Пример #1
function allLanes($upc)
    if (!class_exists("SQLManager")) {
        require_once $FANNIE_ROOT . "src/SQLManager.php";
    $ret = "";
    $queryItem = '';
    if (is_numeric($upc)) {
        $upc = str_pad($upc, 13, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $queryItem = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE upc = '{$upc}'";
    } else {
        $queryItem = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE description LIKE '%{$upc}%' ORDER BY description";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($FANNIE_LANES); $i++) {
        $f = $FANNIE_LANES[$i];
        $sql = new SQLManager($f['host'], $f['type'], $f['op'], $f['user'], $f['pw']);
        if ($sql === False) {
            $ret .= "Can't connect to lane: " . ($i + 1) . "<br />";
        $resultItem = $sql->query($queryItem);
        $num = $sql->num_rows($resultItem);
        if ($num == 0) {
            $ret .= "Item <span style=\"color:red;\">{$upc}</span> not found on Lane " . ($i + 1) . "<br />";
        } else {
            if ($num > 1) {
                $ret .= "Item <span style=\"color:red;\">{$upc}</span> found multiple times on Lane " . ($i + 1) . "<br />";
                while ($rowItem = $sql->fetch_array($resultItem)) {
                    $ret .= "{$rowItem['upc']} {$rowItem['description']}<br />";
            } else {
                $rowItem = $sql->fetch_array($resultItem);
                $ret .= "Item <span style=\"color:red;\">{$upc}</span> on Lane " . ($i + 1) . "<br />";
                $ret .= "Price: {$rowItem['normal_price']}";
                if ($rowItem['special_price'] != 0) {
                    $ret .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style=\"color:green;\">ON SALE: {$rowItem['special_price']}</span>";
                $ret .= "<br />";
        if ($i < count($FANNIE_LANES) - 1) {
            $ret .= "<hr />";
    return $ret;
Пример #2
/* why is this file such a mess?

