/** * Output the metabox */ public static function output($post) { $event = new SP_Event($post); list($labels, $columns, $stats, $teams) = $event->performance(true); $i = 0; foreach ($teams as $key => $team_id) { if (-1 == $team_id) { continue; } // Get results for players in the team $players = sp_array_between((array) get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sp_player', false), 0, $key); $players[] = -1; $data = sp_array_combine($players, sp_array_value($stats, $team_id, array())); // Determine if we need checkboxes if ('manual' == get_option('sportspress_event_performance_columns', 'auto') && $i == 0) { $has_checkboxes = true; } else { $has_checkboxes = false; } // Determine if we need extras if ('yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_show_extras', 'no')) { $show_extras = true; } else { $show_extras = false; } // Determine if we are splitting positions if ('yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_split_players_by_position', 'no')) { $split_positions = true; } else { $split_positions = false; } ?> <div> <?php if ($team_id) { ?> <p><strong><?php echo get_the_title($team_id); ?> </strong></p> <?php } elseif ($i) { ?> <br> <?php } ?> <?php self::table($labels, $columns, $data, $team_id, $has_checkboxes, $show_extras, $split_positions); ?> </div> <?php $i++; } }
/** * Output the metabox */ public static function output($post) { // Determine if we need checkboxes if ('manual' == get_option('sportspress_event_result_columns', 'auto')) { $has_checkboxes = true; } else { $has_checkboxes = false; } $event = new SP_Event($post); list($columns, $usecolumns, $data) = $event->results(true); self::table($columns, $usecolumns, $data, $has_checkboxes); }
/** * Output the metabox */ public static function output($post) { $event = new SP_Event($post); list($labels, $columns, $stats, $teams) = $event->performance(true); // Determine if we are splitting positions if ('yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_split_players_by_position', 'no')) { $split_positions = true; } else { $split_positions = false; } // Determine if we are splitting teams if ('yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_split_players_by_team', 'yes')) { $split_teams = true; } else { $split_teams = false; } // Determine if columns are auto or manual if ('manual' == get_option('sportspress_event_performance_columns', 'auto')) { $manual = true; } else { $manual = false; } // Determine if we need checkboxes if ($manual && $i == 0) { $has_checkboxes = true; } else { $has_checkboxes = false; } // Get positions $positions = array(); if (taxonomy_exists('sp_position')) { $args = array('hide_empty' => false, 'parent' => 0, 'include_children' => true); $positions = get_terms('sp_position', $args); } // Get status option if ('yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_show_status', 'yes')) { $status = true; } else { $status = false; } // Apply filters to labels $labels = apply_filters('sportspress_event_performance_labels_admin', $labels); self::tables($post->ID, $stats, $labels, $columns, $teams, $has_checkboxes, $split_positions, $split_teams, $positions, $status); }
/** * Output the metabox */ public static function output($post) { $event = new SP_Event($post); list($labels, $columns, $stats, $teams, $formats, $order) = $event->performance(true); if ('yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_performance_show_minutes', 'yes')) { $timeline = $event->timeline(true); } else { $timeline = false; } // Determine if columns are auto or manual if ('manual' == get_option('sportspress_event_performance_columns', 'auto')) { $manual = true; } else { $manual = false; } // Determine if we need checkboxes if ($manual) { $has_checkboxes = true; } else { $has_checkboxes = false; } // Get player number option $numbers = 'yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_show_player_numbers', 'yes') ? true : false; // Get positions $positions = array(); if ('yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_show_position', 'yes') && taxonomy_exists('sp_position')) { $args = array('hide_empty' => false, 'parent' => 0, 'include_children' => true); $positions = get_terms('sp_position', $args); } // Get status option if ('yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_show_status', 'yes')) { $status = true; } else { $status = false; } // Apply filters to labels $labels = apply_filters('sportspress_event_performance_labels_admin', $labels); // Check if individual mode $is_individual = get_option('sportspress_load_individual_mode_module', 'no') === 'yes' ? true : false; self::tables($post->ID, $stats, $labels, $columns, $teams, $has_checkboxes, $positions, $status, $formats, $order, $numbers, $is_individual, $timeline); }
