Пример #1
echo $ID_language;
echo ucfirst(__('language', 'szgoogleadmin'));
	<td colspan="2" class="sz-cell-vals">
		<select class="widefat" id="<?php 
echo $ID_language;
" name="<?php 
echo $NAME_language;
foreach (SZGoogleCommon::getLanguages() as $key => $value) {
			<option value="<?php 
    echo $key;
" <?php 
    echo selected($key, $VALUE_language);
    echo $value;
  * Creating HTML code for the component called to
  * be used in common for both widgets and shortcode
 function getHTMLCode($atts = array(), $content = null)
     if (!is_array($atts)) {
         $atts = array();
     // Extraction of the values ​​specified in shortcode, returned values
     // ​​are contained in the variable names corresponding to the key
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('calendar' => '', 'title' => '', 'mode' => '', 'weekstart' => '', 'language' => '', 'timezone' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'showtitle' => '', 'shownavs' => '', 'showdate' => '', 'showprint' => '', 'showtabs' => '', 'showcalendars' => '', 'showtimezone' => '', 'action' => ''), $atts));
     // Loading options for the configuration variables
     // containing the default values ​​for shortcodes and widgets
     $options = (object) $this->getModuleOptions('SZGoogleModuleCalendar');
     // I delete spaces added and execute the transformation in string
     // lowercase for the control of special values ​​such as "auto"
     $calendar = trim($calendar);
     $title = trim($title);
     $action = trim($action);
     $language = trim($language);
     $timezone = trim($timezone);
     $mode = strtoupper(trim($mode));
     $weekstart = strtolower(trim($weekstart));
     $width = strtolower(trim($width));
     $height = strtolower(trim($height));
     $showtitle = strtolower(trim($showtitle));
     $shownavs = strtolower(trim($shownavs));
     $showdate = strtolower(trim($showdate));
     $showprint = strtolower(trim($showprint));
     $showtabs = strtolower(trim($showtabs));
     $showcalendars = strtolower(trim($showcalendars));
     $showtimezone = strtolower(trim($showtimezone));
     // Conversion of the values ​​specified directly covered in the
     // parameters with the values ​​used for storing default values
     if ($showtitle == 'yes' or $showtitle == 'y') {
         $showtitle = '1';
     if ($shownavs == 'yes' or $shownavs == 'y') {
         $shownavs = '1';
     if ($showdate == 'yes' or $showdate == 'y') {
         $showdate = '1';
     if ($showprint == 'yes' or $showprint == 'y') {
         $showprint = '1';
     if ($showtabs == 'yes' or $showtabs == 'y') {
         $showtabs = '1';
     if ($showcalendars == 'yes' or $showcalendars == 'y') {
         $showcalendars = '1';
     if ($showtimezone == 'yes' or $showtimezone == 'y') {
         $showtimezone = '1';
     if ($showtitle == 'no' or $showtitle == 'n') {
         $showtitle = '0';
     if ($shownavs == 'no' or $shownavs == 'n') {
         $shownavs = '0';
     if ($showdate == 'no' or $showdate == 'n') {
         $showdate = '0';
     if ($showprint == 'no' or $showprint == 'n') {
         $showprint = '0';
     if ($showtabs == 'no' or $showtabs == 'n') {
         $showtabs = '0';
     if ($showcalendars == 'no' or $showcalendars == 'n') {
         $showcalendars = '0';
     if ($showtimezone == 'no' or $showtimezone == 'n') {
         $showtimezone = '0';
     // If I could not assign any value to the instructions
     // above, put the default absolute and can be changed
     $YESNO = array('1', '0');
     if ($action == 'widget') {
         if ($calendar == '') {
             $calendar = $options->calendar_w_calendars;
         if ($title == '') {
             $title = $options->calendar_w_title;
         if ($width == '') {
             $width = $options->calendar_w_width;
         if ($height == '') {
             $height = $options->calendar_w_height;
         if (!in_array($showtitle, $YESNO)) {
             $showtitle = $options->calendar_w_show_title;
         if (!in_array($shownavs, $YESNO)) {
             $shownavs = $options->calendar_w_show_navs;
         if (!in_array($showdate, $YESNO)) {
             $showdate = $options->calendar_w_show_date;
         if (!in_array($showprint, $YESNO)) {
             $showprint = $options->calendar_w_show_print;
         if (!in_array($showtabs, $YESNO)) {
