Пример #1
  * Definizione della funzione costruttore che viene richiamata
  * nel momento della creazione di un'istanza con questa classe
 function __construct()
     // Richiamo la funzione della classe padre per elaborare le
     // variabili contenenti i valori di configurazione sezione
     // Aggiungo il link di setting nella descrizione di plugin presente
     // sul pannello di amministrazione dopo attivazione e disattivazione
     if (is_admin()) {
         add_filter("plugin_action_links_" . plugin_basename(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN), array($this, 'AddPluginSetting'));
     // Aggiungere il foglio stile e gli script javsscript nelle
     // pagine di amministrazione che servono al plugin stesso
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'moduleAdminAddStyles'));
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'moduleAdminAddScripts'));
     // Controllo le opzioni dei moduli da caricare e richiamo
     // il file di amministrazione necessario se risulta attivo
     $object = new SZGoogleModule();
     $options = $object->getOptionsSet('sz_google_options_base');
     if ($options['plus'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminPlus();
     if ($options['analytics'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminAnalytics();
     if ($options['authenticator'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminAuthenticator();
     if ($options['calendar'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminCalendar();
     if ($options['drive'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminDrive();
     if ($options['fonts'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminFonts();
     if ($options['groups'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminGroups();
     if ($options['hangouts'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminHangouts();
     if ($options['panoramio'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminPanoramio();
     if ($options['translate'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminTranslate();
     if ($options['youtube'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminYoutube();
     if ($options['documentation'] == '1') {
         new SZGoogleAdminDocumentation();
  * FORM display the widget in the management of 
  * sidebar in the administration panel of wordpress
 function form($instance)
     // Creating arrays for list fields that must be
     // present in the form before calling wp_parse_args()
     $array = array('title' => '', 'type' => '', 'id' => '', 'folderview' => '', 'single' => '', 'gid' => '', 'range' => '', 'start' => '', 'loop' => '', 'delay' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'height' => '', 'height_auto' => '');
     // Creating arrays for list of fields to be retrieved FORM
     // and loading the file with the HTML template to display
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // Reading of the options for the control of default values
     // be assigned to the widget when it is placed in the sidebar
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleDrive')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
             $width = $options->drive_embed_w_width;
         if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
             $height = $options->drive_embed_w_height;
     // Setting any of the default parameters for the
     // fields that contain invalid values ​​or inconsistent
     $DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_drive.php");
     if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
         $width = $DEFAULT['drive_embed_w_width']['value'];
         $width_auto = '1';
     if (!ctype_digit($height) or $height == 0) {
         $height = $DEFAULT['drive_embed_w_height']['value'];
         $height_auto = '1';
     // Calling the template for displaying the part
     // that concerns the administration panel (admin)
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/SZGoogleWidget.php');
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/' . __CLASS__ . '.php');
  * Generation of the HTML code of the widget
  * for the full display in the sidebar associated
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Checking whether there are the variables that are used during the processing
     // the script and check the default values ​​in case they were not specified
     $options = $this->common_empty(array('url' => '', 'width' => '', 'align' => '', 'title' => '', 'class1' => '', 'class2' => ''), $instance);
     // Definition of the control variables of the widget, these values​
     // do not affect the items of basic but affect some aspects
     $controls = $this->common_empty(array('method' => '', 'width_auto' => ''), $instance);
     // Correction of the value of size is specified in
     // the case the automatically and then use javascript
     if ($controls['method'] == '1') {
         $options['url'] = '';
     if ($controls['width_auto'] == '1') {
         $options['width'] = 'auto';
     // Create the HTML code for the current widget recalling the basic
     // function which is also invoked by the corresponding shortcode
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $HTML = $object->getPlusCommentsShortcode($options);
     // Output HTML code linked to the widget to
     // display call to the general standard for wrap
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
  * Generazione del codice HTML del widget per la 
  * visualizzazione completa nella sidebar di appartenenza
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Controllo se esistono le variabili che servono durante l'elaborazione
     // dello script e assegno dei valori di default nel caso non fossero specificati
     $options = $this->common_empty(array('url' => '', 'width' => '', 'align' => '', 'title' => '', 'class1' => '', 'class2' => ''), $instance);
     // Definizione delle variabili di controllo del widget, questi valori non
     // interessano le opzioni della funzione base ma incidono su alcuni aspetti
     $controls = $this->common_empty(array('method' => '', 'width_auto' => ''), $instance);
     // Se sul widget ho escluso il badge dal pulsante azzero anche
     // le variabili del badge eventualmente impostate e memorizzate
