$force_msg[] = '<span style="color:yellow;">' . $number_hitting . '</span> combat drones drones launch at <span style="color:yellow;">' . $curr_attacker->getPlayerName() . '</span> destroying <span style="color:red;">' . $damage . '</span> armour.';
    // update ship
    // is he dead now?
    if ($curr_attacker_ship->hardware[HARDWARE_SHIELDS] == 0 && $curr_attacker_ship->hardware[HARDWARE_ARMOUR] == 0) {
    // is he dead?
    if ($curr_attacker->isDead()) {
        // echo message
        $force_msg[] = '<span style="color:yellow;">' . $curr_attacker->getPlayerName() . '</span> is <span style="color:red;">DESTROYED!</span>';
        // run through dead methods for player and ship
        // if we are the guy who's dead
        if ($curr_attacker->getAccountID() == $player->getAccountID()) {
            // we don't want to get a pod screen
            // and there shouldn't be a cont' button
            $container['continue'] = 'no';
        // make it permanent
    if (!$forces->exists()) {
        $attacker_msg[] = 'Forces are <span style="color:red;">DESTROYED!</span>';
        $container['continue'] = 'no';