             $showtabs = $options->calendar_w_show_tabs;
         if (!in_array($showcalendars, $YESNO)) {
             $showcalendars = $options->calendar_w_show_calendars;
         if (!in_array($showtimezone, $YESNO)) {
             $showtimezone = $options->calendar_w_show_timezone;
     } else {
         if ($calendar == '') {
             $calendar = $options->calendar_s_calendars;
         if ($title == '') {
             $title = $options->calendar_s_title;
         if ($width == '') {
             $width = $options->calendar_s_width;
         if ($height == '') {
             $height = $options->calendar_s_height;
         if (!in_array($showtitle, $YESNO)) {
             $showtitle = $options->calendar_s_show_title;
         if (!in_array($shownavs, $YESNO)) {
             $shownavs = $options->calendar_s_show_navs;
         if (!in_array($showdate, $YESNO)) {
             $showdate = $options->calendar_s_show_date;
         if (!in_array($showprint, $YESNO)) {
             $showprint = $options->calendar_s_show_print;
         if (!in_array($showtabs, $YESNO)) {
             $showtabs = $options->calendar_s_show_tabs;
         if (!in_array($showcalendars, $YESNO)) {
             $showcalendars = $options->calendar_s_show_calendars;
         if (!in_array($showtimezone, $YESNO)) {
             $showtimezone = $options->calendar_s_show_timezone;
     // Control the variable title if specified in the option
     // otherwise check the special value with language translation
     if ($calendar == '') {
         $calendar = $options->calendar_o_calendars;
     if ($title == '') {
         $title = $options->calendar_o_title;
     if ($mode == '') {
         $mode = $options->calendar_o_mode;
     if ($weekstart == '') {
         $weekstart = $options->calendar_o_weekstart;
     if ($language == '') {
         $language = $options->calendar_o_language;
     if ($timezone == '') {
         $timezone = $options->calendar_o_timezone;
     if (!in_array($weekstart, array('1', '2', '7'))) {
         $weekstart = '1';
     // Calculating the variable of language translation to be applied
     // to embed the google calendar. Special value 99 for that wordpress
     if (!array_key_exists($language, SZGoogleCommon::getLanguages())) {
         $language = $options->calendar_o_language;
     if (!array_key_exists($language, SZGoogleCommon::getLanguages())) {
         $language = '99';
     if ($language == '99') {
         $language = substr(get_bloginfo('language'), 0, 2);
     if (!array_key_exists($timezone, SZGoogleCommon::getTimeZone())) {
         $timezone = $options->calendar_o_timezone;
     if (!array_key_exists($timezone, SZGoogleCommon::getTimeZone())) {
         $timezone = 'none';
     // Checking the values ​​passed in arrays that specify the size of the widget
     // otherwise imposed on the value of the one specified in the options
     if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
         $width = 'auto';
     if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
         $height = 'auto';
     // Control the size of the widget and formal control of the numerical
     // values, if I find some inconsistency apply the default preset
     if ($width == '') {
         $width = "100%";
     if ($width == 'auto') {
         $width = "100%";
     if ($height == '') {
         $height = '400';
     if ($height == 'auto') {
         $height = '400';
     // Create array containing variables that are used
     // in the URL string reference to embed on iframe
     $URLarray = array();
     $URLarray[] = "hl=" . urlencode($language);
     $URLarray[] = "height=" . urlencode($height);
     if ($title != '') {
         $URLarray[] = 'title=' . urlencode($title);
     if ($weekstart != '') {
         $URLarray[] = 'wkst=' . urlencode($weekstart);
     if ($timezone != '') {
         $URLarray[] = 'ctz=' . urlencode($timezone);
     if ($mode == 'AGENDA') {
         $URLarray[] = "mode=" . urlencode($mode);
     if ($mode == 'WEEK') {
         $URLarray[] = "mode=" . urlencode($mode);
     if ($showtitle != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showTitle=0";
     if ($shownavs != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showNav=0";
     if ($showdate != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showDate=0";