     if ($controls['method'] == '1') {
         $options['url'] = '';
     if ($controls['width_auto'] == '1') {
         $options['width'] = 'auto';
     // Creazione del codice HTML per il widget attuale richiamando la
     // funzione base che viene richiamata anche dallo shortcode corrispondente
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $HTML = $object->getPlusCommentsShortcode($options);
     // Output del codice HTML legato al widget da visualizzare
     // chiamata alla funzione generale per wrap standard
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
Пример #5
  * Visualizzazione FORM del widget presente nella gestione 
  * delle sidebar nel pannello di amministrazione di wordpress
 function form($instance)
     // Creazione array per elenco campi che devono essere
     // presenti nel form prima di richiamare wp_parse_args()
     $array = array('title' => '', 'name' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'height' => '', 'height_auto' => '', 'showsearch' => '', 'showtabs' => '', 'hideforumtitle' => '', 'hidesubject' => '', 'hl' => '');
     // Creazione array per elenco campi da recuperare su FORM e
     // caricamento del file con il template HTML da visualizzare
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // Lettura delle opzioni per il controllo dei valori di default
     // da assegnare al widget nel momento che viene inserito in sidebar
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleGroups')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
             $width = $options->groups_width;
         if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
             $height = $options->groups_height;
     // Impostazione eventuale di parametri di default per i
     // campi che contengono dei valori non validi o non coerenti
     $DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_groups.php");
     if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
         $width = $DEFAULT['groups_width']['value'];
         $width_auto = '1';
     if (!ctype_digit($height) or $height == 0) {
         $height = $DEFAULT['groups_height']['value'];
         $height_auto = '1';
     // Richiamo il template per la visualizzazione della
     // parte che riguarda il pannello di amministrazione
     @(require dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/SZGoogleWidget.php');
     @(require dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/' . __CLASS__ . '.php');
  * Generazione del codice HTML del widget per la 
  * visualizzazione completa nella sidebar di appartenenza
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Controllo se esistono le variabili che servono durante l'elaborazione
     // dello script e assegno dei valori di default nel caso non fossero specificati
     $options = $this->common_empty(array('url' => '', 'width' => '', 'size' => '', 'annotation' => '', 'float' => '', 'align' => '', 'text' => '', 'img' => '', 'position' => '', 'margintop' => '', 'marginright' => '', 'marginbottom' => '', 'marginleft' => '', 'marginunit' => ''), $instance);
     // Definizione delle variabili di controllo del widget, questi valori non
     // interessano le opzioni della funzione base ma incidono su alcuni aspetti
     $controls = $this->common_empty(array('badge' => '', 'urltype' => ''), $instance);
     // Se sul widget ho escluso il badge dal pulsante azzero anche
     // le variabili del badge eventualmente impostate e memorizzate
     if ($controls['badge'] != '1') {
         $options['img'] = '';
         $options['text'] = '';
         $options['position'] = '';
     // Se sul widget ho selezionato di calcolare l'indirizzo dal
     // post corrente annullo la variabile con eventuale indirizzo
     if ($controls['urltype'] != '1') {
         $options['url'] = '';
     // Creazione del codice HTML per il widget attuale richiamando la
     // funzione base che viene richiamata anche dallo shortcode corrispondente
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $HTML = $object->getPlusPlusoneShortcode($options);
     // Output del codice HTML legato al widget da visualizzare
     // chiamata alla funzione generale per wrap standard
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
Пример #7
  * Reperire il riferimento oggetto del modulo richiamato
  * per facilitare il richiamo dei metodi da questa azione
 function getModuleObject($name)
     if (!($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject($name))) {
         $object = new $name();
     return $object;
  * Generation of the HTML code of the widget
  * for the full display in the sidebar associated
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Checking whether there are the variables that are used during the processing
     // the script and check the default values ​​in case they were not specified
     $options = $this->common_empty(array('url' => '', 'size' => '', 'width' => '', 'annotation' => '', 'float' => '', 'align' => '', 'text' => '', 'img' => '', 'position' => '', 'margintop' => '', 'marginright' => '', 'marginbottom' => '', 'marginleft' => '', 'marginunit' => ''), $instance);
     // Definition of the control variables of the widget, these values​
     // do not affect the items of basic but affect some aspects
     $controls = $this->common_empty(array('badge' => '', 'urltype' => ''), $instance);
     // If the widget I excluded from the badge button I reset
     // the variables of the badge possibly set and saved
     if ($controls['badge'] != '1') {
         $options['img'] = '';
         $options['text'] = '';
         $options['position'] = '';
     // If the widget I selected to calculate the address from
     // the current post cancel the variable with any address
     if ($controls['urltype'] != '1') {
         $options['url'] = '';
     // Create the HTML code for the current widget recalling the basic
     // function which is also invoked by the corresponding shortcode
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $HTML = $object->getPlusShareShortcode($options);
     // Output HTML code linked to the widget to
     // display call to the general standard for wrap
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
 function szgoogle_translate_get_object()
