  * @param FormInterface $form
  * @param Request       $request
  * @return bool
 public function handle(FormInterface $form, Request $request)
     $this->logger->info('MotorCoachCreateHandler handle()');
     if (!$request->isMethod('POST')) {
         return false;
     if (!$form->isValid()) {
         return false;
     $validMotorCoach = $form->getData();
     $this->flashManager->getSuccessMessage('Motor coach was added successfully!');
     return true;
Пример #2
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $file = Input::file('image');
     // your file upload input field in the form should be named 'file'
     $destinationPath = public_path() . '/uploads';
     $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
     //$extension =$file->getClientOriginalExtension(); //if you need extension of the file
     $uploadSuccess = Input::file('image')->move($destinationPath, $filename);
     $RandNumber = rand(0, 9999999999.0);
     if ($uploadSuccess) {
         require_once 'PHPImageWorkshop/ImageWorkshop.php';
         chmod($destinationPath . "/" . $filename, 0777);
         $layer = PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initFromPath(public_path() . '/uploads/' . $filename);
         unlink(public_path() . '/uploads/' . $filename);
         $layer->resizeInPixel(400, null, true);
         $layer->applyFilter(IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST, -16, null, null, null, true);
         $layer->applyFilter(IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, 9, null, null, null, true);
         $dirPath = public_path() . '/uploads/' . "service";
         $filename = "_" . $RandNumber . ".png";
         $createFolders = true;
         $backgroundColor = null;
         // transparent, only for PNG (otherwise it will be white if set null)
         $imageQuality = 100;
         // useless for GIF, usefull for PNG and JPEG (0 to 100%)
         $layer->save($dirPath, $filename, $createFolders, $backgroundColor, $imageQuality);
         chmod($dirPath . "/" . $filename, 0777);
     //connect & insert file record in database
     $service = Service::create(array("name" => Input::get('name'), "descriptions" => Input::get('descriptions'), "image" => $filename));
     return View::make('service.manage');
Пример #3
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     $service = Service::create(array('name' => 'Simful Travel', 'description' => 'Complete solution for travel agents'));
     ServiceOption::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'option_name' => 'Economy', 'base_price' => '15', 'description' => 'Designed for small, starter agents.'));
     ServiceOption::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'option_name' => 'Professional', 'base_price' => '24', 'description' => 'Great for small and mid-size agents.'));
     ServiceOption::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'option_name' => 'Super', 'base_price' => '45', 'description' => 'For mid-size to large agents.'));
     ServiceOption::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'option_name' => 'Ultima', 'base_price' => '125', 'description' => 'For the enterprise level.'));
     BillingCycle::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'cycle' => 3, 'discount' => 5));
     BillingCycle::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'cycle' => 6, 'discount' => 10));
     BillingCycle::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'cycle' => 12, 'discount' => 20));
     BillingCycle::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'cycle' => 24, 'discount' => 25));
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $service = Service::create(array('name' => studly_case($faker->domainWord), 'description' => $faker->sentence));
         ServiceOption::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'option_name' => 'Economy', 'base_price' => $faker->randomNumber(1, 15), 'description' => $faker->sentence));
         ServiceOption::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'option_name' => 'Professional', 'base_price' => $faker->randomNumber(16, 35), 'description' => $faker->sentence));
         ServiceOption::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'option_name' => 'Super', 'base_price' => $faker->randomNumber(36, 100), 'description' => $faker->sentence));
         ServiceOption::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'option_name' => 'Ultima', 'base_price' => $faker->randomNumber(101, 200), 'description' => $faker->sentence));
         BillingCycle::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'cycle' => 3, 'discount' => 5));
         BillingCycle::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'cycle' => 6, 'discount' => 10));
         BillingCycle::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'cycle' => 12, 'discount' => 20));
         BillingCycle::create(array('service_id' => $service->id, 'cycle' => 24, 'discount' => 25));
Пример #4
 public function execute()
     $sPath = Request::path();
     foreach ($this->routes as $sKey => $sMethod) {
         if (preg_match('~' . $sKey . '~', $sPath)) {
             debug(get_class($this) . " -> {$sMethod}() [{$sPath} => {$sKey}]");
             if ($sMethod[0] == '#') {
                 $sMethod = substr($sMethod, 1);
                 if (class_exists($sMethod)) {
                     return Service::create($sMethod)->execute();
                 } else {
                     debug('Service not found: ' . $sMethod);
             } else {
                 if (method_exists($this, $sMethod)) {
                     $bReturn = $this->{$sMethod}();
                     P::mark(get_class($this) . '::' . $sMethod);
                     return $bReturn;
                 } else {
                     debug('Method not found: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $sMethod . '()');
     debug(get_class($this) . " -> NO MATCH");
     return false;
 public function run()
     Service::create(['name' => 'email', 'friendly_name' => 'E-Mail']);
     Service::create(['name' => 'twitter', 'friendly_name' => 'Twitter']);
     Service::create(['name' => 'hipchat', 'friendly_name' => 'HipChat']);
     Service::create(['name' => 'pushbullet', 'friendly_name' => 'PushBullet']);
Пример #6
Файл: seed.php Проект: ajb/rfpez
 private function base_data()
     // If the "Web Design" service already exists, assume this task has already been run and exit.
