Пример #1
 public function renderPanel($context)
     $config = $context['config'];
     switch ($context['type']) {
         case 'search_index':
             $logs = SearchIndex::getLogs('date', 'desc', 1);
             $thead = array(array(__('Date'), 'col'), array(__('Keywords'), 'col'), array(__('Results'), 'col'));
             $tbody = array();
             if (!is_array($logs) or empty($logs)) {
                 $tbody = array(Widget::TableRow(array(Widget::TableData(__('No data available.'), 'inactive', null, count($thead)))));
             } else {
                 foreach ($logs as $log) {
                     $tbody[] = Widget::TableRow(array(Widget::TableData(DateTimeObj::get(__SYM_DATETIME_FORMAT__, strtotime($log['date']))), Widget::TableData($log['keywords']), Widget::TableData($log['results'])));
             $table = Widget::Table(Widget::TableHead($thead), null, Widget::TableBody($tbody), null);
             $table->setAttribute('class', 'skinny');
             $context['panel']->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', '<a href="' . (SYMPHONY_URL . '/extension/search_index/logs/') . '">' . __('View full search logs') . ' &#8594;</a>', array('style' => 'margin:0.7em;text-align:right;')));
Пример #2
 public function __viewIndex()
     $this->setTitle(__('Symphony') . ' &ndash; ' . __('Search Indexes'));
     $page = @(int) $_GET['pg'] > 1 ? (int) $_GET['pg'] : 1;
     $page_size = (int) Symphony::Configuration()->get('pagination_maximum_rows', 'symphony');
     $sort_column = 'date';
     $sort_order = 'desc';
     $filter_keywords = '';
     $filter_view = '';
     if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
         $sort_column = $_GET['sort'];
     if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
         $sort_order = $_GET['order'];
     if (isset($_GET['keywords'])) {
         $filter_keywords = $_GET['keywords'];
     if (isset($_GET['view'])) {
         $filter_view = $_GET['view'];
     $logs = SearchIndex::getLogs($sort_column, $sort_order, $filter_view == 'export' ? NULL : $page, $filter_keywords);
     if ($filter_view == 'export') {
         $file_path = sprintf('%s/search-index.log.%d.csv', TMP, time());
         $csv = fopen($file_path, 'w');
         fputcsv($csv, array(__('Date'), __('Keywords'), __('Adjusted Keywords'), __('Results'), __('Depth'), __('Session ID')), ',', '"');
         foreach ($logs as $log) {
             fputcsv($csv, array($log['date'], $log['keywords'], $log['keywords_manipulated'], $log['results'], $log['depth'], $log['session_id']), ',', '"');
         header('Content-type: application/csv');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . end(explode('/', $file_path)) . '"');
     $start = max(1, ($page - 1) * $page_size);
     $end = $start == 1 ? $page_size : $start + count($logs);
     $total = SearchIndex::countLogs($filter_keywords);
     $pages = ceil($total / $page_size);
     $filter_form = Widget::Form($this->_uri . '/logs/', 'get');
     $filters = new XMLElement('div', NULL, array('class' => 'search-index-log-filters'));
     $label = new XMLElement('label', __('Filter searches containing the keywords %s', array(Widget::Input('keywords', $filter_keywords)->generate())));
     $filters->appendChild(new XMLElement('input', NULL, array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Filter'), 'class' => 'create button')));
     $filters->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Clear'), $this->_uri . '/logs/', NULL, 'button clear'));
     $this->insertDrawer(Widget::Drawer('search_index', __('Filter Logs'), $filter_form, 'opened'), 'horizontal');
     $this->appendSubheading(__('Logs'), Widget::Anchor(__('Export CSV'), $this->_uri . '/logs/?view=export&amp;sort=' . $sort_column . '&amp;order=' . $sort_order . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords, NULL, 'button'));
     $stats = array('unique-users' => SearchIndex::getStatsCount('unique-users', $filter_keywords), 'unique-searches' => SearchIndex::getStatsCount('unique-searches', $filter_keywords), 'unique-terms' => SearchIndex::getStatsCount('unique-terms', $filter_keywords), 'average-results' => SearchIndex::getStatsCount('average-results', $filter_keywords));
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/extensions/search_index/assets/search_index.css', 'screen', 100);
     $this->Form->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', sprintf(__('<strong>%s</strong> unique searches from <strong>%s</strong> unique users via <strong>%s</strong> distinct search terms. Each search yielded an average of <strong>%s</strong> results.', array($stats['unique-searches'], $stats['unique-users'], $stats['unique-terms'], $stats['average-results']))), array('class' => 'intro')));
     $tableHead = array();
     $tableBody = array();
