Пример #1
    print "Error: " . $ret->getMessage() . "<br>\n";
} else {
    print "Quotient is " . $ret . "<br>\n";
// SOAPStruct is defined in the following file
require_once 'example_types.php';
$struct = new SOAPStruct('test string', 123, 123.123);
/* send an object, get an object back */
/* tell client to translate to classes we provide if possible */
$soapclient->_auto_translation = true;
/* or you can explicitly set the translation for
   a specific class.  auto_translation works for all cases,
   but opens ANY class in the script to be used as a data type,
   and may not be desireable.  both can be used on client or
   server */
$soapclient->__set_type_translation('{http://soapinterop.org/xsd}SOAPStruct', 'SOAPStruct');
$ret = $soapclient->call("echoStruct", $p = array('inputStruct' => $struct->__to_soap()), $options);
#print $soapclient->__get_wire();
 * PHP doesn't support multiple OUT parameters in function calls, so we
 * must do a little work to make it happen here.  This requires knowledge on the
 * developers part to figure out how they want to deal with it.
$ret = $soapclient->call("echoStructAsSimpleTypes", $p = array('inputStruct' => $struct->__to_soap()), $options);
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
    print "Error: " . $ret->getMessage() . "<br>\n";
} else {
    list($string, $int, $float) = array_values($ret);
echo "varString: {$string}<br>\nvarInt: {$int}<br>\nvarFloat: {$float}<br>\n";