/** * Output the metabox */ public static function output($post) { $event = new SP_Event($post); list($labels, $columns, $stats, $teams) = $event->performance(true); $i = 0; foreach ($teams as $key => $team_id) { if (-1 == $team_id) { continue; } // Get results for players in the team $players = sp_array_between((array) get_post_meta($post->ID, 'sp_player', false), 0, $key); $data = sp_array_combine($players, sp_array_value($stats, $team_id, array())); ?> <div> <?php if ($team_id) { ?> <p><strong><?php echo get_the_title($team_id); ?> </strong></p> <?php } elseif ($i) { ?> <br> <?php } ?> <?php self::table($labels, $columns, $data, $team_id, $i == 0); ?> </div> <?php $i++; } }
function sp_get_performance($post = 0) { $event = new SP_Event($post); return $event->performance(); }
* * @author ThemeBoy * @package SportsPress_Match_Stats * @version 1.9 */ if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // Exit if accessed directly if (get_option('sportspress_event_show_statistics', 'yes') === 'no') { return; } if (!isset($id)) { $id = get_the_ID(); } $event = new SP_Event($id); // Return if no teams $teams = get_post_meta($id, 'sp_team', false); if (empty($teams)) { return; } // Return if no results $status = $event->status(); if ('results' !== $status) { return; } // Get performance $performance = $event->performance(); // The first row should be column labels $labels = apply_filters('sportspress_match_stats_labels', $performance[0]); // Remove position column label
/** * Add class to body */ public function body_class($classes = array()) { if ('sp_event' == get_post_type() && 'yes' == get_option('sportspress_event_show_statistics', 'yes') && 'icons' == get_option('sportspress_event_performance_mode', 'values')) { $event = new SP_Event(get_the_ID()); $status = $event->status(); if ('results' !== $status) { return $classes; } $classes[] = 'sp-inline-statistics'; } return $classes; }
$total = get_option('sportspress_event_total_performance', 'all'); if (!$show_players && !$show_staff && !$show_total) { return; } if (!isset($id)) { $id = get_the_ID(); } $teams = get_post_meta($id, 'sp_team', false); if (is_array($teams)) { ?> <div class="sp-event-performance-tables sp-event-performance-<?php echo $split_positions ? 'positions' : 'teams'; ?> "> <?php $event = new SP_Event($id); $performance = $event->performance(); $link_posts = get_option('sportspress_link_players', 'yes') == 'yes' ? true : false; $scrollable = get_option('sportspress_enable_scrollable_tables', 'yes') == 'yes' ? true : false; $sortable = get_option('sportspress_enable_sortable_tables', 'yes') == 'yes' ? true : false; $mode = get_option('sportspress_event_performance_mode', 'values'); // The first row should be column labels $labels = apply_filters('sportspress_event_box_score_labels', $performance[0], $event, $mode); // Remove the first row to leave us with the actual data unset($performance[0]); $performance = array_filter($performance); $status = $event->status(); // Get performance ids for icons if ($mode == 'icons') { $performance_ids = array(); $performance_posts = get_posts(array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'sp_performance'));
* * @author ProSports * @package ProSports/Templates * @version 1.4 */ if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // Exit if accessed directly if (get_option('prosports_event_show_results', 'yes') === 'no') { return; } if (!isset($id)) { $id = get_the_ID(); } $event = new SP_Event($id); $status = $event->status(); if ('results' != $status) { return; } // Get event result data $data = $event->results(); // The first row should be column labels $labels = $data[0]; // Remove the first row to leave us with the actual data unset($data[0]); $data = array_filter($data); if (empty($data)) { return false; } $scrollable = get_option('prosports_enable_scrollable_tables', 'yes') == 'yes' ? true : false;
/** * Output the metabox */ public static function output($post) { $event = new SP_Event($post); list($columns, $usecolumns, $data) = $event->results(true); self::table($columns, $usecolumns, $data); }