Пример #1
     echo "Resetting the system type of Spotweb to " . SpotCommandline::get('set-systemtype') . PHP_EOL;
     echo "System type changed" . PHP_EOL;
 # if
  * If the user asked to change the preference of all users..
 if (SpotCommandline::get('mass-userprefchange')) {
     $prefToChange = explode("=", SpotCommandline::get('mass-userprefchange'));
     if (count($prefToChange) != 2) {
         throw new Exception("Please specify new preference as follows: perpage=10 or count_newspots=off");
     # if
     echo "Mass changing a users' preference " . $prefToChange[0] . " to a value of " . $prefToChange[1] . PHP_EOL;
     $svcUpgradeBase->massChangeUserPreferences($prefToChange[0], $prefToChange[1]);
     echo "Users' preferences changed" . PHP_EOL;
 # if
  * If the user asked to reset the password of a user
 if (SpotCommandline::get('reset-password')) {
     echo "Resetting the password of '" . SpotCommandline::get('reset-password') . "' to 'spotweb'" . PHP_EOL;
     echo "Password changed" . PHP_EOL;
 # if
 /* If the user asked to reset group membership, reset all group memberships */
 if (SpotCommandline::get('reset-securitygroups')) {
     echo "Resetting security groups to their default settings" . PHP_EOL;