   SQL for UPDATE against multiple tables is different 
   for MSSQL and MySQL. There's not a particularly clean
   way around it that I can think of, hence alternates
   for all queries.
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$miQ = "UPDATE meminfo AS m \n    INNER JOIN {$TRANS}equity_live_balance s\n    ON m.card_no=s.memnum\n    INNER JOIN custdata AS c ON c.CardNo=s.memnum\n    LEFT JOIN memDates AS d ON d.card_no=s.memnum\n    SET m.ads_OK=1\n    WHERE (d.start_date IS null OR d.start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')\n    AND s.payments > 0\n    AND c.Type='PC'";
    $miQ = "UPDATE meminfo SET ads_OK=1\n        FROM {$TRANS}equity_live_balance s\n        left join meminfo m ON m.card_no=s.memnum\n        left join custdata as c on c.cardno=s.memnum\n        left join memDates as d on d.card_no=s.memnum\n        where d.start_date is null and s.payments > 0\n        and c.type='PC'";
$mdQ = "UPDATE memDates AS d\n    INNER JOIN {$TRANS}equity_live_balance AS s\n    ON d.card_no=s.memnum\n    INNER JOIN custdata AS c ON c.CardNo=s.memnum\n    SET d.start_date=s.startdate,\n    d.end_date=CASE WHEN s.payments >= 100 \n        THEN '0000-00-00 00:00:00' \n        ELSE \n            CASE WHEN s.startdate < '2012-12-31 23:59:59'\n            THEN DATE_ADD(s.startdate,INTERVAL 2 YEAR) \n            ELSE DATE_ADD(s.startdate,INTERVAL 1 YEAR) END\n        END\n    WHERE (d.start_date IS null OR d.start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'\n        OR (s.payments >= 100 AND d.end_date <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00')\n    )\n    AND s.payments > 0\n    AND c.Type='PC'";
    $mdQ = "UPDATE memDates SET start_date=s.startdate,\n        end_date=CASE WHEN s.payments >=100 \n            THEN '1900-01-01 00:00:00'\n            ELSE dateadd(yy,1,s.startdate) END\n        FROM {$TRANS}equity_live_balance s\n        left join custdata as c on c.cardno=s.memnum\n        left join memDates as d on d.card_no=s.memnum\n        where d.start_date is null and s.payments > 0\n        and c.type='PC'";
$sql->query("DELETE FROM custReceiptMessage WHERE msg_text LIKE 'EQUITY OWED% == %'");
$msgQ = "INSERT custReceiptMessage\n    SELECT s.memnum,CONCAT('EQUITY OWED \$',100-s.payments,' == '\n        ,'DUE DATE ',MONTH(d.end_date),'/',DAY(d.end_date),'/',YEAR(d.end_date)),\n        'WfcEquityMessage'\n    FROM {$TRANS}equity_live_balance AS s\n    INNER JOIN memDates as d ON s.memnum=d.card_no\n    WHERE s.payments < 100";
$msgR = $sql->query($msgQ);
Пример #3
// ************************************
// Discount value is the percent * 100, e.g. 10 = 10%
$discount_value = 10;
// NOTE: Simply uncomment your desired senior discount day.
// $discount_day = "Sunday";
// $discount_day = "Monday";
// $discount_day = "Tuesday";
$discount_day = "Wednesday";
// $discount_day = "Thursday";
// $discount_day = "Friday";
// $discount_day = "Saturday";
// ************************************
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$today = date('l');
$dday = date_create($discount_day);
date_add($dday, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 days'));
$discount_day_after = date_format($dday, 'l');
$toggle = $today == $discount_day ? "+" : "-";
if ($today == $discount_day || $today == $discount_day_after) {
    $sql->query("UPDATE custdata SET discount = (discount {$toggle} {$discount_value}) WHERE SSI = 1");
} else {
    echo cron_msg("nightly.seniordiscount.php: Discount active on " . $discount_day . ".<br /> No discounts to apply");
Пример #4
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
if (!isset($FANNIE_LANES) || !is_array($FANNIE_LANES)) {
    $FANNIE_LANES = array();
foreach ($FANNIE_LANES as $ln) {
    $sql = new SQLManager($ln['host'], $ln['type'], $ln['trans'], $ln['user'], $ln['pw']);
    if ($sql === False) {
        echo cron_msg("Could not connect to lane: " . $ln['host']);
    $table = 'localtrans_today';
    if ($sql->table_exists($table)) {
        $cleanQ = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'datetime') . " <> 0";
        $cleanR = $sql->query($cleanQ, $ln['trans']);
        if ($cleanR === False) {
            echo cron_msg("Could not clean {$table} on lane: " . $ln['host']);
    $table = 'localtrans';
    $cleanQ = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'datetime') . " > 30";
    $cleanR = $sql->query($cleanQ, $ln['trans']);
    if ($cleanR === False) {
        echo cron_msg("Could not clean {$table} on lane: " . $ln['host']);
    $table = 'efsnetTokens';
    $cleanQ = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'expireDay') . " <> 0 ";
    $cleanR = $sql->query($cleanQ, $ln['trans']);
    if ($cleanR === False) {
        echo cron_msg("Could not clean {$table} on lane: " . $ln['host']);
Пример #5
include '../../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
$upc = null;
$prevPrice = null;
$q = "select u.upc,u.modified,price,user from prodUpdate\nas u inner join products as p on p.upc=u.upc\norder by u.upc,u.modified";
    $q = str_replace("user", "[user]", $q);
$r = $sql->query($q);
while ($w = $sql->fetch_row($r)) {
    if ($upc === null || $upc != $w['upc']) {
        // next item, get previous
        // date and price from compressed
        // history if available
        $upc = $w['upc'];
        $prevPrice = null;
        $prevDate = null;
        $chkR = $sql->query("SELECT modified,price FROM\n            prodPriceHistory WHERE upc='{$upc}'\n            ORDER BY modified DESC");
        if ($sql->num_rows($chkR) > 0) {
            $chk = $sql->fetch_row($chkR);
            $prevDate = $chk['modified'];
            $prevPrice = $chk['price'];
Пример #6
include '../../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
$upc = null;
$prevDept = null;
$q = "select u.upc,u.modified,dept,user from prodUpdate\nas u inner join products as p on p.upc=u.upc\norder by u.upc,u.modified";
    $q = str_replace("user", "[user]", $q);
$r = $sql->query($q);
while ($w = $sql->fetch_row($r)) {
    if ($upc === null || $upc != $w['upc']) {
        // next item, get previous
        // date and price from compressed
        // history if available
        $upc = $w['upc'];
        $prevDept = null;
        $prevDate = null;
        $chkR = $sql->query("SELECT modified,dept_ID FROM\n            prodDepartmentHistory WHERE upc='{$upc}'\n            ORDER BY modified DESC");
        if ($sql->num_rows($chkR) > 0) {
            $chk = $sql->fetch_row($chkR);
            $prevDate = $chk['modified'];
            $prevDept = $chk['dept_ID'];
Пример #7
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
    Crunch the previous month's total sales &
    deliveries into a single archive record
$deliveryQ = "INSERT INTO InvDeliveryArchive\n    SELECT max(inv_date),upc,vendor_id,sum(quantity),sum(price)\n    FROM InvDeliveryLM \n    GROUP BY upc,vendor_id";