     if (Service::where_name('Web Design')->first()) {
     // Create services for vendor profiles
     Service::create(array('name' => 'Web Design', 'description' => 'Your focus is on design. You spend your time in graphic design tools.'));
     Service::create(array('name' => 'Web Development', 'description' => 'You write code. PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, ColdFusion. You write software.'));
     Service::create(array('name' => 'Content Management ', 'description' => 'Your focus is on Content Management. Drupal Integrations, etc.'));
     Service::create(array('name' => 'Social Media Marketing', 'description' => 'Facebook, Twitter, Google+, you help people use Social Media to the best of their ability.'));
     Service::create(array('name' => 'Search Engine Optimization', 'description' => 'You make content discoverable in search engines.'));
     Service::create(array('name' => 'Mobile Application Development', 'description' => 'You make applications for mobile phones.'));
     Service::create(array('name' => 'Video Production', 'description' => 'Your make great online videos'));
     Service::create(array('name' => 'Video Transcription', 'description' => 'You write transcripts of videos.'));
     // Create project types
     $project_types = array();
     $project_types[] = ProjectType::create(array('name' => 'Web Design', 'naics' => 541430, 'threshold' => 7));
     $project_types[] = ProjectType::create(array('name' => 'Web Development', 'naics' => 541511, 'threshold' => 25.5));
     $project_types[] = ProjectType::create(array('name' => 'Content Management', 'naics' => 541511, 'threshold' => 25.5));
     $project_types[] = ProjectType::create(array('name' => 'Social Media Marketing', 'naics' => 541511, 'threshold' => 25.5));
     $project_types[] = ProjectType::create(array('name' => 'Search Engine Optimization', 'naics' => 541511, 'threshold' => 25.5));
     $project_types[] = ProjectType::create(array('name' => 'Mobile Application Development', 'naics' => 541511, 'threshold' => 25.5));
     $project_types[] = ProjectType::create(array('name' => 'Video Production', 'naics' => 512110, 'threshold' => 29.5));
     $project_types[] = ProjectType::create(array('name' => 'Video Transcription', 'naics' => 561410, 'threshold' => 7));
     foreach ($project_types as $project_type) {
         $project_type->show_in_list = true;
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $rules = array('item' => 'required|min:3|unique:services', 'description' => 'required|min:3', 'charges' => 'required|numeric', 'tax' => 'required|numeric');
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
     if ($validator->passes()) {
         return Redirect::to('services')->with('success', 'Service created successfully');
     } else {
         return Redirect::to('service/create')->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
Пример #8
 public function run()
     $serv = Service::create(array('name' => 'nlptools', 'root' => 'http://nlptools.atrilla.net'));
     //return service obj
     $limit = new Limit(array('type' => 'month', 'max_hits' => 500));
     $ep = new EndPoint(array('name' => 'api'));
     $ep->parameters()->save(new Parameter(array('name' => 'service', 'type' => 'string', 'defaultValue' => 'sentiment_news')));
     $ep->parameters()->save(new Parameter(array('name' => 'text', 'type' => 'string')));
 public function run()
     Service::create(['service' => 'Urgencias y Sala de Shock', 'description' => 'El servicio de urgencias del hospital cuenta con un área de revisión, choque y procedimientos diversos entre las cuales engloba el manejo de primer contacto del paciente que busca atención prioritaria. Se mantiene con equipo adecuado y personal médico disponible las 24 horas para proporcionar la ayuda indispensable en una situación de emergencia.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 1]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Quirófanos', 'description' => '4 Quirófanos que cuentan con equipo innovador que ofrece seguridad a los pacientes que requieren de una cirugía urgente o electiva, que junto con el personal médico y de enfermería buscan recuperar la salud de los mismos de manera eficaz. Atención a procedimientos de cirugía general, ambulatoria y de alta especialidad.', 'image' => 'img/services/quirofanos.jpg', 'order' => 2]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Cuneros', 'description' => 'Tiene capacidad de 15 cuneros, 3 incubadoras y 1 cuna radiante. Consiste en uno de los lugares más emblemáticos de nuestro hospital ya que alberga a nuestros pacientes más importantes e indefensos otorgándoles una adaptación adecuada en sus primeras horas de vida, cuidando sus niveles de oxígeno en sangre, manteniéndolos a la temperatura ideal y brindando atención las 24 horas con personal altamente capacitado.