     if (!SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleTranslate')) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleTranslate');
 function szgoogle_analytics_get_ID()
     if (!($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleAnalytics'))) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return $object->getGAId();
Пример #11
  * Wrapper function to get the configuration options
  * included in the admin panel that covers the module
 function getOptions()
     if (!($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus'))) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return $object->getOptions();
Пример #12
 function szgoogle_gplus_get_object()
     if (!SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus');
 function szgoogle_youtube_get_object()
     if (!SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleYoutube')) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleYoutube');
 function szgoogle_authenticator_check_emergency()
     if (!($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleAuthenticator'))) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return $object->checkEmergencyFile();
  * FORM display the widget in the management of 
  * sidebar in the administration panel of wordpress
 function form($instance)
     // Creating arrays for list fields that must be
     // present in the form before calling wp_parse_args()
     $array = array('title' => '', 'type' => '', 'method' => '', 'specific' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'align' => '', 'layout' => '', 'theme' => '', 'cover' => '', 'tagline' => '', 'publisher' => '', 'text' => '', 'image' => '');
     // Creating arrays for list of fields to be retrieved FORM
     // and loading the file with the HTML template to display
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // Reading of the options for the control of default values
     // be assigned to the widget when it is placed in the sidebar
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
             if ($layout == 'landscape') {
                 $width = $options->plus_widget_size_landscape;
             } else {
                 $width = $options->plus_widget_size_portrait;
     // Setting any of the default parameters for the
     // fields that contain invalid values ​​or inconsistent
     $DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_plus.php");
     if (!in_array($cover, array('true', 'false'))) {
         $cover = 'true';
     if (!in_array($tagline, array('true', 'false'))) {
         $tagline = 'true';
     if (!in_array($publisher, array('true', 'false'))) {
         $publisher = 'false';
     if (!in_array($theme, array('light', 'dark'))) {
         $theme = 'light';
     if (!in_array($layout, array('portrait', 'landscape'))) {
         $layout = 'portrait';
     if (!in_array($type, array('standard', 'popup'))) {
         $type = 'standard';
     if (!ctype_digit($method) or $method == 0) {
         $method = '1';
     if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
         if ($layout == 'landscape') {
             $width = $DEFAULT['plus_widget_size_landscape']['value'];
         } else {
             $width = $DEFAULT['plus_widget_size_portrait']['value'];
         $width_auto = '1';
     // Calling the template for displaying the part
     // that concerns the administration panel (admin)
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/SZGoogleWidget.php');
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/' . __CLASS__ . '.php');
Пример #16
  * Generazione del codice HTML del widget per la 
  * visualizzazione completa nella sidebar di appartenenza
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Controllo se esistono le variabili che servono durante l'elaborazione
     // dello script e assegno dei valori di default nel caso non fossero specificati
     $options = $this->common_empty(array(), $instance);
     // Creazione del codice per widget google translate
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleTranslate')) {
         $HTML = $object->getTranslateCode($options);
     // Output del codice HTML legato al widget da visualizzare
     // chiamata alla funzione generale per wrap standard
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
Пример #17
  * Generazione del codice HTML del widget per la 
  * visualizzazione completa nella sidebar di appartenenza
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Controllo se esistono le variabili che servono durante l'elaborazione
     // dello script e assegno dei valori di default nel caso non fossero specificati
     $options = $this->common_empty(array('url' => '', 'align' => ''), $instance);
     // Creazione del codice HTML per il widget attuale richiamando la
     // funzione base che viene richiamata anche dallo shortcode corrispondente
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $HTML = $object->getPlusPostShortcode($options);
     // Output del codice HTML legato al widget da visualizzare
     // chiamata alla funzione generale per wrap standard
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
  * Generation of the HTML code of the widget
  * for the full display in the sidebar associated
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Checking whether there are the variables that are used during the processing
     // the script and check the default values ​​in case they were not specified
     $options = $this->common_empty(array(), $instance);
     // Create the HTML code for the current widget recalling the basic
     // function which is also invoked by the corresponding shortcode
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleTranslate')) {
         $HTML = $object->getTranslateCode($options);
     // Output HTML code linked to the widget to
     // display call to the general standard for wrap
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
  * Calcolo le opzioni legate al modulo con esecuzione dei 
  * controlli formali di coerenza e impostazione dei default
  * @return array
 function getOptions()
     if ($this->options) {
         return $this->options;
     } else {
         $this->options = parent::getOptionsSet('sz_google_options_translate');
     // Controllo opzione di codice GA-UA nel caso debba pendere il valore
     // specificato nel modulo corrispondente se risulta attivo.
