated.'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 30, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used for approve mail to provider', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_walker_approve', 'value' => 'Welcome on Board %name% to Taxi Now. You are approved as a Service Provider. Should you have any complaints or problems contact our support team:'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 31, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used for decline mail to provider', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_walker_decline', 'value' => 'Sorry...,  %name%. You are Declined as a Service Provider. Should you have any complaints or problems contact our support team:'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 32, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify users and providers by email when they reset their password', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_forgot_password', 'value' => 'Your New Password is %password%. Please dont forget to change the password once you log in next time.'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 33, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used for welcome mail to provider', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_walker_new_registration', 'value' => 'Welcome on Board %name% , After Logged in to your account Upload your documents to get approve from the admin side , Please Activation your Email here %link% . Upload your documents and someone will look into your application and get back.'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 34, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used for welcome mail to user', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_owner_new_registration', 'value' => 'Welcome on Board %name%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 35, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify admin by email when a new request is created', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_new_request', 'value' => 'New Request %id% is created. Follow the request through %url%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 36, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify admin by email when a request remains unanswerd by all providers', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_request_unanswered', 'value' => 'Request %id% has beed declined by all providers. Follow the request through %url%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 37, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify admin by email when a request is completed', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_request_finished', 'value' => 'Request %id% is finished. Follow the request through %url%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 38, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify admin by email when a client is charged for a request', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_payment_charged', 'value' => 'Request %id% is finished. Follow the request through %url%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 39, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify user by email when invoice is generated', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_invoice_generated_user', 'value' => 'invoice for Request id %id% is generated. Total amount is %amount%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 40, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify provider by email when invoice is generated', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_invoice_generated_provider', 'value' => 'invoice for Request id %id% is generated. Total amount is %amount%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 41, 'tool_tip' => 'This is latitude for the map center', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'map_center_latitude', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 42, 'tool_tip' => 'This is longitude for the map center', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'map_center_longitude', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 43, 'tool_tip' => 'Defalt search radius to look for providers', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_search_radius', 'value' => '5'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 44, 'tool_tip' => 'Automatically assign provider or manually select from a displayed list of all providers', 'page' => '4', 'key' => 'provider_selection', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 45, 'tool_tip' => 'Service Fee Amount', 'page' => '4', 'key' => 'service_fee', 'value' => '10'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 46, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify provider by email when payment has been made', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'payment_made_client', 'value' => 'Payment has been made for Request id %id%. Total amount is %amount%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 47, 'tool_tip' => 'Transfer', 'page' => '7', 'key' => 'transfer', 'value' => '0'));
     /* Settings::create(array('id' => 48,'tool_tip' => 'Allow Calendar','page'=>'7','key' => 'allow_calendar' , 'value' => '1')); */
     Settings::create(array('id' => 49, 'tool_tip' => 'Pay by Cash', 'page' => '8', 'key' => 'cod', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 50, 'tool_tip' => 'Pay by Paypal', 'page' => '8', 'key' => 'paypal', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 51, 'tool_tip' => 'Promo Code Allowed', 'page' => '8', 'key' => 'promo_code', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 52, 'tool_tip' => 'Allow or not to get Destination', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'get_destination', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 53, 'tool_tip' => 'Enable/Disable multiple service select', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'allow_multiple_service', 'value' => '0'));