     $tableHead = array(array(Widget::Anchor(__('Date'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=1&amp;sort=date&amp;order=' . ($sort_column == 'date' && $sort_order == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc') . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords, '', $sort_column == 'date' ? 'active' : ''), 'col'), array(Widget::Anchor(__('Keywords'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=1&amp;sort=keywords&amp;order=' . ($sort_column == 'keywords' && $sort_order == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc') . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords, '', $sort_column == 'keywords' ? 'active' : ''), 'col'), array(__('Adjusted Keywords'), 'col'), array(Widget::Anchor(__('Results'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=1&amp;sort=results&amp;order=' . ($sort_column == 'results' && $sort_order == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc') . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords, '', $sort_column == 'results' ? 'active' : ''), 'col'), array(Widget::Anchor(__('Depth'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=1&amp;sort=depth&amp;order=' . ($sort_column == 'depth' && $sort_order == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc') . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords, '', $sort_column == 'depth' ? 'active' : ''), 'col'), array(__('Session ID'), 'col'));
     if (!is_array($logs) or empty($logs)) {
         $tableBody = array(Widget::TableRow(array(Widget::TableData(__('None Found.'), 'inactive', null, count($tableHead)))));
     } else {
         foreach ($logs as $hash => $log) {
             $row = array();
             $row[] = Widget::TableData(DateTimeObj::get(__SYM_DATETIME_FORMAT__, strtotime($log['date'])));
             $keywords = $log['keywords'];
             $keywords_class = '';
             if ($keywords == '') {
                 $keywords = __('None');
                 $keywords_class = 'inactive';
             $row[] = Widget::TableData(htmlentities($keywords, ENT_QUOTES), $keywords_class);
             $adjusted = $log['keywords_manipulated'];
             $adjusted_class = '';
             if ($log['keywords_manipulated'] == '' || strtolower(trim($log['keywords'])) == strtolower(trim($log['keywords_manipulated']))) {
                 $adjusted = __('None');
                 $adjusted_class = 'inactive';
             $row[] = Widget::TableData(htmlentities($adjusted, ENT_QUOTES), $adjusted_class);
             $row[] = Widget::TableData($log['results']);
             $row[] = Widget::TableData($log['depth']);
             $row[] = Widget::TableData($log['session_id']);
             //$row[] = Widget::TableData($log['session_id'] . Widget::Input("items[{$log['id']}]", null, 'checkbox')->generate());
             $tableBody[] = Widget::TableRow($row);
     $table = Widget::Table(Widget::TableHead($tableHead), null, Widget::TableBody($tableBody));
     $div = new XMLElement('div');
     $div->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
     // Pagination:
     if ($pages > 1) {
         $ul = new XMLElement('ul');
         $ul->setAttribute('class', 'page');
         ## First
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($page > 1) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('First'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=1&amp;sort=' . $sort_column . '&amp;order=' . $sort_order . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords));
         } else {
         ## Previous
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($page > 1) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('&larr; Previous'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . ($page - 1) . '&amp;sort=' . $sort_column . '&amp;order=' . $sort_order . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords));
         } else {
             $li->setValue('&larr; ' . __('Previous'));
         ## Summary
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         $li->setAttribute('title', __('Viewing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s entries', array($start, $end, $total)));
         $pgform = Widget::Form(Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL(), 'get', 'paginationform');
         $pgmax = max($page, $pages);
         $pgform->appendChild(Widget::Input('pg', NULL, 'text', array('data-active' => __('Go to page …'), 'data-inactive' => __('Page %1$s of %2$s', array((string) $page, $pgmax)), 'data-max' => $pgmax)));
         ## Next
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($page < $pages) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Next &rarr;'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . ($page + 1) . '&amp;sort=' . $sort_column . '&amp;order=' . $sort_order . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords));
         } else {
             $li->setValue(__('Next') . ' &rarr;');
         ## Last
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($page < $pages) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Last'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $pages . '&amp;sort=' . $sort_column . '&amp;order=' . $sort_order . '&amp;keywords=' . $filter_keywords));
         } else {