Пример #1

// new Api("...", "...", false, true) to enable debug output
$sendgrid = new SendGrid\Api("my_username", "my_password");
// Initialize new user without actually creating it (the next step does that)
$user = new SendGrid\SubUser("wanted_username", "password", "*****@*****.**", "email.domain.example.com");
// Optional arguments are available
// Add the sub user to your account
// Assign an IP to the user
// Enable and configure an app
$user->enableApp("eventnotify", true, array('processed' => false, 'dropped' => true, 'deferred' => false, 'delivered' => false, 'bounce' => true, 'click' => false, 'open' => false, 'unsubscribe' => false, 'spamreport' => true, 'url' => 'http://example.com/url-to-event-receiver'));
// Instead of creating a user, we can retrieve one
$user = $sendgrid->getSubUser("another_sub_username");
// Get a list of available apps for the user
$apps = $user->getApps();
// Get current settings for a specific app
$settings = $user->getAppSettings("eventnotify");
// Delete the subuser
Пример #2
  * Helper method for "do something" calls.
 private function execute($action, array $params = array(), array $postParams = null)
     $user = array('user' => $this->username);
     return $this->api->execute($action, array_merge($user, $params), $postParams);