 public function run()
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'contact_email', 'value' => '*****@*****.**', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'contact_name', 'value' => 'Stef van den Berg', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'social_facebook', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'social_youtube', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
Пример #3
  * insert settings
  * @param $key
  * @param $value
 public function set($name, $value)
     $setting = Settings::where('name', $name)->first();
     if ($setting) {
         $setting->value = $value;
     } else {
         Settings::create(['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]);
Пример #4
 public function run()
     /* Apply seeder only if no User exists (database reset) */
     if (!User::all()->count()) {
         User::create(array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => Hash::make('1234')));
         Settings::create(array('user_id' => '1', 'background_enabled' => TRUE));
         /* Send message to console */
         error_log('UserSeeder | Successfully seeded');
     } else {
         /* Send message to console */
         error_log('UserSeeder | No modifications were made, because the DB is not empty');
 public function run()
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'contact_email', 'value' => '*****@*****.**', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'contact_intro', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'contact_name', 'value' => 'Administrator', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'contact_phone', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'contact_mobile', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'contact_website', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'social_linkedin', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'social_facebook', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'social_youtube', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'hours_weekly', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'hours_weekend', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
     Settings::create(array('key' => 'hours_title', 'value' => '', 'user_id' => 1));
 public function run()
     Settings::create(array('id' => 1, 'tool_tip' => 'Defalt search radius to look for providers', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_search_radius', 'value' => '5'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 2, 'tool_tip' => 'Default Changing method for users', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_charging_method_for_users', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 3, 'tool_tip' => 'Incase of Fixed price payment, Base price is the total amount thats charged to users', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'base_price', 'value' => '50'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 4, 'tool_tip' => 'Needed only incase of time and distance based payment', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'price_per_unit_distance', 'value' => '10'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 5, 'tool_tip' => 'Needed only incase of time and distance based payment', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'price_per_unit_time', 'value' => '8'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 6, 'tool_tip' => 'Maximum time for provider to respond for a request', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'provider_timeout', 'value' => '60'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 7, 'tool_tip' => 'Send SMS Notifications', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'sms_notification', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 8, 'tool_tip' => 'Send Email Notifications', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'email_notification', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 9, 'tool_tip' => 'Send Push Notifications', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'push_notification', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 10, 'tool_tip' => 'Bonus credit that should be added incase if user refers another', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_referral_bonus', 'value' => '10'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 11, 'tool_tip' => 'This mobile number will get SMS notifications about requests', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'admin_phone_number', 'value' => '+917708288018'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 12, 'tool_tip' => 'This address will get Email notifications about requests', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'admin_email_address', 'value' => '*****@*****.**'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 13, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify user by SMS when a provider the accepts request', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_when_provider_accepts', 'value' => 'Hi %user%, Your request is accepted by %driver%. You can reach him by %driver_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 14, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify user by SMS when a provider the arrives', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_when_provider_arrives', 'value' => 'Hi %user%, The %driver% has arrived at your location.You can reach user by %driver_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 15, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify user by SMS when a provider the completes the service', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_when_provider_completes_job', 'value' => 'Hi %user%, Your request is successfully completed by %driver%. Your Bill amount id %amount%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 16, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify admin by SMS when a new request is created', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_request_created', 'value' => 'Request id %id% is created by %user%, You can reach him by %user_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 17, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify admin by SMS when a request remains unanswered by all providers', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_request_unanswered', 'value' => 'Request id %id% created by %user% is left unanswered, You can reach user by %user_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 18, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify admin by SMS when a request is completed', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_request_completed', 'value' => 'Request id %id% created by %user% is completed, You can reach user by %user_mobile%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 19, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify admin by SMS when payment is generated for a request', 'page' => '2', 'key' => 'sms_payment_generated', 'value' => 'Payment for Request id %id% is generated.'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 20, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used to notify users and providers by email when they reset their password', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_forgot_password', 'value' => 'Your New Password is %password%. Please dont forget to change the password once you log in next time.'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 21, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used for welcome mail to provider', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_walker_new_registration', 'value' => 'Welcome on Board %name%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 22, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used for welcome mail to user', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_owner_new_registration', 'value' => 'Welcome on Board %name%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 23, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify admin by email when a new request is created', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_new_request', 'value' => 'New Requeest %id% is created. Follow the request through %url%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 24, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify admin by email when a request remains unanswerd by all providers', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_request_unanswered', 'value' => 'Requeest %id% has beed declined by all providers. Follow the request through %url%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 25, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify admin by email when a request is completed', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_request_finished', 'value' => 'Requeest %id% is finished. Follow the request through %url%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 26, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify admin by email when a client is charged for a request', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_payment_charged', 'value' => 'Requeest %id% is finished. Follow the request through %url%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 27, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify user by email when invoice is generated', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_invoice_generated_user', 'value' => 'invoice for Request id %id% is generated. Total amount is %amount%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 28, 'tool_tip' => 'This Template will be used notify provider by email when invoice is generated', 'page' => '3', 'key' => 'email_invoice_generated_provider', 'value' => 'invoice for Request id %id% is generated. Total amount is %amount%'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 29, 'tool_tip' => 'This is latitude for the map center', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'map_center_latitude', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 30, 'tool_tip' => 'This is longitude for the map center', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'map_center_longitude', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 31, 'tool_tip' => 'This is the default unit of distance', 'page' => '1', 'key' => 'default_distance_unit', 'value' => '0'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 32, 'tool_tip' => 'Automatically assign provider or manually select from a displayed list of all providers', 'page' => '4', 'key' => 'provider_selection', 'value' => '1'));
     Settings::create(array('id' => 33, 'tool_tip' => 'Service Fee Amount', 'page' => '4', 'key' => 'service_fee', 'value' => '10'));
 public function run()
     // not to delete in production just in case lol
     if (App::environment('production')) {
     Settings::create(['key' => 'monitor_outputs', 'value' => 1]);
     Settings::create(['key' => 'minimum_outputs_threshold', 'value' => 125]);
     Settings::create(['key' => 'outputs_to_add', 'value' => 125]);
     Settings::create(['key' => 'outputs_cache_duration', 'value' => 45]);
     if (App::environment('production')) {
         // based on 15 send outs in a batch which is ~7 BTC in total that needs to be available in Bitcoin Core
         Settings::create(['key' => 'amount_to_add', 'value' => 6900000]);
     } else {
         // in non-prod environment make as little as possible cause we dont have much testcoins, 125 * 0.009 = 1.125 BTC
         Settings::create(['key' => 'amount_to_add', 'value' => 900000]);
         // 0.009 btc
     if (App::environment('production')) {
         // TODO add production change addresses
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'xxx', 'user_id' => 2]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'xxx', 'user_id' => 2]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'xxx', 'user_id' => 2]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'xxx', 'user_id' => 2]);