     if ($object = self::getObject('SZGoogleModuleAnalytics') and $this->options['translate_analytics_ua'] == '') {
         $options_ga = $object->getOptions();
         $this->options['translate_analytics_ua'] = $options_ga['ga_uacode'];
     // Ritorno indietro il gruppo di opzioni corretto dai
     // controlli formali eseguito dalla funzione di controllo
     return $this->options;
Пример #20
  * Visualizzazione FORM del widget presente nella gestione 
  * delle sidebar nel pannello di amministrazione di wordpress
 function form($instance)
     // Creazione array per elenco campi che devono essere
     // presenti nel form prima di richiamare wp_parse_args()
     $array = array('title' => '', 'method' => '', 'specific' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'align' => '', 'layout' => '', 'theme' => '', 'cover' => '', 'tagline' => '', 'publisher' => '');
     // Creazione array per elenco campi da recuperare su FORM e
     // caricamento del file con il template HTML da visualizzare
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // Lettura delle opzioni per il controllo dei valori di default
     // da assegnare al widget nel momento che viene inserito in sidebar
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
             $width = $options->plus_widget_size_portrait;
     // Impostazione eventuale di parametri di default per i
     // campi che contengono dei valori non validi o non coerenti
     $DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_plus.php");
     if (!in_array($cover, array('true', 'false'))) {
         $cover = 'true';
     if (!in_array($tagline, array('true', 'false'))) {
         $tagline = 'true';
     if (!in_array($publisher, array('true', 'false'))) {
         $publisher = 'false';
     if (!in_array($theme, array('light', 'dark'))) {
         $theme = 'light';
     if (!in_array($layout, array('portrait', 'landscape'))) {
         $layout = 'portrait';
     if (!ctype_digit($method) or $method == 0) {
         $method = '1';
     if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
         $width = $DEFAULT['plus_widget_size_portrait']['value'];
         $width_auto = '1';
     // Richiamo il template per la visualizzazione della
     // parte che riguarda il pannello di amministrazione
     @(require dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/SZGoogleWidget.php');
     @(require dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/' . __CLASS__ . '.php');
  * FORM display the widget in the management of 
  * sidebar in the administration panel of wordpress
 function form($instance)
     // Creating arrays for list fields that must be
     // present in the form before calling wp_parse_args()
     $array = array('title' => '', 'url' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'height' => '', 'height_auto' => '', 'pre' => '');
     // Creating arrays for list of fields to be retrieved FORM
     // and loading the file with the HTML template to display
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // Reading of the options for the control of default values
     // be assigned to the widget when it is placed in the sidebar
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleDrive')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
             $width = $options->drive_viewer_w_width;
         if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
             $height = $options->drive_viewer_w_height;
         // Check if the string contains a value consistent with the
         // selection of the parameter both as a numerical value that character
         $YESNO = array('1', '0', 'n', 'y');
         if (!in_array($pre, $YESNO)) {
             $pre = $options->drive_viewer_w_wrap_pre;
     // Setting any of the default parameters for the
     // fields that contain invalid values ​​or inconsistent
     $DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_drive.php");
     if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
         $width = $DEFAULT['drive_viewer_w_width']['value'];
         $width_auto = '1';
     if (!ctype_digit($height) or $height == 0) {
         $height = $DEFAULT['drive_viewer_w_height']['value'];
         $height_auto = '1';
     // Setting any of the default parameters for the
     // fields that contain invalid values ​​or inconsistent
     $pre = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $pre);
     // Calling the template for displaying the part
     // that concerns the administration panel (admin)
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/SZGoogleWidget.php');
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/' . __CLASS__ . '.php');
  * Generazione del codice HTML del widget per la 
  * visualizzazione completa nella sidebar di appartenenza
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Controllo se esistono le variabili che servono durante l'elaborazione
     // dello script e assegno dei valori di default nel caso non fossero specificati
     $options = $this->common_empty(array('url' => '', 'size' => '', 'width' => '', 'annotation' => '', 'float' => '', 'align' => '', 'text' => '', 'img' => '', 'rel' => '', 'position' => '', 'margintop' => '', 'marginright' => '', 'marginbottom' => '', 'marginleft' => '', 'marginunit' => ''), $instance);
     // Definizione delle variabili di controllo del widget, questi valori non
     // interessano le opzioni della funzione base ma incidono su alcuni aspetti
     $controls = $this->common_empty(array('badge' => '', 'urltype' => ''), $instance);
     // Se sul widget ho escluso il badge dal pulsante azzero anche
     // le variabili del badge eventualmente impostate e memorizzate
     if ($controls['badge'] != '1') {
         $options['img'] = '';
         $options['text'] = '';
         $options['position'] = '';
