// instantiate the store adapter which handles the communication with Virtuoso.
$virtuoso = new Saft\Addition\Virtuoso\Store\Virtuoso(new NodeFactoryImpl(), new StatementFactoryImpl(), new QueryFactoryImpl(), new ResultFactoryImpl(), new StatementIteratorFactoryImpl(), $config);
// create test graph
$virtuoso->createGraph(new NamedNodeImpl('http://saft/test'));
// add simple triple to that new graph
$virtuoso->addStatements(array(new StatementImpl(new NamedNodeImpl('http://saft/test'), new NamedNodeImpl('http://saft/test'), new NamedNodeImpl('http://saft/test'))), new NamedNodeImpl('http://saft/test'));
// ask graph forall its triples and print them out
$setIterator = $virtuoso->query('SELECT ?s FROM <http://saft/test> WHERE {?s ?p ?o}');
foreach ($setIterator as $key => $entry) {
    echo PHP_EOL . $entry['s']->getUri();
    // Saft will check the value of each binding and uses the appropriate Node type.
    // we can use getUri here, because we know that it can only be an URI, but in case
    // you dont know, you can use the following isX methods to determine the type of the
    // binding.
    if ($entry['s']->isNamed()) {
        echo PHP_EOL . 'binding s is a named node.';
        // e.g. NamedNodeImpl
    } elseif ($entry['s']->isLiteral()) {
        echo PHP_EOL . 'binding s is a literal.';
        // e.g. LiteralImpl
    } elseif ($entry['s']->isBlank()) {
        echo PHP_EOL . 'binding s is a blank node.';
        // e.g. BlankNodeImpl
    } elseif ($entry['s']->isPattern()) {
        echo PHP_EOL . 'binding s is a pattern/placeholder/variable.';
        // e.g. AnyPatternImpl
// drop test graph
$virtuoso->dropGraph(new NamedNodeImpl('http://saft/test'));
echo PHP_EOL;