function ensure_init()
     global $scoper;
     if (!isset($scoper) || is_null($scoper)) {
         require_once SCOPER_ABSPATH . '/role-scoper_main.php';
         $scoper = new Scoper();
     if (empty($scoper->data_sources)) {
function scoper_startup_error($msg_id = '')
    // this is the normal situation on first pass after activation
    if ('wp_role_type' == $msg_id) {
        awp_notice('Role Scoper cannot operate because the "WP" Role Type is no longer supported.  Please re-activate <a href="">Role Scoper version 1.2.8 or earlier</a>, set Roles > Options > Role&nbsp;Type to "RS", then re-establish Roles and Restrictions before upgrading.  <strong>All content is hidden until you deactivate this Role Scoper version.</strong>', 'role-scoper');
    // To prevent inadverant content exposure, default to blocking all content if another plugin steals wp_set_current_user definition.
    if ('plugins.php' != $GLOBALS['pagenow']) {
        add_filter('posts_where', create_function('$a', "return 'AND 1=2';"), 99);
        add_filter('posts_results', create_function('$a', "return array();"), 1);
        add_filter('get_pages', create_function('$a', "return array();"), 99);
        add_filter('get_bookmarks', create_function('$a', "return array();"), 99);
        add_filter('get_categories', create_function('$a', "return array();"), 99);
        add_filter('get_terms', create_function('$a', "return array();"), 99);
        add_filter('option_sticky_posts', create_function('$a', "return false;"), 99);
        // Also run interference for all custom-defined where_hook, request_filter or results_filter
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/role-scoper_main.php';
        global $scoper, $wpdb, $current_user;
        $buffer_user = $current_user;
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/role-scoper_init.php';
        $scoper = new Scoper();
        $GLOBALS['current_user'] = $buffer_user;
        foreach ($scoper->data_sources->get_all() as $src) {
            if (!empty($src->query_hooks->request)) {
                add_filter($src->query_hooks->request, create_function('$a', "return 'SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE 1=2';"), 99);
            if (!empty($src->query_hooks->where)) {
                add_filter($src->query_hooks->where, create_function('$a', "return 'AND 1=2';"), 99);
            if (!empty($src->query_hooks->results)) {
                add_filter($src->query_hooks->results, create_function('$a', "return array();"), 1);
Пример #3
function scoper_init()
    global $scoper;
    // Work around bug in More Taxonomies (and possibly other plugins) where category taxonomy is overriden without setting it public
    foreach (array('category', 'post_tag') as $taxonomy) {
        if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_taxonomies'][$taxonomy])) {
            $GLOBALS['wp_taxonomies'][$taxonomy]->public = true;
    if (IS_MU_RS && agp_is_plugin_network_active(SCOPER_BASENAME)) {
        global $scoper_sitewide_options;
        $scoper_sitewide_options = apply_filters('sitewide_options_rs', $scoper_sitewide_options);
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-cap-helper_cr.php';
    if (is_admin()) {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin/admin-init_rs.php';
        // TODO: why is the require statement up top not sufficient for NGG 1.7.2 uploader?
    //log_mem_usage_rs( 'scoper_admin_init done' );
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/scoped-user.php';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/role-scoper_main.php';
    //log_mem_usage_rs( 'require role-scoper_main' );
    if (empty($scoper)) {
        // set_current_user may have already triggered scoper creation and role_cap load
        $scoper = new Scoper();
        //log_mem_usage_rs( 'new Scoper done' );
    // ensure that content administrators (as defined by SCOPER_CONTENT_ADMIN_CAP) have all caps for custom types by default
    if (is_content_administrator_rs()) {
        global $current_rs_user;
        if (!empty($current_rs_user)) {
            // user object not set when scoper_init() is manually invoked to support htaccess rule generation on plugin activation
            foreach (get_post_types(array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false)) as $name) {
                $current_rs_user->assigned_blog_roles[ANY_CONTENT_DATE_RS]["rs_{$name}_editor"] = true;
            $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false));
            $taxonomies[] = 'nav_menu';
            foreach ($taxonomies as $name) {
                $current_rs_user->assigned_blog_roles[ANY_CONTENT_DATE_RS]["rs_{$name}_manager"] = true;
            $GLOBALS['current_user']->allcaps = array_merge($GLOBALS['current_user']->allcaps, $current_rs_user->allcaps);
            $GLOBALS['current_user']->assigned_blog_roles = $current_rs_user->assigned_blog_roles;
    if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'expire_file_rules' == $_GET['action']) {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/attachment-helper_rs.php';
    //log_mem_usage_rs( 'scoper->init() done' );