     } else {
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mtetXTNemFakFdCyPqntKHxkL66gr24a2j', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n3kx9hPwJGHroeR6qAYjAzfBS4KuFzKyEn', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mmfvEHNkZNTMZQdxgsejXMn45G54JicqKt', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mtetXTNemFakFdCyPqntKHxkL66gr24a2j', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mzMME4zTMmS47f9B5gtsztYCzzvXQxLAgm', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n37P7KYrgeZRwTEutBEEvZy6XbTGjX6RKV', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'msQqLA2xDfw5jbNF7mV1YbtnKGJD9HXeYD', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mnx3QYvDs7cMZ6qTb11npSzqVduNLRH1Re', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mpzSJE3wvougpdna84Q5157BCsd1Nx3ZgP', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mqBdV8Z57AsUDca2xPh7aEJzbAmoQKXys1', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mjRgNyAmNb1rGb4mw3QeBSMmUX7aUTgGk3', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mhzhQx97ASUgyfmGfS48XBj84AY3AcyLWo', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n1gZWKBwQJYxh74NbMGKzEvneeVdzSJZWF', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mzSaJhgDsptkPYSNR1sbvvB9yRjojPNZE1', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mfpp3XdPcKKHmtYPL46Ygkf78yU1yUkb9c', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mtFwj6QobpkNnGstHYQYMW8LpQvLwe9wqv', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n2B9DgAUubctjtW7DqAZsgR7Lh1q49Xt5Q', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'myUXwRQiKywvgZMbM1KYPKYZef57tWc1WG', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mofcMJRrrcAgQH9ZhAZqGN4FQLWGYRFRsM', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mq59AigXtnJTcSDTy3ApJR1qTt89RQ9dum', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n3JD3XrG2CfXJySc7g5HPEnwHMXxWkhawi', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'msxdPVFhwBq3TJ5hW7goL7t3bNPSxwAktU', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mqhPS6Q7FhW6UAbz8VrBf6mBLcPJZenRcc', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mtcNWFrthMhH7BpTn8Noi82K7xvgr1D4Di', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'my62tbtqABApeq776TdERazV3wTA17yW5u', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mteyT2SxazMAzQF75TgoxWerYLcof3VAap', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mno3bcDdX4J1fDrwp7pKPrXWFUDtUTx371', 'user_id' => 1]);
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         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mzDqRN9LHGUfKn7XTb3bo3U99ySdDdoWt6', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mvLYxkLsEz4hLRFTtTvtLq86fusGhgSSJC', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mrdvEr2FHDB26qjTBq4B1etd7KEPjtCkJk', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n1U7XnJk9rdCoRMgm1MUUqwh1kTRHNvS8r', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mhTeh9gLuovXsoycbT4Dwrqi9HgfgjPRLB', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mjpsEvTkrVoWL2Fms4Rvmta5Xy4fwPrhSY', 'user_id' => 1]);
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         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mwcpW3uh4gUYEJQbymHhYQsQe1UCrdnN7o', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mgiyBPCbsjyEyZuNxkEaikfNU9hiC1HfQ6', 'user_id' => 1]);
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         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mvt3shEcj8qcg5UbygEmJsM2Kiiqh3GqfJ', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mo6fmY7VWJLDug2YAGvwMqrAu61yb4WNt7', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mh2STFMUt6UTo56qnAK1QB9RsVs483YJJJ', 'user_id' => 1]);
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         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mqP9P7GvPCPqhdoAP5ADT4MzMKiAR9hpgm', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mzBCZQnNJyqfuvPBxwQNqp6hjytbnUwK3g', 'user_id' => 1]);
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         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'moSDPVuqJompSK25EkTNqFGNSGyYKsmosq', 'user_id' => 1]);
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         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mvLL9v6ctkycGdjutxXEU71SWqRyfKHAEP', 'user_id' => 1]);
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         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mmShcGi28RJdnqFM8BZDNpERa14Hfm1mSg', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mu1UUSoxYaLBk1A8aZNTydbV6XZF1HYqwT', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mhLm84RzVA2y3iFpGjF4u1gaGnb4CLD1dS', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mwnNAw7dLyLU36ZdWPqpZCujM3DY6UoJQW', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mggMSb8juVL4WcHAhhv5VXCxkuHB6XZjoU', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'muW1ZjWoGkjYaS9aVnoG827acVQgLSAmno', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n1fnBBxKwE75bGG2ejY7ZNvW8Cdq4JGycP', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mu3Aba5A6voq18MVPdibsCzTtENznFR3tH', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mtbofit8D4qdXyfuPGQuCAHcAHAsv1s741', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mziMYjPw4CaRv2BYStpp4w4m3RaReowb2N', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n1GZy9fAhyK4mdGXAm4hGZHGDTD5zeqCEx', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mn81EBGzsn9yzXYaFAc12pBgjWxotCsbCm', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mzhFid7V7VtvSGPYgUENCR2txNSDp38XLx', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n4WTF6q9JeJYYNJGrujzK9fF7hoF2npr1F', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mmufTKuiWVCd7DyE4cpS5TU35womztddhb', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'muwyPhLB5CKDHqQbGKBDcNSkWgTjk8XzvV', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mujgJufwjKxEZLGmVujDGxZYCEfhu1W8UK', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mvEh31owLeqmhqLPKCkevjifmhNkQ5yPV6', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mwaaMw7bTWY4nX8cxVEZ7EhnfAhPTzp1WG', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mmJZdF88zvvar8shr89V41RBzriWW5omhE', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mogpopFCbbBwkFR5cozqagZvPbjZPX73Fw', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mtMBseVpLjTYWngNKggQ7rqsDrojuFLB2i', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mgjxshvHTVdHHkHsEc73o4FpkZQ6YiYMLY', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'micjEJ66oJ9pMGduj1niYNovUScXDGy845', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n2hriLHs9F1268mogbP1Q6T5isqZ8hgVCE', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mkFSMspFNUMyVJDUKCBC1FXBZCDA7mYvMa', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mwbJf6wwp1hX3ZSD7qoimn6s6PVfW2UkKt', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n4gjmRBfQC4HYeMXn2gTyatpcxxtN8LM43', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mpZzbQP6ZYtMX7quWEKQ6eCZueVe9gTY42', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'muJnRQrkuvYHVwVumKieATkqiR69TiDSEX', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mptLxjgnkUb7FT7BWAmmoRKn8sCdnTzvsk', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mw1eWFsSqXmM6Wqd9i7RdqGDZo46Z6NzQ9', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mfhS5YuAVjREGJ7erZm6gaz6CW2uHdeo95', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'msRoLguTRdiYd39HdnEhB25i7ZQMYUdDAa', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'moEGF49NMXEKz8oR3inbmHwUF162XCzTEe', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'msoSmboB85F3GBMk14DF72EGXUUqHF6pVT', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'moebYhNeC2sFzfGEDaeC3rqS3CcpL16Tq3', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mnbq6rcSFM8KyY4SRhcrb9RRiygCorWdNZ', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mi7dHEzDuekiZJtZgk9wp5hwh4x7s3Krnp', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mnrUHMRZFgsGXyQXGAYEQp8GVQosXUzJzH', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n1E37dnzja4hUyDrDJLEPzDw3sfJJNkhyo', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mfmeL7PSNTeXaFcEKzsi4Xo5bzTzn7k1QZ', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mzr9vJ8K1GwK1eNghsW5dcufex7bJLjcZh', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mucUSW8HT3vXomRG6s5TkToFyHjtQx7QH2', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mw768DoPxc9Cbf4gxGZfZ3PM8vBUmepdM7', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mydeRWv5iV3ysi8hWUMgqxVBvf1srrvveK', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mxbYhyyNahgzkrs7QJay9iKgEuVxe4UcP3', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n26DpvpPMdqoFiiqKVnHZh7k22C5re7w5r', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mnHpz1z7bdbZ5aXv1LFpC19WWZdWTJadjn', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mfkHkhsbnDS3skpAANRKeBL8dv5nbeL612', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mypUDKFpGuCeyfoQUUbUPVj5Xr3c2ijqGf', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'myWM65UzP1r7penLqvnZnBe7A36ssFoyda', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mua9VYBpX8z5wzXbekJnFcbHpjYHedsWxe', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'muSZBiGLHdHDczGL7yV8TKRa9guNVYV8WN', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'myWM65UzP1r7penLqvnZnBe7A36ssFoyda', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mjZdDbz3Dq7RY4iJfJHG9PyMZz2C2eKe9r', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mj6EYrDpayWuE2ZpkRi1D4opayL9nWJepv', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mszjX8yHoeLn5cnW8EjBjcKaG6pZh9prPS', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mtmDj33YpVqJV4jDjVXw8pAXeGgh5D3pLr', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mnr9F2rUthy2SUePaR5Q7ronA6sV3LSePU', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mvtSZTHX6gbKf7WyuBKhSyc3KhBmp3UdmR', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mpvkk6LNxAF62Y1sZ8hYSqUQnuAgWmwaqF', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mxcyBqZq3BifNbCHTpQ3D3vrw3veA28wJz', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mrc6oiVUU4o7337vx4W1QXjJyhttJMJLVG', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'moVNzhjoJpafet2HxtFvsV9tFkHTjaSN28', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'my7GuScwY7FuFmVVtBP3udDXDZDKncoMSu', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mwLkb9FKdp9QS5DLPR2nKReKLoNn6m16rP', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mi9XAStreMN6saWARjedyF9tYaoETQNoku', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mumgtq1vHTfnkSjaMJWigz66CNVFPZXueU', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mvgjkTgK6xgsQb7MmFERRgJw37SiADEHPr', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mgzE6zDyFcHfHRdgjGGqjFqu9wJJC54jfo', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n1SE8GtHjRZRY4rGNoiVZYNXFG7jk3DBPE', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n1ZY8a55nwWDC6kqdXhLFP2ZKZXtAUs1Qw', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mzA7YNwws8WadQyWRuGewwTLq5sgqcpdeh', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mnztpXU4gaEAMmARZRJ7YkR3gusxyPXXYu', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mvU95ePWvE6YoDLbfY7KsR1FErrBddSSjk', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'mnL4c5DBiDmVmLhVHF5jnJ1VfUDvBjnzDH', 'user_id' => 1]);
         ChangeAddress::create(['address' => 'n4UqrLvZCoBigsMYt8AjyUzsjYLCH54SVf', 'user_id' => 1]);
Пример #8
  * The construct loads sets up items needed application wide.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public function __construct()
     global $post_buffer;
     $this->method = $this->router->fetch_method();
     // No record? Probably DNS'ed but not added to multisite
     if (!defined('SITE_REF')) {
         show_error('This domain is not set up correctly. Please go to ' . anchor('sites') . ' and log in to add this site.');
     // Load the cache library now that we know the siteref
     // Migrate DB to the latest version
     //		$this->load->library('migration');