     // Lettura opzioni generali per impostazione dei dati di default
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $general = $object->getOptions($options);
         // Imposto i valori di default nel caso siano specificati dei valori
         // che non appartengono al range dei valori accettati
         if ($controls['urltype'] == '2') {
             if ($general['plus_page'] == '') {
                 $options['url'] = 'https://plus.google.com/117259631219963935481';
             } else {
                 $options['url'] = 'https://plus.google.com/' . $general['plus_page'];
         if ($controls['urltype'] == '3') {
             if ($general['plus_profile'] == '') {
                 $options['url'] = 'https://plus.google.com/106189723444098348646';
             } else {
                 $options['url'] = 'https://plus.google.com/' . $general['plus_profile'];
     // Creazione del codice HTML per il widget attuale richiamando la
     // funzione base che viene richiamata anche dallo shortcode corrispondente
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $HTML = $object->getPlusFollowShortcode($options);
     // Output del codice HTML legato al widget da visualizzare
     // chiamata alla funzione generale per wrap standard
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
  * Generation of the HTML code of the widget
  * for the full display in the sidebar associated
 function widget($args, $instance)
     // Checking whether there are the variables that are used during the processing
     // the script and check the default values ​​in case they were not specified
     $options = $this->common_empty(array('url' => '', 'size' => '', 'width' => '', 'annotation' => '', 'float' => '', 'align' => '', 'text' => '', 'img' => '', 'rel' => '', 'position' => '', 'margintop' => '', 'marginright' => '', 'marginbottom' => '', 'marginleft' => '', 'marginunit' => ''), $instance);
     // Definition of the control variables of the widget, these values​
     // do not affect the items of basic but affect some aspects
     $controls = $this->common_empty(array('badge' => '', 'urltype' => ''), $instance);
     // If the widget I excluded from the badge button I reset
     // the variables of the badge possibly set and saved
     if ($controls['badge'] != '1') {
         $options['img'] = '';
         $options['text'] = '';
         $options['position'] = '';
     // Reading general options for setting default data
     // check if you specify the page or profile for select
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $general = $object->getOptions($options);
         if ($controls['urltype'] == '2') {
             if ($general['plus_page'] == '') {
                 $options['url'] = 'https://plus.google.com/117259631219963935481';
             } else {
                 $options['url'] = 'https://plus.google.com/' . $general['plus_page'];
         if ($controls['urltype'] == '3') {
             if ($general['plus_profile'] == '') {
                 $options['url'] = 'https://plus.google.com/106189723444098348646';
             } else {
                 $options['url'] = 'https://plus.google.com/' . $general['plus_profile'];
     // Create the HTML code for the current widget recalling the basic
     // function which is also invoked by the corresponding shortcode
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
         $HTML = $object->getPlusFollowShortcode($options);
     // Output HTML code linked to the widget to
     // display call to the general standard for wrap
     echo $this->common_widget($args, $instance, $HTML);
  * FORM display the widget in the management of 
  * sidebar in the administration panel of wordpress
 function form($instance)
     // Creating arrays for list fields that must be
     // present in the form before calling wp_parse_args()
     $array = array('title' => '', 'calendarT' => '', 'calendar' => '', 'mode' => '', 'weekstart' => '', 'language' => '', 'timezone' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'showtitle' => '', 'shownavs' => '', 'showdate' => '', 'showprint' => '', 'showtabs' => '', 'showcalendars' => '', 'showtimezone' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'height_auto' => '');
     // Creating arrays for list of fields to be retrieved FORM
     // and loading the file with the HTML template to display
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // Reading of the options for the control of default values
     // be assigned to the widget when it is placed in the sidebar
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleCalendar')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_title == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_title = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_title = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_navs == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_navs = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_navs = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_date == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_date = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_date = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_print == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_print = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_print = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_tabs == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_tabs = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_tabs = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_calendars == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_calendars = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_calendars = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_timezone == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_timezone = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_timezone = 'n';