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 3]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Rayos X', 'description' => 'Equipo siemens multifuncional con mesa de exploración basculable con sistema de procesamiento digital AGFA para la realización de estudios simples y contrastados, lo que permite un estudio más exacto y cómodo.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 4]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Habitaciones', 'description' => '29 Habitaciones Individuales, 1 Junior Suite, 1 Master Suite, equipadas con televisión con cable, cama eléctrica, ventilador, baño independiente, sofá para el acompañante, teléfono que incluye llamadas locales ilimitadas y aire acondicionado en las junior y master, adicional contamos con 1 Habitación Cuádruple, 1 Tríple y 4 Dobles', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 5]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Sala de Expulsión', 'description' => '1 Sala de Labor donde se ofrece un ambiente idóneo para un momento tan importante en la vida como el nacimiento de un hijo, con equipo moderno, seguro y personal altamente calificado.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 6]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Unidad de Terapia Intensiva', 'description' => 'Las áreas de terapia intensiva adultos y neonatal, están asignadas para el manejo de pacientes en estado crítico, equipadas con tecnología de punta que permite la vigilancia estrecha de los mismos y que en conjunto con el desempeño medico brinda las mejores condiciones para salvaguardar la vida en estos difíciles momentos.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 7]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Laboratorio', 'description' => 'Ofrece servicio las 24 hrs. los 365 días del año, realizando exámenes de Biometría, Química Sanguínea, EGO, Coprologico General, Líquidos Corporales, Histopatológicos, Papanicolau, etc.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 8]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Ultrasonido', 'description' => 'Equipo Midray que cuenta con diferentes transductores para la realización de estudios obstétricos abdomino-pélvicos, mamarios, endocavitarios y testiculares, además el equipo cuenta con eco doppler para la realización de estudios arteriales y venosos.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 9]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Consultorios Médicos', 'description' => 'Se ofrece el servicio de consulta general y de especialidades.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 10]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Seguridad 24 horas', 'description' => 'Comprometidos con brindar un servicio de calidad y seguridad contamos con personal de vigilancia altamente capacitado para salvaguardar la integridad y tranquilidad de sus pacientes y familiares las 24 horas del día.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 11]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Tomografía Axial Computarizada', 'description' => 'Tomógrafo siemens emotion dúo multicorte ideal para la realización de estudios simples y contrastados con una rapidez de adquisición de imagen y calidad de vanguardia', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 12]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Cafetería', 'description' => '¿Te apetece comer algo? en la cafetería de Hospital de Especialidades Catalina podrás degustar deliciosos desayunos, comidas y cenas.', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 13]);
     Service::create(['service' => 'Oratorio', 'description' => '', 'image' => 'img/services/urgencias.jpg', 'order' => 14]);
Пример #10
 function getandWriteService()
     global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml;
     $srvlist = $this->getList("service");
     if ($srvlist) {
         foreach ($srvlist as $srv) {
             $srv->metadbaction = "writeonly";
     // Big big hack hack... Checking for windowsOs here itself.