     # If App was just automatically updated, the update system will force a refresh.
     // With that done, load settings
     $this->load->library(array('session', 'settings/settings'));
     // Lock front-end language
     if (!(is_a($this, 'Admin_Controller') && ($site_lang = AUTO_LANGUAGE))) {
         $site_public_lang = explode(',', Settings::get('site_public_lang'));
         if (in_array(AUTO_LANGUAGE, $site_public_lang)) {
             $site_lang = AUTO_LANGUAGE;
         } else {
             $site_lang = Settings::get('site_lang');
     // What language us being used
     defined('CURRENT_LANGUAGE') or define('CURRENT_LANGUAGE', $site_lang);
     $langs = $this->config->item('supported_languages');
     $sitelang['lang'] = $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE];
     $sitelang['lang']['code'] = CURRENT_LANGUAGE;
     // Set php locale time
     if (isset($langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['codes']) && sizeof($locale = (array) $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['codes']) > 1) {
         array_unshift($locale, LC_TIME);
         call_user_func_array('setlocale', $locale);
     // Reload languages
         $this->config->set_item('language', $langs[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]['folder']);
         $this->lang->is_loaded = array();
         $this->lang->load(array('errors', 'global', 'users/user', 'settings/settings'));
     } else {
         $this->lang->load(array('global', 'users/user'));
     $this->load->library(array('events', 'users/ion_auth'));
     define('IS_AJAX', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest');
     define('IS_CLI', defined('STDIN'));
     // Create a hook point with access to instance but before custom code
     $this->current_user = $this->template->current_user = $this->ion_auth->get_user();
     // Work out module, controller and method and make them accessable throught the CI instance
     $this->module = $this->module = $this->router->fetch_module();
     $this->controller = $this->controller = $this->router->fetch_class();
     $this->method = $this->method = $this->router->fetch_method();
     // Loaded after $this->current_user is set so that data can be used everywhere
     $this->load->model(array('users/permission_m', 'modules/module_m', 'themes/theme_m'));
     // List available module permissions for this user
     $this->permissions = $this->current_user ? $this->permission_m->get_group($this->current_user->group_id) : array();
     // ! empty($this->permissions['users']['']);
     // Get meta data for the module
     $this->template->module_details = $this->module_details = $this->module_m->get($this->router->fetch_module());
     // If the module is disabled, then show a 404.
     empty($this->module_details['enabled']) and show_404();
     if (!$this->module_details['skip_xss']) {
         $_POST = $this->security->xss_clean($_POST);
     if ($this->module and isset($this->module_details['path'])) {
         Asset::add_path('module', $this->module_details['path'] . '/');
     log_message('debug', "My_Controller Class Initialized");
     $_POST = $this->process_input($_POST, $post_buffer);
     # Fix a bug with send_x_days_before.
     if (!Settings::get('send_x_days_before')) {
         Settings::create('send_x_days_before', 7);