         if ($mode == '') {
             $mode = $options->calendar_o_mode;
         if ($weekstart == '') {
             $weekstart = $options->calendar_o_weekstart;
         if ($language == '') {
             $language = $options->calendar_o_language;
         if ($timezone == '') {
             $timezone = $options->calendar_o_timezone;
         if ($showtitle == '') {
             $showtitle = $options->calendar_w_show_title;
         if ($shownavs == '') {
             $shownavs = $options->calendar_w_show_navs;
         if ($showdate == '') {
             $showdate = $options->calendar_w_show_date;
         if ($showprint == '') {
             $showprint = $options->calendar_w_show_print;
         if ($showtabs == '') {
             $showtabs = $options->calendar_w_show_tabs;
         if ($showcalendars == '') {
             $showcalendars = $options->calendar_w_show_calendars;
         if ($showtimezone == '') {
             $showtimezone = $options->calendar_w_show_timezone;
         if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
             $width = $options->calendar_w_width;
         if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
             $height = $options->calendar_w_height;
     // Setting any of the default parameters for the
     // fields that contain invalid values ​​or inconsistent
     $DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_calendar.php");
     if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
         $width = $DEFAULT['calendar_w_width']['value'];
         $width_auto = '1';
     if (!ctype_digit($height) or $height == 0) {
         $height = $DEFAULT['calendar_w_height']['value'];
         $height_auto = '1';
     // Calling the template for displaying the part
     // that concerns the administration panel (admin)
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/SZGoogleWidget.php');
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/' . __CLASS__ . '.php');
Пример #25
 * @subpackage Admin
 * @author Massimo Della Rovere
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
if (!defined('SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE') or !SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE) {
// Creating array to list the fields that must be
// present in the form before calling wp_parse_args ()
$array = array('title' => '', 'template' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'height' => '', 'height_auto' => '', 'user' => '', 'group' => '', 'tag' => '', 'set' => '', 'columns' => '', 'rows' => '', 'orientation' => '', 'position' => '');
// Creating arrays to list of fields to be retrieved FORM
// and loading the file with the HTML template to display
extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
// Read the options to control the default values ​​to be
// assigned to the widget when it is added to the sidebar
if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePanoramio')) {
    $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
    if (!ctype_digit($columns)) {
        $columns = $options->panoramio_s_columns;
    if (!ctype_digit($rows)) {
        $rows = $options->panoramio_s_rows;
    if (!in_array($template, array('photo', 'slideshow', 'list', 'photo_list'))) {
    if (!in_array($set, array('all', 'public', 'recent'))) {
    if (!in_array($orientation, array('horizontal', 'vertical'))) {
  * FORM display the widget in the management of 
  * sidebar in the administration panel of wordpress
 function form($instance)
     // Creating arrays for list fields that must be
     // present in the form before calling wp_parse_args()
     $array = array('title' => '', 'id' => '', 'responsive' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'delayed' => '', 'autoplay' => '', 'loop' => '', 'fullscreen' => '', 'disableiframe' => '', 'disablekeyboard' => '', 'disablerelated' => '', 'theme' => '', 'cover' => '');
     // Creating arrays for list of fields to be retrieved FORM
     // and loading the file with the HTML template to display
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // Reading of the options for the control of default values
     // be assigned to the widget when it is placed in the sidebar
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleYoutube')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         if (!in_array($theme, array('light', 'dark'))) {
             $theme = $options->youtube_theme;
         if (!in_array($cover, array('local', 'youtube'))) {
             $cover = $options->youtube_cover;
         if (!in_array($responsive, array('n', 'y'))) {
             $responsive = $options->youtube_responsive;
         if (!in_array($delayed, array('n', 'y'))) {
             $delayed = $options->youtube_delayed;
         if (!in_array($autoplay, array('n', 'y'))) {
             $autoplay = $options->youtube_autoplay;
         if (!in_array($loop, array('n', 'y'))) {
             $loop = $options->youtube_loop;
         if (!in_array($fullscreen, array('n', 'y'))) {
             $fullscreen = $options->youtube_fullscreen;
         if (!in_array($disableiframe, array('n', 'y'))) {
             $disableiframe = $options->youtube_disableiframe;
         if (!in_array($disablekeyboard, array('n', 'y'))) {
             $disablekeyboard = $options->youtube_disablekeyboard;
         if (!in_array($disablerelated, array('n', 'y'))) {
             $disablerelated = $options->youtube_disablerelated;
         if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
             $width = $options->youtube_width;
         if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
             $height = $options->youtube_height;
     // Setting any of the default parameters for the