$chk = $sql->query($deliveryQ);
if ($chk === false) {
    echo cron_msg("Error archiving last month's inventory data");
$chk1 = $sql->query("TRUNCATE TABLE InvDeliveryLM");
$lmQ = "INSERT INTO InvDeliveryLM SELECT * FROM InvDelivery WHERE " . $sql->monthdiff($sql->now(), 'inv_date') . " = 1";
$chk2 = $sql->query($lmQ);
if ($chk1 === false || $chk2 === false) {
    echo cron_msg("Error setting up last month's inventory data");
$clearQ = "DELETE FROM InvDelivery WHERE " . $sql->monthdiff($sql->now(), 'inv_date') . " = 1";
$chk = $sql->query($clearQ);
if ($chk === false) {
    echo cron_msg("Error clearing inventory data");
$salesQ = "INSERT INTO InvSalesArchive\n        select max(datetime),upc,sum(quantity),sum(total)\n        FROM transarchive WHERE " . $sql->monthdiff($sql->now(), 'datetime') . " = 1\n        AND scale=0 AND trans_status NOT IN ('X','R') \n        AND trans_type = 'I' AND trans_subtype <> '0'\n        AND register_no <> 99 AND emp_no <> 9999\n        GROUP BY upc";
Пример #8
    parseitem($action, $s_plu, trim($scale_array["itemdesc"], "'"), $scale_array['tare'], $scale_array['shelflife'], $scale_array['price'], $scale_array['bycount'], $s_type, 0.0, trim($scale_array['text'], "'"), $scale_array['label'], $scale_array['graphics'] == 1 ? 121 : 0);
/* 10. Delete and re-add to product-related tables on the lanes.  */
/* push updates to the lanes */
include 'laneUpdates_WEFC_Toronto.php';
updateAllLanes($upc, array("products", "productUser"));
// $dbc is looking at lane db now, so change it back.
// What is the DB function to do this? FannieDB::get()?
//   We're not in the right environment for that.
/* 'i9el. Update likecodes */
/* update the item's likecode if specified
   also update other items in the likecode
   if the appropriate box isn't checked */
if (isset($_REQUEST['likeCode']) && $_REQUEST['likeCode'] != -1) {
    $dbc->query("DELETE FROM upcLike WHERE upc='{$upc}'");
    $lcQ = "INSERT INTO upcLike (upc,likeCode) VALUES ('{$upc}',{$_REQUEST['likeCode']})";
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['update'])) {
        $upcsQ = "SELECT upc FROM upcLike WHERE likeCode={$_REQUEST['likeCode']} AND upc <> '{$upc}'";
        $upcsR = $dbc->query($upcsQ);
        while ($upcsW = $dbc->fetch_row($upcsR)) {
            $dbc->smart_update('products', $up_array, "upc='{$upcsW['0']}' AND store_id={$FANNIE_STORE_ID}");
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['likeCode']) && $_REQUEST['likeCode'] == -1) {
    $dbc->query("DELETE FROM upcLike WHERE upc='{$upc}'");
/* 11. Display the post-update values and an input for the next edit.  */
Пример #9
// NOTE: Simply uncomment your desired supplement discount day.
// $discount_day = "Sunday";
$discount_day = "Monday";
// $discount_day = "Tuesday";
// $discount_day = "Wednesday";
// $discount_day = "Thursday";
// $discount_day = "Friday";
// $discount_day = "Saturday";
// ************************************
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$today = date('l');
$dday = date_create($discount_day);
date_add($dday, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 days'));
$discount_day_after = date_format($dday, 'l');
if ($today == $discount_day) {
    $sql->query("INSERT INTO autoCoupons VALUES(999,'Supplement Discount')");
    echo cron_msg("It's {$discount_day}. Supplement discount applied.");
} elseif ($today == $discount_day_after) {
    $sql->query("DELETE FROM autoCoupons WHERE coupID = 999");
    echo cron_msg("It's {$discount_day_after}.  Supplement discount removed.");
} else {
    echo cron_msg("No discounts to apply.");
Пример #10
function removeAllLanes($upc, $table_name)
    $FANNIE_OP_DB = FannieConfig::config('OP_DB');
    $FANNIE_LANES = FannieConfig::config('LANES');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($FANNIE_LANES); $i++) {
        $tmp = new SQLManager($FANNIE_LANES[$i]['host'], $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['type'], $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['op'], $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['user'], $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['pw']);
        if ($tmp->table_exists("{$table_name}")) {
            $delQ = "DELETE FROM {$table_name} WHERE upc='{$upc}'";
            $delR = $tmp->query($delQ, $FANNIE_LANES[$i]['op']);
Пример #11
    echo cron_msg("Failed: {$fetchQ}");
while ($fetchW = $sql->fetch_row($fetchR)) {
    $data[$fetchW['CardNo']] = $fetchW['balance'];
$errors = False;
// connect to each lane and update balances
foreach ($FANNIE_LANES as $lane) {
    $db = new SQLManager($lane['host'], $lane['type'], $lane['op'], $lane['user'], $lane['pw']);
    if ($db === False) {
        echo cron_msg("Can't connect to lane: " . $lane['host']);
        $errors = True;
    foreach ($data as $cn => $bal) {
        $upQ = sprintf("UPDATE custdata SET Balance=%.2f WHERE CardNo=%d", $bal, $cn);
        $rslt = $db->query($upQ);
        if ($rslt === False) {
            echo cron_msg("Update of member: {$cn} on lane: {$lane['host']} failed.");
            $errors = True;
if ($errors) {
    echo cron_msg("There was an error pushing balances to the lanes.");
} else {
    //echo cron_msg("All OK.");
    $a = 0;
Пример #12
    CORE-POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$dbc->query("TRUNCATE TABLE YTD_Patronage_MiddleStep");
$ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n"), 1, date("Y") - 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
    $start = date("Y-m-d", $ts);
    $end = date("Y-m-t", $ts);
    $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDtrans($start, $end);
    $ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n", $ts) + 1, 1, date("Y", $ts));
    $query = "INSERT INTO YTD_Patronage_MiddleStep \n        select d.card_no,MONTH(d.datetime) as month_no,\n        total,\n        YEAR(d.datetime) AS year_no,\n        DAY(d.datetime) AS day_no,\n        " . $dbc->concat($dbc->convert('emp_no', 'char'), "'-'", $dbc->convert('register_no', 'char'), "'-'", $dbc->convert('trans_no', 'char'), '') . " as trans_num\n        from " . $dlog . " as d\n        WHERE datetime BETWEEN '{$start} 00:00:00' AND '{$end} 23:59:59'\n        AND d.trans_type = 'T' AND total <> 0\n        AND emp_no <> 9999 and register_no <> 99 AND trans_status NOT IN ('Z','X')";
$dbc->query("TRUNCATE TABLE YTD_Patronage_Speedup");
$query = "INSERT INTO YTD_Patronage_Speedup\n    SELECT card_no,month_no,SUM(total) as total,year_no\n    FROM YTD_Patronage_MiddleStep AS d\n    LEFT JOIN custdata as c on c.CardNo=d.card_no and c.personNum=1 \n    LEFT JOIN suspensions as s on s.cardno = d.card_no \n    WHERE c.memType=1 or s.memtype1=1 \n    GROUP BY d.card_no,\n    year_no, month_no, day_no, trans_num";
Пример #13
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA



   Updates voidTransHistory to include voided
   transactions from the previous day.

   Should be run after midnight & after
   dtransactions is rotated

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$query = "INSERT INTO voidTransHistory\n    SELECT datetime,description,\n    " . $sql->concat($sql->convert('emp_no', 'char'), "'-'", $sql->convert('register_no', 'char'), "'-'", $sql->convert('trans_no', 'char'), '') . ",\n    0\n    FROM transarchive WHERE trans_subtype='CM'\n    AND " . $sql->datediff('datetime', $sql->now()) . " = -1\n    AND description LIKE 'VOIDING TRANSACTION %-%-%'\n    AND register_no <> 99 AND emp_no <> 9999 AND trans_status <> 'X'";
$success = $sql->query($query);
if ($success) {
    echo cron_msg("Voids logged");
} else {
    echo cron_msg("Error logging voids");
Пример #14
 public function run()
     global $FANNIE_LANES;
     global $FANNIE_PLUGIN_LIST;
     if (!FanniePlugin::isEnabled($this->pluginName)) {
         echo $this->cronMsg("Plugin '{$this->pluginName}' is not enabled.");
         return False;
     if (!array_key_exists("{$this->pluginName}Database", $FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS) || empty($FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS["{$this->pluginName}Database"])) {
         echo $this->cronMsg("Setting: '{$this->pluginName}Database' is not set.");
         return False;
     $server_db = $FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS["{$this->pluginName}Database"];
     $dbc = FannieDB::get($server_db);
     if ($dbc === False) {
         echo $this->cronMsg("Unable to connect to {$server_db}.");
         return False;
     // get balances that changed today
     $balanceData = array();
     $fetchQ = "SELECT programID, cardNo, balance\n                    FROM CCredMemCreditBalance\n                    WHERE mark=1";
     //orig: $fetchQ = "SELECT CardNo, balance FROM memChargeBalance WHERE mark=1";
     $fetchR = $dbc->query($fetchQ);
     if ($fetchR === False) {
         echo $this->cronMsg("Fatal: {$fetchQ}");
     // Make a list of updates.
     while ($fetchW = $dbc->fetch_row($fetchR)) {
         $key = $fetchW['programID'] . '|' . $fetchW['cardNo'];
         // The order of elements as needed in the UPDATE statement.
         $balanceData["{$key}"] = array($fetchW['balance'], $fetchW['programID'], $fetchW['cardNo']);
     /* Debug
        echo $this->cronMsg("Balance updates to do: " . count($balanceData));
     /* Get CCredMemberships that have changed today.
      * Does not handle Members added today.
     $memberData = array();
     $memberQ = "SELECT programID, cardNo, creditLimit, maxCreditBalance,\n                    creditOK, inputOK, transferOK, modified\n                    FROM CCredMemberships\n                    WHERE date(modified) = date(" . $dbc->now() . ")";
     $memberR = $dbc->query($memberQ);
     if ($memberR === False) {
         echo $this->cronMsg("Failed: {$memberQ}");
         $errors = True;
     } else {
         while ($memberW = $dbc->fetch_row($memberR)) {
             $key = $memberW['programID'] . '|' . $memberW['cardNo'];
             // The order of elements as needed in the UPDATE statement.
             $memberData["{$key}"] = array($memberW['creditLimit'], $memberW['maxCreditBalance'], $memberW['creditOK'], $memberW['inputOK'], $memberW['transferOK'], $memberW['modified'], $memberW['programID'], $memberW['cardNo']);
     /* Debug
        echo $this->cronMsg("Member updates to do: " . count($memberData));
     /* Get CCredPrograms that have changed today.
      * Does not handle Programs added today.
     $programData = array();
     $programQ = "SELECT programID, active, startDate, endDate,\n                        creditOK, inputOK, transferOK, maxCreditBalance,\n                        modified\n                    FROM CCredPrograms\n                    WHERE date(modified) = date(" . $dbc->now() . ")";
     $programR = $dbc->query($programQ);
     if ($programR === False) {
         echo $this->cronMsg("Failed: {$programQ}");
         $errors = True;
     } else {
         while ($programW = $dbc->fetch_row($programR)) {
             $key = $programW['programID'];
             // The order of elements as needed in the UPDATE statement.
             $programData["{$key}"] = array($programW['active'], $programW['startDate'], $programW['endDate'], $programW['creditOK'], $programW['inputOK'], $programW['transferOK'], $programW['maxCreditBalance'], $programW['modified'], $programW['programID']);
     /* Debug
        echo $this->cronMsg("Program updates to do: " . count($programData));
     $errors = False;
     // connect to each lane and update balances
     foreach ($FANNIE_LANES as $lane) {
         $dbL = new SQLManager($lane['host'], $lane['type'], $lane['op'], $lane['user'], $lane['pw']);
         if ($dbL === False) {
             echo $this->cronMsg("Can't connect to lane: " . $lane['host'] . " db: {$lane['op']} .");
             $errors = True;
         /* Find the name of the CoopCred db on the lane.
          * Why is PluginList in opdata.lane_config but PluginSettings isn't?
          * opdata.parameters has PluginList, CoopCredLaneDatabase
         $coopCredEnabled = 0;
         $laneDB = "";
         $laneQ = "SELECT * FROM parameters\n                WHERE param_key IN ('PluginList', 'CoopCredLaneDatabase')\n                ORDER BY param_key, store_id, lane_id";
         $laneR = $dbL->query($laneQ);
         if ($laneR === False) {
             echo $this->cronMsg("Failed query on: " . $lane['host'] . " query: {$query}");
             $errors = True;
         /* Local values will override global. */
         while ($laneP = $dbL->fetch_row($laneR)) {
             if ($laneP['param_key'] == 'PluginList') {
                 $paramList = explode(',', $laneP['param_value']);
                 if (in_array($this->pluginName, $paramList)) {
                     $coopCredEnabled = 1;
             if ($laneP['param_key'] == 'CoopCredLaneDatabase') {
                 $laneDB = $laneP['param_value'];
         if (!$coopCredEnabled) {
             echo $this->cronMsg("{$this->pluginName} is not enabled on: " . $lane['host']);
         if ($laneDB == '') {
             echo $this->cronMsg("No CoopCredDatabase named on: " . $lane['host']);
         // Change db on connection to the ccred db.
         $ccDB = $dbL->addConnection($lane['host'], $lane['type'], $laneDB, $lane['user'], $lane['pw']);
         if ($ccDB === False) {
             echo $this->cronMsg("Can't add connection to {$laneDB} on: " . $lane['host']);
             $errors = True;
         $dbL->default_db = $laneDB;
         foreach ($balanceData as $dt) {
             $upQ = "UPDATE CCredMemberships\n                    SET creditBalance=?,\n                    modified=" . $dbc->now() . ",\n                    modifiedBy=9998\n                    WHERE programID=? AND cardNo=?";
             $upS = $dbL->prepare($upQ);
             $upR = $dbL->execute($upS, $dt);
             if ($upR === False) {
                 echo $this->cronMsg("Balance update failed: member: {$dt[2]} " . "in  program {$dt[1]} on lane: {$lane['host']}");
                 $errors = True;
             /* Debug
                else {
                    echo $this->cronMsg("Balance update OK: member: {$dt[2]} in  program {$dt[1]} on lane: {$lane['host']}");
         foreach ($memberData as $dt) {
             $upQ = "UPDATE CCredMemberships\n                    SET creditLimit=?,\n                    maxCreditBalance=?,\n                    creditOK=?,\n                    inputOK=?,\n                    transferOK=?,\n                    modified=?,\n                    modifiedBy=9999\n                    WHERE programID=? AND cardNo=?";
             $upS = $dbL->prepare($upQ);
             $upR = $dbL->execute($upS, $dt);
             if ($upR === False) {
                 echo $this->cronMsg("Member update failed: member: {$dt[7]} in  program {$dt[6]} on lane: {$lane['host']}");
                 $errors = True;
             /* Debug
                else {
                    echo $this->cronMsg("Member update OK: member: {$dt[7]} ".
                        "in  program {$dt[6]} on lane: {$lane['host']}");
         foreach ($programData as $dt) {
             $upQ = "UPDATE CCredPrograms\n                    SET active=?,\n                    startDate=?,\n                    endDate=?,\n                    creditOK=?,\n                    inputOK=?,\n                    transferOK=?,\n                    maxCreditBalance=?,\n                    modified=?,\n                    modifiedBy=9999\n                    WHERE programID=?";
             $upS = $dbL->prepare($upQ);
             $upR = $dbL->execute($upS, $dt);
             if ($upR === False) {
                 echo $this->cronMsg("Program update failed: program {$dt[8]} " . "on lane: {$lane['host']}");
                 $errors = True;
             /* Debug
                else {
                    echo $this->cronMsg("Program update OK: program {$dt[8]} ".
                        "on lane: {$lane['host']}");
         // each lane
     if ($errors) {
         echo $this->cronMsg("There was an error pushing balances to the lanes.");
     } else {
         /* Debug
            echo $this->cronMsg("All OK.");
         $noop = 0;
     // /run
Пример #15
/* --COMMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 * 18Oct12 EL Keep this comment block from appearing in the Help popup.
 *             Reformat first SQL statement.
 * 17Jun12 EL Fix Help to make it appropriate to this program.
 *             Was a copy of reactivate.equity.php.
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
$custdata = $sql->table_definition('custdata');
$meminfoQ = "UPDATE meminfo AS m LEFT JOIN\n        custdata AS c ON m.card_no=c.CardNo\n        LEFT JOIN {$TRANS}ar_live_balance AS s\n        ON c.cardno=s.card_no LEFT JOIN suspensions AS p\n        ON c.cardno=p.cardno LEFT JOIN {$TRANS}AR_EOM_Summary AS a\n        ON m.card_no=a.cardno\n        SET m.ads_OK=p.mailflag\n        WHERE c.Type = 'INACT' and p.reasoncode IN (1)\n        AND s.balance < a.twoMonthBalance";
$custQ = "UPDATE custdata AS c LEFT JOIN {$TRANS}ar_live_balance AS s\n        ON c.CardNo=s.card_no LEFT JOIN suspensions AS p\n        ON c.CardNo=p.cardno LEFT JOIN {$TRANS}AR_EOM_Summary AS a\n        ON c.CardNo=a.cardno\n        SET c.Discount=p.discount,c.MemDiscountLimit=p.chargelimit,\n        c.ChargeLimit=p.chargelimit,\n        c.memType=p.memtype1,c.Type=p.memtype2,chargeOk=1\n        WHERE c.Type = 'INACT' and p.reasoncode IN (1)\n        AND s.balance < a.twoMonthBalance";
if (!isset($custdata['ChargeLimit'])) {
    $custQ = str_replace('c.ChargeLimit=p.chargelimit,', '', $custQ);
$histQ = "insert into suspension_history\n        select 'AR paid'," . $sql->now() . ",\n        'Account reactivated',c.CardNo,0 from\n        suspensions as s left join\n        custdata as c on s.cardno=c.CardNo\n        and c.personNum=1\n        where c.Type not in ('INACT','INACT2') and s.type='I'";
$clearQ = "select c.CardNo from\n        suspensions as s left join\n        custdata as c on s.cardno=c.CardNo\n        where c.Type not in ('INACT','INACT2') and s.type='I'\n        AND c.personNum=1";
$clearR = $sql->query($clearQ);
$cns = "(";
while ($clearW = $sql->fetch_row($clearR)) {
    $cns .= $clearW[0] . ",";
$cns = rtrim($cns, ",") . ")";
if (strlen($cns) > 2) {
Пример #16
   AR_EOM_Summary.twoMonthBalance <= ar_live_balance.balance

   When/how-often can/should it be run? Daily?