     if ($showprint != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showPrint=0";
     if ($showtabs != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showTabs=0";
     if ($showcalendars != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showCalendars=0";
     if ($showtimezone != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showTz=0";
     // Creating array containing the names of the calendars to display
     // The names must be separated by a comma in the specific variable
     $CALarray = explode(',', $calendar);
     foreach ($CALarray as $key => $value) {
         if (trim($value) != '') {
             $URLarray[] = 'src=' . urlencode(trim($value));
     // Creating HTML embed code to add to the page wordpress
     // First prepare the code of a single button, and then call wrapping function
     $HTML = '<script type="text/javascript">';
     $HTML .= "var h='<'+'";
     $HTML .= 'iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?' . implode("&amp;", $URLarray) . '" ';
     $HTML .= 'style="border-width:0" ';
     $HTML .= 'width="' . $width . '" ';
     $HTML .= 'height="' . $height . '" ';
     $HTML .= 'frameborder="0" scrolling="no"';
     $HTML .= "></'+'iframe'+'>';";
     $HTML .= "document.write(h);";
     $HTML .= '</script>';
     // Return from the function with the whole string containing
     // the HTML code for inserting the code in the page
     return $HTML;
Пример #3
 function get_translate_language()
     $values = SZGoogleCommon::getLanguages();
     $this->moduleCommonFormSelect('sz_google_options_translate', 'translate_language', $values, 'medium', '');
     $this->moduleCommonFormDescription(__('specify the language associated with your website, if you do not specify any value will be called get_bloginfo(\'language\') and set the same language related to the theme of wordpress. Supported languages ​​http://translate.google.com/about/.', 'szgoogleadmin'));
Пример #4
 function get_plus_language()
     $values = SZGoogleCommon::getLanguages();
     $this->moduleCommonFormSelect('sz_google_options_plus', 'plus_language', $values, 'medium', '');
     $this->moduleCommonFormDescription(__('specify the language code associated with your website, if you do not specify any value will be called the get_bloginfo(\'language\') and set the same language related to the theme of wordpress.', 'szgoogleadmin'));
Пример #5
  * Creazione codice HTML per il componente richiamato che
  * deve essere usato in comune sia per widget che shortcode
  * @return string
 function getHTMLCode($atts = array(), $content = null)
     if (!is_array($atts)) {
         $atts = array();
     // Estrazione dei valori specificati nello shortcode, i valori ritornati
     // sono contenuti nei nomi di variabili corrispondenti alla chiave
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('calendars' => '', 'title' => '', 'mode' => '', 'weekstart' => '', 'language' => '', 'timezone' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'showtitle' => '', 'shownavs' => '', 'showdate' => '', 'showprint' => '', 'showtabs' => '', 'showcalendars' => '', 'showtimezone' => '', 'action' => ''), $atts));
     // Caricamento opzioni per le variabili di configurazione che
     // contengono i valori di default per shortcode e widgets
     $options = (object) $this->getModuleOptions('SZGoogleModuleCalendar');
     // Elimino spazi aggiunti di troppo ed eseguo la trasformazione in
     // stringa minuscolo per il controllo di valori speciali come "auto"
     $calendars = trim($calendars);
     $title = trim($title);
     $action = trim($action);
     $language = trim($language);
     $timezone = trim($timezone);
     $mode = strtoupper(trim($mode));
     $weekstart = strtolower(trim($weekstart));
     $width = strtolower(trim($width));
     $height = strtolower(trim($height));
     $showtitle = strtolower(trim($showtitle));
     $shownavs = strtolower(trim($shownavs));
     $showdate = strtolower(trim($showdate));
     $showprint = strtolower(trim($showprint));
     $showtabs = strtolower(trim($showtabs));
     $showcalendars = strtolower(trim($showcalendars));
     $showtimezone = strtolower(trim($showtimezone));
     // Conversione dei valori specificati direttamete nei parametri con
     // i valori usati per la memorizzazione dei valori di default