     // fields that contain invalid values ​​or inconsistent
     $DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_youtube.php");
     if (!in_array($theme, array('light', 'dark'))) {
         $theme = 'dark';
     if (!in_array($cover, array('local', 'youtube'))) {
         $cover = 'local';
     if (!in_array($responsive, array('0', '1', 'n', 'y'))) {
         $responsive = $DEFAULT['youtube_responsive']['value'];
     if (!in_array($delayed, array('0', '1', 'n', 'y'))) {
         $delayed = $DEFAULT['youtube_delayed']['value'];
     if (!in_array($autoplay, array('0', '1', 'n', 'y'))) {
         $autoplay = $DEFAULT['youtube_autoplay']['value'];
     if (!in_array($loop, array('0', '1', 'n', 'y'))) {
         $loop = $DEFAULT['youtube_loop']['value'];
     if (!in_array($fullscreen, array('0', '1', 'n', 'y'))) {
         $fullscreen = $DEFAULT['youtube_fullscreen']['value'];
     if (!in_array($disableiframe, array('0', '1', 'n', 'y'))) {
         $disableiframe = $DEFAULT['youtube_disableiframe']['value'];
     if (!in_array($disablekeyboard, array('0', '1', 'n', 'y'))) {
         $disablekeyboard = $DEFAULT['youtube_disablekeyboard']['value'];
     if (!in_array($disablerelated, array('0', '1', 'n', 'y'))) {
         $disablerelated = $DEFAULT['youtube_disablerelated']['value'];
     if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
         $width = $DEFAULT['youtube_width']['value'];
         $width_auto = '1';
     if (!ctype_digit($height) or $height == 0) {
         $height = $DEFAULT['youtube_height']['value'];
         $height_auto = '1';
     // Unfortunately youtube values ​​were set differently
     // the values ​​of configuration options so we do a replace
     $responsive = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $responsive);
     $delayed = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $delayed);
     $autoplay = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $autoplay);
     $loop = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $loop);
     $fullscreen = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $fullscreen);
     $disableiframe = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $disableiframe);
     $disablekeyboard = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $disablekeyboard);
     $disablerelated = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $disablerelated);
     // Calling the template for displaying the part
     // that concerns the administration panel (admin)
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/SZGoogleWidget.php');
     @(include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/' . __CLASS__ . '.php');
Пример #27
 * @subpackage Admin
 * @author Massimo Della Rovere
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
if (!defined('SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE') or !SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE) {
// Creating array to list the fields that must be
// present in the form before calling wp_parse_args ()
$array = array('title' => '', 'url' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'height' => '', 'height_auto' => '', 'pre' => '');
// Creating arrays to list of fields to be retrieved FORM
// and loading the file with the HTML template to display
extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
// Read the options to control the default values ​​to be
// assigned to the widget when it is added to the sidebar
if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleDrive')) {
    $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
    if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
        $width = $options->drive_viewer_s_width;
    if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
        $height = $options->drive_viewer_s_height;
    // Checking if the string contains a value consistent with the
    // selection of the parameter as a numeric value that is character
    $YESNO = array('1', '0', 'n', 'y');
    if (!in_array($pre, $YESNO)) {
        $pre = $options->drive_viewer_w_wrap_pre;
// Setting any of the default parameters for fields
Пример #28
  * Visualizzazione FORM del widget presente nella gestione 
  * delle sidebar nel pannello di amministrazione di wordpress
 function form($instance)
     // Creazione array per elenco campi che devono essere
     // presenti nel form prima di richiamare wp_parse_args()
     $array = array('title' => '', 'calendarT' => '', 'calendars' => '', 'mode' => '', 'weekstart' => '', 'language' => '', 'timezone' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'showtitle' => '', 'shownavs' => '', 'showdate' => '', 'showprint' => '', 'showtabs' => '', 'showcalendars' => '', 'showtimezone' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'height_auto' => '');
     // Creazione array per elenco campi da recuperare su FORM e
     // caricamento del file con il template HTML da visualizzare
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
     // Lettura delle opzioni per il controllo dei valori di default
     // da assegnare al widget nel momento che viene inserito in sidebar
     if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleCalendar')) {
         $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_title == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_title = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_title = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_navs == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_navs = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_navs = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_date == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_date = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_date = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_print == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_print = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_print = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_tabs == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_tabs = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_tabs = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_calendars == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_calendars = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_calendars = 'n';