/* --COMMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 * 18Oct12 EL Keep this comment block from appearing in the Help popup.
 *             Reformat SQL statements.
 * 17Jun12 EL Fix Help to make it appropriate to this program.
 *             Was a copy of reactivate.equity.php.
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
$custdata = $sql->table_definition('custdata');
$susQ = "INSERT INTO suspensions\n    select m.card_no,'I',c.memType,c.Type,'',\n    " . $sql->now() . ",m.ads_OK,c.Discount,\n    c.ChargeLimit,1\n    from meminfo as m left join\n    custdata as c on c.CardNo=m.card_no and c.personNum=1\n    left join {$TRANS}ar_live_balance as n on m.card_no=n.card_no\n    left join {$TRANS}AR_EOM_Summary AS a ON a.cardno=m.card_no\n    where a.twoMonthBalance <= n.balance\n    AND a.lastMonthPayments < a.twoMonthBalance\n    and c.type='PC' and n.balance > 0\n    and c.memtype in (1,3)\n    and NOT EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM suspensions as s\n    WHERE s.cardno=m.card_no)";
if (!isset($custdata['ChargeLimit'])) {
    $susQ = str_replace('c.ChargeLimit', 'c.MemDiscountLimit', $susQ);
$histQ = "INSERT INTO suspension_history\n        select 'automatic'," . $sql->now() . ",'',\n        m.card_no,1\n        from meminfo as m left join\n        custdata as c on c.CardNo=m.card_no and c.personNum=1\n        left join {$TRANS}ar_live_balance as n on m.card_no=n.card_no\n        left join {$TRANS}AR_EOM_Summary AS a ON a.cardno=m.card_no\n        where a.twoMonthBalance <= n.balance\n        AND a.lastMonthPayments < a.twoMonthBalance\n        and c.type='PC' and n.balance > 0\n        and c.memtype in (1,3)\n        and NOT EXISTS(SELECT NULL FROM suspensions as s\n        WHERE s.cardno=m.card_no)";
$custQ = "UPDATE custdata AS c\n    LEFT JOIN suspensions AS s ON c.CardNo=s.cardno\n    SET c.type='INACT',memType=0,c.Discount=0,c.ChargeLimit=0,MemDiscountLimit=0\n    WHERE c.type='PC' AND s.cardno is not null";
if (!isset($custdata['ChargeLimit'])) {
    $custQ = str_replace('c.ChargeLimit=0,', '', $custQ);
$memQ = "UPDATE meminfo AS m\n        LEFT JOIN suspensions AS s ON m.card_no=s.cardno\n    SET ads_OK=0\n    WHERE s.cardno is not null";
Пример #17
    include 'hobartcsv/parse.php';
    parseitem($action, $s_plu, trim($scale_array["itemdesc"], "'"), $scale_array['tare'], $scale_array['shelflife'], $scale_array['price'], $scale_array['bycount'], $s_type, 0.0, trim($scale_array['text'], "'"), $scale_array['label'], $scale_array['graphics'] == 1 ? 121 : 0);
/* 8. Delete and re-add to product-related tables on the lanes.  */
/* push updates to the lanes */
include 'laneUpdates_WEFC_Toronto.php';
updateAllLanes($upc, array("products", "productUser"));
/* 9. Display the post-update values and an input for the next edit.  */
/* Display some of the post-update values and an input for the next edit.
 * The page contains form elements but there is no submit for the them.
 * The record-select input is also displayed in a proper form with a submit.
// $dbc may be looking at lane db now, so be sure it is looking at Fannie.
$deptQ = "SELECT dept_no, dept_name FROM departments ORDER BY dept_no";
$deptR = $dbc->query($deptQ);
$row = $dbc->fetch_array($deptR);
$firstDeptNo = $row['dept_no'];
$firstDeptName = $row['dept_name'];
$prodQ = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE upc = " . $upc;
$prodR = $dbc->query($prodQ);
$row = $dbc->fetch_array($prodR);
echo "<table border=0>";
echo "<tr><td align=right><b>UPC</b></td><td><font color='red'>" . $upc . "</font><input type=hidden value='" . $upc . "' name=upc></td>";
echo "</tr><tr><td><b>Description</b></td><td>" . $row['description'] . "</td>";
echo "<td><b>Price</b></td><td>\$ " . $row['normal_price'] . "</td></tr></table>";
echo "<table border=0><tr>";
echo "<th>Dept<th>Sub-Dept<th>FS<th>Scale<th>QtyFrc<th>NoDisc<th>inUse<th>deposit</b>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
$dept = $row["department"];
Пример #18

