Пример #1
// get app name
if (empty($_REQUEST['name'])) {
    die('Parameter name required');
$appName = $_REQUEST['name'];
$App = new Sencha_App($appName);
// get target framework version
if (empty($_REQUEST['cmdVersion'])) {
    die('Parameter cmdVersion required');
$cmdVersion = $_REQUEST['cmdVersion'];
Benchmark::mark("configured request: appName={$appName}");
// get framework
$framework = $App->getFramework();
$frameworkVersion = $App->getFrameworkVersion();
if (!$frameworkVersion) {
    die("Unable to determine framework version, if this is an old application you need to manually set app.framework.version in .sencha/app/sencha.cfg");
// set paths
$workspacePath = 'sencha-workspace';
$workspaceConfigPath = "{$workspacePath}/.sencha";
$frameworkPath = "{$workspacePath}/{$framework}-{$frameworkVersion}";
$packagesPath = "{$workspacePath}/packages";
$appPath = "{$workspacePath}/{$appName}";
$archivePath = "sencha-build/{$appName}/archive";
// get temporary directory and set paths
$tmpPath = Emergence_FS::getTmpDir();
$workspaceConfigTmpPath = "{$tmpPath}/.sencha";
$frameworkTmpPath = "{$tmpPath}/{$framework}";
$packagesTmpPath = "{$tmpPath}/packages";