     if ($this->ostype === 'windows') {
         $list = service__Windows::getMainServiceList();
     } else {
         $list = service__Linux::getMainServiceList();
     foreach ((array) $list as $l => $g) {
         $nname = $l . "___" . $this->nname;
         $ob = new Service($this->__masterserver, $this->__readserver, $nname);
         $res['syncserver'] = $this->nname;
         $res['servicename'] = $l;
         $res['grepstring'] = $g;
         $res['status'] = 'on';
         $res['parent_clname'] = $this->getClName();
         if (isset($sgbl->__var_service_desc[$l])) {
             $res['description'] = $sgbl->__var_service_desc[$l];
         } else {
             $res['description'] = "";
         $this->addToList('service', $ob);
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     return $this->service->create($request->all());
 public function run()
     Service::create(array('title' => 'Web development', 'description' => 'PHP, MySQL, Javascript and more.'));
     Service::create(array('title' => 'SEO', 'description' => 'Get on first page of search engines with our help.'));
     Service::create(array('title' => 'Marketing', 'description' => 'Advertise with us.'));
Пример #13
 public function run()
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => '', 'second_name' => 'generic-service', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'Generic Template', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'name', 'value' => 'generic-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'active_checks_enabled', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'passive_checks_enabled', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'parallelize_check', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'obsess_over_service', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_freshness', 'value' => '0']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'notifications_enabled', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'event_handler_enabled', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'flap_detection_enabled', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'failure_prediction_enabled', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'process_perf_data', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'retain_status_information', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'retain_nonstatus_information', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'is_volatile', 'value' => '0']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_period', 'value' => '24x7']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'max_check_attempts', 'value' => '3']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'normal_check_interval', 'value' => '10']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'retry_check_interval', 'value' => '2']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'contact_groups', 'value' => 'admins']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'notification_options', 'value' => 'w,u,c,r']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'notification_interval', 'value' => '60']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'notification_period', 'value' => '24x7']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'register', 'value' => '0']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => '', 'second_name' => 'local-service', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'Localhost Template', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'name', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'generic-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'max_check_attempts', 'value' => '4']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'normal_check_interval', 'value' => '5']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'retry_check_interval', 'value' => '1']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'register', 'value' => '0']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => 'localhost', 'second_name' => 'PING', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'PING', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'host_name', 'value' => 'localhost']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'service_description', 'value' => 'PING']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_command', 'value' => 'check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => '_graphiteprefix', 'value' => 'monitoring.nagios.localhost']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => 'localhost', 'second_name' => 'Root Partition', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'Root Partition', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'host_name', 'value' => 'localhost']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'service_description', 'value' => 'Root Partition']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_command', 'value' => 'check_local_disk!20%!10%!/']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => '_graphiteprefix', 'value' => 'monitoring.nagios.localhost']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => 'localhost', 'second_name' => 'Current Users', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'Current Users', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'host_name', 'value' => 'localhost']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'service_description', 'value' => 'Current Users']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_command', 'value' => 'check_local_users!20!50']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => '_graphiteprefix', 'value' => 'monitoring.nagios.localhost']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => 'localhost', 'second_name' => 'Total Processes', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'Total Processes', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'host_name', 'value' => 'localhost']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'service_description', 'value' => 'Total Processes']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_command', 'value' => 'check_local_procs!250!400!RSZDT']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => '_graphiteprefix', 'value' => 'monitoring.nagios.localhost']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => 'localhost', 'second_name' => 'Current Load', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'Current Load', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'host_name', 'value' => 'localhost']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'service_description', 'value' => 'Current Load']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_command', 'value' => 'check_local_load!5.0,4.0,3.0!10.0,6.0,4.0']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => '_graphiteprefix', 'value' => 'monitoring.nagios.localhost']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => 'localhost', 'second_name' => 'Swap Usage', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'Swap Usage', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'host_name', 'value' => 'localhost']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'service_description', 'value' => 'Swap Usage']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_command', 'value' => 'check_local_swap!20!10']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => '_graphiteprefix', 'value' => 'monitoring.nagios.localhost']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => 'localhost', 'second_name' => 'SSH', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'SSH', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'host_name', 'value' => 'localhost']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'service_description', 'value' => 'SSH']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_command', 'value' => 'check_ssh']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'notifications_enabled', 'value' => '0']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => '_graphiteprefix', 'value' => 'monitoring.nagios.localhost']);
     $uuid = UUID::v4();
     Object::create(['uuid' => $uuid, 'object_type' => '2', 'first_name' => 'localhost', 'second_name' => 'HTTP', 'is_active' => '1']);
     Service::create(['object_uuid' => $uuid, 'host_fk' => '', 'description' => 'HTTP', 'command_fk' => '']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'use', 'value' => 'local-service']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'host_name', 'value' => 'localhost']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'service_description', 'value' => 'HTTP']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'check_command', 'value' => 'check_http']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => 'notifications_enabled', 'value' => '0']);
     ServiceDetail::create(['service_fk' => $uuid, 'key' => '_graphiteprefix', 'value' => 'monitoring.nagios.localhost']);