   Check for SOs w/o a department
   and spam out email until someone fixes it

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$OP = $FANNIE_OP_DB . ($FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS == "MSSQL" ? 'dbo.' : '.');
$q = "\nselect s.order_id,description,datetime,\ncase when c.lastName ='' then b.LastName else c.lastName END as name\nfrom PendingSpecialOrder\nas s left join SpecialOrders as c on s.order_id=c.specialOrderID\nleft join {$OP}custdata as b on s.card_no=b.CardNo and s.voided=b.personNum\nwhere s.order_id in (\nselect p.order_id from PendingSpecialOrder as p\nleft join SpecialOrders as n\non p.order_id=n.specialOrderID\nwhere notes LIKE ''\ngroup by p.order_id\nhaving max(department)=0 and max(noteSuperID)=0\nand max(trans_id) > 0\n)\nand trans_id > 0\norder by datetime\n";
$r = $sql->query($q);
if ($sql->num_rows($r) > 0) {
    $msg_body = "Homeless orders detected!\n\n";
    while ($w = $sql->fetch_row($r)) {
        $msg_body .= $w['datetime'] . ' - ' . (empty($w['name']) ? '(no name)' : $w['name']) . ' - ' . $w['description'] . "\n";
        $msg_body .= "http://key" . $FANNIE_URL . "ordering/view.php?orderID=" . $w['order_id'] . "\n\n";
    $msg_body .= "These messages will be sent daily until orders get departments\n";
    $msg_body .= "or orders are closed\n";
    $to = "buyers, michael";
    $subject = "Incomplete SO(s)";
    mail($to, $subject, $msg_body);
Пример #19
   Track virtual coupon usage
   Adjust custdata settings to match
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
// create a temp table to hold info about recently used coupons
if (!$sql->table_exists("TempVirtCoupon")) {
    $sql->query("CREATE TABLE TempVirtCoupon (card_no int, coupID int, quantity double,PRIMARY KEY(card_no,coupID))");
} else {
    $sql->query("TRUNCATE TABLE TempVirtCoupon");
// select number of coupons used by each member in
// the applicable period
$insQ = "INSERT INTO TempVirtCoupon\n    select d.card_no, h.coupID, sum(quantity) as quantity\n    from {$TRANS}dlog_90_view as d\n    INNER JOIN houseVirtualCoupons as h\n    ON d.upc=" . $sql->concat("'00499999'", 'RIGHT(' . $sql->concat("'00000'", $sql->convert('h.coupID', 'CHAR'), '') . ',5)', '') . "\n    AND d.card_no=h.card_no\n    where d.tdate >= h.start_date and d.tdate <= h.end_date";
$insR = $sql->query($insQ);
// remove expired or already-used coupons
$sqlQ = "DELETE h FROM houseVirtualCoupons AS h\n    LEFT JOIN TempVirtCoupon AS t ON\n    h.card_no=t.card_no AND h.coupID=t.coupID\n    WHERE " . $sql->now() . " > h.end_date\n    OR (t.card_no IS NOT NULL AND t.coupID IS NOT NULL)";
    $sqlQ = "DELETE FROM houseVirtualCoupons \n        FROM houseVirtualCoupons AS h\n        LEFT JOIN TempVirtCoupon AS t ON\n        h.card_no=t.card_no AND h.coupID=t.coupID\n        WHERE " . $sql->now() . " > h.end_date\n        OR (t.card_no IS NOT NULL AND t.coupID IS NOT NULL)";
// set custdata.memcoupons equal to the number
// of available coupons (in theory)
$upQ = "UPDATE custdata AS c LEFT JOIN\n    houseVirtualCoupons AS h ON c.CardNo=h.card_no\n    SET c.memCoupons=(CASE WHEN c.personNum=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)\n    WHERE " . $sql->now() . " >= h.start_date \n    AND " . $sql->now() . " <= h.end_date";
Пример #20
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$ret = preg_match_all("/[0-9]+/", $FANNIE_AR_DEPARTMENTS, $depts);
$depts = array_pop($depts);
$dlist = "(";
foreach ($depts as $d) {
    $dlist .= $d . ",";
$dlist = substr($dlist, 0, strlen($dlist) - 1) . ")";
$query = "INSERT INTO ar_history\n    SELECT card_no,\n    CASE WHEN trans_subtype='MI' THEN -total ELSE 0 END AS charges,\n    CASE WHEN department IN {$dlist} THEN total ELSE 0 END as payments,\n    tdate,trans_num\n    FROM dlog_15\n    WHERE " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'tdate') . " = 1\n    AND (department IN {$dlist} OR trans_subtype='MI')";
$rslt = $sql->query($query);
if ($rslt === False) {
    echo cron_msg("Failed: {$query}");
$sql->query("TRUNCATE TABLE ar_history_sum");
$query = "INSERT INTO ar_history_sum\n    SELECT card_no,SUM(charges),SUM(payments),SUM(charges)-SUM(payments)\n    FROM ar_history GROUP BY card_no";
$rslt = $sql->query($query);
if ($rslt === False) {
    echo cron_msg("Failed: {$query}");
/* turnover view/cache base tables for WFC end-of-month reports */
if (date("j") == 1 && $sql->table_exists("ar_history_backup")) {
    $query = "TRUNCATE TABLE ar_history_backup";
    $rslt = $sql->query($query);
    if ($rslt === False) {
        echo cron_msg("Failed: {$query}");
Пример #21
   @deprecated. Use Table Snapshot Task

   Copies table contents to a backup table
   Currently applies to products & custdata.

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
// drop and recreate because SQL Server
// really hates identity inserts
$sql->query("DROP TABLE productBackup");
    $sql->query("SELECT * INTO productBackup FROM products");
} else {
    $sql->query("CREATE TABLE productBackup LIKE products");
    $sql->query("INSERT INTO productBackup SELECT * FROM products");
$sql->query("DROP TABLE custdataBackup");
    $sql->query("SELECT * INTO custdataBackup FROM custdata");
} else {
    $sql->query("CREATE TABLE custdataBackup LIKE custdata");
    $sql->query("INSERT INTO custdataBackup SELECT * FROM custdata");
Пример #22
   Should be run after dtransaction rotation
   and after midnight.

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$ret = preg_match_all("/[0-9]+/", $FANNIE_EQUITY_DEPARTMENTS, $depts);
$depts = array_pop($depts);
$dlist = "(";
foreach ($depts as $d) {
    $dlist .= $d . ",";
$dlist = substr($dlist, 0, strlen($dlist) - 1) . ")";
$query = "INSERT INTO stockpurchases\n    SELECT card_no,\n    CASE WHEN department IN {$dlist} THEN total ELSE 0 END as stockPayments,\n    tdate,trans_num,department\n    FROM dlog_15 WHERE " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'tdate') . " = 1\n    AND department IN {$dlist}";
// rebuild summary table
$sql->query('TRUNCATE TABLE equity_history_sum');
$sql->query('INSERT INTO equity_history_sum
        SELECT card_no, SUM(stockPurchase), MIN(tdate)
        FROM stockpurchases
        GROUP BY card_no');
Пример #23


   Make AR payments on nabs accounts
   to clear end-of-month balance

   probably not relevant for anyone else

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$insQ = "INSERT INTO dtransactions SELECT * FROM nabsAdjustView";
$insR = $sql->query($insQ);
// fix trans_no values
$tn = 1;
$fixQ = "SELECT card_no FROM dtransactions WHERE register_no=20\n    AND emp_no=1001";
$fixR = $sql->query($fixQ);
while ($fixW = $sql->fetch_row($fixR)) {
    $transQ = "UPDATE dtransactions SET trans_no={$tn}\n        WHERE register_no=20 and emp_no=1001\n        AND card_no=" . $fixW['card_no'];
    $transR = $sql->query($transQ);
Пример #24
   Update memcoupon table for WFC virtual coupon
   Adjust custdata settings to match