     if ($showtitle == 'yes' or $showtitle == 'y') {
         $showtitle = '1';
     if ($shownavs == 'yes' or $shownavs == 'y') {
         $shownavs = '1';
     if ($showdate == 'yes' or $showdate == 'y') {
         $showdate = '1';
     if ($showprint == 'yes' or $showprint == 'y') {
         $showprint = '1';
     if ($showtabs == 'yes' or $showtabs == 'y') {
         $showtabs = '1';
     if ($showcalendars == 'yes' or $showcalendars == 'y') {
         $showcalendars = '1';
     if ($showtimezone == 'yes' or $showtimezone == 'y') {
         $showtimezone = '1';
     if ($showtitle == 'no' or $showtitle == 'n') {
         $showtitle = '0';
     if ($shownavs == 'no' or $shownavs == 'n') {
         $shownavs = '0';
     if ($showdate == 'no' or $showdate == 'n') {
         $showdate = '0';
     if ($showprint == 'no' or $showprint == 'n') {
         $showprint = '0';
     if ($showtabs == 'no' or $showtabs == 'n') {
         $showtabs = '0';
     if ($showcalendars == 'no' or $showcalendars == 'n') {
         $showcalendars = '0';
     if ($showtimezone == 'no' or $showtimezone == 'n') {
         $showtimezone = '0';
     // Se non sono riuscito ad assegnare nessun valore con le istruzioni
     // precedenti metto dei default assoluti che possono essere cambiati
     $YESNO = array('1', '0');
     if ($action == 'widget') {
         if ($calendars == '') {
             $calendars = $options->calendar_w_calendars;
         if ($title == '') {
             $title = $options->calendar_w_title;
         if ($width == '') {
             $width = $options->calendar_w_width;
         if ($height == '') {
             $height = $options->calendar_w_height;
         if (!in_array($showtitle, $YESNO)) {
             $showtitle = $options->calendar_w_show_title;
         if (!in_array($shownavs, $YESNO)) {
             $shownavs = $options->calendar_w_show_navs;
         if (!in_array($showdate, $YESNO)) {
             $showdate = $options->calendar_w_show_date;
         if (!in_array($showprint, $YESNO)) {
             $showprint = $options->calendar_w_show_print;
         if (!in_array($showtabs, $YESNO)) {
             $showtabs = $options->calendar_w_show_tabs;
         if (!in_array($showcalendars, $YESNO)) {
             $showcalendars = $options->calendar_w_show_calendars;
         if (!in_array($showtimezone, $YESNO)) {
             $showtimezone = $options->calendar_w_show_timezone;
     } else {
         if ($calendars == '') {
             $calendars = $options->calendar_s_calendars;
         if ($title == '') {
             $title = $options->calendar_s_title;
         if ($width == '') {
             $width = $options->calendar_s_width;
         if ($height == '') {
             $height = $options->calendar_s_height;
         if (!in_array($showtitle, $YESNO)) {
             $showtitle = $options->calendar_s_show_title;
         if (!in_array($shownavs, $YESNO)) {
             $shownavs = $options->calendar_s_show_navs;
         if (!in_array($showdate, $YESNO)) {
             $showdate = $options->calendar_s_show_date;
         if (!in_array($showprint, $YESNO)) {
             $showprint = $options->calendar_s_show_print;
         if (!in_array($showtabs, $YESNO)) {
             $showtabs = $options->calendar_s_show_tabs;
         if (!in_array($showcalendars, $YESNO)) {
             $showcalendars = $options->calendar_s_show_calendars;
         if (!in_array($showtimezone, $YESNO)) {
             $showtimezone = $options->calendar_s_show_timezone;
     // Controllo la variabile titolo se specificata nella opzione
     // in caso contrario assegno il valore speciale con traduzione in lingua
     if ($calendars == '') {
         $calendars = $options->calendar_o_calendars;
     if ($title == '') {
         $title = $options->calendar_o_title;
     if ($mode == '') {
         $mode = $options->calendar_o_mode;
     if ($weekstart == '') {
         $weekstart = $options->calendar_o_weekstart;
     if ($language == '') {
         $language = $options->calendar_o_language;
     if ($timezone == '') {
         $timezone = $options->calendar_o_timezone;
     if (!in_array($weekstart, array('1', '2', '7'))) {
         $weekstart = '1';
     // Calcolo la variabile della lingua di traduzione da applicare al codice
     // embed del calendario di google. Valore speciale 99 per quella wordpress.
