Пример #1
 * The environment class helps us handle errors
 * and autoloading of classes. It's not required
 * to make Scaffold function, but makes it a bit
 * nicer to use.
include $system . '/lib/Scaffold/Environment.php';
 * Set timezone, just in case it isn't set. PHP 5.3+ 
 * throws a tantrum if you try and use time() without
 * this being set.
 * Automatically load any Scaffold Classes
 * Let Scaffold handle errors
 * Set the view to use for errors and exceptions
Scaffold_Environment::set_view(realpath($system . '/views/error.php'));
// =========================================
// = Start the scaffolding magic  =
// =========================================
// Make sure the config var is set
if (!isset($config)) {
    $config = array();