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$sql->query("TRUNCATE TABLE memcoupon");
$insQ = "INSERT INTO memcoupon\n    select card_no, tdate, total,trans_num \n    from {$TRANS}dlog_90_view\n    where (trans_subtype = 'MA'  or upc like '%MAD Coupon%') \n    and ceiling(month(tdate)/3.0) = ceiling(month(" . $sql->now() . ")/3.0)\n    and year(tdate) = year(" . $sql->now() . ")\n    and total > -2.52 and total < 2.52\n    order by card_no";
$insR = $sql->query($insQ);
$resetQ = "update custdata set memCoupons=1 where Type='PC'";
$resetR = $sql->query($resetQ);
$bl = "CONCAT( CONVERT(CardNo,char), ' ', LastName )";
    $bl = "RTRIM(CardNo) + ' ' + RTRIM(LastName)";
$resetQ = "update custdata set memCoupons=0,blueLine={$bl} where Type<>'PC'";
$resetR = $sql->query($resetQ);
$usedQ = "SELECT cardno FROM memcoupon GROUP BY cardno HAVING SUM(total) <> 0";
$usedR = $sql->query($usedQ);
while ($usedW = $sql->fetch_row($usedR)) {
    $upR = $sql->query("UPDATE custdata SET memCoupons=0 WHERE CardNo=" . $usedW['cardno']);
Пример #25
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$chk_vital = array();
$chk_opt = array();
/* change prices
if (strstr($FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS, "MYSQL")) {
    $chk_vital[] = $sql->query("UPDATE products AS p LEFT JOIN\n        batchList AS l ON l.upc=p.upc LEFT JOIN\n        batches AS b ON b.batchID=l.batchID\n        SET p.normal_price = l.salePrice\n        WHERE l.batchID=b.batchID AND l.upc=p.upc\n        AND l.upc NOT LIKE 'LC%'\n        AND b.discounttype = 0\n        AND " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . " = 0");
} else {
    $chk_vital[] = $sql->query("UPDATE products SET\n        normal_price = l.salePrice\n        FROM products AS p, batches AS b, batchList AS l\n        WHERE l.batchID=b.batchID AND l.upc=p.upc\n        AND l.upc NOT LIKE 'LC%'\n        AND b.discounttype = 0\n        AND " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . " = 0");
/* likecoded items differentiated
   for char concatenation
if (strstr($FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS, "MYSQL")) {
    $chk_vital[] = $sql->query("UPDATE products AS p LEFT JOIN\n        upcLike AS v ON v.upc=p.upc LEFT JOIN\n        batchList AS l ON l.upc=concat('LC',convert(v.likeCode,char))\n        LEFT JOIN batches AS b ON b.batchID = l.batchID\n        SET p.normal_price = l.salePrice\n        WHERE l.upc LIKE 'LC%'\n        AND b.discounttype = 0\n        AND " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . " = 0");
} else {
    $chk_vital[] = $sql->query("UPDATE products SET normal_price = l.salePrice\n        FROM products AS p LEFT JOIN\n        upcLike AS v ON v.upc=p.upc LEFT JOIN\n        batchList AS l ON l.upc='LC'+convert(varchar,v.likecode)\n        LEFT JOIN batches AS b ON b.batchID = l.batchID\n        WHERE l.upc LIKE 'LC%'\n        AND b.discounttype = 0\n        AND " . $sql->datediff($sql->now(), 'b.startDate') . " = 0");
$success = true;
foreach ($chk_vital as $chk) {
    if ($chk === false) {
        $success = false;
Пример #26
$lastDay = date("M d, Y", $tstamp) . " 11:59PM";
$dataQ = "SELECT d.upc as upc, p.description as description,\n    sum(CASE WHEN d.quantity <> d.ItemQtty AND d.ItemQtty <> 0 THEN d.quantity*d.ItemQtty ELSE d.quantity END) as quantity,\n    sum(d.total) as dollars,\n    '{$lastDay}' as lastDay\n    FROM dlog_90_view as d inner join \n    {$FANNIE_OP_DB}.dbo.products as p\n    on d.upc=p.upc\n    WHERE p.scale = 0\n    AND d.upc > '0000000999999'\n    AND datepart(ww,tdate) = {$week}\n    group by d.upc, p.description";
// mysql handles week # differently by default
if (strstr($FANNIE_SERVER_DBMS, "MYSQL")) {
    $dataQ = "SELECT d.upc as upc, p.description as description,\n        sum(CASE WHEN d.quantity <> d.ItemQtty AND d.ItemQtty <> 0 THEN d.quantity*d.ItemQtty ELSE d.quantity END) as quantity,\n        sum(d.total) as dollars,\n        '{$lastDay}' as lastDay\n        FROM dlog_90_view as d inner join \n        {$FANNIE_OP_DB}.products as p\n        on d.upc=p.upc\n        WHERE p.scale = 0\n        AND d.upc > '0000000999999'\n        AND week(tdate) = " . ($week - 1) . "\n        group by d.upc, p.description";
/* SPINS numbering is non-standard in 2012
   so week is offset by one in the filename
   this may change back next year
$filename = date('mdY.csv', $tstamp);
$outfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . $filename;
$fp = fopen($outfile, "w");
$dataR = $sql->query($dataQ);
while ($row = $sql->fetch_row($dataR)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
        fwrite($fp, "\"" . $row[$i] . "\",");
    fwrite($fp, "\"" . $row[4] . "\"\n");
$conn_id = ftp_connect($SPINS_SERVER);
$login_id = ftp_login($conn_id, $SPINS_USER, $SPINS_PW);
if (!$conn_id or !$login_id) {
    echo "FTP connect failed!";
ftp_chdir($conn_id, "data");
ftp_pasv($conn_id, True);
$upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $filename, $outfile, FTP_ASCII);
Пример #27
         $allMembers[$ami] = sprintf("%05d|%s|C", $c_row[member_id], $c_row[change_date]);
         //$allMembers[$ami] = sprintf("%05d|%s|C", $c_row[member_id], $c_row[modified_date]);
 /* Get all the the members from IS4C, except placeholder "NEW MEMBER"s
  *  and the Dummy 99900-99998 and Non-Member 99999.
  *  Set in config_civicrm.php
  * $is4cMin = 470;
  * $is4cMax = 99900;
  * $tempMemberLastName = 'NEW MEMBER';
 if (empty($tempMemberLastName)) {
     $tempMemberLastName = 'NEW MEMBER';
 $i_selectMembers = "SELECT CardNo, LastChange\nFROM custdata\nWHERE CardNo between {$is4cMin} AND {$is4cMax}\n AND (LastName IS NULL OR LastName != '{$tempMemberLastName}')\n AND NumberOfChecks != 9";
 $i_members = $dbConn2->query("{$i_selectMembers}");
 if ($dbConn2->errno) {
     $message = sprintf("Select failed: %s\n", $dbConn->error);
     dieHere($message, $dieMail);
 if (!$i_members) {
     $msg = sprintf("Failed on: %s", $i_selectMembers);
     dieHere("{$msg}", $dieMail);
 $lastCardNo = "";
 while ($i_row = $dbConn2->fetch_row($i_members)) {
     if ($i_row[CardNo] == $lastCardNo) {
     $allMembers[] = sprintf("%05d|%s|I", $i_row[CardNo], $i_row[LastChange]);
     $lastCardNo = $i_row[CardNo];
Пример #28
      Define any javascript needed
      @return A javascript string
    function javascript_content(){
    function body_content()
        //Should this really be done with global?
        include '../../config.php';
        echo showInstallTabs("Sample Data", '../');