         if ($options->calendar_w_show_timezone == '1') {
             $options->calendar_w_show_timezone = 'y';
         } else {
             $options->calendar_w_show_timezone = 'n';
         if ($mode == '') {
             $mode = $options->calendar_o_mode;
         if ($weekstart == '') {
             $weekstart = $options->calendar_o_weekstart;
         if ($language == '') {
             $language = $options->calendar_o_language;
         if ($timezone == '') {
             $timezone = $options->calendar_o_timezone;
         if ($showtitle == '') {
             $showtitle = $options->calendar_w_show_title;
         if ($shownavs == '') {
             $shownavs = $options->calendar_w_show_navs;
         if ($showdate == '') {
             $showdate = $options->calendar_w_show_date;
         if ($showprint == '') {
             $showprint = $options->calendar_w_show_print;
         if ($showtabs == '') {
             $showtabs = $options->calendar_w_show_tabs;
         if ($showcalendars == '') {
             $showcalendars = $options->calendar_w_show_calendars;
         if ($showtimezone == '') {
             $showtimezone = $options->calendar_w_show_timezone;
         if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
             $width = $options->calendar_w_width;
         if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
             $height = $options->calendar_w_height;
     // Impostazione eventuale di parametri di default per i
     // campi che contengono dei valori non validi o non coerenti
     $DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_calendar.php");
     if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
         $width = $DEFAULT['calendar_w_width']['value'];
         $width_auto = '1';
     if (!ctype_digit($height) or $height == 0) {
         $height = $DEFAULT['calendar_w_height']['value'];
         $height_auto = '1';
     // Richiamo il template per la visualizzazione della
     // parte che riguarda il pannello di amministrazione
     @(require dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/SZGoogleWidget.php');
     @(require dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . '/admin/widgets/' . __CLASS__ . '.php');
Пример #29
 * @subpackage Admin
 * @author Massimo Della Rovere
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
if (!defined('SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE') or !SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE) {
// Creating array to list the fields that must be
// present in the form before calling wp_parse_args ()
$array = array('title' => '', 'method' => '', 'specific' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '', 'height' => '', 'height_auto' => '', 'align' => '');
// Creating arrays to list of fields to be retrieved FORM
// and loading the file with the HTML template to display
extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
// Read the options to control the default values ​​to be
// assigned to the widget when it is added to the sidebar
if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModulePlus')) {
    $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
    if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
        if ($layout == 'landscape') {
            $width = $options->plus_shortcode_size_landscape;
        } else {
            $width = $options->plus_shortcode_size_portrait;
// Setting any of the default parameters for fields
// that contain invalid values ​​or inconsistent
$DEFAULT = (include dirname(SZ_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_MAIN) . "/options/sz_google_options_plus.php");
if (!ctype_digit($method) or $method == 0) {
    $method = '1';
Пример #30
// Creating array to list the fields that must be
// present in the form before calling wp_parse_args ()
$array = array('title' => '', 'type' => '', 'topic' => '', 'badge' => '', 'text' => '', 'img' => '', 'align' => '', 'position' => '', 'profile' => '', 'email' => '', 'logged' => '', 'guest' => '', 'width' => '', 'width_auto' => '');
// Creating arrays to list of fields to be retrieved FORM
// and loading the file with the HTML template to display
extract(wp_parse_args($instance, $array), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
// Setting any of the default parameters for fields
// that contain invalid values ​​or inconsistent
if (!ctype_digit($width) or $width == 0) {
    $width = 'auto';
    $width_auto = '1';
// Read the options to control the default values ​​to be
// assigned to the widget when it is added to the sidebar
if ($object = SZGoogleModule::getObject('SZGoogleModuleHangouts')) {
    $options = (object) $object->getOptions();
    // Checking if the string contains a value consistent with the
    // selection of the parameter as a numeric value that is character
    $YESNO = array('1', '0', 'n', 'y');
    if (!in_array($logged, $YESNO)) {
        $logged = $options->hangouts_start_logged;
    if (!in_array($guest, $YESNO)) {
        $guest = $options->hangouts_start_guest;
// If the values are taken from the default options, you can
// create the problems caused to the difference in the storage state
$logged = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $logged);
$guest = str_replace(array('0', '1'), array('n', 'y'), $guest);