     if (!array_key_exists($language, SZGoogleCommon::getLanguages())) {
         $language = $options->calendar_o_language;
     if (!array_key_exists($language, SZGoogleCommon::getLanguages())) {
         $language = '99';
     if ($language == '99') {
         $language = substr(get_bloginfo('language'), 0, 2);
     if (!array_key_exists($timezone, SZGoogleCommon::getTimeZone())) {
         $timezone = $options->calendar_o_timezone;
     if (!array_key_exists($timezone, SZGoogleCommon::getTimeZone())) {
         $timezone = 'none';
     // Controllo i valori passati in array che specificano la dimensione del widget
     // in caso contrario imposto il valore su quello specificato nelle opzioni
     if (!ctype_digit($width) and $width != 'auto') {
         $width = 'auto';
     if (!ctype_digit($height) and $height != 'auto') {
         $height = 'auto';
     // Controllo la dimensione del widget e controllo formale dei valori numerici
     // se trovo qualche incongruenza applico i valori di default prestabiliti
     if ($width == '') {
         $width = "100%";
     if ($width == 'auto') {
         $width = "100%";
     if ($height == '') {
         $height = '400';
     if ($height == 'auto') {
         $height = '400';
     // Creazione array contenente le variabili che devono essere usate
     // nella stringa URL di riferimento al codice embed su iframe
     $URLarray = array();
     $URLarray[] = "hl=" . urlencode($language);
     $URLarray[] = "height=" . urlencode($height);
     if ($title != '') {
         $URLarray[] = 'title=' . urlencode($title);
     if ($weekstart != '') {
         $URLarray[] = 'wkst=' . urlencode($weekstart);
     if ($timezone != '') {
         $URLarray[] = 'ctz=' . urlencode($timezone);
     if ($mode == 'AGENDA') {
         $URLarray[] = "mode=" . urlencode($mode);
     if ($mode == 'WEEK') {
         $URLarray[] = "mode=" . urlencode($mode);
     if ($showtitle != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showTitle=0";
     if ($shownavs != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showNav=0";
     if ($showdate != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showDate=0";
     if ($showprint != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showPrint=0";
     if ($showtabs != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showTabs=0";
     if ($showcalendars != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showCalendars=0";
     if ($showtimezone != '1') {
         $URLarray[] = "showTz=0";
     // Creazione array contenente i nomi dei calendari da visualizzare.
     // I nomi devono essere divisi da una virgola nella variabile specifica.
     $CALarray = explode(',', $calendars);
     foreach ($CALarray as $key => $value) {
         if (trim($value) != '') {
             $URLarray[] = 'src=' . urlencode(trim($value));
     // Creazione codice HTML per embed code da inserire nella pagina wordpress
     // prima praparo il codice del bottone singolo e poi chiamo funzione di wrapping
     $HTML = '<script type="text/javascript">';
     $HTML .= "var h='<'+'";
     $HTML .= 'iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?' . implode("&amp;", $URLarray) . '" ';
     $HTML .= 'style="border-width:0" ';
     $HTML .= 'width="' . $width . '" ';
     $HTML .= 'height="' . $height . '" ';
     $HTML .= 'frameborder="0" scrolling="no"';
     $HTML .= "></'+'iframe'+'>';";
     $HTML .= "document.write(h);";
     $HTML .= '</script>';
     // Ritorno per la funzione con tutta la stringa contenente
     // il codice HTML per l'inserimento del codice nella pagina
     return $HTML;