<form action=InstallSampleDataPage.php method=post>
<h1 class="install">
        if (!$this->themed) {
            echo "<h1 class='install'>{$this->header}</h1>";
        if (is_writable('../../config.php')) {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-success\"><i>config.php</i> is writeable</div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><b>Error</b>: config.php is not writeable</div>";
<hr />
<div class="well"><em>
        /* First, if this is a request to load a file, do that.
        if (isset($_REQUEST['employees'])) {
            echo "Loading employees";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE employees");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'employees');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['custdata'])) {
            echo "Loading custdata";
            $backup1 = $db->query('TRUNCATE TABLE custdataBackup');
            $backup2 = $db->query('INSERT INTO custdataBackup SELECT * FROM custdata');
            if ($backup1 === false || $backup2 === false) {
                echo _(' - failed to backup current data. Sample data not loaded.');
            } else {
                $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE custdata");
                \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'custdata');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['memtype'])) {
            echo "Loading memtype";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE memtype");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'memtype');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['products'])) {
            echo "Loading products";
            $backup1 = $db->query('TRUNCATE TABLE productBackup');
            $backup2 = $db->query('INSERT INTO productBackup SELECT * FROM products');
            if ($backup1 === false || $backup2 === false) {
                echo _(' - failed to backup current data. Sample data not loaded.');
            } else {
                $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE products");
                \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'products');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['prod-flags'])) {
            echo "Loading product flags";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE prodFlags");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'prodFlags');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['batchType'])) {
            echo "Loading batchn types";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE batchType");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'batchType');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['depts'])) {
            echo "Loading departments";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE departments");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'departments');
            /* subdepts sample data is of questionable use
               echo "<br />Loading subdepts";
               $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE subdepts");
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['superdepts'])) {
            echo "Loading super departments";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE superdepts");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'superdepts');
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE superDeptNames");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'superDeptNames');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['tenders'])) {
            echo "Loading tenders";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE tenders");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'tenders');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['authentication'])) {
            echo "Loading authentication info";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE userKnownPrivs");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'userKnownPrivs');
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['origin'])) {
            echo "Loading country info";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE originCountry");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'originCountry');
            echo "<br />Loading state/province info";
            $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE originStateProv");
            \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'originStateProv');
        } else {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['authGroups'])) {
                echo "Loading authentication groups";
                $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE userGroups");
                \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'userGroups');
                $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE userGroupPrivs");
                \COREPOS\Fannie\API\data\DataLoad::loadSampleData($db, 'userGroupPrivs');
                // give "Administrators" group all permissions
                $db->query("INSERT userGroupPrivs SELECT \n            1, auth_class, 'all', 'all'\n            FROM userKnownPrivs");

        /* Display a list of data that can be loaded.
<p class="ichunk">
Some sample data is available to get a test lane
up and running quickly and to try Fannie functions.
<h3>Keep in mind this data overwrites whatever is currently in the table.</h3>
<br />These utilities populate the server tables.
Then use the <a href="../../sync/SyncIndexPage.php"
utilities to populate the lane tables.
<hr />
<h4 class="install"><?php 
        echo _('Cashiers');
    This table contains login information for cashiers. The two
    included logins are '56' and '7000'.<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('employees', 'employees', _('Load sample cashiers'));
<hr />
<h4 class="install">Customer Data</h4>
    Customer data is the membership information. Sample data includes
    a bunch of members and default non-member 11.<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('custdata', 'custdata', _('Load sample customers'));
    <br />
    <br />
    Customers are classified into different membership types.<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('memtype', 'memtype', _('Load sample member types'));
<hr />
    <h4 class="install">Products</h4>
    Stuff to sell. There's a lot of sample data. I think this might
    be the Wedge's or at least a snapshot of it.<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('products', 'products', _('Load sample products'));
<hr />
    <h4 class="install">Product Flags</h4>
    Product Flags are a flexible method for identifying custom attributes of items.
    CORE includes a default set of some more common flags.<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('prodFlags', 'prod-flags', _('Load sample product flags'));
<hr />
    <h4 class="install">Batch Types</h4>
    Batches are used for temporary promotional pricing as well as scheduling changes
    in regular retail price. Batches may be organized by type. Sample data includes
    a couple common options.
        echo $this->loadButton('batchType', 'batchType', _('Load sample batch types'));
<hr />
    <h4 class="install">Departments</h4>
    Products get categorized into departments .
    You can also ring amounts directly to a department. Not needed,
    strictly speaking, for a basic lane (Ring up items, total, 
    accept tender, provide change).<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('departments', 'depts', _('Load sample departments'));
<hr />
    <h4 class="install">Super-Department Names <span style="font-weight:400;">and</span> Super-Department Links</h4>
    Super Departments are tags for grouping Departments.
    A Department can have more than one, that is, belong to more than one Super-Department.
    This rudimentary set agrees with the Products sample data.
    Super-Departments can also be used to group the domains of Buyers.
    Use them with e.g. the <a href="../../fannie/item/productList.php">Product List report/tool</a>
    They are also used for grouping shelftags for printing and for grouping data in reports.
        echo $this->loadButton('superdepts', 'superdepts', _('Load sample super departments'));
<hr />
<h4 class="install">Tenders</h4>
    Load all the default tenders into the tenders table.<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('tenders', 'tenders', _('Load sample tenders'));
<hr />
    <h4 class="install">Authentication</h4>
    Load information about currently defined authorization classes<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('userKnownPrivs', 'authentication', _('Load auth classes'));
<br /><br />
    Load default groups<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('userGroups', 'authGroups', _('Load auth groups'));
<hr />
    <h4 class="install">Countries, States, and Provinces</h4>
    Load default place-of-origin information<br />
        echo $this->loadButton('originCountry', 'origin', _('Load origin info'));
<hr />


        return ob_get_clean();
        // body_content
Пример #29
   Get a column name by index
   @param $result_object A result set
   @param $index Integer index
   @param $which_connection see method close()
   @return The column name
 function fetch_field($result_object,$index,$which_connection=''){
   if ($which_connection == '')
     $which_connection = $this->default_db;
   return $result_object->FetchField($index);
 // Little tests of is4c connection.
 if (0) {
     $selectIs4c = "SELECT CardNo, LastName from custdata LIMIT 5;";
     $customers = $dbConn2->query("{$selectIs4c}");
     // ->errno probably doesn't exist in SQLManager
     if ($dbConn2->errno) {
         $message = sprintf("Select failed: %s\n", $dbConn->error);
     // Quick test.
     echo "IS4C Numbered\n";
     while ($row = $dbConn2->fetch_row($customers)) {
         // Why does $row contain each field twice?
         //  Because $row is a BOTH list and hash; use hash syntax.
         // array_keys gets both names and numbers.
         //$flds = array_keys($row);
         $flds = getNameKeys($row);
         $lineOut = implode("\t", $flds) . "\n";
         echo $lineOut;
Пример #30
   Sync Fannie custdata balance with live table.
   Usually once a day is enough.

   Do before syncing lane custdata with Fannie's.
   See also: LanePush/UpdateCustBalance.php
   Run either after nightly.dtrans and nightly.ar, not between them,
    and before [nightly.]lanesync.api or nightly.lanesync
   Deprecated in favour of cron/tasks/ArHistoryTask.php

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php';
if (!function_exists('cron_msg')) {
    include $FANNIE_ROOT . 'src/cron_msg.php';
$query = "UPDATE {$FANNIE_OP_DB}.custdata AS c\n    LEFT JOIN ar_live_balance AS n ON c.CardNo=n.card_no\n    SET c.Balance = n.balance";
    $query = "UPDATE {$FANNIE_OP_DB}.dbo.custdata SET Balance = n.balance\n        FROM {$FANNIE_OP_DB}.dbo.custdata AS c LEFT JOIN\n        ar_live_balance AS n ON c.CardNo=n.card_no";
$rslt = $sql->query($query);
if ($rslt === False) {
    echo cron_msg("Failed.");
} else {
    echo cron_msg("OK.");